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WineHQ - PRONOTE Client
Français uniquement. Management software for high schools and colleges; French only. Version, Description, Rating, Wine version, Test results, Comments ...
Index-Education - PRONOTE, toute la vie scolaire dans un seul logiciel
Avec Pronote, la saisie des notes n’est plus une contrainte : à la maison, dans l’établissement, via Internet ou sur le réseau, les professeurs saisissent ...
TuxNotes: Tuez PRONOTE!
Si Pronote Client (2011) "plante" (relativement fréquent sur ma Debian Crunchbang), plutôt que redémarrer votre PC, essayez plutôt cette commande dans un terminal: sudo killall Pronote2011.exe. La même commande ...
Télécharger et installer - PRONOTE, Logiciel de gestion de vie ...
Pronote, toute la vie scolaire dans un seul logiciel. Le logiciel de gestion des notes et appréciations des professeurs pour les établissements scolaires - INDEX ...
PRONOTE - Le blog de Parents déleves de Fontenilles
vous avez certainement observe des problemes avec le serveur du college,;nous avons transmis linfo au college :m riffault sen occupe,mais ...
Lycée Gabriel Fauré - Annecy - INFOS PRONOTE ESPACES ...
English at PEV: PRONOTE 2ème trimestre
Info à tous mes élèves de toutes mes classes : Pronote est mis à jour avec les notes de devoirs de la semaine blanche ainsi que toutes les autres notes, et les moyennes. Arrêt des notes du 2ème trimestre, donc, et début du ...
Will Obama be the greatest President?
When I first heard about hope and change, that was something I desired and did it myself during the 3rd quarter of 2009! You control your future, but talk is cheap.
To the satirẽ.
U 6 funUnemployment at 18% give him a metal.
Record foreclosures/poverty. Give him a vacation.
Record food stamp/welfare collection. Blame gwb forever.
Rant about a pastor/support mosque. Give him another peace prize.
Pass ObamaCare, which corps wrote off billions on it from GAAP. Obama obama
Promote amnesty for illegals, make jobs harder to get! The master job creator!
Pronote cap and tax! He loves planet Earth!
Thank you for pointing out my spelling error, but please improve upon your horrible sentence structure!
Answer: Nope...
Category: Politics
INDEX-EDUCATION : Logiciels pour les établissements scolaires ...
INDEX-EDUCATION - EDT : logiciel d’emploi du temps pour les collèges et lycées. Pronote : un seul logiciel pour toute la vie scolaire. HYPERPLANNING : Le logiciel ...
How I save solve my frend worries?
My friend have 2 sons and a daughter all r married livng outof country. The r all faraway 2 my friend. If he wants see them only possible 2 look in webcam. His wife also suffers some geoinocagical problem . He have plenty of properties, wealth and money but he dont have hapieness. Once he fell in ill but nobody look after him in hs home.. He with his brother doing business, but his brother cheater and forged his signatures and created false Pronote and suied by his debtor on him. Expert report said its a forgery document and suit dsmissed. At ths stage my friend fears sell away hs properties one by one 2 safe guard from his brother. He is always in worries and only one time happy when drinks taken offen. I am unable 2 help him at any stage . Hosptal ok. Then his family matters i am helpless, but wants 2 help . HOW? Can anybody suggest
Answer: may be u will have to talk to their children and ask him to move to a nice old age home so that someone could take care of him and his wife
these days it is some thing that needs to be done as we cant really help out when kids are abroad painful yet a bit useful i guess because when i was working with an ngo as a part of my study work i have met people with similar problems and belive me they are very comfortable there though i dont say the are happy(coz real happiness for parents is with their kids)
Category: Friends
Pronote General Information and History. Incorporated in 1984, Pronote provides premium finance solutions to the insurance industry. Our team of professionals ...
Uploaded by Naiarapoly on Oct 9, 2009 No description available. Category: Travel & Events Tags: Pronote 055 License: Standard YouTube License. 0 likes, 0 ...
Pronote : Un logiciel de gestion de vie scolaire qui permet daccéder au dossier complet dun élève. De plus il permet à chaque élève ou à sa famille d ...
PRONOTE JoliotC - Android
Download Pronote JoliotC for Android (100 - 500 downloads) - Application pour l'accès à Pronote et à l'ENT du lycée Joliot Curie d'Hirson.
Cant I recover money even if I have cheques/PRONOTEs of my borrowers-please read full story answer then only?
I used to lend money to a friend of mine on 2% of monthly interest. He issued me two blank cheques and a blank Pronote, receipt etc in 2002.Since 2002 he is dealing with me, he used to repay and re-borrow. All the Pronotes are duly signed and thumb impressed by his wife also as a witness.
Now he has stopped paying me anything since last 4 months.
When I demanded my money back, he said that he won’t and I can’t do anything against him legally as he has reported 4 months back the local police station that he and his wife were sitting with Mr.“X” in a car and signed two cheques and Pronotes etc. for Mr. X because he was about to borrow some money from X .At once some armed persons attacked them along with some cash and gold, they looted the cheques and Pronotes etc also. And he said that he has given the same report to the bank also whose cheques these were.
And now if I will use these cheques and Pronotes I will be at loss. I will be considered a criminal who some how was involved in that loot and now trying to further cheat him by using those cheques and Pronotes etc.
Where do I stand legally? I s there any way out for me recover my money? Plz. help. Thanx in advance.
Answer: Criminal intention on the part of your friend is very clear. Check up whether he had really filed a false complaint in the police station; is so, whether he had named you in the said complaint. Even if he had already lodged a complaint, you lodge a new complaint against him. Fill up the blank cheques and the Pronote with the current date. Present the cheques and get them rejected so that you can file action under Sec 138 of NI Act. Make a demand on the Pronote and on expiry of the notice period, file a civil complaint. As per law, the negotiable instruments are ostensivly made on the date appearing on the face of the instruments and inserting the current date does not amount to fraud.
Category: Law & Ethics
Tuez Pronote! Pour Linuxiens utilisant Pronote Client via Wine Si Pronote Client (2011) "plante" (relativement fréquent sur ma Debian Crunchbang), plutôt que redémarrer votre PC, essayez cette commande dans un terminal: ...
PRONOTE, Logiciel de gestion de vie scolaire.
Pronote, toute la vie scolaire dans un seul logiciel. Le logiciel de gestion des notes, absences, punitions, cahier de texte et appréciations des professeurs pour ...
My father sold my late mothers land in 2005 and gave the proceeds Rs. 10 lakhs to his second wifes relative
this happened without my knowledge, he didnt execute any Pronote. He later regretted this and he has written a letter to a friend of ours about this and he has clearly mentioned that the proceeds should go to me. I called the relative through phone immediately and he didnt repay me, hes absconded. Is there any way I can proceed legally to receive the money? the letter my father wrote, will it help? is there any time limit for me to approach the court?
the vacant land was bought by my mother but it was in my fathers name.
After I called him, he wrote a letter to me saying, my father has asked him to sign a Pronote and hes trying to mobilise money to repay him, will this be of any help?
Answer: Youo cant do a thing.... If everything went on leagally, if the person to whom the land was sold has right papers and as far as money to the relative, it went with your father's consent at that time... no proof for the fact that he actually recieved the money..... so for all you know he ll say ur father dint give him even a rupee... U cant do a thing through law,....
Category: Law & Ethics - PRONOTE, Logiciel de gestion de vie scolaire - INDEX ...
Pronote, toute la vie scolaire dans un seul logiciel. Le logiciel de gestion des notes et appréciations des professeurs pour les établissements scolaires - INDEX ...
Toujours choisir "connexion à l'extérieur de l'Etablissement" (même au Lycée). Pronote Client: Port 49300. (cliquer sur le lien pour accès direct) ...
Accès à Pronote. Si vous avez déjà un identifiant avec mot de passe: Accès à l' espace parents · Accès à l'espace élèves · Accès à l'espace professeurs. Si vous ...
PRONOTE - Wikipédia
Pronote est un logiciel applicatif propriétaire et payant de gestion de vie scolaire , ainsi quun espace numérique de travail , créé en 1999 par Index Éducation .
... click on the payment button below. Home | Our Company | Payment | Forms | Contact Us | Privacy/Legal. © 2008 Pronote Inc. All rights reserved. Admin Login.
Pronote, toute la vie scolaire dans un seul logiciel. Le logiciel de gestion des notes, absences, punitions, cahier de textes et appréciations des professeurs pour ...
LENA: PRONOTE et les photos
LENA: Pronote et les photos. ... J'ai fait un test sur l'import des photos élèves dans Pronote. Seulement, enseignement général. Avec des images légères, la taille de la base n'a pas augmenté significativement (sur une ...
PRONOTE, Logiciel de gestion de vie scolaire.
Pronote, toute la vie scolaire dans un seul logiciel. Le logiciel de gestion des notes, absences, punitions, cahier de texte et appréciations des professeurs ...
Choix de létablissement
Choix de létablissement: LYCEES : Aisne - Oise - Somme : COLLEGES : Aisne - Oise - Somme
What is the meaning of pro-note
... in such transaction when the debter writes a letter acknowledging his debt and stating that when he will return money. this written thing is called Pronote.
New C&S Research Corporation - PRONOTE - Clinical Workflow ...
A workflow and information management tool designed to facilitate access to patient care information flowing both with-in and out of the office, Pronote ...
Télécharger et installer - PRONOTE, Logiciel de gestion de vie ...
INSTALLATION / TÉLÉCHARGEMENTS Pronote/PronoteVS IMPRIMER Un seul logiciel pour toute la vie scolaire. Téléchargement de la dernière mise à ...
PRONOTE - Lycée des Métiers Arthur Rimbaud de Garges-lès-Gonesse
Actualités du Lycée Arthur Rimbaud de Garges-lès-Gonesse ... est un logiciel accessible en ligne, qui permet : Aux professeurs de saisir leurs notes ...
Regarding a Legal doubt?
A owes me 2.5 Lakhs. I take his signature on a blank Pronote, 2 green sheets & a Re.20 NJ Stamp Paper.
He sends me a lawyer notice hat the Blank Security invokes IPC u/s 467,468 (forgery) Copies to Police is marked.
How shoul I defend this & recover my money?
Answer: First thing file the blank pro-note with IOU amount of Rs2.5lacs, also file up all other documents having his signatures & signatures of witnesses etc, secondly reply the legal notice with Copies marked to police not only denying the charges of forgery as there was never ever any signatures taken on any black papers as mentioned by him but he signed all the filled documents after reading & consenting to these at his own free will, no force or undue pressure exerted on him to sign the documents which are sufficient evidence of his being taken personal loan of Rs2.5lacs from you, thirdly cancel his loan & immediately seek return of the said amount due to you in the reply to the legal notice failing which file civil suit immediately without any delay for its recovery to be on safe side showing your innocence in case he files criminal complaint against you for forgery.
EDIT:- This with regard to comments of BALA about the legal ethics & all pointed out; firstly if you may not be aware that most of banks & financial institutes get signatures of the debtor on blank documents leave aside an individual, as in this case & as this is an well known fact even in judiciary how the money transactions are carried out when it comes to giving or taking loan, hence if in this case this person got signature of debtor on blank documents it may be irregularity on both their part but till a correct amount is mentioned which is Rs2.5lacs by the creditor then nothing illegal is being done. This guy may not be my client whom I'm debited to defend or suggest means to protect him legally but as a legal help asked here in this forum I have only shown him one of the most reasonable way in this situation. You speak about our legal ethics & what about legal ethics of the advocate/lawyer who sent this person legal notice blaming him of forgery which has not been done in this case as it appears to me, secondly as far other big defaulters/frauds are concerned who may be involving in wrong activities by taking signatures on blank documents, then in their cases they get caught very soon as they repeat such acts many a times & for them spending on BIG LAWYERS in the market to happen to be associated with big political parties of India is child's play, why will they check our legal opinion in this forum where free advices are being given.
Lastly every Lawyer/Advocate has right to give his or her legal opinion so why should I agree or disagree with any of these my learned friends who posted their reply here, after all we all belong to same profession.
Category: Law & Ethics
Pronote, toute la vie scolaire dans un seul logiciel. Le logiciel de gestion des notes, absences, punitions, cahier de textes et appréciations des professeurs pour ...
Cant I recover money even if I have cheques/PRONOTEs of my borrowers-please read full story answer then only?
I used to lend money to a friend of mine on 2% of monthly interest. He issued me two blank cheques and a blank Pronote, receipt etc in 2002.Since 2002 he is dealing with me, he used to repay and re-borrow. All the Pronotes are duly signed and thumb impressed by his wife also as a witness.
Now he has stopped paying me anything since last 4 months.
When I demanded my money back, he said that he won’t and I can’t do anything against him legally as he has reported 4 months back the local police station that he and his wife were sitting with Mr.“X” in a car and signed two cheques and Pronotes etc. for Mr. X because he was about to borrow some money from X .At once some armed persons attacked them along with some cash and gold, they looted the cheques and Pronotes etc also. And he said that he has given the same report to the bank also whose cheques these were.
And now if I will use these cheques and Pronotes I will be at loss. I will be considered a criminal who some how was involved in that loot and now trying to further cheat him by using those cheques and Pronotes etc.
Where do I stand legally? I s there any way out for me recover my money? Plz. help. Thanx in advance.
Answer: Your former friend is bluffing, so go ahead and call his bluff. He can claim all he wants that the notes you currently have in your possession were stolen 4 months ago and never intended to be given to you. That story sounds fishy enough, but couple it with the fact that you have notes from him dating back 7 years and no judge is going to believe his story. Simply proceed as you normally would with any loan default. File in small claims court and get your judgment against him. Be sure to bring copies of all of the old notes, bank statements, etc. that show a long-standing history of loans, payments, and other transactions with this person.
Category: Law & Ethics
Can someone file a Court case by filling up the blank cheques and PRONOTEs which were signed in 2002 ?
I used to lend money to a friend of mine on 2% of monthly interest. He issued me two blank cheques and a blank Pronote, receipt etc in 2002.Since 2002 he is dealing with me, he used to repay and re-borrow. All the Pronote etc. are duly signed and thumb impressed by his wife also as a witness.
Now he has stopped paying me anything since last 4 months.
When I demanded my money back, he said that he won’t and I can’t do anything against him legally as it is illegal to get blank or semi blank documents or cheques signed from any one, so I will have to fill up the dates and other particulars in cheques and Pronotes and if I will fill the particulars today, it could be very easily detected by forensic science that cheques and Pronotes were signed years before filling up the other particulars i.e. date of issuing the cheque and the amount of the cheque. So the court will immediately decline my case.
But one advocate suggested to me that this plea taken by him will not be accepted by court because even if he has signed the blank documents that means he accepted that whatsoever amount or date will be filled up in these documents and cheques will be acceptable to him. In other words even if it is proved by forensic report that cheques and Pronotes were filled up years after signing these documents, I will not be at any loss in the eyes of Law.
Who is right –my defaulter borrower or that Advocate whom I consulted?
Please help. It is urgent for me.
Answer: your advocate is clear.
A cheque issued or signed has a date, presented not more than six months before it is expired and proceeded for legal. Even if it is signed many years before provided the sign matches with that of the bank record.
The cheque should have the amount filled not more than the agreed value in the Pronote including the accepted interest rate.
Category: Law & Ethics
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Management - PRONOTE Inc.
Frederick B. Steves :: JD, CPCU, CIW Secretary, Pronote Inc. Executive Director, P&C - Myron F. Steves & Company. Fred graduated with a B.B.A. (1963) and JD ...
Lycée Gabriel Fauré - Annecy - PRONOTE ESPACE PARENTS
Bonjour, Trouvez ci joint, SVP, une autre opportunité de connexion à la base Pronote depuis votre domicile sans utiliser le raccourci sur le site internet du LGT GF . Vous saisissez l'adresse suivante après l'avoir enregistrer ...
[Collège Jacques Prévert] PRONOTE - Académie de Créteil - Accueil
A la fin de cette semaine, tous les codes Pronote auront été distribués aux Parents. Donc, dès le 21 septembre, vous pourrez voir en temps réel, les absences ...
Pronote ne marche jamais sur ces vieux ordi.......<<<<<< Pissed off.
From: LoveMeSomeMJ_ - Source: web
Minta Pronote dong @CheryCheBy @bismaniac_sda @ChristyChiBi @FCmorganoey_JKT @justinbieber @almira_14 @raramelina_19 @kharissull
From: sisy_smashblast - Source: Twitter for BlackBerry®
Tu crois avoir réussi ton oral blanc , examinateur gentil . Tu va sur Pronote le soir même : 9/20 . Ça calme direct ! #Fucklesprof
From: Emi_Deschamps - Source: Mobile Web
Ca fais 1 mois que jai peur daller sur Pronote, jy suis aller ajd, jaurai pas du.
From: Robinets - Source: Twitter for iPhone
ptin ils mettent rien sur Pronote ces pd
From: LucaasDmt - Source: web
@Oh_My_Carrot les cons, sur Pronote partie relevé des notes , el maths elle a mis le Brevet Blanc 2 fois!! Elle est folle, za7 ,tay7ét les M
From: LeilaSellami - Source: web
@Kim__JungEun Comment ça tas piraté Pronote ?
From: Fan_tasticBaby - Source: web
Grand stresse pour demain. Elle va parler de mon comportement à mon daron >< et le piratage de Pronote.
From: Kim__JungEun - Source: Twitter for Android
@MarionJS_ Aaa toi aussi tas Pronote :)
From: fan_JS - Source: web
Lundi je pourrais voir mon bulletin sur Pronote. #MaVie
From: MarionJS_ - Source: web
@TOP_Taemin Jai pas pensé a aller sur Pronote -quelleconne-
From: _DaiSmile - Source: Twitter for iPhone
@MHippolyte Sur Pronote.
From: Im_just_Justine - Source: web
@CamilleSancey @Paulinelovo ah ouais non ma mère je lui enlève Pronote des marques pages elle est perdue..mdr
From: ClemDupuy - Source: web
@_DaiSmile Perso je sais déjà vu que nous on a Pronote. Mais cest plutot ce que les prof vont dire.
From: TOP_Taemin - Source: web
@CamilleSancey @Paulinelovo ça va alors! En seconde javais bidouillé un truc dans lordi pour que dès quon allait sur Pronote ça marqué
From: ClemDupuy - Source: web