Postbac - Postbaccalaureate Premedical Programs - Search

Postbac : Photo Gallery

S'inscrire aux admissions Post-Bac 2012 pour les Bac PRO
S'inscrire aux admissions Post-Bac 2012 pour les Bac PRO
Le Figaro - Formation : La concurrence tire les post-bac vers le haut
Le Figaro - Formation : La concurrence tire les post-bac vers le haut
post-baccalaureate programs | amsny
post-baccalaureate programs | amsny
Orientation post-bac - S-SI au lycée Claude LEBOIS
Orientation post-bac - S-SI au lycée Claude LEBOIS
POSTBAC Premed Program Welcomes Nearly 70 New Students | Columbia ...
POSTBAC Premed Program Welcomes Nearly 70 New Students | Columbia ...
Académie de Nice: Orientation : le portail www.admission-post-bac ...
Académie de Nice: Orientation : le portail www.admission-post-bac ...
Admission Post Bac
Admission Post Bac
Centre d'Océanologie de Marseille -
Centre d'Océanologie de Marseille -
Two Married POSTBAC Alumni Featured in Brown Medicine Magazine ...
Two Married POSTBAC Alumni Featured in Brown Medicine Magazine ...
Les formations et écoles post-
Les formations et écoles post-
Admission Post-Bac : début des phases d'admission en vue d'une ...
Admission Post-Bac : début des phases d'admission en vue d'une ...
Gros couac dans l'admission post-bac - - France
Gros couac dans l'admission post-bac - - France
admissions POSTBAC 2011 : inscrivez-vous en BTS CI ! - Le blog du ...
admissions POSTBAC 2011 : inscrivez-vous en BTS CI ! - Le blog du ...
Salon Admission POSTBAC Île-de-France - Grande Halle et Parc de la ...
Salon Admission POSTBAC Île-de-France - Grande Halle et Parc de la ...
Premedical Degree Programs & Information | American University ...
Premedical Degree Programs & Information | American University ...
Columbia POSTBAC Premed student and professor in biology lab.
Columbia POSTBAC Premed student and professor in biology lab.
POSTBAC Premed student and singer-songwriter, Antoniette Costa. Photo ...
POSTBAC Premed student and singer-songwriter, Antoniette Costa. Photo ... Categories: Formation (225) Categories: Formation (225)
outside the classroom learning from fellow POSTBAC students at bryn ...
outside the classroom learning from fellow POSTBAC students at bryn ... info. Admission Post Bac info. Admission Post Bac
Admission POSTBAC 2011 : Voeux d’orientation dés le 20 janvier 2011
Admission POSTBAC 2011 : Voeux d’orientation dés le 20 janvier 2011
Admission POSTBAC
Admission POSTBAC
Le salon admission POSTBAC, les 8 et 9 janvier 2010 | Le blog de l ...
Le salon admission POSTBAC, les 8 et 9 janvier 2010 | Le blog de l ...
 ... CI :… - admissions POSTBAC… - Le blog du BTS CI à Challans (85
... CI :… - admissions POSTBAC… - Le blog du BTS CI à Challans (85
POSTBAC Premed student group
POSTBAC Premed student group
Admission POSTBAC grand
Admission POSTBAC grand
POSTBAC News: Preveterinary Student Helps Restore Sea Turtle ...
POSTBAC News: Preveterinary Student Helps Restore Sea Turtle ...
Everybody loves the #rotavap #lab #chem #chemistry #science #bennington #POSTBAC #chemlab
Everybody loves the #rotavap #lab #chem #chemistry #science #bennington #POSTBAC #chemlab
Brunch & chat with POSTBAC alumna
Brunch & chat with POSTBAC alumna
Orientation : dernier week-end pour s'inscrire sur admission post-bac
Orientation : dernier week-end pour s'inscrire sur admission post-bac
Admissions post-bac: comment s'y retrouver?
Admissions post-bac: comment s'y retrouver?
Admission-POSTBAC : derniers jours pour inscrire vos vœux
Admission-POSTBAC : derniers jours pour inscrire vos vœux
Admission POSTBAC : les écoles hors APB veulent informer les lycéens
Admission POSTBAC : les écoles hors APB veulent informer les lycéens
La procédure d'admission post-bac
La procédure d'admission post-bac
Des astuces pour les admissions post-bac
Des astuces pour les admissions post-bac
Attention aux formations absentes d' « admissions post-bac »
Attention aux formations absentes d' « admissions post-bac »
Rentrée universitaire : les démarches à suivre
Rentrée universitaire : les démarches à suivre
Une école de commerce : pourquoi pas dès le bac ?
Une école de commerce : pourquoi pas dès le bac ?
Bacheliers, plus que 11 jours pour choisir votre formation
Bacheliers, plus que 11 jours pour choisir votre formation
Des dysfonctionnements dans le site APB
Des dysfonctionnements dans le site APB
Laurent Wauquiez à propos du baromètre d'image des universités : "Nous avons ...
Laurent Wauquiez à propos du baromètre d'image des universités : "Nous avons ...
Quimper. Une nouvelle bilicence droit et histoire de l'art à la faculté
Quimper. Une nouvelle bilicence droit et histoire de l'art à la faculté
Comment on réforme l'école...
Comment on réforme l'école...
Grandes écoles : comment les élèves de prépas sont devenus largement minoritaires
Grandes écoles : comment les élèves de prépas sont devenus largement minoritaires
Salon de l'Etudiant à Paris (au 10/03/2012)
Salon de l'Etudiant à Paris (au 10/03/2012)

Postbac : Videos

[SC 043] Admission Post Bac - Mode demploi
[SC 043] Admission Post Bac - Mode demploi
Post Bac Pre-Medical Program @ UVM: Lauren talks about why she chose Vermont
Post Bac Pre-Medical Program @ UVM: Lauren talks about why she chose Vermont
Columbia POSTBAC Premed Student Lauren Rudolph - My Experience
Columbia POSTBAC Premed Student Lauren Rudolph - My Experience
Columbia POSTBAC Student Ken
Columbia POSTBAC Student Ken
2011 POSTBAC Premed Program Class Day - School of General Studies
2011 POSTBAC Premed Program Class Day - School of General Studies
Pre/Post BAC
Pre/Post BAC
Post Bac Pre Med - A POSTBAC Program May Help.mp4
Post Bac Pre Med - A POSTBAC Program May Help.mp4
Caitlin Mulligan--Post Bac Pre-Med student
Caitlin Mulligan--Post Bac Pre-Med student
ORIACTION admission post bac
ORIACTION admission post bac
Ils sont en école dingénieur POSTBAC
Ils sont en école dingénieur POSTBAC
Procédure Admission Post Bac 2012 : le choix dune classe préparatoire aux grandes écoles
Procédure Admission Post Bac 2012 : le choix dune classe préparatoire aux grandes écoles
Columbia POSTBAC Student Ken - Academic Experience
Columbia POSTBAC Student Ken - Academic Experience
Pourquoi intégrer une école de commerce post bac en 5 ans ?
Pourquoi intégrer une école de commerce post bac en 5 ans ?
Salon Admission POSTBAC 2012 (Paris)
Salon Admission POSTBAC 2012 (Paris)
UAG, Inscription post bac - Midi service - Admissionpost bac
UAG, Inscription post bac - Midi service - Admissionpost bac
Orientation post-bac : Les outils pour bien choisir, le 15/03/10
Orientation post-bac : Les outils pour bien choisir, le 15/03/10
Post-Bac: cest parti pour les inscriptions! (Tours)
Post-Bac: cest parti pour les inscriptions! (Tours)
Concours post bac : formation bac + 3 : Concours ESC Pau
Concours post bac : formation bac + 3 : Concours ESC Pau
EBP-BEM Bachelor (ancien SUPTG) Formations Post Bac de
EBP-BEM Bachelor (ancien SUPTG) Formations Post Bac de
Post Bac Pre Med - Pre Med Courses You Need.mp4
Post Bac Pre Med - Pre Med Courses You Need.mp4
ESDES Lyon : une grande école de commerce post bac
ESDES Lyon : une grande école de commerce post bac
Constipation Post Bac
Constipation Post Bac
04- Pourquoi le BTS Assurance est un bon choix dorientation post-bac - Lycée Paul Lapie Courbevoie
04- Pourquoi le BTS Assurance est un bon choix dorientation post-bac - Lycée Paul Lapie Courbevoie
Forum post-bac organisé au campus de Troubiran en Guyane
Forum post-bac organisé au campus de Troubiran en Guyane
Columbia POSTBAC Premed Student Lauren Rudolph - My Experience
Columbia POSTBAC Premed Student Lauren Rudolph - My Experience
boeuf POSTBAC 2004 avi
boeuf POSTBAC 2004 avi
Columbia POSTBAC Student Ken
Columbia POSTBAC Student Ken
Ils sont en école dingénieur POSTBAC
Ils sont en école dingénieur POSTBAC
Columbia POSTBAC Student Ken - Academic Experience
Columbia POSTBAC Student Ken - Academic Experience
POSTBAC 2007 chez Wam ! de Manou5_ob
POSTBAC 2007 chez Wam ! de Manou5_ob
Admission-POSTBAC, le moteur de recherche de formations
Admission-POSTBAC, le moteur de recherche de formations
Admission-POSTBAC, les spécificités en Ile de france
Admission-POSTBAC, les spécificités en Ile de france
Salon Admission POSTBAC 2012 (Paris) de Telessonne (Actualité ...
Salon Admission POSTBAC 2012 (Paris) de Telessonne (Actualité ...
Salon Admission POSTBAC 2012 (Paris)
Salon Admission POSTBAC 2012 (Paris)
Leur parcours en école de commerce POSTBAC
Leur parcours en école de commerce POSTBAC
2011 POSTBAC Premed Program Class Day - School of General Studies
2011 POSTBAC Premed Program Class Day - School of General Studies
Soirée de la WIBS - école de commerce paris master POSTBAC licence
Soirée de la WIBS - école de commerce paris master POSTBAC licence
temoignage_admissionPOSTBAC.wmv : la classe prépa scientifique : la classe prépa scientifique
Diane vous fait visiter son école dingénieurs...
Diane vous fait visiter son école dingénieurs...
Exia.Cesi : votre école informatique POSTBAC de bloginfo
Exia.Cesi : votre école informatique POSTBAC de bloginfo
Lentretien de motivation Part 2 : Le déroulement
Lentretien de motivation Part 2 : Le déroulement
Dr. Francis Collins performs at 2010 holiday bash (part 1 of 3)
Dr. Francis Collins performs at 2010 holiday bash (part 1 of 3)
Enseignement supérieur : changer dorientation vers une école ...
Enseignement supérieur : changer dorientation vers une école ...
Faites de l informatique à l école exia.cesi le 3 février 2010 !
Faites de l informatique à l école exia.cesi le 3 février 2010 !
Dr. Francis Collins performs at 2010 holiday bash (part 3 of 3)
Dr. Francis Collins performs at 2010 holiday bash (part 3 of 3)

Postbac : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites

Placement Exams | Columbia POSTBAC Premed

Placement exams in mathematics and chemistry are required for some students, and help determine what level of mathematics or chemistry you are prepared to ...


How do I calculate my prospective Postbac units? Im in the CSULB ITEP (teacher education) program and am graduating in December. I need to know the number of Postbac units for a teaching application. I know what Postbac units are, I just cant seem to figure out how many I have. I know Ive got more than 15. Do all degrees require the same amount of units?
Answer: POST BAC Units are simply the credits you get from classes after you receive your bachelors degree. The more you have the higher you will be on the pay scale. I had a ton of credits because I got my life science degree then went through teacher training classes. I was able to use all of those credits (42 credits) and everything else that I had after my bachelors degree and apply it to the pay scale. At the time it made about $3000 difference in base pay.
Category: Teaching

California POSTBACcalaureate Consortium Application

University of California Postbaccalaureate Consortium PostbacCALAUREATE PROGRAM APPLICATION UC Davis | UC Irvine | UC Los Angeles | UC Riverside

POSTBAC IRTA/CRTA Program FAQs - POSTBACcalaureate Intramural ...

Postbac IRTA/CRTA Program FAQs - Postbaccalaureate Intramural Research Training Award (Postbac IRTA/CRTA) - Office of Intramural Training & Education at the National ...

How to Get In A POSTBAC Premed Program |

Youve decided to do a Postbac premed program to get into medical school even though you already graduated from college. Although there are a relatively small number ...

Is at $70k in an entry level programming possible? Or should I pursue a passion for a pre-med POSTBAC?

I need some employment advice from individuals working or know about the IT industry and my current situation. I have a BS in Computer Science and a MBA from AIU in Management In May Ill have a MS in Teaching Math. I taught HS for the last 3 years after college after I earned my undergrad CS degree. I earned the grad degrees while I taught. I am thinking of changing my profession and working in IT. I have a decent working knowledge of C++ and a slight working knowledge of Java. However, I have no computer work experience besides teaching at a tech camp. I am also thinking of pursuing a pre-med Postbac program, which is a profession Ive grown passionate about. I was accepted to 2 informal pre-med degree/Postbac programs -- one with a scholarship of $11,000 towards $25,000 tuition. I know an individual who is telling me about the negatives of working in medicine because of HMOs and years of debt in school. However, the IT is a fickle industry and Im making $51,000 as a teacher and dont know if I can receive more than that for an entry level IT job. I have a dilemma. Would appreciate if anyone has their take on these two industries or any advice for my current situation? I appreciate everyones help. Thanks in advance.
Answer: Experience is definitely a valuable factor in one's salary as a software engineer. I am not sure if one can command $70k as an entry level software engineer but, it might be possible or close to it in certain areas of the country such as in the larger cities. You could possibly can get similar wages with your MBA degree. However, if you decided to pursue a career as a doctor, despite the very high student loans initially, the financial reward would be the greatest.
Category: Financial Services

If GPA from a Bachelors is low/avg can u do a POSTBAC and Masters to raise it if u want to go to Med School?

Like a Post Bac to get the Medical School requirements, and a Masters (to take classes, and raise GPA, probably like in Interdisciplinary studies?). Or is a person with a low/average gpa screwed if the Bachelors GPA is average? If not, what are some things that a person could do, if anything?
Answer: If you completed the medical school pre-reqs and you have a low GPA you should look into a Special Masters Program (SMP) here is a thread with good information on them: If you didn't complete the pre-reqs then you should look into a formal post-bac program there are quite a few out there, here you can find a list: Select "Career Changers" under special program focus And select "Undergraduate" under Undergrad/Grad
Category: Higher Education (University +)

POSTBACcalaureate Program ~ POSTBAC - Division of Medical ...

First-Time Applicant and Reapplicant Postbaccalaureate Program: 2012-2013. Phase I: June 24 - August 18, 2012. Phase II: September 27, 2012 - June 14, 2013

POSTBACcalaureate Premedical Programs - Search

Postbaccalaureate Premedical Programs. A number of schools offer Postbaccalaureate premedical programs to assist individuals to pursue a medical career ...

Admission Post Bac

20 janv. 2012 ... Ce dispositif a été mis en place pour simplifier les démarches en regroupant sur un seul site l'ensemble des formations de l'enseignement ...

Gestion Admission POSTBAC - Authentification

Mot de passe : ... Authentification

Columbia POSTBAC Premed | Realize Your Future in Medicine

“I was first inspired to pursue medicine while working as a veterinary assistant. A few years ago, however, a much more compelling reason to pursue medicine arose ...

Admission POSTBAC 2012 - Le blog de Béa

En 2012, pour poursuivre desétudes supérieures en France dans l'enseignement public ou privé sous contrat dans une des formations suivantes:Brevet de technicien supérieur (BTS)Brevet de technicien… Hébergé par ...

Si la redirection ne fonctionne pas, utilisez le lien :

Has anyone done a POSTBACcalaureate pre med program?hat would you like to ask?

Im 28 and considering entering a 2 year Postbac pre med program, upon completion of which I will apply to medical school. Do medical schools discriminate against post bac programs, or older students in general? Also, coming from a liberal arts background, how difficult will the introductory science courses be for me?
Answer: I have a friend who did one at Duquesne University (Pittsburgh), went to Med School, and is now a doctor. So, they seem like a good option. (her BA was in Mass Comm)
Category: Higher Education (University +)

Are there any POSTBAC research and education programs in chemistry?

I am in my senior year of college. I decided to take a year off before graduate school. I would like to go to grad school for organic chemistry. During my time off, I would like to be proactive. A prep program seems perfect. However, it seems like most prep programs are in the biomedical sciences. Thank you!
Answer: UW has a Postbac program in chemistry, but it is small and competitive:
Category: Higher Education (University +)

Admission Post Bac

Rechercher une formation. Après le bac : découvrir les filières détudes et construire son parcours . Les filières sont nombreuses et se croisent.

If I choose to attend a POSTBAC school for pre medicine, which grades will med schools focus on!?

The grades from the Postbac or my UG grades?
Answer: It depends on many factors. Are you doing the post bac as a career change or because your UG GPA was low? How good is the post bac program?
Category: Higher Education (University +)

POSTBACcalaureate program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

ScienceNet at Emory University. "Undergraduate Post-Baccalaureate Programs".

Admission post bac Strasbourg | ECOLE DE COMMERCE ...

Petit rappel sur les modalités d'un dispositif plutôt récent qui concerne l'ensemble des étudiants de terminale en France. Ce site a été mis en place.

Is there someone looking for a roomate in the Bethesda area?

I am a new NIH IRTA Postbac trainee. Will be starting on June 6th 2007. Will be hired for one year. I am male, late twenties, dedicated scientist, open minded, mind my own business, respectable, polite, responsible, and a cool person among many other good attributes. Need to find place is urgent. Will arrive in Bethesda on June 4th, but will be free to sign contract on june 5th. my email address is thanks. Daniel Camacho.
Answer: great resources
Category: Renting & Real Estate

POSTBAC Students | University of Washington

Postbaccalaureate (Postbac) is a matriculated status, reserved for students who are working toward a second bachelor’s degree or preparing for entrance to graduate ...

admission-POSTBAC phase 1 : J – 7 | Il y a une vie après le bac !

Plus qu'une semaine pour faire ses voeux sur le site admission-Postbac. L'occasion de faire un dernier point avant ses premiers choix. Qui est concerné ? Qu'il s'agisse de s'inscrire à l'université, en BTS, en DUT ou en ...

ONISEP - Quelles études après le bac ?

Bac par bac, quelles études poursuivre ? Courtes ou longues, toutes les filières détudes, les domaines de formation. Et lessentiel de la procédure admission-Postbac.

Columbia University POSTBAC Premed Regional Info ... - blog*spot

Columbia University Postbac Premed Regional Info Sessions. Beginning this month, the Columbia University Postbaccalaureate Premedical Program admissions staff will hold information sessions for prospective students ...

Bryn Mawr College: POSTBACcaulareate Premedical Program

Customize your experience with quick links to recommended content. Academics . Schools and Programs: Undergraduate Opportunities · Graduate School of ...

How can I get financial aid (private, govt, scholarship, etc.) for the Psych POSTBAC program at Columbia U.?

I have never received financial aid for schooling and the university doesnt offer its own financial aid for Postbac students for the psychology certificate program. Does somebody have advice for me? Greatly appreciated. Any info on private scholarships? grants or fellowships? I dont know of these programs because psychology is a new field for me.
Answer: uh i was interested in one of columbia's graduate programs so i contacted a professor, he said honestly that they might conisder me but there won't be any financial aid. looked around and asked some of the students there... bottom line, i lost all interest! it's a private school and highly reputable so they won't give money. they know people would pay to get a degree from there, so why would they!? anyways, it's easier if you start looking for/at other schools. sorry :(
Category: Financial Aid

POSTBACcalaureate Premedical Programs - Search

Postbaccalaureate Premedical Programs: A number of schools offer Postbaccalaureate premedical programs to assist individuals to pursue a medical career after they ...

Which POSTBAC programs in CA allow you to take first year medical school classes during the program?

Answer: I am not aware of any such program in any state. Medical schools do not enroll students who have not completed the prerequisites. They turn away many students who have completed the prerequisites. It is not a question of the post-bach program "allowing" the student to take medical classes. Most of these programs are not part of medical schools.
Category: Higher Education (University +)

Johns Hopkins University | Post-Baccalaureate Premedical Program

Gives college graduates and professionals the opportunity to take the required courses for admission to leading medical schools. Description of the program and ...

Overview - Columbia University in the City of New York

We hope the following Postbac sections provide you with the information you need, but if you have further questions, please contact Professor Patricia Lindemann, (212 ...

POSTBACcalaureate Intramural Research Training Award (POSTBAC IRTA ...

Postbaccalaureate Intramural Research Training Award (Postbac IRTA/CRTA) - Training Programs in the Biomedical Sciences - Office of Intramural Training & Education at ...

UCSF School of Medicine - Post Bacculaureate Programs

Feb 5, 2009 ... The UCSF School of Medicine offers a comprehensive, structured post baccalaureate first-time applicant program designed for individuals from ...

NAAHP: A POSTBAC Primer - National Association of Advisors for ...

A Postbac Primer. Carol Baffi-Dugan and Gale Lang . This is a modified version of an article that was originally published in 1999 (The Advisor, Vol. 19, 3, pp. 17-21).


Your Postbac experience is the start of your professional career. ... The Office of Intramural Training & Education (OITE) supports the Postbac community at NIH.

Do my high school grades matter when applying for a POSTBAC Premed Program?

Hey Everyone, Im extremely worried. I want to attend Columbia Universitys Postbac Premed Program. My high school grades are mediocre. Maybe a C+ average. But I had a lot of extra-curricular activities. My undergraduate GPA averages to a 3.8. I dont have any extra activities but I have two years to throw a few in there. Am I wasting my time trying to get into an IVY League? Will the denial to my lifes dream be how I pay for my teenage mistakes? Id like to finish my major in International Studies before I move on to medicine. What about SATs? How much do they matter?
Answer: The Columbia program is an excellent program--one of it's advantages being that you take the same classes with the undergrads, so they are "real" undergrad (and Ivy) courses and not evening or CC courses. So it's definitely worth applying. To correct some of the other posters, the Columbia Postbac program does require applicants submit high school transcripts. I'm not sure how much weight high school has, but I'm sure even if it is a factor your college performance will be much more important....after all, med schools will never see your high school grades but will see your college courses, so those will be a factor in their deciding whether you're an appropriate candidate. The fact that you turned things around in college is also in your favor. I'd apply, or contact their admissions office to ask and then apply. It's not that difficult to get into the program, IMO....the difficulty with their Postbac program is STAYING in and getting good grades (they have a huge drop off/fail out rate). That said, if you do well in their program you have a fantastic shot at med school.
Category: Higher Education (University +)

Hi, I am 33 years old and would like to apply to medical school. Am I not too old to be admitted by medschool?

I am about to start my Postbac in premed and will be done with the coursework at 33. I will apply to medical school the same year. Isnt my age going to keep me from a successful admission to medical school?
Answer: About 50% of my medical school class was "non-traditional," meaning they didn't do the straight shot from high school to college to med school. Many of those students were 30 and above, and we even had a couple in their 40s. So I think it shouldn't matter at all at your age. You'll probably have more in common with the other applicants than you think! Good luck!
Category: Higher Education (University +)

Health POSTBAC Programs Below a 3.0 gpa?

Hey! does anyone know of any post bac programs to eventually get into medical school that dont have that 3.0 gpa requirement? like from around a 2.0-2.5 kind of deal?
Answer: Nope - Pretty well all Grad programs require a minimum of 3.0
Category: Higher Education (University +)

Has anyone done a POSTBACcalaureate pre med program?

Im 28 and considering entering a 2 year Postbac pre med program, upon completion of which I will apply to medical school. Do medical schools discriminate against post bac programs, or older students in general? Also, coming from a liberal arts background, how difficult will the introductory science courses be for me?
Answer: Medical schools very much like older applicants. The introductory science MATERIAL will be reasonable, but depending on which post bach program you go to you might find yourself under pressure from the undergraduate competition and curve.
Category: Medicine | Site Worth | Domain Information ... makes $6 per day and is worth about $136070. We know the site is hosted in Toulouse, France, has a Google Pagerank of 8, is active on the IP and receive about 10087 Page(s) View per day. The current ...

If I already have a masters degree, can I use the GI Bill to fund a second masters or a POSTBAC certificate?

I read somewhere that the GI Bill cannot fund credits or courses already taken. Im not sure if that means that they have to be at a level of study that I havent already completed (like PhD level coursework).
Answer: Yes. They won't fund the same class twice, basically. You shouldn't have to take the same class again; the credits should transfer up. If you've already used the GI Bill for part of one of your other degrees, you can't use it. You can only use it to achieve one degree, regardless of type. Best of luck! If you have any more questions, let me know, or contact the VA rep at the school you'll be attending.
Category: Financial Aid

Frequently Asked Questions - Columbia University in the City of ...

In the Fall, the Postbac Program hosts and Open House for Postbacs and undergraduates who are interested in getting involved in research labs.

Eventually Dr. B: To Post Bac, or to Second Bac?

Even though I'm at the point where I've already applied for my second bachelor's at Cal State East Bay, I can't stop going back and forth on whether I want to do a second bachelor's or a Postbac program. To be fair, I know that ...

Can someone tell me more about Columbias POSTBAC Premed program?

can you apply as a freshman? Basically anything you could tell me would be helpful. Thank you.
Answer: Not quite, you need to have a bachelor's degree in order to apply for Columbia's Postbac program.
Category: Higher Education (University +)

Can I defer loans as a POSTBAC student?

My private loans enter repayment in June. However, I will be taking classes this summer. Also, in the fall I am starting a post-bac program that will transition into a grad program by the next term. Before officially beginning the masters program, can I defer my loans?
Answer: Almost certainly you can, but you need to talk to someone in the financial aid office as well as your lender to be sure of what you need to do. Sometimes it's just a certificate of enrollment; sometimes you have to be a full-time student.
Category: Financial Aid

Admission POSTBAC : les écoles hors APB veulent informer les lycéens

Les établissements comme Paris Dauphine ou des écoles privées comme l'IGS se mobilisent pour informer les lycéens sur leurs procédures d'inscription. Leur point commun : ne pas recruter via le még...

Admission Post Bac

Ce dispositif a été mis en place pour simplifier les démarches en regroupant sur un seul site lensemble des formations de lenseignement supérieur.

S A R A + L I N H: U o f N o r t h C a r o l i n a [premed/POSTBAC ...

i applied and got into my first premed Postbac program at U of North Carolina - woot! woot! after my finals i plan on applying to NORTHWESTERN UNI in Chicago. i have a feeling 2012 is going to be a promising year full of ...

Pour le truc <b>Postbac</b>, je dois taper tout mes bulletins sur le site. Donc je les relis -Pour le truc Postbac, je dois taper tout mes bulletins sur le site. Donc je les relis -
From: KevinDav - Source: Twitter for BlackBerry®

<b>Postbac</b> <b>Postbac</b> je te HAIS !Postbac Postbac je te HAIS !
From: SlasherFrissons - Source: web

Ils sont sérieux eux ? Sportif ou artiste de haut niveau ? #<b>Postbac</b>Ils sont sérieux eux ? Sportif ou artiste de haut niveau ? #Postbac
From: SlasherFrissons - Source: web

Je viens de minscrire sur, mon dieu que cest prise de tête !!!!Je viens de minscrire sur, mon dieu que cest prise de tête !!!!
From: SlasherFrissons - Source: web

<b>Postbac</b> <b>Postbac</b> je te HAIS !Postbac Postbac je te HAIS !
From: OmarBenfeddoul - Source: Twitter for iPhone

RT @Vin_Faivre: @SFrenchie10 Je pense pas le faire, de toute façon ya rien de ce que je veux faire dedans, cest nul le #<b>Postbac</b>RT @Vin_Faivre: @SFrenchie10 Je pense pas le faire, de toute façon ya rien de ce que je veux faire dedans, cest nul le #Postbac
From: SFrenchie10 - Source: web

@SFrenchie10 Je pense pas le faire, de toute façon ya rien de ce que je veux faire dedans, cest nul le #<b>Postbac</b>@SFrenchie10 Je pense pas le faire, de toute façon ya rien de ce que je veux faire dedans, cest nul le #Postbac
From: Vin_Faivre - Source: web

@SFrenchie10 dis moi tu as rempli APB ? #<b>Postbac</b>@SFrenchie10 dis moi tu as rempli APB ? #Postbac
From: Vin_Faivre - Source: web

#<b>Postbac</b> je te haie!#Postbac je te haie!
From: SFrenchie10 - Source: Twitter for iPhone

Il y a des filles dans mon lycée en Terminale (ou <b>Postbac</b>)  qui sont plus petites que moi. Cest rassurant. En plus, elles sont magnifiques.Il y a des filles dans mon lycée en Terminale (ou Postbac) qui sont plus petites que moi. Cest rassurant. En plus, elles sont magnifiques.
From: LeaTmlsn - Source: web

@Oxydam Alors, ça avance admission <b>Postbac</b> ? Parce que tu as jusquà mardi max !  Te mettre la pression ? Noooon ;)@Oxydam Alors, ça avance admission Postbac ? Parce que tu as jusquà mardi max ! Te mettre la pression ? Noooon ;)
From: ABnrdDbld - Source: Twitter for BlackBerry®

A chier ce #<b>Postbac</b> jai envie de tout envoyer chier !A chier ce #Postbac jai envie de tout envoyer chier !
From: AlexDezanet - Source: web

@dimitriquenault jme rappelle des voeux <b>Postbac</b> quest ce que cétait chiant...@dimitriquenault jme rappelle des voeux Postbac quest ce que cétait chiant...
From: Kristyn_L - Source: web

@Kristyn_L Jétait censer rentrer mes voeux <b>Postbac</b> et faire mes lettres de motiv au final jai passer ma journer a tweeter xddd@Kristyn_L Jétait censer rentrer mes voeux Postbac et faire mes lettres de motiv au final jai passer ma journer a tweeter xddd
From: dimitriquenault - Source: web

@Mia_Oded je viens de passe 1h à faire ma lettre sur <b>Postbac</b> donc au moment de lenvoyé mon putain dordi navais plu de bateri et c eteind@Mia_Oded je viens de passe 1h à faire ma lettre sur Postbac donc au moment de lenvoyé mon putain dordi navais plu de bateri et c eteind
From: remitalalkhokh - Source: Twitter for iPhone

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