Claude francois : Videos
Claude francois : Photo Gallery
Claude francois : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites
Claude François - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Claude François (1 February 1939 – 11 March 1978) was a French pop singer, songwriter and dancer. He wrote "Comme dhabitude," the original version of " My Way ...
Claude François - IMDb
Soundtrack: Goodfellas (1990) · Happy Feet (2006) · Sicko (2007) · George of the Jungle (1997). Born: February 1 , 1939 in Ismailia, Egypt
French presidential rivals, like partners, are cousins
Not only are fierce French political rivals President Nicolas Sarkozy and Socialist candidate Francois Hollande cousins ... Sarkozys ancestor Claude and Hollandes ancestor Pierre, Beaucarnot said. Moreover, Sarkozys wife, former supermodel Carla ...
French prime minister calls for end to ritual slaughter
PARIS (JTA) -- French Prime Minister Francois Fillon advised Muslims and Jews to forego ... The previous day Sarkozy’s interior minister, Claude Gueant, added to the furor by arguing in a speech that if non-European foreigners were given ...
Darwins God
God has always been a puzzle for Scott Atran. When he was 10 years old, he scrawled a plaintive message on the wall of his bedroom in Baltimore. God exists, he wrote in black and orange paint, or if he doesnt, were in trouble. Atran has been struggling with questions about religion ever since -- why he himself no longer believes in God - Robin Marantz Henig article on scientific study of evolution of religion; says there is agreement in field that religious belief is outgrowth of brain architecture that evolved during early human history, but scholars differ over why; says some, like evolutionary biologist David Sloan Wilson, theorize that tendency toward belief in God was adaptive in itself, while others, including anthropologist Scott Atran, believe it was merely byproduct of some other adaptation in brains evolution; notes that scientists own religious beliefs or lack of them cannot be inferred from whatever camp they belong to (L) - Robin Marantz Henig, a contributing writer, has written recently for the magazine about the neurobiology of lying and about obesity. - By Robin Marantz Henig
Welcome to the Claude francois Forever website. The first one that was written in English. It is dedicated to an all round entertainer (singer, dancer, songwriter ...
CLAUDE FRANCOIS - Souvenir vol 1 & vol 2 (2009) Mediafire ...
Artist: Claude francois Title Of Album: Souvenir vol 1 & vol 2 Year Of Release: 2009 Label: Megaphon Country:France Genre:Pop,Chanson, Eurodance Quality:Flac (image+.cue) Bitrate:Lossless.
Claude François - YouTube
Along with Johnny Hallyday, Claude François was one of the biggest stars of French rock & roll, emerging during the so-called "yé-yé" movement of the early ...
Claude François - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Claude François (1 February 1939 – 11 March 1978) was a French pop singer, songwriter and dancer. He wrote "Comme d'habitude," the original version of "My ...
Sarkozy clashes with Le Pen over halal meat
Le Pen, trailing both Sarkozy and Socialist frontrunner Francois Hollande ahead of the April-May vote ... Le Pens claim is "absolutely false", Interior Minister Claude Gueant said on Sunday, noting that, while there are halal slaughterhouses in the ...
CLAUDE FRANCOIS Biography | Biography Wanted
Claude francois was born on 1 February 1939 in Ismailia, Egypt. His father, Beloved, is shipping traffic controller on the Suez Canal. It was posted on the board of the Red Sea in 1951 and then moved with his wife Lucia of Italian origin, his ...
i like to go help in haiti any organisation that need help of translation i,am available my name is jean clau?
my name is jean Claude francois just call me please 8455220914 0r 8455699348
Answer: You should contact a church in your area,The Red Cross or even the salvation army asap because most likely that would be a vital area.
Category: Other - Caribbean
Claude François « Horses Think
They made a Serge Gainsbourg biopic, so why not Claude François? Based on the images and videos out there of the real man, it looks like a pretty accurate portrayal. This entry was posted on Tuesday, February 21st, 2012 at 7:06 pm and is ...
can anyone explain what CLAUDE FRANCOIS belle belle belle song is about?
is the his father telling him that girls will just make you crazy or what... plz help
Answer: nver heard of the song sorry
Category: Homework Help
Who is the better French director?
Who is the better French director: Francois Truffaut or Claude Chabrol? Or, if you have another name youd like to suggest..
Answer: georges franju !!!!
seriously he did a doco on animal slaughter houses which is very sick to watch [as it was done so long ago it shows what really goes on]....but also very well put together
hes best known for creating the wonderful suspense thriller ...Yeux sans visage, Les (1960)....aka "eyes without a face"
excellent film !!!
Category: Movies
Can someone please help me with my French homework?
Hey guys, Im trying to learn French on my own by using a workbook and a textbook. so this isnt my homework technically but id love to know if i got the right answers -
directions- Zeli des not know Annes boyfriend, Marc Dupin, or his family. Anne is showing her pictures of Marcs family from her photo album. Fill in the missing words (il y a or voila) in this description of Marc Duplins family. (Im going to leave a blank where ever the answer should go)
exercise- (1)._____ la famille de Marc. (2) ______deux grands-peres et deux grand-meres. Regarde cette pjhoto: (3). les parents de son pere. Monsieur et Madame Delaborde. Dans la famille de pere de Marc, (5). ______ deux fils, Claude et Francois. Dans la famille de la mere de Marc. (6) ______un fils et une fille, Robert et Marianne.
this is what i put -
1. il y a
2. voila
4. il y a
5. voila
6. voila
am i right? id really appreciate any help. thank you very much.
Answer: 1. voila (like when you say look!)
2. il y a (there are, like telling a fact)
3. ok
4. ??? where's #4?
5. il y a
6. il y a
Category: Homework Help
Meat slaughter dispute hits Sarkozy
His move followed remarks by Claude Guéant, his hardline interior minister, that giving the vote in local elections to foreigners – a proposal backed by François Hollande, the Socialist candidate who leads Mr Sarkozy in the polls – could ...
The Listings
MOVIES Ratings and running times are in parentheses; foreign films have English subtitles. Full reviews of all current releases, movie trailers, showtimes and tickets: ANTICHRIST (No rating, 1:49) Women: evil or just misunderstood? Leave it to Lars von Trier to ask the tough question, and to provide answers that are both - By THE NEW YORK TIMES
Claude François - Alexandrie, Alexandra - YouTube
29 juin 2010 ... clip multi-vidéos Ah Aaah Ah Aaah Voiles sur les filles Barques sur le Nil Je suis dans ta vie Je suis dans tes bras Alexandra Alexandrie ...
Paid Notice: Deaths NORDMANN, BLUETTE
NORDMANN--Bluette. Park East Synagogue mourns the death of the devoted mother of our beloved Elisabeth and Rabbi Arthur Schneier, Francois (Miriam), Claude (Maya), grandmother and great-grandmother. Bluette and her late husband Jean were prominent leaders of the Swiss Jewish community and staunch supporters of Israel. Our deepest sympathy to the
Claude francois. En charge du développement des projets dans le domaine de la réforme du secteur de sécurité de la RDC Experience: Expert management, EUSEC; Chef ...
Dancing Lessons: CLAUDE FRANCOIS & The Claudettes « PUB.lication
I'd have all the funkiest dance moves and I'd definitely be next to the ever-so-nimble Claude francois in the line-up [not in the back where no one would be able to see my fancy footwork]. Don't laugh, this is a serious plan.
Title of a song in french with the words "jattendrai"?
i heard it at school because were going to dance to this song but the teacher wont give me the is not the song by dalida or Claude francois..... it is sung by a girl and the melody is some point in the song the girls says something about "tes yeux" (your eyes)...please help me or do u know of a site where i can search for the name of the song?
Answer: Marie Mai - En Hiver?
Category: Lyrics
Art in Review; Yves Klein
Air Architecture Storefront for Art and Architecture 97 Kenmare Street, Little Italy Through April 30 The architecture of the future will be for the people, according to Oscar Niemeyer, one of the designers of Brazilia. And a version of that future had long since arrived, in the career of the French conceptualist Yves Klein (1928-1962). Klein - Holland Cotter reviews air architecture works by Yves Klein at Storefront for Art and Architecture (M) - By HOLLAND COTTER
Haiti: Online Reaction to the Duvalier Decision
Amnesty International, which presented evidence of the human rights violations committed under Jean-Claude Duvaliers reign ... the extrajudicial code he and his father, François Duvalier, governed by. Last month, Mr. Martelly proposed a ...
CLAUDE FRANCOIS | Music Videos, News, Photos, Tour Dates ...
Along with Johnny Hallyday , Claude François was one of the biggest stars of French rock & roll, emerging during the so-called "yé-yé" movement of the early 60s. Like CLAUDE FRANCOIS: Songs, Albums, Pictures, Bios
Visit Amazon.coms Claude francois Store to shop for Claude francois albums (CD, MP3, Vinyl), concert tickets, and other Claude francois-related products (DVDs, Books ...
France Elections 2012: Nicolas Sarkozy Courts French Right On Immigration
Despite rebounding in polls since launching his campaign last month, Sarkozy trails Socialist rival Francois Hollande ... by echoing remarks from his hardline Interior Minister Claude Gueant on Saturday rejecting "multiculturalism" and ...
Claude François - Home RFI Music
Claude François has become the undisputed icon of French kitsch. Famous for his sequinned suits, his blow-dried hair and his outrageously camp dance routines with ...
The mystery of CloClo: did he write 'My Way'? And was he killed ...
Mar 11, 2008 ... Thus ended the life of Claude François, France's second most successful ... Three decades later, Claude François – CloClo – remains one of ...
WHILE Paris has its boulevards and Miami its beaches, San Franciscos lure is its labyrinth of back alleys, those mysterious midblock detours that seem to offer, in equal doses, the promise of discovery and the slightly scary possibility of getting lost -- really lost. Built in haste after the discovery of California gold in 1848 and rebuilt in a - Jesse McKinley travel article on visit to secluded side streets of San Francisco; photo (M) - By JESSE McKINLEY
Daunou, Pierre Claude François | Classic EB
DAUNOU, PIERRE CLAUDE FRANÇOIS (1761-1840), French statesman and historian, was born at Boulogne-sur-Mer, and after a brilliant career in the school of the Oratorians there, joined the order in Paris in 1777. He was ...
Good classic french music/singers like Claude François or Charles Trenet?
I love the French language its so beautiful and
I love french singers/music such as
Edith Piaf,
Claude François,
François hardy,
Charles Trenet,
Jaques Brel,
and loads of other singers.
Can you recommend some good French music/ singers?
Answer: This may be the wrong category for your question.
Category: R&B & Soul
In xenophobic awakening aimed at far-right voters, Sarkozy realizes France “has too many foreigners”
The president is trailing Socialist candidate François Hollande in the polls and is believed ... Last Friday, Interior Minister Claude Guéant criticized the Socialists’ proposal that immigrants be allowed to vote in local elections, saying ...
Eurogroup Provisionally Approves New Greek Package
Greece has taken all the legal action needed to secure a second bailout from the euro zone countries, Eurogroup Chairman Jean-Claude Juncker said on Thursday ... where opposition Socialist presidential candidate Francois Hollande has vowed to renegotiate ...
CLAUDE FRANCOIS - Lyrics, albums, songs, artists and more music ...
Claude francois albums, lyrics, news, biography, pictures, discussion, fanpages, fans and more.
Claude François on Yahoo! Music
Claude François music profile on Yahoo! Music. Find lyrics, free streaming MP3s, music videos and photos of Claude François on Yahoo! Music
Campaign Spotlight; Celebrating Short Films
Turner Classic Movies, the cable channel devoted to classic films, and Hermes, the French luxury purveyor of classic clothing and accessories, have teamed up to sponsor a special celebration of short films. Hermes USA has underwritten the creation of six new short films many by well-known directors that pay homage to classic films; these will be - By JANE L. LEVERE
Does this sound like a good project for third world countries?
The world is divided into three economic levels, first, second and third world. Third World refers to the economically underdeveloped countries particularly in the Middle East, South Asia, Latin America, Africa, and Oceania, considered as an entity with common characteristics, such as poverty, high birthrates, and economic dependence on the advanced countries.The economically underdeveloped countries of Asia, Africa, Oceania, and Latin America, considered as an entity with common characteristics, such as poverty, high birthrates, and economic dependence on the advanced countries. The term "Third World" arose during the Cold War to define countries that remained non-aligned or not moving at all meaning not developed with either capitalism and NATO (which along with its allies represented the First World) It was to protect the European countries and there allies against aggression communism and the Soviet Union (which along with its allies represented the Second World). This provided a way of categorizing the nations of the Earth into three groups based on social, political, and economic divisions.First World also called developed countries. These are ones with such things as factories and no life-threatening diseases. Second World These are countries that have moderate development, maybe one or two major businesses.Third World these are countries where there is no urbanization or development, and fatal diseases such as AIDS and measles are part of everyday life. Most African countries, southeast Asia, the majority of Latin America are third world countries.
Third World are all the other countries, today often used to roughly describe the developing countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America. For example Haiti is a third world country because it’s going through poverty.Haiti has a long history of unethical and corrupt dictatorships and widespread crime.. Haiti suffered through The Tonton Macoutes:The central Nervous System of haiti’s Reign of Terror.There was also a malediction in Haiti.Few countries in the hemisphere have suffered through such an extensive run of unqualified repressive regimes and military dictatorships as Haiti. The nearly thirty years of harsh rule under François “Papa Doc” Duvalier, and his son, Jean-Claude “Baby Doc” Duvalier that ended in 1986. Papa doc was a selfish cruel dictator, after he died, his son baby doc took over. That kind of environment contributed to third world country.Third world people are sometimes portrayed as uneducated, helpless, or backwards. Third World, the technologically less advanced, or developing, nations of Asia, Africa, and Latin America, generally characterized as poor, having economies distorted by their dependence on the export of primary products to the developed countries in return for finished products. These nations also tend to have high rates of illiteracy, disease, and population growth and unstable governments.
Answer: Yes, it does. I hope you don't go like that to school otherwise no one will care about the project... Oceania is not a ountry from the third world. It is actually very advanced, so you should take it. Good luck! :)
Category: Homework Help
biography Claude François - Home RFI Music
Claude François has become the undisputed icon of French kitsch. Famous for his sequinned suits, his blow-dried hair and his outrageously camp dance ...
Claude François – Free listening, videos, concerts, stats, & pictures ...
Watch videos & listen to Claude François: Comme D'Habitude, Belles Belles Belles & more, plus 43 pictures. The son of an Italian mother and a French father, ...
Can someone please help me with a French exercise in my text book? thanks a million?
Hey guys, Im trying to learn French on my own by using a workbook and a textbook. so this isnt my homework technically but id love to know if i got the right answers -
directions- Zeli des not know Annes boyfriend, Marc Dupin, or his family. Anne is showing her pictures of Marcs family from her photo album. Fill in the missing words (il y a or voila) in this description of Marc Duplins family. (Im going to leave a blank where ever the answer should go)
exercise- (1)._____ la famille de Marc. (2) ______deux grands-peres et deux grand-meres. Regarde cette pjhoto: (3). les parents de son pere. Monsieur et Madame Delaborde. Dans la famille de pere de Marc, (5). ______ deux fils, Claude et Francois. Dans la famille de la mere de Marc. (6) ______un fils et une fille, Robert et Marianne.
this is what i put -
1. il y a
2. voila
4. il y a
5. voila
6. voila
am i right? id really appreciate any help. thank you very much.
Answer: 1 voila
2 il y a
3 voila
4 ? voila monsieur et madame delaborde
5 il y a
6 il y a
Category: Languages
Why did Frank Sinatra steal "My way" song from Claude François?
Answer: I'm sure the author of that song didn't think Frank "stole" it, since royalties are paid depending on the popularity of the song.
Category: Other - Music
Claude Jade, 58, Actress in Truffaut Films
Claude Jade, the French actress who starred in several of the best-loved films by the director Francois Truffaut, died Friday in Boulogne-Billancourt, a Paris suburb. She was 58. She had been hospitalized with eye cancer, which had spread, said Jacques Rampal, a playwright Ms. Jade had recently worked with. Ms. Jade first caught Truffauts - Claude Jade, French actress who starred in several of director Francois Truffauts films, dies at age 58; photo (M)
does anyone know from where to buy a cd with CLAUDE FRANCOIS?
I have searched for a cd here in romania but it s not available anywhere so i would need a bit of help please
Answer: try google <333
Category: Celebrities
CLAUDE FRANCOIS - bravecaptain | martin carr
Claude francois. francois was born in egypt in 1939 to a french father and italian father. claude chose not to attend school and instead spent his formative years ...
Claude francois. This story was completely put together by friend Gary Thelen. Thanks for educating me Gary. I would never have known about ...
Francois Duvalier primary sources(interviews and speeches are examples)?
please try to have none about his son jean-claude duvalier.
Answer: You could try the public library, I can recall that several books were written after his downfall, and perhaps they can put you on the road to what you wish to know.
Category: Media & Journalism
Can anyone provide me with the lyrics of these French songs?
Please, I know they are a lot of songs, but anyone giving me the lyrics or even providing me with the website, will get instant 10 points! Please tommorows my french day!!!
These are the songs:
01. Julio Iglesias - Ne Me Quitte Pas
02. Jean-Jacques Lafon - Le Geant de Papier
03. Enrico Macias - Pour Toutes ces Raisons Je T’aime
04. Claude Barzotti - Un Enfant De Toi
05. Linda de Suza - Mon Amour Cache
06. Joe Dassin - Le Dernier Slow
07. Claude francois - Comme d’habitude
08. Hervé Roy - Emmanuelle
09. Dalida - Paroles Paroles
10. Francois Deguelt - Le Ciel Le Soleil Et La Mer
11. Michel Sardou - La Maladie D’amour
12. Didier Barbelivien - Elle
13. Julien Clerc - Ce n’est rien
14. Lara Fabian - Tout
15. Pierre Bachelet - Elle est d’ailleurs
16. Roch Voisine - Helene
17. Alain Barriere - Elle était si Jolie
18. Celine Dion - Pour Que Tu M’Aimes Encore
19. Julio Eglesias - Nostalgie
20. Romeo & Juliet - Aimer
21. Don Juan et Maria - Seulement L’Amour
22. Ginette Reno - C’est Beaucoup Mieux Comme Ca
Even any of these 10 songs would do!!
Answer: Here are the lyrics for #18 (happens to be one of my favorite songs--
For all the rest, please just google the song title with the word "lyrics" and perhaps even the artist's name...very doable and much faster than others doing all of your work for you):
Pour que tu m'aimes encore
J'ai compris tous les mots, j'ai bien compris, merci
Raisonnable et nouveau, c'est ainsi par ici
Que les choses ont changé, que les fleurs ont fané
Que le temps d'avant, c'était le temps d’avant
Que si tout zappe et lasse, les amours aussi passent
Il faut que tu saches
J'irai chercher ton cœur si tu l'emportes ailleurs
Même si dans tes danses d'autres dansent des heures
J'irai chercher ton âme dans les froids dans les flammes
Je te jetterai des sorts pour que tu m'aimes encore
Fallait pas commencer m'attirer me toucher
Fallait pas tant donner moi je sais pas jouer
On me dit qu'aujourd'hui, on me dit que les autres font ainsi
Je ne suis pas les autres
Avant que l'on s'attache, avant que l'on se gâche
Je veux que tu saches
J'irai chercher ton cœur si tu l'emportes ailleurs
Même si dans tes danses d'autres dansent des heures
J'irai chercher ton âme dans les froids dans les flammes
Je te jetterai des sorts pour que tu m'aimes encore
Je trouverai des langages pour chanter tes louanges
Je ferai nos bagages pour d'infinies vendanges
Les formules magiques des marabouts d'Afrique
J'les dirai sans remords pour que tu m'aimes encore
Je m'inventerai reine pour que tu me RETIENNES
Je me ferai nouvelle pour que le feu reprenne
Je deviendrai ces autres qui te donnent du plaisir
Vos jeux seront les nôtres, si tel est ton désir
Plus brillante plus belle pour une autre étincelle
Je me changerai en or pour que tu m'aimes encore.
Category: Lyrics
Jean Claude, Pierre, Francois, and Luis all NHL Hockey players. see the rest question below?
Their coach wants to see who is the best scorer. Their scoring statistics added up after 20 games are shown below. The statistics are written as Goals Scored/Shots Taken
Jean Claude 20/52
Pierre 40/105
Francois 15/60
Luis 20/30
Answer: It would coming down to shooting percentage. Meaning goals scored divided by shots taken.
So Jean Claude is 38.4%, Pierre is 38%, Francois is 25% and Luis is 66.6%. So Luis would be the best scorer because he has the best shoting percentage and won't cost you and ton of wasted shots. He is more effective. Yes Pierre scored more goals but it took him more shots to do so. So in the end Luis would be your most effective goal scorer.
extra: If Luis were to take 105 shots, he'd score 70 goals. Simple ratios. 20 over 30 is equal to x over 105. 105 times 20 divided by 30 equals 70.
Category: Hockey
François Lesage, 82; Led Embroidery Atelier
François Lesage, who for more than a half-century led the embroidery atelier that has served couture designers from Charles Frederick Worth through Karl Lagerfeld of Chanel, died on Thursday in Versailles, France. He was 82. In a statement, the Lesage company, which was acquired by Chanel in 2002, said that Mr. Lesage died at a hospital after a - Francois Lesage, who led embroidery atelier Lesage for over a half-century, dies at age 82. Photo (M) - By ERIC WILSON
Claude-François Brunet des Baines: Congreso Nacional, Santiago ...
Published January 20, 2012 Architecture Leave a Comment. The former National Congress building Photo: Owen Cliffe. Rate this: 0 Responses to “Claude-François Brunet des Baines: Congreso Nacional, Santiago de Chile”. Feed for this ...
EU leaders to unite against Hollande?
Could François Hollande get the cold shoulder from EU leaders? We take a look at a rumour started in Der Speigel. French Interior Minister Claude Guéant has been stirring up controversy once again, by suggesting that allowing foreigners to ...
What was the maiden name of the mother of the French singer CLAUDE FRANCOIS and where was she born?
Answer: i believe it was chouffa
Category: Celebrities
What was the Christian name and maiden name of the mother of Aimee Francois?
Aimee Francois was the father of Claude francois
Answer: Do you mean Aimee was the mother of Charles?
1881 Household:
Name Marital Status Gender Ethnic Origin Age Birthplace Occupation Religion
SIMEON FRANCOIS M Male Indigenous 50 Quebec Chasseur Catholique
AIMEE FRANCOIS M Female Indigenous 45 Quebec Catholique
CHARLES FRANCOIS S Male Indigenous 16 Quebec Catholique
PHILOMENE FRANCOIS S Female Indigenous 9 Quebec Catholique
Source Information:
Census Place Unorganized Territory, Chicoutimi & Saguenay, Quebec
Category: Genealogy
Plateau: Claude François – “Alexandrie, Alexandra” | Food Pyramid
Plateau: Claude François – “Alexandrie, Alexandra”. By Food Prime Id, on January 22nd, 2012. Plateau Claude François, Dancin', Food Pyramid, Plateau · Plateau: Celebrity Parties ». « Plateau: France Gall – “ATTENDS OU VA-TEN” ...
CLAUDE FRANCOIS | Free Music, Tour Dates, Photos, Videos
Claude francoiss official profile including the latest music, albums, songs, music videos and more updates.
Third try fading for "third man" in French election
Earlier this month, Bayrou rejected the suggestion of an alliance from Finance Minister Francois Baroin, who reminded the centrist he had once governed with conservatives under Chirac. He also scoffed at a statement by Interior Minister Claude ...
Claude francois is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Claude francois and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world ...
Claude François: Information from
Genres: Vocal Music Biography Along with Johnny Hallyday , Claude François was one of the biggest stars of French rock & roll, emerging during the so-called "yé-yé ...
The endorsements
Francois Lapointe, Alexandrine Latendresse, Helene Leblanc, Wayne Marston, Marc-Andre Morin, Marie-Claude Morin, Pierre Nantel, Jamie Nicholls, Jose Nunez-Melo, Annick Papillon, Claude Patry, Eve Peclet, Marion Perreault, Francois Pilon ...
French PM knocks halal, kosher laws as campaign heats up
Prime Minister Francois Fillon made the suggestion after Sarkozy called ... some of the five million Muslims here did not share these values. Interior Minister Claude Gueant warned last week that giving immigrants the right to vote in municipal elections ...
French Interior Minister Claude Gueant under fire for racism
French Interior Minister Claude Gueant has been accused of making racist comments after he condemned proposals by the socialist Francois Hollande to allow immigrants to vote in local elections. On Saturday, French presidential candidate Hollandes ...
THE VICTIMS; Strangers, Dads, Sisters, Friends
The human toll of the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, is still unimaginable: 2,801 killed in the towers of the World Trade Center and in the two airplanes that were flown into them, 125 dead at the Pentagon and 59 aboard the plane that struck it, and 40 passengers and crew members aboard Flight 93 killed when that hijacked plane crashed into a - Photos of 3,025 victims of terrorist attacks of Sept 11, 2001; 2,801 were killed in twin towers and in two airplanes that crashed into them; 125 died at Pentagon and 59 aboard plane that crashed into it; 40 died aboard plane that crashed into field near Shanskville, Pa (L)
French minister under fire again for racist remarks
PARIS - French Interior Minister Claude Gueant, a hardliner close to President Nicolas ... Gueant condemned proposals by the presidents socialist opponent Francois Hollande to give the vote in local elections to immigrants. "We dont want foreign town ...
'Cloclo' Soundtrack Announced | Film Music Reporter
The movie stars Jérémie Renier as the French singer Claude François who was a star of “chanson française” in the 1960s and 70s and died in a tragic accident in 1978, at the age of 39. The film will be released in France on ...
Claude François @ - Free Claude François Music ...
Claude François - @ we are all about Latest News & Information on Claude François Music, Free Claude François Music Videos, News, Interviews, Fee ...
French presidential candidate pledges to resume Genocide bill adoption process
PanARMENIAN.Net - French presidential candidate François Hollande representing the Socialist ... the commitment to complete the issue,” French deputy stated. For his part, Claude Goasguen, representative of the ruling Union for a Popular Movement ...
Claude François - YouTube
Along with Johnny Hallyday, Claude François was one of the biggest stars of French rock & roll, emerging during the so-called "yé-yé" movement of the early 60s.
Claude François – Free listening, videos, concerts, stats ...
Watch videos & listen free to Claude François: Comme DHabitude, Si JAvais Un Marteau & more, plus 43 pictures. The son of an Italian mother and a French father ...
Quebec Pulls Back Business Supports
The newly elected Liberal government in Quebec is taking steps that signal a profound change in the provinces business climate. The Liberals have fired entrenched bosses at two big state-sponsored investment funds that were kingpins in a panoply of institutions that for decades stage-managed the provinces economic development. These agencies had - Newly elected Liberal government in Quebec is taking steps that signal profound change in provinces business climate; Liberals have fired Claude Blanchet, chairman of Societe Generale de Financement du Quebec--and husband of former finance minister of Parti Quebecois, and Maurice Prudhomme, president of Investissement Quebec, that were kingpins in panoply of institutions that for decades stage-managed provinces economic development; these agencies had intervened with equity investments, tax breaks and subsidies to foster chosen clusters of industries and to defend French-speaking business community against gravitational pull of Toronto; Liberals are signaling that such activism is out, along with defeated separatists of Parti Quebecois (M) - By BERNARD SIMON
Why does the U.S. love funding / installing human rights abusing dictators as puppets?
Jorge Rafael Videla (Who tortured and killed as many as 15,000 people with Ex-Nazis amongst his ranks, with funding and assistance from the U.S. during his Dirty War).
Georgios Papadopoulos (Nazi collaborator who received his training in the U.S.)
Ngo dinh diem
Park Chung Hee
Franciscio Franco
Antonio de Oliveira Salazar
Turgat Ozal
Mohammad Reza Pahlevi (Installed after the 1953 overthrowing of a democratically elected government in Iran during Operation Ajax)
Fulgencio Batista (Later overthrown by Castro).
Rafael Leonidas Truhjillo.
Francois & Jean Claude Duvalier.
Humberto Branco.
Hugo Banzer.
Alfredo Stroessner.
Augusto Pinochet.
Ferderinand Marcos.
The U.S. even funded Adolf Hitler and the early German Workers Party, as well as German Corporations that produces gas and munitions through the Union Banking Corporation owned by Fritz Thyssen and headed by Prescott Bush (Yes, George Bushes grandfather).
Not to forget the Angel of Death Mengele received his education through funding from the U.S. during the American Eugenics movement (in which 60,000 people were sterilized).
Oh, and thats just about 1/3 of them.
Answer: 1. The United States did not install Francisco Franco. He took over, with German and Italian assistance, after the Spanish Civil War.
2. The United States did not fund Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist German Workers' Party (the Nazis).
3. IG Farben, which produced chemical weapons during the First World War, was the largest chemical company in world in the 1930s. They did not need American funding.
4. Thyssen's armament company was far smaller than Krupp, Henschel, Messerschmitt, and dozens of other German weapons makers in Nazi Germany. And that link to Prescott Bush is bullshit.
5. Many early 20th century progressives promoted eugenics, including Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood.
6. The American government did not fund the education of Joseph Mengele; his family was quite wealthy and paid for his medical schooling.
That is just a half dozen corrections to your pile of false information. When you are wrong that many times, it is hard for people to trust anything you post.
Category: Politics
Jul 8, 2001 ... French/Egyptian singer. Biography, photos, links and lyrics.
@Aureliagiubbini toujours claude François rien que claude François kiss a toi la ou tu est
From: gmla159 - Source: Twitter for BlackBerry®
RT @NicolasSarkozie: Jadore cette émission #TopChef et leur ai proposé une épreuve : venir cuisiner halal à lElysée pour Claude et François.
From: AR_Rabbit - Source: TweetDeck
@PatSebastien Tu ressembles beaucoup a Claude francois. En ces temps la cetait la mode de mettre des prenom en nom de famille?0 imagination
From: Saramotte - Source: Twitter for BlackBerry®
#EXCLU : la chanson de campagne de François Hollande : Claude François - Ça sen va et ça revient.
From: matblaize - Source: Twitter for iPhone
Claude François a fait 153 chansons , jai jamais vu quelquun avoir autant de chansons ! #incroyable
From: Aureliagiubbini - Source: Twitter for BlackBerry®
@gonzague tu me fais rappeler que le film sur Claude François sort bientôt :)
From: HappyDr0id - Source: Plume for Android
Un preuve je suis sur volté comme Claude François #dp
From: FlorianVeyret - Source: Twitter for BlackBerry®
Nique ta mere Claude francois tu me derange il est sur toutes les chaines !!
From: JETAIMEMCCOY - Source: Twitter for iPhone
@xTardisChild Oui ! Ou Claude François. hahaha
From: Happy_Pumpkins - Source: web
Gainsbourg a écrit pour Claude François. #droledemelange
From: Sachou_rocks - Source: web
#FeuSurVous ceux qui ont maté Glee là, sauf ceux quon a obligé à regarder. Cest la même chose pour A la rech du nouveau Claude François.
From: Doganichou - Source: Twitter for iPhone
Le pire cest quil y a 2 ans on a eu This Is It, le film de Notorious BIG, et là celui de Claude François.
Et il font un film pr ELLE ???
From: Badem_Sylla - Source: Twitter for iPhone
@gonzague tu vas nous faire une Claude François toi :-)
From: not_pierre - Source: Tweetbot for iOS
Depuis toute à lheure jécoute du Claude François normal ! :p
From: __Leamazing - Source: web
RT @SebbyPopLife: Sinon jai du Claude-François dans la tête et jen peut plus :(
From: KevinKletin - Source: web