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why does anemia (iron def) cause EPISTAXIS?
i understand iron def anemia (low iron leads to low amt of hemoglobin, so the reserves are used up and then your circulating hemoglobin diminishes), but i still dont quite understand why it would cause bleeding. Is it because there is a larger gap between erythrocytes and/or hemoglobin so blood cannot clot as well, hence more bleeding?
this is due to iron deficitency, and its I dont think its common for nose bleeds, but some of the resources ive come across do mention them being associated with anemia, so i was wondering why?
Answer: I think it depends on the underlying reason for the anemia? Could it be a strict vegan diet, lack of vitamin B12, Folic Acid, or autoimmune condition. Depending on the reason for the anemia depends on the symptoms. I have bouts of anemia due to autoimmune condition but have never had problems bleeding? My hemoglobin was normal, but the quality poor and I had plenty of B12 and Folic Acid so the problem was my diet.
Category: Respiratory Diseases
EPISTAXIS: Definition from Answers.com
Library > Literature & Language > Dictionary ( ĕp ĭ-stăk sĭs ) n. , pl. , -stax·es ( -stăk sēz ). A nosebleed. [Greek, from epistazein, epistag- , to ...
I Heard Cocaine Usage Can Cause EPISTAXIS » CenLaBriarPatch
I Heard Cocaine Usage Can Cause Epistaxis ... Does everyone know what Epistaxis is? Epistaxis is chronic nosebleeds. I have heard that cocaine usage causes Epistaxis. Someone with Epistaxis may use cocaine.
Dr. Mom: Kids often get nosebleeds, so stay calm
Toddlers are funny that way. Now you know why kids get nosebleeds, also known as Epistaxis; how to treat and prevent them; and when to worry. Do your best to remain calm when you find yourself face to nose with one, though I wont blame you if ...
Green Nasal Steroid Works for Kids, Adults
Mean treatment differences from placebo on individual symptoms in the high-dose group were: Epistaxis was the most common adverse event, occurring in 3.7% of the high-dose group, 1.7% of the low-dose group, and 4.3% of the placebo group.
EPISTAXIS - definition of EPISTAXIS in the Medical dictionary - by ...
Epistaxis /ep·i·stax·is/ (-stak´sis) nosebleed; hemorrhage from the nose, usually due to rupture of small vessels overlying the anterior part of the cartilaginous ...
Nosebleed Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, and ...
Nosebleed (Epistaxis). Medical Author: John P. Cunha, DO, FACOEP. John P. Cunha, DO, FACOEP. John P. Cunha, DO, is a U.S. board-certified Emergency ...
EPISTAXIS - Causes and Effects - Prevention and Treatment?
I suffer from Epistaxis for sometime now, my doctor said it is caused by hypertention, exessive drinking, anxiety. I dont know what to think, I been treating for anxiety with help of some drugs that my doc recommned and Epistaxis eased up by it self. But I am still in dark about the real cause. I want to know what causes Epistaxis and pre-cautions.
Answer: Your causes that have been told to you are excessing drinking, anxiety, and hypertention (high blood pressure).
Excessive drinking: causes vasodilation (more blood flow in blood vessels) which leads to a greater possibility to have an episode.
Hypertension: high blood pressure will push the blood through your blood vessels more rapidly, which can cause an episode.
Anxiety: the body reacts by vasodilation and increased blood pressure, as you can guess..that would also possibly cause it to occur.
Epistaxis is common, and some people are just more dispositioned to have nose bleeds for simple reasons. Don't stress out about it too much. Just treat it when it comes with either putting pressure on your gumline just at your maxilla and under the nasal region, use gauze etc.
Just keep in mind anytime you increase the blood flow in your body its possible that it might occur.
Category: Respiratory Diseases
Bevacizumab drug improves cardiac output in patients with HHT
The median cardiac index at 6 months was significantly lower than before treatment. Average duration of Epistaxis (bleeding from the nose), which was 221 minutes per month at inclusion, had significantly decreased at 3 months (134 minutes ...
EPISTAXIS « pix|terror
Epistaxis. February 22nd, 2012 § Leave a Comment. Share this: Twitter · Facebook. Like this: Like. Be the first ... Notify me of follow-up comments via email. skull ». What's this? You are currently reading Epistaxis at pix|terror.
what is the best treatment for EPISTAXIS?
Answer: If it's a continuous thing, like it keeps reaccuring, then you need to speak with your doctor. It could be an underlining of a serious illness. Otherwise, lean forward, not backward and let it drain.
Category: Alternative Medicine
EPISTAXIS Definition
Know About Adenoids ADENOIDS: SYNONYM: Adenoid hypertrophy, chronic adenitis DEFINITION: Chronic inflammation or the enlargement of the adeno.
How can we prevent EPISTAXIS?
Do experience it a lot esp when i cant breath ...
Answer: okay thats medical term for nosebleeding...actually nosebleed is fairly common occurence and usually results from simple trauma to the nose, including picking. Other much less common causes include high blood pressure, abnormalities in blood clotting system, and tumor of the nose and sinuses. Frequent and recurrent attacks may require cauterization of the affected blood vessel by a specialist.
Category: Heart Diseases
EPISTAXIS - Sonnys Corner on the Web
Medical Clinics of North America Volume 83 • Number 1 • January 1999 Copyright © 1999 W. B. Saunders Company . OTOLARYGOLOGY FOR THE INTERNIST
The. n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e clinical practice Epistaxis Rodney J. Schlosser, M.D. This Journal feature begins with a case vignette ...
EPISTAXIS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Epistaxis (from Greek επιστάζω (epistazo) to bleed from the nose: επί (epi) - " above", "over" + στάζω (stazo) - "to drip" [from the nostrils]) or a nosebleed is the ...
Epistaxis is often a frightening sight to the patient and the attendants, especially if the patient is a kid.
Leave in place for 1-5 days. RapidRhino and Merocel are equally effective in the control of anterior Epistaxis but RapidRhino is significantly more comfortable for the patient and easier to place. Antibiotics are controversial and ...
EPISTAXIS - American Journal of Roentgenology
Most cases of Epistaxis occur in the anterior septal area, a location readily accessible and treatable by cautery or anterior nasal packing.
EPISTAXIS - Care Guide - Drugs.com | Prescription Drug Information ...
Care guide for Epistaxis possible causes, signs and symptoms, standard treatment options and means of care and support.
I fight with someone one month 8days ago,i EPISTAXIS?
i want to ask that day that guy hit me about 6-9 fist and i Epistaxis,if i now go to the Hospital can doctor check i was hit by that guy in that day. i appreciate thanks
that guy punch me about 6-9 fist. my head had pit but it pass one month 9days ago i want go to hospital check my head and affirm i was hit that day is this work.
Answer: Are you asking if you can get proof that you were in the ER being treated for a nose bleed on that day you were hit? If so, check with the Medical Record dept of the hospital, and you can get a copy of your visit. Hope this helps.
Category: Other - Diseases
Nosebleed : MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia
Epidemiology of Epistaxis in US emergency departments, 1992 to 2001. ... Epistaxis. In: Cummings CW, Flint PW, Haughey BH, et al. Otolaryngology: Head ...
Whats the name of the surgery that treats EPISTAXIS (frequent nose bleeding)?
Last night,I went to a otorhinolaryngologist (ear,nose and throat specialist) because i suffered from expistaxis since i was like 6. and he told me that i would have to undergo a certain medical operation where they would insert like a heated rod or something into my nose and apply it to the blood vessels inside to treat it
Answer: I have had mine done , its called getting your nose Quarterised , or Quarterisation .
Category: Other - Health
what is the diagnosis EPISTAXIS anterior 2nd to trauma?
fell and hit table right side of nose bled trouble inhaling at hospital this was the diagnosis said i boke soft cartilge in nose gave antibiotic did not x ray should i be more concerned what part of my nose did i actually break
Answer: because it was bleeding. Epitaxy's is a fancy way to say hemorrhage of the nose. I think you will be ok.
Category: Respiratory Diseases
EPISTAXIS - WardWiki - Foundation Doctor Helper
Epistaxis is a nosebleed. About 95% are venous and over 90% of these are anterior, arising from Littles area which is a rich plexus just inside the nose on the ...
Word for Word / Janes Fighting Germs; The Grim Dos and Deadly Donts Of Handling Chemical Attacks
MILITARY buffs know all about Janes Fighting Ships and Janes All the Worlds Aircraft. Now how about Janes Fighting Germs? The folks who publish the Janes military reference books dont actually use that title. But in a sign of the times, Janes Information Group has just published Janes Chem-Bio Handbook, a $15 pocket guide - Word for Word column of excerpts from Janes Chem-Bio Handbook; new pocket guide is published by Janes Information Group for military, police and emergency personnel responding to suspected or real chemical or germ attacks; cover photo (S) - By TOM KUNTZ
Nosebleed Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention ...
Image. Picture of Psoriasis. A reddish, scaly rash often located over the surfaces ... (Epistaxis)
EPISTAXIS's sounds on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your ...
Epistaxis Mike Melendez, New York, United States. Follow Send message Share a track Share. Facebook Twitter Tumblr Email WordPress StumbleUpon ...
EPISTAXIS - RightDiagnosis.com - Right Diagnosis
List of 113 disease causes of Epistaxis, patient stories, diagnostic guides, 48 drug side effect causes. Diagnostic checklist, medical tests, doctor questions, and ...
Management of EPISTAXIS - January 15, 2005 - American Family ...
Jan 15, 2005 ... Family physicians frequently encounter patients with Epistaxis (nasal bleeding). In rare cases, this condition may lead to massive bleeding and ...
Epistaxis, or bleeding from the nose, is a common complaint. ... Instant Lookup Access over 10,000 topics by title ...or, search within full reference content
Bevacizumab in Patients With Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia and Severe Hepatic Vascular Malformations and High Cardiac Output
Objectives To test the efficacy of bevacizumab in reducing high cardiac output in severe hepatic forms of HHT and to assess improvement in Epistaxis duration and quality of life. Design, Setting, and Patients Single-center, phase 2 trial with national ...
EPISTAXIS for 10 points?
how can hepatis sirosis, heart failure can make sombody Epistaxis
Answer: The portal hypertension rises causing oesophageal and even nasal varicies, which may leak or burst and cause Epistaxis.
In other words, when the liver is damaged the blood pressure in the liver circulation gets higher. This causes higher pressures in the weaker blood vessels of the oesophagus, throat and nasal pasages. If these varicosed blood vessels leak or burst, they will bleed - sometimes fatally.
Category: Respiratory Diseases
Teva reports positive nasal allergy spray Phase III trial results
Teva reported that QNASL was generally well tolerated with a safety profile similar to placebo with the exception of Epistaxis, which occurred more frequently with the active treatment. The most commonly reported adverse events (5% or more subjects ...
What should i do when i get unilateral EPISTAXIS due to severe rhinitis ???
Should i tilt my head backwards to stop the bleeding ?
Answer: If you want the blood to drain down the back of your throat, pool in your stomach and so you puke since old blood will not stay in the stomach go for it.
Category: Other - Health
What is the best method to cure dry nostrils causing EPISTAXIS, also known as nosebleeds?
I am searching for some sort of ointment or spray to prevent the continuous nosebleeds from my dry nasal passage. The most inexpensive product Ive found is Vaseline or petroleum jelly, but Ive also read that it can cause a condition called lipoid pneumonia or a form of lung inflammation. I simply want to know if others have found a better over-the-counter decongestant ointment/spray. Any logical suggestions would be very much appreciated. Thank you!
Answer: Ocean Spray, is the best lubrication for nasal passages
Category: Allergies
Mix Monday's : Exclusive EPISTAXIS Mix (+Free EP) | dubco
Weekly installment of DUBCO's exclusive Mix Monday's. This week Epistaxis aka Mike Melendez. Free EP.
Epistaxis (from Greek επιστάζω (epistazo) to bleed from the nose: επί (epi) - "above", "over" + στάζω (stazo) - "to drip" ) or a nosebleed is the relatively common occurrence of hemorrhage from the nose, usually noticed when ...
VEGF Drug Helps in Rare Vascular Disorder
was associated with a decrease in cardiac output and reduced duration and number of episodes of Epistaxis. Bevacizumab (Avastin) may improve cardiac function and cut down on potentially life-threatening nose bleeds from a rare genetic vascular ...
Learn about Epistaxis, which is also more commonly known as a nosebleed.
Management of Acute EPISTAXIS - Diseases & Conditions - Medscape ...
Epistaxis is defined as acute hemorrhage from the nostril, nasal cavity, or nasopharynx. It is a frequent emergency department (ED) complaint and often ...
May 24, 2011 ... Epistaxis, or bleeding from the nose, is a common complaint.
ecessive nose bleeding (EPISTAXIS)?
a friend of mine says she gets nose bleeding whenever shes exposed to sweltering heat of the sun. this city is sizziling in summer times. but why is that and how can she prevent it?
Answer: Blood ppressure can cause Epistaxis, sometimes gargleing with warm salty water three times a day helps.drink plenty of fluids, to remove toxic waste products. nasal drops but they are only for temporary benifit some of these may help but at the end of the day your friend really needs to see a doctor
Category: Other - Health
Nosebleed (EPISTAXIS)
Nosebleeds, called Epistaxis, can be messy and even scary, but often look worse than they are. Many can be treated at home, but some do require medical care.
when does a nosebleed (EPISTAXIS) become defined as severe?
Answer: when it last more than 15 minutes or reoccurs shorly after
Category: Other - Diseases
EPISTAXIS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Epistaxis (from Greek επιστάζω (epistazo) to bleed from the nose: επί (epi) - "above", "over" + στάζω (stazo) - "to drip" [from the nostrils]) or a ...
Anterior EPISTAXIS Management
http://www.buzzle.com/img/articleImages/342346-2015-5.jpg Background Epistaxis is a common problem in the emergency department (ED). Generally, it is relatively benign, but it can sometimes produce serious, ...
Late Stage Data Demonstrated Long-Term Nasal Symptom Relief and Improvement in Quality of Life
QNASL TM was generally well tolerated with a safety profile similar to placebo with the exception of Epistaxis, which occurred more frequently with the active treatment. The most commonly reported adverse events (5% or more subjects) were ...
what are the effects of EPISTAXIS arterial ligation?
Answer: Patients presenting with Epistaxis are anxious and fear bleeding to death. Although death from Epistaxis is rare, it can occur, and significant morbidity is relatively common.5 and 34 Although most pediatric Epistaxis is treated on an outpatient basis, older patients (>60 years old) more often require hospital admission.25 and 44 Initial management of Epistaxis is directed at stopping the bleeding, and long-term treatment is directed at discovering and correcting the underlying cause. This article updates current management options.
Category: Respiratory Diseases
Management of Acute EPISTAXIS
Jun 7, 2011 ... Epistaxis is defined as acute hemorrhage from the nostril, nasal cavity, or nasopharynx.
EPISTAXIS definition - Medical Dictionary definitions of popular ...
Epistaxis: Medical term for nosebleed. The nose is a part of the body that is very rich in blood vessels (vascular) and is situated in a vulnerable position on the ...
EPISTAXIS | Reticulum Rex Medical Centre
The inside of the nose is covered with a moist and delicate mucosa has many blood vessels on its surface. When this tissue is injured by a small cut or scratch,
Effect of Bevacizumab Among Patients With Hereditary Blood Vessel Disorder
The median cardiac index at 6 months was significantly lower than before treatment. Average duration of Epistaxis (bleeding from the nose), which was 221 minutes per month at inclusion, had significantly decreased at 3 months (134 minutes ...
This Week in JAMA
Dupuis-Girod and colleagues found that administration of bevacizumab—a vascular endothelial growth factor inhibitor—was associated with a decrease in cardiac output and with reduced duration and number of episodes of Epistaxis. After moving from a ...
what is the best position to a client with EPISTAXIS?
Answer: sitting, leaning slightly forward and steady pressure on the nose, just below where it's hard (where the bone starts). Make sure they hold steady pressure for at least 5 min (preferably 10).
Category: Respiratory Diseases
Study Examines Use of Bevacizumab Among Patients with Hereditary Blood Vessel Disorder
The median cardiac index at 6 months was significantly lower than before treatment. Average duration of Epistaxis (bleeding from the nose), which was 221 minutes per month at inclusion, had significantly decreased at 3 months (134 minutes) and 6 months (43 minutes).
Management of. Epistaxis CORRY J. KUCIK, LT, MC, USN, and TIMOTHY CLENNEY, CDR, MC, USN Naval Hospital Jacksonville, Jacksonville, Florida Family physicians ...
The Case of the Soldier-Statesman With a Bloated Belly
He had been feeling tired for several months and had had had several episodes of Epistaxis, which were difficult to control. He was seen by several consultants, who recommended a minor abdominal procedure that was performed on at least 2 occasions.
How to prevent nose bleeding and how to stop it when it happens?
I have a ten-year-old nephew, he often suffers from nose bleeds( Epistaxis). How to prevent nose bleeding and how to stop it when it happens?
Answer: I agree that you need to determine what is causing the nosebleeds. You might find relief from a simple saline solution sprayed into the nose to keep the membranes soft. To stop a nosebleed: take a small amount of tissue or any kind of paper (even a gum wrapper) wad it up and bite down with the back molars just for a few minutes. It stops the blood flow and the nose bleed will stop.
Category: Respiratory Diseases
EPISTAXIS-Is there any doctor willing to answer this?
Is there any permanent cure for Epistaxis? I mean other than quadrisation? will the homeopathy helps in this regard? Please furnish the answers, and do not give me any webpage link.
Answer: it depends on the cause of your Epistaxis.
It is important to get to the root of the problem and not just treat the symptoms.
If it is an abberant vessel cautery might be the only solution, chemical or electrical.
go and see a doctor to have this problem fixed.
Category: Alternative Medicine
Aptalis Pharma Announces FDA Approval of ULTRESA(TM) Pancrelipase Delayed Release Capsules and VIOKACE(TM) Pancrelipase Tablets
The most common adverse reactions (= 7% of patients treated with ULTRESA(TM)) were headache, pharyngolaryngeal pain, and Epistaxis. -- Use of ULTRESA(TM) in pediatric patients is limited by the available capsule dosage strengths and their ...
Epistaxis http://t.co/3pNUV06L
From: Azrael196 - Source: LinkedIn
@_Epistaxis ça va?
From: arebiere - Source: Tweetbot for iOS
@_Epistaxis Bonsoir, Bonsoir! :)
From: arebiere - Source: Tweetbot for iOS
ALL HERBAL. Styplon - Hemorrage for, bleeding gums; bleeding hemorrhoids; Epistaxis; abnormal uterine bleeding http://t.co/YrrOTszf
From: kristina_1u - Source: SocialOomph
@paolamacaronni haha no todavía no me toca, creo q tuve Epistaxis y lo único con lo q me pude cubrir fue con mi sabana
From: Hakimgzl89 - Source: Twitter for iPhone
RT @Allergy: Video Shows an Unusual Cause of Epistaxis: A Leech http://t.co/xuECTjRD
From: adarsh - Source: Buffer
Video Shows an Unusual Cause of Epistaxis: A Leech http://t.co/xuECTjRD
From: Allergy - Source: Buffer
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From: zydacecymuhi - Source: web
I would if I knew what that meant... "@SadKidz: @Big_C_42 give. Her an Epistaxis sole"
From: Big_C_42 - Source: Twitter for Android
@Big_C_42 give. Her an Epistaxis sole
From: SadKidz - Source: Twitter for Android
Epistaxis lang.. Hayts
From: mHarjojorie - Source: Twitter for iPhone
meet the medic: Épistaxis
Du grec ancien ἐπισταξις, composé... http://t.co/FtCEyU5P // Anatomie, Nez, Saignement, Épistaxis
From: GeoffreyRoman - Source: ifttt
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From: noxebojuzoxex - Source: web