Actualité : Videos
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Actualité : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites
Do you think Courtney Loves daughter, Frances Bean is pretty?
those eyes, wow.
Answer: Frances Bean si very pretty. It is such a shame that her mother is Courtney love because Love is such a drunk, stupid and arrogant women who only cares about Drugs and alcohol.
Category: Celebrities
Le résumé de la journée de campagne du mardi 13 mars: Trois nouveaux candidats ont leurs 500 parrainages... Sarkozy critiqué à létranger...
Africa: Tech Entrepreneurship Bubbling in the Developing World
l’Actualité porte sur la hausse des prix de communications mobile, le mauvais temps, la connexion internet capricieuse… Mais au milieu de tout ce foutoir, il y a une autre “crise” grandissante: l’arnaque pyramidale. [..] Il n’y a pas encore de ...
Yahoo! ACTUALITés - Toute l'ACTUALITé en France et dans le monde
Suivez l'Actualité en France et dans le monde sur Yahoo! Actualités. Consultez et recherchez dans la source d'information la plus complète du web.
Bell to buy Astral Media for $3.4 billion
Its publishing business produces several magazines, such as Macleans, Chatelaine, Flare, Hello! Canada, L’actualite and Canadian Business. Quebecor Inc.: The Montreal-based empire owns TVA, the largest French-language private broadcaster in North America.
Égypte-égyptologie : ACTUALITé de l'édition (07/03/2012) | Egypt-actus
Égypte-égyptologie : Actualité de l'édition (07/03/2012). “Texts from the Baboon and Falcon Galleries”, by John Ray. Texts from the Baboon and Falcon Galleries Demotic, Hieroglyphic and Greek Inscriptions from the Sacred ...
ACTUALITés à la une. ACTUALITé du jour politique, monde. Info ...
Actualités Orange : toute l Actualité du jour en France et dans le monde en direct. Vidéos, infos et dépêches de l actu politique, économique, culturelle, people
Toute lACTUALITé en direct - photos et vidéos avec Libération ...
Tout savoir sur les dernières Actualités politiques, monde, société, sports, écologie avec le journal en ligne Libération. - Le site internet du journal Ouest France
LActualité du jour, les infos des régions Bretagne, Pays de la Loire et Basse-Normandie. Information complétée par des dossiers spéciaux.
L'ACTUALITé - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
L'Actualité is a Canadian French-language news and general interest magazine published in Montreal by Les Éditions Rogers, which is owned by Rogers ...
Translate these French phrases/sentences into meaningful English?
I can literally translate them, but not into English that actually makes sense..
Please help? (Sorry for missing accents)
1. Readorer le blason de grammaire
2. Faire le menage dans les methodes de lecture
3. Apprendre plus tot les quatre operations
4. Le redoublement toujours dactualite
5. Donner des punitions collectives
6. Chanter les Marseaillaise
Answer: 1. Restoring the reputation of grammar [you probably meant 'redorer', didn't you?]
2. Organizing the methodology of reading comprehension
3. Learning the four arithmetical operations sooner
4. Always staying relevant and up to date
5. Giving collective discipline [as opposed to individual punishments]
6. Singing the Marseillaise
Category: Languages
Sujets dACTUALITé en économie?
Bonjour tout le monde,
je souhaiterai savoir ou est-ce que je peux avoir une idée sur lActualité en économie
pour savoir quels sont les sujets dActualité en économie , économie sociale ? économie de religion ??
Je vous remercie davance
Answer: Yo no se, Amigo.
Tal vez podríamos utilizar un lenguaje común - como el Inglés
Category: Higher Education (University +)
Le Figaro - ACTUALITés
A la Une : Retrouvez toute lActualité en France, à linternational, lActualité économique et politique avec Le Figaro
Which one is the sexier beast?
Picture A
Picture B
I cant decide between the two.
Thank you
Answer: And why isn't my picture up there??
Category: 2006 FIFA World Cup(TM)
The product of a collaboration between the Montreal Economic Institute and L' Actualité magazine, this website provides you with information on the high school ...
ACTUALITés en vidéo - Info, economie, politique, toutes l'ACTUALITé en ...
Vidéos d'Actualité et d'informations en temps réels ? Découvrez les dernières vidéos liées à l'Actualité en France et dans le monde. Toutes les vidéos ...
Anyone speak french can help?
Can someone please tell me what is being said and what it is about in the link above, thank you.
Category: Languages
Why a lie a day helps you work, rest and play...and thats the truth, honest
God, too, is not above being a little economical with the Actualité, as the late Alan Clark put it. In Genesis, God tells Adam and Eve that they will die if they eat the forbidden fruit. They go ahead - and they don’t die. Well, not immediately anyway., information en continu. ACTUALITés, Politique ...
Actualité; économie; planète; cinéma; sport; tech/web; bons plans; société; monde; insolite; people; foot; le rewind; lecteurs; présidentielle 2012; culture; médias; rugby
Philly Fed Survey Results Suggest Continued Expansion in ... est un magazine aéronautique en ligne disponible gratuitement et fournissant des contenus divers et variés (Actualités, fiches techniques, dossiers, biographies, histoire de l'aéronautique, etc.) ainsi qu'un espace ...
Mulcair NDPs best hope to battle Harper
The most thorough profile of Mulcair yet written was done last spring by Alex Castonguay in LActualite, Macleans sister publication in Quebec. It reveals Mulcair to be, like Brian Topp, one of a rarefied subgroup in Quebec and Canadian politics ...
Le Point – ACTUALITé Politique, Monde, France, Économie, High ...
Retrouvez lActualité française et internationale sur le portail Le Point, et toute l’information sur l’élection présidentielle 2012, la politique, l ...
How do you say in english: "Ce nest plus dACTUALITé entre nous"?
Thank you!
@Kellie, yes I know this. But thank you to answered me.
@Ginger, hmm yes I think that its closer to what I want to say.
@Geinger, you changed? I think it was closer no?
@Nice Dani! Thank you!
Answer: It means that something between us is now in the past. In this case "Actualité" doesn't mean news, it means "current".
The sentence litterally means "It is no longer current between us" ie. "we are now passed that"
Category: Languages
Can any one translate le grande herbdomadaire de lactualite mondiale into english for me please thanx?
Answer: Herbdomadaire the big news of the world
Category: Languages
What kind of cars do they use in the movie Death Proof by Quentin Tarantino?
I mainly want to know what the car is that the 2nd group of girls drive. The yellow and black one.
that one. :)
thanks if you know it. I have googled this question but i never get a solid answer.
i know a mustang. but what year and all that?
Answer: It's a Ford Mustang
The link you provided contains "death-proof-ford-mustang"
It's a 1974 Ford Mustang Mach I.
Category: Movies
L'ACTUALITé | Informations politique, monde, économie, société ...
Mensuel québécois d'information sur l'Actualité. Sommaire du numéro, éditorial et articles sélectionnés. Courrier, abonnement, archives, programme ...
Informations complètes et à jour, compilées par Google Actualités à partir de sources dActualités du monde entier
1909 Aviation Week at Rheims PARIS For the next week the eyes of the whole world will be turned towards Rheims. The capital of Champagne has shown a keen sense of Actualité and realized that the psychological moment in aviation had come, and that the art of flight is now out of its swaddling clothes and able to take its place in a well-ordered
ACTUALITé de l'Intelligence économique (Competitive Intelligence ...
Via – The Information Specialist's Scoop. Dossier Delicious réalisé par le Master 2 Intelligence Economique Territoriale de l'Université de Toulon, consacré à l'Actualité de l'Intelligence économique et Territoriale.
Independent Tribune Juive turns 30
The Tribune’s subtitle is Revue de l’Actualité culturelle. Sroka, who was born in Morocco and grew up in Israel, is first and foremost a Zionist. She identifies with the left and is an ardent feminist. She was raised on a kibbutz among Ashkenazim and ...
French › Level three lessons › Current events · L'ACTUALITé ...
Apr 27, 2011 ... /ak.tɥ, news, current affairs, Le souci de l'Actualité est l'essence du journalisme. Un bon journaliste est à l'affût des Actualités. Concern for ...
Égypte-égyptologie : ACTUALITé de l'édition (09/03/2012) | Egypt-actus
Égypte-égyptologie : Actualité de l'édition (09/03/2012). “Den of Thebes”, by Maria Golia. Excerpt from A Short History of Tomb-Raiding, a work in progress : Maria Golia reveals how a family of 19th-century tomb-robbers who ...
Informations complètes et à jour, compilées par Google Actualités à partir de sources d'Actualités du monde entier.
Where can I find older issues of the magazine "Les Dossiers de lACTUALITé" online?
I need them for a french project that I forgot to do
Où pouvoir je trouve les anciens numéros du journal "Les Dossiers de lActualité" en ligne?
Jai besoin deux pour un projet dans mon cours de Français.
Answer: This is not free.
Category: Languages
Special Offer for Direct Air Customers - Dépêches - ACTUALITé ... est un magazine aéronautique en ligne disponible gratuitement et fournissant des contenus divers et variés (Actualités, fiches techniques, dossiers, biographies, histoire de l'aéronautique, etc.) ainsi qu'un espace ...
ACTUALITé internet et buzz - Choreography + EL wire: Wrecking Crew ...
( Here's Japan's Wrecking Crew Orchestra performing some pretty wonderful dance moves made all the better by their electroluminescent wire garments, which cause them to seemingly wink in and out of ...
LExpress - ACTUALITés Politique, Monde, Economie et Culture
Information à la Une : lActualité et linformation en direct sur Infos politiques, internationales, économiques, sportives et culturelles
Vous trouverez plus bas lActualité du mois qui est résumée par notre excellent collègue
A NATION AT WAR: DEMONSTRATIONS; French Rallies Against War Shift Focus To Israel
The antiwar movement in France has turned anti-Israeli, as demonstrations against the war in Iraq have evolved into a platform for French Arab Muslims to attack Israel and even for Jews to protest Israeli treatment of the Palestinians. Today, as tens of thousands of protesters against the American-led war took to the streets in Paris, 5,000 police - Antiwar movement in France turns anti-Israel as demonstrations against war in Iraq evolve into platform for French Arab Muslims to attack Israel and even Jews to protest Israeli treatment of Palestinians; there are pockets of violence and several people are attacked and treated for injuries at hospitals (M) - By ELAINE SCIOLINO
French deputies ask why Irish people doesnt want to pay Tax for European jobless?
Answer: Irish dont consider themselves part of Europe thus they dont want to have to pay for the european jobless
Category: Civic Participation
ACTUALITé : toute lACTUALITé en continu sur LInternaute Magazine
Actualité : dossiers complets, récapitulatifs en images, brèves de dernières minutes, sondages. Suivez lActualité heure par heure et en images avec LInternaute ...
Den Tandt: Mulcair is NDPs best hope to do battle with Harper
The most thorough profile of Mulcair yet written was done last spring by Alex Castonguay in LActualite, Macleans sister publication in Quebec. It reveals Mulcair to be, like Brian Topp, one of a rarefied sub-group in Quebec and Canadian politics ...
LACTUALITé | Informations politique, monde, économie, société ...
Mensuel québécois dinformation sur lActualité. Sommaire du numéro, éditorial et articles sélectionnés. Courrier, abonnement, archives, programme pédagogique ...
ACTUALITé Homair Vacances (ALHOM FR0010307322)
HOMAIR Vacances has concluded the sale of the land relative to six of its own campsites. To ensure a long-term operational control over these sites, a long-term leasing agreement has been signed in parallel. This innovative transaction yields gross ...
Le - ACTUALITé à la Une
Le - 1er site d'information. Les articles du journal et toute l'Actualité en continu : International, France, Société, Economie, Culture, Environnement, ...
Help Translate from French to English?
Il représente cette horreur grâce à lemploi de formes très crues montrant la cruauté humaine. Le bombardement de GUERNICA fit 2000 victimes essentiellement des femmes et des enfants.
Guernica est une huile sur toile mesurant 7 m 52 de long sur 3 m 51 de largeur. Le tableau est composé de couleurs monochromes symboliques. En effet, cela accentue limpression de mort. Les formes géométriques, quant à elles, rappellent lart primitif africain. La toile est découpée en plans triangulaires et se présente comme un montage de lActualité de lépoque en noir et blanc. Ce découpage du tableau intensifie toute lhorreur de la guerre.
Elle a la forme dun oeil ce qui peut représenter loeil du peintre qui souhaite montrer sa perception de lévénement. Elle peut signifier la lueur despoir malgré la tragédie de ce bombardement.
Le taureau à gauche est lincarnation de la brutalité, de lobscurité dans la corrida. Dans ce tableau, il représente les Nationalistes dans cette guerre.
Le cheval, quant à lui, incarne la victime innocente de cette corrida. Les différentes figures de lanimal traduisent la terreur, la douleur. Ce cheval représente le peuple opprimé et les Républicains.
La colombe symbolise la paix. Or ici, elle se situe entre le taureau et le cheval et on peut remarquer quelle sefface dans lobscurité ce qui signifie que la paix est impossible entre les deux parties, qui sopposent dans cette guerre, les Républicains et les Nationalistes.
Le fantôme tient dans sa main une bougie. Il montre lindignation de la communauté internationale qui veut faire la lumière sur ce qui vient de se passer.
La fleur, en bas au centre, symbolise la fragilité, la vie et lespérance.
La mère à gauche, celle-ci a le sein dénudé et tient un enfant mort dans ses bras. Nous pouvons constater que ses yeux ont la forme de larmes ce qui accentue le désespoir. Ce symbole montre que la maternité est impossible, ainsi quele désespoir des paysans opprimés dans cette guerre.
Le soldat, on le voit lépée brisée. Il montre la détermination, la valeur, la lutte jusquà la mort. Il symbolise limpossibilité de continuer la lutte, linégalité des armes, il est les Républicains. En effet, les républicains navaient pas les moyens militaires que possédaient les nationalistes.
La femme qui boîte se situe en bas à droite. Sa blessure à la jambe lempêche de marcher, elle est fascinée par la lumière de lampoule. Elle crie la liberté, lidéal inaccessible. Malgré son handicap, elle continue de marcher vers la liberté.
Le prisonnier est brulé vif. Nous pouvons constater quil implore Dieu le bras levé au ciel. Ses yeux sont en forme de larmes ce qui signifie la souffrance et la douleur.
Guernica est un tableau militant contre le conflit espagnol qui débuta en 1936. Toutefois, malgré ses 68 ans, ce tableau na malheureusement pas perdu une ride.
Thanks for your help in advance and please dont give me translated pages from online translators!
BTW- if you cant, you dont have to translate the whole thing! Just try to translate as much as you can. Merci kteer kteer!
Answer: It represents this horror thanks to the job of very raw forms showing human cruelty. The bombardment of GUERNICA did 2000 victims essentially of the women and children.
Guernica is an oil on canvas measuring 7 m 52 of long one on 3 m 51 of width. The picture is composed from colors monochromes symbolic. In fact, that stresses the death impression. The geometric forms, as for them, recall the African primitive art. The canvas is cut in triangular plans and presents itself as a mounting of the current event of the era in black and white. This picture cutting intensifies all the horror of the war.
She has the form of an eye which can represent the eye of the painter that wishes to show his event perception. She can mean the hope glimmer despite the tragedy of this bombardment.
The bull to the left is the brutality incarnation, obscurity in the bullfight. In this picture, it represents the Nationalist ones in this war.
The horse, for his part, embody the innocent victim of this bullfight. The different faces of the animal translate the terror, the pain. This horse represents the oppressed people and the Republicans.
The dove symbolizes peace. Now here, she is situated between the bull and the horse and one can notice that she obliterates herself in obscurity which means that peace is impossible between the two parties, that oppose themselves in this war, the Republicans and the Nationalist ones.
The ghost holds in his hand a candle. It shows the indignation of the international community that wants to do the light on what has just happened.
The flower, down below to the center, symbolize the brittleness, life and hope.
The mother to the left, this one has the bare breast and holds a dead child in its arms. We can note that its eyes have the tear form which stresses despair. This symbol shows that maternity is impossible, thus which despair of the oppressed peasants in this war.
The soldier, one sees it the broken sword. It shows the determination, the value, the fight to the death. It symbolizes the impossibility to continue the fight, weapon inequality, it is the Republicans. In fact, the republicans had not the military means that possessed the nationalist ones.
The woman that can is situated down below to right. His injury to the leg prevents it from walk, she is fascinated by the bulb light. She screams liberty, inaccessible ideal. Despite his handicap, she continues to walk towards liberty.
The prisoner is lively brulé. We can note that it implores God the raised arm to the sky. Its eyes are in tear form which means the suffering and the pain.
Guernica is a picture campaigning against the Spanish conflict that began in 1936. Nevertheless, despite its 68 years, this picture did not unfortunately lose a wrinkle.
Category: Languages
ACTUALITés en vidéo - Info, economie, politique, toutes l ...
Vidéos d’Actualité et d’informations en temps réels ? Découvrez les dernières vidéos liées à l’Actualité en France et dans le monde. Toutes les vidéos ...
What kind of hairstyle is this?
and is it possible for me to get this hair cut if i go to a professional salon¤t=mr.jpg
my hair is like that length but that day it was acting weird
Answer: It's a faux hawk or fohawk. It's simple. Just push your hair to the middle with gel. And I also like the way you have your hair now. But It's really just the way you gel it. Have them cut the sides and you'll look like the pic
Category: Hair
LOL - Is this the kind of picture that makes Republicans want to wage a Jihad?
(For those of you that dont know, the "other guy" is Sarkozy - The President of France!)
Maybe theyll share a basket of "Freedom Fries" with eachother...
Answer: Wow, Bush looks like he's trying to make a pass...and Sarkozy is trying to push 'im away..!
Nice pic. I'm sure the Radical Right is going to blast you, and try to give you a violation for posting the question.
Just be forewarned.:)
Category: Politics
ESI Announces Pilot Version of Adjoint Solver for Design ... est un magazine aéronautique en ligne disponible gratuitement et fournissant des contenus divers et variés (Actualités, fiches techniques, dossiers, biographies, histoire de l'aéronautique, etc.) ainsi qu'un espace ...
Égypte-égyptologie : ACTUALITé de l'édition (13/03/2012) | Egypt-actus
Égypte-égyptologie : Actualité de l'édition (13/03/2012). “From the Ptolemies to the Romans: Political and Economic Change in Egypt”, by Professor Andrew Monson. “This book gives a structured account of Egypt's transition ...
history help????? (continued)?
6. “Découvrez lActualité, lhistoire et les coulisses du cinéma au travers de nombreux interviews, portraits, dossiers et reportages sur les tournages des films et documentaires.” What does this French statement mean?
7. Find the names of the Saudi royal family. Include pictures of at least three of them.
Citations for names and pictures:
8. What mathematical calculation is capable of predicting how far an artillery shell will go when fired at a certain angle? Give two numbers that could be used to predict the distance for a 60mm M49A2 HE round.
9. How many times would you have to run goal line to goal line on a soccer field to run a marathon?
Citation of where you found your information to answer this question:
10. Report the phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species of Bagheera and Shere Khan?
Answer: Get lost Rockmaster - do your own damn homework.
Category: Quotations
Info et ACTUALITé en direct - Toutes les ACTUALITés et infos ...
Les Infos : linformation au quotidien et en continu. LActualité nationale, internationale, politique, économique, culturelle, people, insolite, sciences ...
Yahoo! ACTUALITés - Toute lACTUALITé en France et dans le monde
Suivez l’Actualité en France et dans le monde sur Yahoo! Actualités. Consultez et recherchez dans la source d’information la plus complète du web
Slaughterhouse Quebec, or, That’s a halal of a way to make a country
In my last blog post for L’Actualité a year ago, before I admitted to myself that I couldn’t devote that project as much time as it deserved, I quoted at length from an excellent analysis by UQAM sociologist Micheline Milot, who talked ...
Can someone please translate this video?
Could someone please give me the french transcript of this video or translate into english?
Answer: You can use the Babylon Translator to translate this text. Use it to help you with the translation and meaning of words. This makes it easier to translate the text by yourself.
Download the Babylon in:
Category: Languages
Was Jane Austen edited? Does it matter?
"A storm in a teacup" is the British version of the idiom, and its hard to imagine a more apt example than the squall that blew up recently over the claim by Oxford professor Kathryn Sutherland that Jane Austen was actually a sloppy writer. Sutherland was publicizing a new website that has put 1000 pages of Austens manuscripts online. According to her, the manuscripts are full of faulty spelling, break every rule of English grammar, and give no sign of the polished punctuation we see in the novels. She concluded that Austens prose must have been heavily edited for publication, quite possibly by the querulous critic William Gifford.
Its a measure of Austens rock-star status that those claims got international coverage as a major celebrity scandal. The BBC headed its report "Jane Austens Elegant Style may not be Hers." The French media website Actualité led with "Jane Austen massacred the English language," and the Italian daily Il Giornale used the headline "Austen Revised and Corrected by a Man!"
Not surprisingly, those stories provoked a swell of indignation from the blogs and websites of the Janeroots. The Janeites are the only literary cultists who take their title from their idols given name, and theyre apt to take criticisms of her personally. And Austens defenders made some telling points. For one thing, theres no evidence that any editor ever took a blue pencil to Austens prose, and we dont have so much as a page of the manuscripts of the novels that she submitted to her publishers. All that Sutherland or anybody else has to go on is the manuscripts for some teenage juvenilia and the rough drafts of some unfinished or discarded works.
"A storm in a teacup" is the British version of the idiom, and its hard to imagine a more apt example than the squall that blew up recently over the claim by Oxford professor Kathryn Sutherland that Jane Austen was actually a sloppy writer. Sutherland was publicizing a new website that has put 1000 pages of Austens manuscripts online. According to her, the manuscripts are full of faulty spelling, break every rule of English grammar, and give no sign of the polished punctuation we see in the novels. She concluded that Austens prose must have been heavily edited for publication, quite possibly by the querulous critic William Gifford.
Its a measure of Austens rock-star status that those claims got international coverage as a major celebrity scandal. The BBC headed its report "Jane Austens Elegant Style may not be Hers." The French media website Actualité led with "Jane Austen massacred the English language," and the Italian daily Il Giornale used the headline "Austen Revised and Corrected by a Man!"
Not surprisingly, those stories provoked a swell of indignation from the blogs and websites of the Janeroots. The Janeites are the only literary cultists who take their title from their idols given name, and theyre apt to take criticisms of her personally. And Austens defenders made some telling points. For one thing, theres no evidence that any editor ever took a blue pencil to Austens prose, and we dont have so much as a page of the manuscripts of the novels that she submitted to her publishers. All that Sutherland or anybody else has to go on is the manuscripts for some teenage juvenilia and the rough drafts of some unfinished or discarded works.
But who supplied the punctuation in the novels? Was it Austen herself, or her publisher John Murray, or some nameless editor or compositor? Nobody knows. And if we were talking about almost any other writer, nobody would care, either. Fitzgerald or Hemingways literary luster wouldnt be tarnished if it transpired that their punctuation had been revised by an editor (though maybe Kerouacs would). But when people talk about Austens style, theyre thinking of those shapely clauses making their measured way from one semicolon to the next. And if it turns out the semicolons were actually put there by someone else, is it right to say that the style is hers?
Truth to tell, its an embarrassing question. It reveals a certain obtuseness — about writers and style, and not least, about the semicolon. People have the idea that mastering the semicolon is the acme of prose artistry, as if the mark itself could call a logical structure into being. As one grammarian put it, the semicolon is the mortar that joins two ideas into a greater one. But semicolons dont create a structure; they just point to one. Its nice to know where a semicolon is supposed to go, but its nothing to swell your chest over. The artistry is in being able to write sentences that require one.
Answer: EVERY book is edited.
Category: Gender & Women's Studies
Le : ACTUALITé à la Une
Le - 1er site dinformation. Les articles du journal et toute lActualité en continu : International, France, Société, Economie, Culture, Environnement ...
Technologie : “le robot de la méduse”: Le robot, nommé Robojelly, ressemble à une méduse jusque dans sa manière ...
From: WWRobots - Source: twitterfeed
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Le Figaro - France : Juifs et musulmans dénoncent le risque damalgame via @le_figaro
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@djerbapropre Suivez l Actualité geek... Suivez @GeekiosWD :)
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@SamiHsnbey Suivez l Actualité geek... Suivez @GeekiosWD :)
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@WeatherTunisia Suivez l Actualité geek... Suivez @GeekiosWD :)
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@veritable_vote Suivez l Actualité geek... Suivez @GeekiosWD :)
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RT @Donjipez Cancer: leffet bénéfique de laspirine confirmé : Cancer: leffet bénéfiqu...
From: benoitnaveau - Source: twitterfeed
Iggy Pop en français dans le texte
From: MatthieuAu - Source: Tweet Button
Tournoi de Saint-Gratien #judo #fr
From: livejudoactu - Source: Google
Demi-finales des championnats de France Juniors #judo #fr
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Miami 2012: Mahut lutte face à Gonzalez #tennis #fr
From: livetennisactu - Source: Google
Miami 2012: Mahut face à Gonzalez en direct #tennis #fr
From: livetennisactu - Source: Google
Tournoi de Saint-Etienne #judo #fr
From: livejudoactu - Source: Google