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What is the impossible equation that Jean Luc PICARD tells Riker in Star Trek TNG?
I remember it being in an early episode where Riker didnt have a beard, but I dont remember what episode it was and what the equation was, only that at some point Picard said factor of three. Anyone know the equation or the episode or (preferably) both? I think it had something to do with a french mathematician, but I might be wrong.
Answer: Jean Luc, you spas.
Mate, I don't know the equation, but I think its the very first episode, where they encounter Q for the first time.
Category: Other - Television
BATS; An App Thats Right Out of Dickensian London
A ruling is expected in federal court as soon as next week on whether the trustee for the victims of Bernard L. Madoffs massive fraud can appeal a decision that would make it difficult to recover potentially hundreds of millions of dollars from the owners of the Mets. The appeal must be approved by United States District Judge Jed S. Rakoff, who - Museum of London releases iPhone and iPad app to coincide with exhibition celebrating the 200th anniversary of the birth of Charles Dickens; program uses illustrations, voiceovers and an overlay on a Google map of London to show the streets as they were in the 1800s. Photo (M) - By RICHARD SANDOMIR
PICARD - definition of PICARD by the Free Online Dictionary ...
Pi·card (p-kär), Jean 1620-1682. French cleric and astronomer who made an accurate measurement of a degree of meridian and subsequently calculated the circumference ...
Penguins Recall Defenseman PICARD from Wilkes-Barre/Scranton
The Pittsburgh Penguins have recalled defenseman Alexandre Picard from Wilkes-Barre/Scranton of the American Hockey League, it was announced today by executive vice president and general manager Ray Shero. Picard, 26, will be appearing in his third stint ...
Jean-Luc PICARD - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Captain Jean-Luc Picard is a Star Trek character portrayed by Patrick Stewart. He appears in the television series Star Trek: The Next Generation and the feature ...
Christianity Scares Captian PICARD - The Woman Rebel "No Gods ...
Christianity Scares Captian Picard · 1.6 million reasons why Banksters don't deserve a ... Why Are We Forced to Worship at the Feet of 'Mythi... Rich people less empathetic than the poor: study · Dennis Kucinich on the NDAA ...
Lorraine A. PICARD (Lemire) Chapdelaine
Lorraine A. Picard Chapdelaine 1928 - 2011 CHICOPEE Lorraine A. (Lemire) Picard Chap-delaine, age 83, passed away on Dec.16, 2011 at home surrounded by family. She was born on Aug. 22, 1928 in Chicopee, a daughter of the late Ernest and Anne (Partyka ...
What would happen in the kirk vs PICARD battle?
What if the Enterprise from star trek 2: the wrath of khan battled the enterprise a from star trek first contact. What will happen if both crews from the ship fought eachother?
Answer: If the Enterprise from Wrath of Khan went against the Enterprise-E from First Contact, the Enterprise -E would win easily. The Enterprise-E is armed with the most advanced Federation weaponry of any starship in the fleet. It is also a much larger vessel, (at least twice the length of Kirk's ship).
Armaments/tactical systems:
Enterprise (NCC-1701)
- 18 ball and turret phaser emitters
- 02 photon torpedo launchers (forward)
- 23rd century deflector shirlds
Enterprise-E (NCC1701-E)
- First Contact Configuration
- 12 phaser arrays
- 01 quantum torpedo bay
- 03 photon torpedo bays
- 24th century high capacity deflector shields
To answer the crew combat situation, the Enterprise-E has a much larger crew (855 crew members) than the original Enterprise's crew (~432). The Enterprise-E also carries more advanced handheld weapons such as the phaser rifle and the advanced type-2 hand phaser, compared to the type-2 hand phasers that Kirk's crew would have.
As much as I know this answer may pain fans of the Original series, The Enterprise-E from First Contact would win the battle very easily just because of the ~100 year difference between the technologies found onboard the two starships.
Enterprise-E wins.
Category: Comics & Animation
What opera song was PICARD listening to on the Enterprise in First Contact?
In the movie First Contact, Picard was listening to an opera song in his quarters as Riker was bringing in the report of the neutral zone. What was it?
Answer: "Vallon Sonore" from the opera "Les Troyens". By Hector Berlioz.
Category: Movies
Picard 25 of 4,250 profiles | See all profiles on LinkedIn » View Full Profile; Nelson Picard (nelson @ Picard . ca)
MusicBrainz PICARD - MusicBrainz
MusicBrainz Picard is a cross-platform (Linux/Mac OS X/Windows) application written in Python and is the official MusicBrainz tagger. Picard supports the majority of ...
Penguins Recall Eric Tangradi and Alexandre PICARD from Wilkes ...
The Pittsburgh Penguins have recalled forward Eric Tangradi and defenseman Alexandre Picard from Wilkes-Barre/Scranton of the American Hockey League, it was announced today by executive vice president and general ...
Mets Owners Seek to Avoid Trial by Jury in Madoff Case
The owners of the Mets are seeking to avoid a jury trial in the case filed against them by the trustee for the victims of Bernard L. Madoffs fraud. The owners could be forced to pay hundreds of millions of dollars in the case. In papers filed Friday in Federal District Court in Manhattan, lawyers for the teams owners said that the trustee, Irving - By RICHARD SANDOMIR
Justice Dept. Wont Investigate Former Top Lawyer at S.E.C. Over His Madoff Ties
The Justice Department has decided not to pursue an investigation into the role played by a former top lawyer at the Securities and Exchange Commission in the calculation of payouts to victims of Bernard L. Madoffs Ponzi scheme. The potential investigation was referred to federal prosecutors this fall after a report by the inspector general of the - By LOUISE STORY
Penguins Recall Eric Tangradi and Alexandre PICARD from Wilkes-Barre/Scranton
The Pittsburgh Penguins have recalled forward Eric Tangradi and defenseman Alexandre Picard from Wilkes-Barre/Scranton of the American Hockey League, it was announced today by executive vice president and general manager Ray Shero. Tangradi, 22, appeared ...
Why did PICARD make Worf operate the communications thingie?
I was watching an episode last night and Picard told Worf to call the aliens. But he was security, not communications. Its because hes black, isnt it?
Why is Picard always trying to keep the black man down??
If hes operating the communications thingie, should he wear the same uniform as Uhura? I think hed look good in it.
Answer: Picard is a white supremacist.
Category: Other - Television
Jean-Luc PICARD - Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki
"I've never known anyone with more drive, determination or more courage than Jean-Luc Picard." - J.P.
Star Trek PICARD, Jean-Luc
An accomplished diplomat and tactician, Picard managed to surpass a 22-year career as first officer and later captain of the U.S.S. Stargazer with an even more ...
Leadership Lesson from Captain PICARD « Linked 2 Leadership
While those hours at first blush may seem like time lost that could have been “sharpening the ax,” there is, however, at least one leadership lesson that can be learned from Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the Starship Enterprise. ...
How would captin PICARD from the starship enterprise greet a bible thumper knocking on his door?
Answer: He'd offer them tea and bitchslap them.
He's dealt with the Borg, Bible Thumpers are only the next step up...
"Worship my God. Resistance is FUTILE!"
Category: Religion & Spirituality
Madoff Controller Says She Faked Books, Was Unaware of Theft
Irving Picard, the trustee, sued Cotellessa-Pitz and her husband, Thomas Pitz, in 2010, seeking the return of money he claimed they received from the fraud. The SEC filed a civil complaint against her today. Cotellessa-Pitz, who lives in Ozone ...
Whats that Star Trek NTG episode where a less advanced civilization thinks that PICARD is a god?
Ive been trying to remember it so that I can show the episode to someone.
Answer: Season 3 episode 4.
"Who Watches the Watchers"
Category: Drama
Deutsche Bank Sued by Kingate Fund Over Madoff Settlement
Deutsche Bank agreed to buy $1.62 billion in claims from the funds in August, and has refused to complete the purchase because a proposed settlement between Kingate and Madoff estate trustee Irving Picard doesnt provide “sufficient protection ...
May 18, 2009 ... Picard comprises Java-based command-line utilities that manipulate SAM files, and a Java API (SAM-JDK) for creating new programs that read ...
Whats the relationship between Captain Jean-Luc PICARD and captain kirk?
Hi I dont anything about star trek but going to watch the new movie. So I am wondering Whats the relationship between Captain Jean-Luc Picard and captain kirk? Are they in totally differnt series?
Answer: There's about 71 years between the Star Trek movie where Kirk dies (Generations) and the first episode of STNG, when Picard was captain. So the only relationship between them was their position as captain & their meeting in "Generations".
They were completely different as captain. Kirk just charged in & used brute force, cleverness, charm, and luck to solve whatever problems he encountered. Picard usually used his intellect and analytical abilities to solve problems (although he wasn't against using brute force where needed).
Kirk had Spock to provide a logical restraint, Picard had Data.
They both had no problem finding hot alien women almost everywhere they went and were always surrounded by disposable crewmen wearing red shirts.
I liked both captains, but I liked the STNG villains better (especially Q)
Category: Movies
PICARD language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Picard is a language (or a set of languages) closely related to French, and as such is one of the larger group of Romance languages. It is spoken in two regions ...
PICARD - Tout sur lespace - CNES
The project main steps : Picard is an investigation dedicated to the simultaneous measurement of the absolute total and spectral solar irradiance, the diameter and ...
A Lasting Shadow
I made the tragic mistake of trying to change the way money was managed and was successful at the start, but lost my way after a while and refused to admit that I failed. -- Bernard L. Madoff, in an e-mail on Oct. 11, 2011 BERNIE MADOFF cant let go. He still hangs on each nugget of news from the outside, still points fingers, still spins his - By DIANA B. HENRIQUES
Jean-Luc PICARD - Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki
"Ive never known anyone with more drive, determination or more courage than Jean-Luc Picard." - J.P
Eric Tangradi and Alex PICARD Get the Call - PensBurgh
Two call ups ahead of tonight's game against Ottawa.
PICARD.fr - Vente produits surgelés - Recettes & conseils cuisine ...
Picard.fr : vente de produits alimentaires surgelés via son réseau de 800 magasins ou en livraison à domicile. Picard.fr et vous : des conseils d’experts avec ...
The PICARD Video - YouTube
Sep 10, 2006 ... edit: I'm tired of people not believing me that I am the original author of this video (NOT the music, that is not mine). So send me an email at the ...
How do I make a Jean Luc PICARD fake ID for a joke?
This is not for real use, so it can just be printed on paper. I want to make a "Jean Luc Picard of the United Federation of Planets" ID for my dad for his birthday - he LOVES that Refreshments song.
I hope you are not referring to me as one of the "stupid people"! Thanks for the ideas, guys!
Answer: Got a printer? Any paint programs, word processing programs? Like that there. And a quickie lamination sheet set with adhesive backed laminating would make it durable, and professional looking.
The world truly is full of stupid people, too.....and I seem to meet 90% of them, too. lol, GROANNNNN!
Category: Jokes & Riddles
WINE; German Rieslings, Too, Go Austere
ELTVILLE AM RHEIN, GERMANY -- Austerity is all the rage in Germany. Its budgeteers are not the only people spreading the word that less is more. Have you tried any German wine lately? While classic, sweet German Riesling still attracts a cult following in places like Britain and the United States, Germans now consider anything with even a hint of - By ERIC PFANNER
PICARD language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Picard is a language (or a set of languages) closely related to French, and as such is one of the larger group of Romance languages. It is spoken in two regions in ...
PICARD Surgeles: Information from Answers.com
Picard Surgeles is Frances leading frozen foods specialist. The Fontainebleau-based company operates as both a manufacturer and a distributor, with a network of more ...
Penguins rookie Despres getting his shot
After the bump in the road at this years Penguins training camp, Despres found a couple of mentors in Wilkes-Barre assistant Alain Nasreddine and veteran defenseman Alexandre Picard. "Both of us stayed out on the ice a lot after practices, worked on stuff ...
PICARD | Define PICARD at Dictionary.com
noun 1. Charles É·mile , 1620–82, French astronomer.
Google's Mohan Talks Agencies; PICARD On Remnant Display ...
On iMedia Connection, TRAFFIQ's Eric Picard tells publishers it's time to stop selling remnant display ad inventory. And he doesn't stop there as he offers - among other things - a critique on Yahoo!'s DSP strategy: "This is a bit ...
Mets Owners Will Face Jury if Madoff Case Goes to Trial
The owners of the Mets will face a jury should there be a trial in the case filed against them by the trustee for the victims of Bernard L. Madoffs fraud, a federal district judge ruled Wednesday. The Mets owners had opposed a jury trial. The case could be settled before the trial is scheduled to begin on March 19. Both sides are in mediation - Judge Jed S Rakoff rules that Mets owners Fred Wilpon and Saul Katz will face a jury should there be a trial in the case filed against them by the trustee for the victims of Bernard L Madoffs fraud. (M)/ - By RICHARD SANDOMIR
106: Halim Bourjeli (NM) won by forfeit; 113: Kyle Linder (NM) won by forfeit; 120: Thomas Connor (NM) pinned Sauv Syed 1:37; 126: Niko Stesantos (NM) pinned Christian Perez :54; 132: Matt Arnold (NM) pinned Jaimen Picard :29; 138: Sebastian ...
PICARD tools: - SEQanswers
Picard tools: Bioinformatics. ... I have been using Picard-tools a lot recently, For one of my data-sets, I get the below error. Can you help me figure, How to resolve the issue? Command line: java -jar SortSam.jar I= ...
bjkeefe: Nothing against Capt. PICARD, but ...
Nothing against Capt. Picard, but ... ... just in case you wanted something a little different from the familiar, here is a squirrel doing a facepalm. You're welcome! Especially you, David Miscavige! (Swiped from Ecoconsultancy: ...
Jarvis: Can Maghnieh rebrand the Roman Catholic school board?
In the ensuing uproar, then-board chairman Fred Alexander was nothing but aloof and board director Paul Picard was the height of arrogance. Parents went ballistic. Bowled over by the drubbing it took, the board wants out of the doghouse. “We want to ...
Greylock uses PICARD in post for first victory
NORTH ADAMS -- Tyler Picard may have scored only 11 points in the Mount Greylock’s season opener, but he played a much bigger role in the 53-52 win. The Mounties planted Picard down low and ran their offense through him all night, and it gave ...
Poor Benefit/Risk Balance of Intravenous Immunoglobulins in DRESS
Author Affiliations: INSERM U905 (Drs Joly, Janela, Picard, and Musette) and Department of Dermatology (Drs Joly, Tetart, Picard, and Musette), Rouen University Hospital, Rouen, France; Department of Virology, Limoges University Hospital, Limoges ...
Madoff’s Former Controller to Plead Guilty, U.S. Tells Court
Trustee Suit Irving Picard, the trustee liquidating Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC, sued Cotellessa-Pitz and her husband, Thomas Pitz, seeking the return of $3.7 million he claimed they received from the fraud. Cotellessa-Pitz ...
DEALBOOK; Guilty Plea Is Expected From Ex-Madoff Trader
A former trader at Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities is expected to plead guilty on Monday to conspiring to defraud firm customers beginning in the early 1970s, two decades earlier than Mr. Madoff claims to have started his Ponzi scheme. David L. Kugel, who joined the Madoff firm as a trader in 1970, is scheduled to enter his guilty plea in - David L Kugel, former trader at Bernard L Madoff Investment Securities, is expected to admit to participating in an investment fraud beginning in the early 1970s, two decades earlier than Madoff claims to have started his Ponzi scheme. (M)7 - By PETER LATTMAN and DIANA B. HENRIQUES
A Lasting Shadow
I made the tragic mistake of trying to change the way money was managed and was successful at the start, but lost my way after a while and refused to admit that I failed. -- Bernard L. Madoff, in an e-mail on Oct. 11, 2011 BERNIE MADOFF cant let go. He still hangs on each nugget of news from the outside, still points fingers, still spins his - By DIANA B. HENRIQUES
How would Jean Luke PICARD deal with disingenuous, indirect communication from women?
I just saw an episode where Data is thinking of dating a human female, and he goes around the whole ship getting advice. Picard says "When I have any understanding of women, Ill let you know."
Ares, I think youre right, and hed have women lined up to bat.
Answer: With a raised eyebrow.
Category: Gender & Women's Studies
click for site info. Back to YTMND. Site Profile Comments. Title. Author. Score. Description. Foreground. Background. Sound. Keywords. Login or register to hide ...
Manufacturer of bakery oven, pizza oven, pastry oven, industrial ...
Also machinery like Proofer, rotating oven, Hobart bowl lift, Picard oven. Corporate Video. Manufacturer of Industrial and Commercial Ovens Since 1957. Dealer Access.
Did Captain PICARD have to drink decaf earl grey tea due to starrfleet restrictions?
--you know, cause it would intefere with his bility to command and stuff?
Answer: No, Captain Janeway always had her coffee, black!
But they are each different, and dealt with Q and his annoying antics of dropping in very differently.
Category: Non-Alcoholic Drinks
New Book Argues for Sensitivity to Clergy’s Children
In “Daughter of a Preacher Man: A Road Less Travelled” (published by AuthorHouse), author and preacher’s daughter Anna Picard reveals the hardships faced by the children of religious leaders. This brutally honest reflection provides insight to the ...
Introduction. SAM (Sequence Alignment/Map) format is a generic format for storing large nucleotide sequence alignments. SAM is described in the SAMtools project page.
Captain PICARD travels at high speed for 3.0 years according to his clocks and calendar. Upon returning to ear?
Captain Picard travels at high speed for 3.0 years according to his clocks and calendar. Upon returning to earth, he finds that 8.0 years have elapsed. What was his average speed?
Answer: Let T = 8 = 3/sqrt(1 - (v/c)^2) so that 64(1 - (v/c)^2) = 9 and (v/c) = sqrt(55/64) = .927
v = .927 c or 92.7% the speed of light. ANS.
He and his crew will be five years into his future. My where does time go when you're having fun? [Note: This discounts the Klingon temporal decontractor that moves the Enterprise crew rapidly forward in time (decontraction) as they decelerate; so they have caught up with Earth by the time they land there. ;>D]
Category: Physics
Pens Hand Hawks First December Regulation Loss
Chicago coach Joel Quenneville getting Toews out there against Ben Lovejoy and Alexandre Picard on short changes instead of Matt Niskanen and Orpeck. HOFer Mike Lange comically joked about how the start of the game was delayed until the refs received the ...
OP-ED COLUMNIST; Silence Is Golden
WASHINGTON Hello chatter, my old friend. The sounds of silence are a dim recollection now, like mystery, privacy and paying attention to one thing -- or one person -- at a time. As far back as half-a-century ago, the Swiss philosopher Max Picard warned: Nothing has changed the nature of man so much as the loss of silence, once as natural as the - Maureen Dowd Op-Ed column observes that the new silent movie The Artist, directed by Michel Hazanavicius, offers a chance to step back into a mute and vivid world that has otherwise been drowned out by noisy technology. (M) - By MAUREEN DOWD
Who would win in a fight between Jean Luc PICARD and John Luke PICARD?
John Luke Picard has Jesus on his side, but Jean Luc Picard has a huge black dude with a bumpy forehead and a laser gun.
Answer: www.amazingfacts.org
Keep the Law under Grace.
The Moral Law(Ten Commandments) was given to Israel in trust for all mankind. It has never been abrogated but ia as unchangeable as its author, being based on our essential relationships to Him and our fellow men, and it is of perpetual and universal obligation(Matthew 5:17-20).
Exodus 20:8
Jesus observed the Sabbath day of his own people. It was his custom yo keep the Sabbath day Holy(Luke 4:16).
The Great Teacher never intimated that the Sabbath was a ceremonial ordinance or exclusive to the Jewish people. The Sabbath was given to all mankind.
It is evident that Christ did not change the Sabbath in the New Testament. Nor did he set the seventh-day of the week aside. Nowhere in the Bible is it stated that worship should be changed from Saturday to Sunday. The Bible declares that we should keep Holy the Sabbath Day.
Category: Religion & Spirituality
Star Trek PICARD, Jean-Luc
(Portrayed by Sir Patrick Stewart) STARFLEET PERSONNEL FILE: Picard, Jean-Luc Rank: Captain Current assignment: Commander, U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-E
U.S. Judge Bars a Suit For Victims Of Madoff
For the second time this year, a federal judge has barred a court-appointed bankruptcy trustee from seeking billions in damages from big banks and other third parties to help compensate victims of Bernard L. Madoffs giant Ponzi scheme. In a decision released Tuesday, Judge Colleen McMahon of United States District Court in Manhattan ruled that the - By DIANA B. HENRIQUES
Battle Royale: Kirk vs. PICARD | Jen Kirchner
Beneath our society, a war has been raging. Two factions have drawn an invisible line and stand on either side, defending their honor — nay, the honor of the leaders their philosophy is based upon. It is a debate so fierce that ...
How many times has captain PICARD odered ramming speed?
I know he did it in Nemesis, is there any other times in movies or the series?
Answer: When Picard takes it in the ass he always orders ramming speed
Category: Movies
Jean-Luc PICARD - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Captain Jean-Luc Picard is a Star Trek character portrayed by Patrick Stewart. He appears in the television series Star Trek: The Next Generation and the feature ...
What does PICARD say to address the whole ship?
Ok when Picard wants to address the whole ship of Enterprise what does he say? This is captain Picard from TNG of course.
Thank you!
Answer: All Hands!
Attention all personnel
Category: Other - Television
How can Spock meet PICARD he dies in the wrath of Kahn?
In one of the TNG episodes hes seen older many years after kirk died. And yet in wrath of Kahn, he dies from radiation when he and kirk where young. Is there an explanation for this? Or is this just a goof?
Answer: No, the planet was undergoing a Genesis; that's what the Wrath of Khan was all about, Project Genesis. In the next installment, (Search For Spock) Spock is reborn from his own DNA and becomes a new, improved Spock. In chapter IV, Spock keeps coming up with little gems, like "Gracie (a whale) is pregnant!"
Years later, Spock is an apparent traitor, but Picard's investigation reveals Spock's actual interest on the Romulan home world...
Category: Movies
West Haven slams lack of hearing over Allingtown vote
DeCrescenzo told him such a meeting was premature since Mayor John M. Picard has not yet provided the council with a formal plan. The City Council must vote on whether to accept the district. “As a councilman-at-large, I believe this is ...
Picard 25 of 160 profiles | See all profiles on LinkedIn » View Full Profile; Picard Frédéric Title Rédacteur en chef des éditions chez Le ...
New restaurant built on years of experience
The family has just opened Panda Garden at 3210 Picard Place, near the movie theater. They bought the building at the suggestion of family friends, who ran China Grove at the location before shutting down earlier this year. Zhus family had been ...
MusicBrainz PICARD - MusicBrainz
MusicBrainz Picard is a cross-platform (Linux/Mac OS X/Windows) application written in Python and is the official MusicBrainz tagger. Picard supports the ...
Is there a Captain PICARD voice simulator out there?
Kind of like how your computer has a default computerized voice as a handicap option, can you get one with Patrick Stewards voice?
Answer: yes you can on Singsnap
Category: Other - Television
Who is the most badass captain in Star Trek? Is it Kirk, PICARD ...
Just wondering what other Star Trek fans would have to say. And by badass I mean the last captain you would ever want to F with. Just the most hardcore one ...
PICARD | Free Science & Engineering software downloads at ...
, thank you for the great library.I greatly appreciate if someone could tell me how to connect this library to my current project using NetBeansIDE
RT @TNG_S8: Viggo St. Charles, Picard’s childhood nemesis, embroils him in a hunt for a long lost shipment of rare wine. Troi finds Barclays dolls.
From: BillyBillBlack - Source: web
I should be Jean-Luc Picard #WhyTheFuckWasINotBornInThe24thCentury #FutureImmaculateConceptionForChristmasPlease #Engage
From: reaganator042 - Source: Twitter for iPhone
RT @TNG_S8: Viggo St. Charles, Picard’s childhood nemesis, embroils him in a hunt for a long lost shipment of rare wine. Troi finds Barclays dolls.
From: tinyhonkshus - Source: web
RT @TNG_S8: Viggo St. Charles, Picard’s childhood nemesis, embroils him in a hunt for a long lost shipment of rare wine. Troi finds Barclays dolls.
From: PatrickAT - Source: web
RT @TNG_S8: Viggo St. Charles, Picard’s childhood nemesis, embroils him in a hunt for a long lost shipment of rare wine. Troi finds Barclays dolls.
From: thejeweledhorn - Source: web
RT @TNG_S8: Viggo St. Charles, Picard’s childhood nemesis, embroils him in a hunt for a long lost shipment of rare wine. Troi finds Barclays dolls.
From: beathan - Source: web
RT @TNG_S8: Viggo St. Charles, Picard’s childhood nemesis, embroils him in a hunt for a long lost shipment of rare wine. Troi finds Barclays dolls.
From: dianarchy - Source: web
RT @TNG_S8: Viggo St. Charles, Picard’s childhood nemesis, embroils him in a hunt for a long lost shipment of rare wine. Troi finds Barclays dolls.
From: doubledownNOW - Source: web
RT @TNG_S8: Viggo St. Charles, Picard’s childhood nemesis, embroils him in a hunt for a long lost shipment of rare wine. Troi finds Barclays dolls.
From: LawGirl1393 - Source: web
RT @TNG_S8: Viggo St. Charles, Picard’s childhood nemesis, embroils him in a hunt for a long lost shipment of rare wine. Troi finds Barclays dolls.
From: sandysmw - Source: web
RT @TNG_S8: Viggo St. Charles, Picard’s childhood nemesis, embroils him in a hunt for a long lost shipment of rare wine. Troi finds Barclays dolls.
From: dave9993 - Source: web
RT @TNG_S8: Viggo St. Charles, Picard’s childhood nemesis, embroils him in a hunt for a long lost shipment of rare wine. Troi finds Barclays dolls.
From: pdx_fool - Source: web
RT @TNG_S8: Viggo St. Charles, Picard’s childhood nemesis, embroils him in a hunt for a long lost shipment of rare wine. Troi finds Barclays dolls.
From: joetowell - Source: web
RT @TNG_S8: Viggo St. Charles, Picard’s childhood nemesis, embroils him in a hunt for a long lost shipment of rare wine. Troi finds Barclays dolls.
From: c_dutt - Source: web
RT @TNG_S8: Viggo St. Charles, Picard’s childhood nemesis, embroils him in a hunt for a long lost shipment of rare wine. Troi finds Barclays dolls.
From: DemonLlamas - Source: web