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Any posters from The Guardian 100 years of great press photographs?
Hi there,
Im looking for a poster of one of pics from The Guardian 100 years of great press photographs?
My boyfriend likes it. I want to get a poster for his Xmas present.
The picture is Anonymous, 1921, Dalstein, France photo by William Fotheringham, cycling journalist; Offside/ LEquipe. I googled it, but couldnt find useful info.
Does anyone have any ideas?
Thanks for your help.
Answer: is this what you're looking for?
Sadly i cant seem to find it from anywhere in the UK (And im presuming youre from the UK)
but ill keep on looking and report back if i do find anything.
Category: Photography
Cyclisme - Actualité du Cyclisme, Tour de France: l'Equipe
L'équipe de France féminine de handball sera t-elle sacrée championne du. ... Après le retrait de l'équipe Geox, le Russe Denis Menchov (33 ans) a retrouvé ...
LEquipe Salon Personalized Hairdressing
- Hide menu. About L’Equipe. Team at L’Equipe Salon; Services; Xpress Chair; Careers; Boutique at L’Equipe Salon
Marshall: The reaction on France to the Euro 2012 draw - ESPN Soccernet
Les Bleus arent unhappy was the view on LEquipes website, while the headline on Saturdays hard copy read - roughly translated: Thank God for Luck. Blanc was measured in his response. "We could have found ourselves in Group B instead of Denmark ...
App Store - LEquipe.fr
Read reviews, get customer ratings, see screenshots, and learn more about LEquipe.fr on the App Store. Download LEquipe.fr and enjoy it on your iPhone ...
App Store - L'Equipe.fr
5 days ago ... We are unable to find iTunes on your computer. To download the free app L' Equipe.fr by L'Equipe 24/24, get iTunes now. Already have iTunes ...
When LEquipe chose the team of the year, did they chose it themselves or did they ask jonourlists areound the world?
Was it possible for them to be bias against the Italians?
Answer: Its a good team that has been selected and at the same time you could put together another team equally deserving and competitive. With so much talent around, choosing one team is a mammoth task and some notable players will be missing.
I don't think it's biased, just how individual members have seen things this season. I recall after Italy won the WC they were dominating selection in L'Equipe and nobody complained then :).
Category: 2006 FIFA World Cup(TM)
L'equipe du Son's sets on SoundCloud - Create, record and share ...
Growing up L'Equipe du Son was a mild-mannered teenager living with a bleak, unambitious family in Hill Valley, California. When watchin... | Create, record ...
ALBERTVILLE 92; United They Stand After Union Fell
When the mostly Russian hockey team quicksteps onto the ice for the first time at the 1992 Winter Olympics, keen spectators are likely to blink, in confusion or nostalgia. The arrogant red of the Soviet uniforms, worn by the swift, deft and powerful teams that dominated international ice hockey for decades, will remain. But the letters C.C.C.P., - By JAMES F. CLARITY
Bartholomaus Cartret blog: L'Equipe 306500 Review - On Sale!
L'Equipe 306500 Reviews. L'Equipe 306500 Review by Drink a smoothie every day "ihop" (california). So much thought went into this, and quality, now all other blenders are just motors that spin blades. I am so impressed ...
Anelka to make decision on move by Monday
Club media officer Ma Yue told The Associated Press on Friday that he could not confirm a report on the website of French sports daily LEquipe that Anelka agreed to sign for 2 seasons with Shenhua. LEquipe, without citing sources, said the club is ...
zidane missing in french rugby team?
france will win finals with help of zidane and his magical headbut , he is out to join the french rugby for finals states L equipe!
Answer: well they do have that animal looking guy, 'the caveman' or something, with the beard and long hair. If I saw him I would run the other way.
Category: Rugby
LÉquipe TV - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
LÉquipe TV is a French television channel, launched in 1998. It was founded and started to broadcast on 1998. LÉquipe TV currently broadcasts in French. www ...
Laquelle des endroits ( ?? places ??) suivants est léquipe nationale de hockey à Toronto?
what is wrong with this sentence?
help plz!
Answer: lequel - lesquels (masculine, singular and plural)
laquelle - lesquelles (feminine, singular and plural)
l'endroit - masculine, singular
les endroits, des endroits - plural
De + les = des (in this case)
LESQUELS des endroits suivants
But you sentence is not rigth
Dans lesquels des endroits suivants se trouve l'équipe nationale de hockey à Toronto?
In which of the following places find you the national hockey team in Toronto?
I don't know what are you trying to say,
Category: Languages
French newspaper L’Equipe: Mourinho & Drogba To Join Milan???
the french really know how to tell some very good jokes!!!
read here:
Answer: I hope you've detected the irony there.
A French newspaper sticking its nose to Italian football business by linking a top class manager and a top class but disgruntled striker.
Now, where is Ancelloti in all this? Where is Chelsea?
Nice psy-ops from Paris to stir the pot a little, so to speak.
Category: Men's Premiere Leagues (Italy)
LEQUIPE & CO - LEquipe
The world’s first daily sports newspaper 500,000 copies on average The most-read daily publication in France with more than 2.4 million readers on average
pinpause: [AUDIO] L'Equipe du Son - Lesson 1 (The Legendary ...
L'Equipe du Son - Lesson 1 2. L'Equipe du Son - Lesson 1 (The Legendary 1979 Orchestra Remix) 3. L'Equipe du Son - Lesson 1 (Yasumo Remix) 4. L'Equipe du Son - Lesson 1 (Rayko Remix). Buy 'L'Equipe du Son ...
french, When you put a d/l apostrophe for vowels, is it the same with names?
When the next word is a vowel, you put an apostrophe, e.g lequipe. (sorry cant do accents)
Is it the same with names? i want to say ediths life, so la vie de edith or la vie dedith?
thank you
Answer: La vie d'edith. you don't really use the l' in front of names though because it comes from le or la, and you wouldn't put a "the" in front of a name.
Category: Languages
Karabatic named French Champion of the Year
LA PLAGNE: Handballer Nikola Karabatic, who won the MVP award at the 2011 world championships in Sweden, was named on Tuesday by LEquipe newspaper as French Champion of the Year. The 27-year-old Karabatic received 706 votes to lift the award ...
Help sil vous plait!-"Le sport surtout le sport dèquipe, est directement liè à la vie sociale que lon mène"?
Ive a French exam on Monday, and need a good answer to this opinion based question. Im not even fully sure what it means!! I think its- "Sports, especially team sports, are directly related to the social life one leads". All help much appreciated-merci beaucoup!
Answer: You have correctly understood the question.
Here are some possible answers:
- Not everyone can afford to play team sports. Uniforms and equipment cost money.
- Playing a team sport helps you to build a social network (friends) and to learn how to work together and get along.
- Team sports gets you away from TV and your computer, and allows you to lead a healthier, more active life.
Civis Romanus
Category: Homework Help
Léquipe vs Call me Daddy - Alpine League Geneva (2st Final) on Vimeo
Léquipe vs Call me Daddy - Alpine League Geneva December 2011 "Léquipe-fucker with Laurent instead of Lucas"
Chinese club: Talks going smoothly with Anelka
Club media officer Ma Yue told The Associated Press on Friday that he could not confirm a report on the website of French sports daily LEquipe that Anelka agreed to sign for 2 seasons with Shenhua. LEquipe, without citing sources, said the ...
L'Equipe du Lundi 12 Dcembre 2011 » Free Ebooks magazines ...
eBookw.net periodically updates infomation,google book,amazone aff, image review of L'Equipe du Lundi 12 Dcembre 2011.You should confirm all information before relying on it. eBook piracy is theft, L'Equipe du Lundi 12 ...
L'Equipe du Jeudi 8 Dcembre 2011 » Free Ebooks magazines ...
eBookw.net periodically updates infomation,google book,amazone aff, image review of L'Equipe du Jeudi 8 Dcembre 2011.You should confirm all information before relying on it. eBook piracy is theft, L'Equipe du Jeudi 8 ...
LEquipe vs Camden Park | The Jewish Chronicle
Top plays bottom in Division Two and it wont take a genius to work out which team Im tipping to win. Mike Khalastchi saved Camdens blushes last Sunday when they ...
App Store - LEquipe - Le Quotidien
Read reviews, get customer ratings, see screenshots, and learn more about LEquipe - Le Quotidien on the App Store. Download LEquipe - Le Quotidien and ...
Sport : toute lactualité sportive sur l’EQUIPE (Match en ...
Retrouvez tout le sport en direct sur le site de LEQUIPE et suivez lactualité du football, rugby, basket, cyclisme, f1, volley, hand, tous les résultats sportifs ...
Do you believe the French lab that conducts the blood testing for the UCI is just plain incompetent?
Im not a conspiracy theorist and I dont want to think that Im totally naive, but the latest news on Vino just adds fuel to the argument that the lab is a bungling mess. Either they screw up a lot or there is some effort to get rid of most of the non-French riders in an attempt to return the French teams to their pre-Festina debacle dominance. (No offense to the French people - the Tour organizers, LEquipe editors, etc. are a class of their own). Again, I may have my head in the sand but I still believe in Tyler and Floyd.
Some very well thought out answers so far and gives me a lot to "chew" on. For the one who thinks I should have more cycling knowledge - Im a former mtb racer, vintage racing road bike collector and enthusiast, worked for organizers in several American pro races, and have travelled to Europe to follow several races including the Tour. Probably know more cycling history than you give me credit for.
Wow- things continue to become even worse with Razzy dropping out. Will Kid Contador become a marked man now? Will this TdF winner simply be the last man left on a bike come Sunday?
Thanks again for the great answers. Maybe Ill ease up a little on all the organizations but I think they are their own worst enemy. Somebody needs to learn a few PR skills (like timing of important announcements, etc)
Answer: The labs doing the testing are accredited by the World Andi-Doping Agency (WADA) rather than the UCI, so they handle tests for every sport that's in the Olympics. Unfortunately WADA's chairman, Dick Pound, has been very vocal about his beliefs that all athletes are dirty, and that he's going to catch them. This has bred an organizational culture where positive test results are a measure of success, and created at least the appearance that the labs are being pressured to find positives. In the Landis case (not to say that he was in fact clean) this meant testing and re-testing a sample that had already shown signs of contamination until the result looked positive.
I don't think it has anything to do with French vs. non-French riders. The labs aren't supposed to know who's samples they have. It probably just looks bad because most of the tests are being performed on the top 50 ranked riders and stage/race winners. French cycling may have made more of an effort than other countries to clean up after '98, and thus don't have that many riders performing well enough to be tested often.
Category: Cycling
NBA;SPURS;Parkers reversal a little hollow
We will always have a good team, but we can no longer say that were playing for a championship." - Tony Parker, May 2011, in "LEquipe" In a digital world, it doesnt take long for a candid comment to circumnavigate the globe, no matter the ...
Lequipe, LLC - Orlando, Florida (FL) | Company Profile
Lequipe, LLC company profile in Orlando, FL. Our free company profile report for Lequipe, LLC includes business information such as contact, sales and financial data.
L'Équipe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
L'Équipe (French for "the team") is a French nationwide daily newspaper devoted to sports, owned by Éditions Philippe Amaury. The paper is noted for coverage ...
"LÉquipe" elige entrenador del año a Onesta, seleccionador galo de balonmano
París – Claude Onesta, el hombre que llevó a la selección francesa de balonmano a conquistar el campeonato del mundo de balonmano de Dinamarca, revalidando el título logrado en 2009 en Croacia, fue designado hoy entrenador deportivo del ...
Marussia made most sense for rookie Pic
The French sports daily LEquipe on Tuesday quoted Charles Pic as saying his target for next season is to "reach the level" of his experienced teammate Timo Glock "as soon as possible". The French newcomer, speaking in Paris, has been signed by the former ...
What allegations did the LEquipe newspaper make about Ronan O Gara?
Answer: They alleged that Ronan gave Bertie 50,000 dollars in exchange for him making sure that planning permission was given for Lansdown road and to stop a high rise building next door to the stadium which Ronan felt would cause the ball to swirl when kicking penalties.
Category: Rugby
Do you agree with LEquipes team of 2007?
Please dont be bias. Personally i agree with it.
Thank You
Oh thats right! Just because its a french magazine it will be bias against the Italians. Thats a pathetic excuse to say the least. Learn to be humble. EPL is dominating now, not the Serie A.
And i think the team is based on the opnions of jonourlists all around the world not just french jonourlists!
EPL is the best league in the world. It doesnt have anything to do with our national team
You are just jealous
Answer: Seems fair enough but Messi should be there just not sure in place of who.
Category: 2006 FIFA World Cup(TM)
Hurricanes: le centre Jeff Skinner à lécart avec une blessure non spécifiée
Léquipe a dailleurs rappelé lattaquant Drayson Bowman de la filiale de Charlotte dans la Ligue américaine. Skinner, la recrue de lannée en 2010-11, domine les Hurricanes avec 12 buts et 24 points cette saison. Les Hurricanes termineront mardi à ...
Taiwo: Im suffering at Milan
"I am suffering every day because I dont get to play football. I joined this club in order to play, but I have made only six appearances so far," Taiwo was quoted as saying by LEquipe. 26-year-old Taiwo, who was courted by some of Europes biggest clubs ...
Equipment; Primp My Ride
Road cyclists tinker. They obsess. They scrutinize every inch of their bicycles -- down to the tire caps -- to find the slightest increase in speed. But customized bikes arent just for the pros. These days, even weekenders are tailoring off-the-rack bikes. Handlebars The Easton EC90 Equipe OS handlebars weigh just 200 grams (less than a racing - Equipment column discusses various upgrades serious cyclists can make to customize their bikes; photos (M)
Football - Actualités, Ligue 1, Ligue 2, Équipe de France ... - L'Equipe
Retrouvez le football en direct sur l'EQUIPE: actualité du football de France et dEurope, coupes, championnats, résultats de L1, L2, coupe du monde, actualité ...
Lesqels est léquipe de hockey de Toronto? is this grammatically correct?
thx for the help!
Answer: Quelle est l'équipe de hockey de Toronto.
Category: Languages
Sport : toute l'actualité sportive sur l'EQUIPE (Match en direct ...
Retrouvez tout le sport en direct sur le site de L'EQUIPE et suivez l'actualité du football, rugby, basket, cyclisme, f1, volley, hand, tous les résultats sportifs, ...
Report: Beckham, Paris team near deal
Paris Saint-Germains pursuit of Galaxy midfielder David Beckham is "95 percent complete," French sports daily LEquipe reported Monday, citing inside sources at the club. Neither Beckham nor his representatives made mention of such a deal ...
LEQUIPE | Facebook
LEQUIPE - Toute lactualité du sport et de lautomobile sur | Facebook ... Sign Up Facebook helps you connect and share with the people in your life.
Wenger's interview with L'Equipe – full transcript | Arseblog News ...
There has been much discussion of Arsene Wenger's interview with L'Equipe last weekend. The manager himself clarified some of the reported comments in his post-game press conference after the 2-1 win over Norwich, but ...
How to say "winning" in French?
Im revising a French composition about football, and one of my sentences starts with "if the team is winning...". I wrote it as: Si lequipe est gagante...
My teacher marked on the paper that I had the wrong verb tense. What would be the correct way to say "winning"?
Answer: Gagner
Idk if its right though but I think
Category: Languages
LEquipe - newspaper in Paris, France covering local sports news ...
LEquipe. Newspaper in Paris, France covering local sports news and sporting events. Mondo Times is the worldwide news media guide with 32,400 media outlets.
Can I buy lequipe in the UK?
Answer: You do not say where you live - but around London there is no problem. Any newsagent with other language newspapers on the stands usually has l'equipe also.
For race results, good photos and up to date news why not try the Cycling News website - I have it as my Home page. It's well linked and covers items from a variety of countries and across all aspects of professional cycling
Category: Cycling
Les Hurricanes battent les Oilers 5-3 et Kirk Muller savoure sa 1re victoire
EDMONTON - Lentraîneur-chef des Hurricanes de la Caroline Kirk Muller a savouré sa première victoire à la tête de léquipe, alors quils ont mis fin à une série de sept revers en battant les Oilers dEdmonton 5-3, mercredi. Les Hurricanes avaient ...
Scoop sur la suite de Star Trek : les stars attendent encore de voir le scénario
Léquipe de Star Trek a une grande confiance en son réalisateur, J.J. Abrams. Ils commencent à tourner la suite très anticipée de son remake de la franchise de science-fiction le mois prochain, mais... Personne na encore lu le scénario ! Et ce nest ...
LÉquipe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
LÉquipe (French for "the team") is a French nationwide daily newspaper devoted to sports, owned by Éditions Philippe Amaury. The paper is noted for coverage of ...
L'Equipe.fr - Android Market
Aug 2, 2011 ... All sports news, live scores, fixtures and results on your phone with L'Equipe.fr New updates : notifications This application is available only in ...
LEQUIPE - LÉQUIPE United | Facebook
LEQUIPE - Toute lactualité du sport et de lautomobile sur | Facebook ... Sign Up Facebook helps you connect and share with the people in your life.
L'EQUIPE DU SON - "Lesson 1" | Did.You Hear The New?
Here's a new little “nu disco” groove from L'equipe Du Son, “Lesson 1.” You'll learn some French semantics while you're at it. Download the MP3 after the bump… MP3: L'EQUIPE DU SON – “Lesson 1″ ...
Marseille striker Gignac out for six weeks
Obviously its a slap in the face and it can do some damage, but we will now see how the squad reacts," Mavuba was quoted as saying by sports daily LEquipe on Friday. * Paris St Germain midfielder Clement Chantome is likely to miss his teams ...
Lequel des suivants est léquipe de hockey de Toronto? is this grammatically correct?
Answer: If it's "laquelle", then should it also be "des suivantEs"?
Category: Languages
How would someone write "Track team" in french?
Léquipe de piste? :0
Answer: No its L'équipe d'athlétisme
Category: Languages
L'Equipe du Dimanche 11 Dcembre 2011 » Free Ebooks magazines ...
eBook piracy is theft, L'Equipe du Dimanche 11 Dcembre 2011 download torrent,direct link,fileserve.com,L'Equipe du Dimanche 11 Dcembre 2011 rapidshare.com,L'Equipe du Dimanche 11 Dcembre 2011 mediafire.com ...
Prem move interests Yanga-Mbiwa
Why not? But I believe I would not reach the level that I want to reach if I stay with Montpellier," Yanga-Mbiwa told French newspaper LEquipe. "By leaving I would be forced to question myself. I would like to question my own limits.
L'Équipe Spectra
Since its founding in 1977 by Alain Simard, André Ménard and Denyse McCann, L'Équipe Spectra has contributed to developing and raising the profile of the ...
Le Barça toujours trop fort - Foot - ESP - 16e j. - LEQUIPE.FR
Le regard vide, les épaules tombantes, la moue boudeuse. José Mourinho est sonné devant son banc de touche. Sonné de voir le Barça triompher une fois de plus de ...
L'Equipe du Son: December 11 Mix « Electronic Battle Weapons
Download and listen to electronic podcasts, radio shows and mixtapes: Bleep, Bodytonic, dj luv's records, Essential Mix, fabric Promo Mix, FACT mix, Gilles Peterson Worldwide, Headtunes Recordings, It Is What It Is, Needle ...
So, I was right... L’Équipe’s: "FORZA ITALIA"?
But I really didnt expect that the French newspaper will have on its front page this headline "FORZA ITALIA". That really made me laugh.
>>> Hard to believe, but it’s all real. L’Équipe’s front-page all-caps headline “Forza Italia” leaves little doubt on who France will be cheering for on Saturday. The French sports newspaper even features a huge picture of Luca Toni, doing the “crazy” hand-sign he usually does after scoring a goal, almost as if to say “it’s crazy, but Les Bleus will actually be cheering for Italy on this one”.
Answer: Ferguson's goal was offside, so was his teammate who shot the ball and got him the rebound, and when Di Natale got his goal disallowed it was onside, watch the replays
Category: 2006 FIFA World Cup(TM)
PSG coach Kombouare in fighting mood despite third defeat
"Were still building (the team), and you dont build a team in four months," Kombouare was quoted as saying by sports daily LEquipe on Friday. PSG spent over 80 million euros ($107.76 million) on new players before the start of the season ...
LÉquipe: Facts, Discussion Forum, and Encyclopedia Article
LÉquipe (French. for "the team") is a French. nationwide daily newspaper. devoted to sport. s, owned by Éditions Philippe Amaury. The paper is noted for coverage ...
Cest reparti sur léditeur, un petit nouveau dans léquipe : Maghiel (à qui on doit le module Oblivion Online,rien que ça).
From: ToriaTeam - Source: Splitweet
Un Jour Avec... Romain Danzé (3/5) (LEquipe.fr) => http://t.co/uqDjFomy
From: SRFCactu - Source: srfc actu
PSG, Kombouaré : "cette formation est redoutable": Ce soir, léquipe du Paris Saint-Germain va affronter lAthle... http://t.co/5rLcE6El
From: Gogoactus - Source: twitterfeed
PSG, Kombouaré : "cette formation est redoutable": Ce soir, léquipe du Paris Saint-Germain va affronter lAthle... http://t.co/ozkpkIX2
From: jnseke - Source: twitterfeed
Olympique Lyons Linksverteidiger Aly #Cissokho evtl. ein Thema für #BVB, so die französische Sporttageszeitung LEquipe. [dh]
From: FBtransfer - Source: Buffer
Tour du Qatar et d’Oman, l’équipe BMC http://t.co/sZ1t46FI via @AddThis
From: ErgeCR - Source: Tweet Button
Tour du Qatar et d’Oman, l’équipe BMC http://t.co/MWq5xX3F via @AddThis
From: ErgeCR - Source: Tweet Button
RT @UnivAngers: Léquipe 1 du département GEii de l#IUT d#Angers est 3ème au challenge de robotique inter-GEii http://t.co/SoQiG6Lp
From: Portail_IpOline - Source: TweetDeck
J’ai publié 2 photos sur Facebook, dans l’album Equipe Miss Ronde France http://t.co/FAjRUgIT
From: Blancheonline - Source: Facebook
RT @degomski: Le Bataclan cetait la folie ! Merci pour laccueil,gros big up à @JoeyStarr_ ainsi quà toute léquipe !
From: Nicktwoo - Source: Twitter for iPhone
LEquipe: Foot - L1 - OL - Janvier pour Lisandro et Bastos ? http://t.co/rjlP9W6X #football
From: letalkfoot - Source: dlvr.it
LEquipe: Foot - Transferts - Maïga enfin vers Newcastle http://t.co/CRZBkq1H #football
From: letalkfoot - Source: dlvr.it
LEquipe: Foot - C1 - Bayern - Schweini espère lOM http://t.co/ulO1LAAf #football
From: letalkfoot - Source: dlvr.it
LEquipe: Foot - Transferts - Un jeune attaquant à Lille http://t.co/ZguMqXrc #football
From: letalkfoot - Source: dlvr.it
Equipe de France : Qui fait vendre le plus de maillots ?: Top 5 des ventes de maillot de l’équipe de France depu... http://t.co/wizB39Ah
From: RGdelaciudad - Source: twitterfeed