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The Search for the Mysterious Blonde with DSK
The lawyers for Dominique Strauss-Kahn accuser Nafissatou Diallo have said little to the U.S. press since his biography suggested the encounter between him and Diallo was consensual, but theyre claiming theyve learned of a key witness who they say ...
Will people who support the French niqab ban on Muslim women reconsider after the DSK scandal?
The French voted to ban womens rights on the basis they supported womens rights. After one of their own is caught raping a woman in America, they act like he is the victim. Not exactly the feminist move. Will people in America now realize that France is extremely sexist and reconsider their support for the ban?
Answer: The problem with French Ban supporters is they enjoy watching women in flesh and forget their wife and children at home. Weak men pay the price after they have seen how weak they can really be. Islam Protects the women from the evil eye. Would you not protect your daughter from evil men? Yes you would. Cover her hair with a Hijab and see the results. I promise you Mother Mary, Mother of Jesus would be pleased with you, a pious and pure in submission to Allah. In Islam we call her Mother of all believers. a honour in this Life and the here after.
All Women who fear God should follow two women examples they are:
Aisha bint Abu Bakr (612 - 678) (Arabic عائشة Transliteration: ʿāʾisha, [ʕaːʔɪʃæh] also transcribed as A'ishah, Ayesha, 'A'isha, Aishat, Aishah, or 'Aisha) was one of Muhammad's wives. In Islamic writings, her name is thus often prefixed by the title "Mother of the Believers" (Arabic: أمّ المؤمنين umm-al-mu'minīn), per the description of Muhammad's wives in the Qur'an.
Mary (مريم Maryam in Arabic), the mother of Jesus, is considered one of the most righteous women in the Islamic tradition. She is mentioned more in the Qur'an[1] than in the entire New Testament and is also the only woman mentioned by name in the Qur'an[2]. According to the Qur'an, Jesus was born miraculously by the will of God without a father. His mother is regarded as a chaste and virtuous woman and is said to have been a virgin. The Qur'an states clearly that Jesus was the result of a virgin birth, but that neither Mary nor her son were divine. In the Qur'an, no other woman is given more attention than Mary and the Qur'an states that Mary was chosen above all women:
"And when the angels said: O Mary! Lo! God hath chosen thee and made thee pure, and hath preferred thee above (all) the women of creation."[3
Category: Religion & Spirituality
DSK Rao - India | LinkedIn
Dsk Rao. IT Strategist with Global experience in providing cutting edge solutions for Healthcare,BFSI, Government , Retail and Manufacturing Verticals,Specialises in ...
Why Are the DSK Maid Rape Security Guards Dancing in This Video?
Now that Dominique Strauss-Kahn is back in France and safe from criminal prosecution for rape, his Sofitel maid encounter has entered its "Grassy Knoll" phase in the public imagination: Complicated conspiracy theories ...
DSK and the ZeroMacho Men: Frances Sweeping Prostitution Debate
A very public argument over a proposed law between a male feminist group and prostitutes unions is raising issues of gender, law, and desire French sex worker union members demonstrate in front of French Assembly in Paris / AP The last time French gender ...
Dominique Strauss-Kahn - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dominique Gaston André Strauss-Kahn often referred to in the media, and by himself, as Dsk, is a French economist, lawyer, politician, and member of the ...
Inn videotape of DSK, appellant aired happening France
BFM alleged persons images were filmed more or less 20 minutes considering the alleged might 14 assault. Strauss-Kahn, wearing a dark coat and wheeling a.
ARTS, BRIEFLY; Book on Strauss-Kahn
Dominique Strauss-Kahn has left New York for Paris, but the story of his sexual encounter with a hotel chambermaid, and the criminal case that developed and then was dropped, is just reaching book publishers. St. Martins Press, part of Macmillan, said on Monday it had acquired a book by John Solomon, the Newsweek reporter who interviewed - By JULIE BOSMAN
why DSK wife stood by her husband and paid so much to his bail out while?
Anthony Weiner wife was never in sight ever since she returned from her tour.
Answer: Dsk's wife is 'fronting it out' in the hope it'll all go away if she chucks enough of her considerable fortune at it.Weiner's wife didn't do anything wrong and he admitted his guilt,why should she parade herself?
Category: Current Events
DSK goes from shackles to victim
When the charges in the Dominique Strauss-Kahn attempted rape case were dropped earlier this year, the hearing in the State Supreme Court of Lower Manhattan took all of 12 minutes. On a sweltering August afternoon, a prosecutor from the district attorneys ...
I.H.T. OP-ED CONTRIBUTOR; France, the U.S. and Strauss-Kahn
PARIS -- When President Bill Clinton became embroiled in a scandal in 1998 for trying to cover up the fact that hed had sexual relations with a 22-year-old intern, France watched with a mixture of amazement, irony and -- should we deny it? -- a certain pleasure. America trapped in its puritanism! The political life of the worlds leading power - By SYLVIE KAUFFMANN
Jewelry that is like DSK but better and cheaper?
Dsk jewelry is pretty but she prices it soo high and its not even worth it! Do any of you know of a company that is cheaper but has the same genuine swarovski crystal?
Category: Fashion & Accessories
DSK CCTV footage revealed
MEDIAWATCH FRANCE, Tues. 6/12/2011: On France 24s fifth birthday, we bring you a shortened MediaWatch France. We discover a new website in France which aims to stoke debate about the major stories of the day. Also, the French Parliament looks ...
How can I us my computer to transferr my personal cassette tape on a cd DSK?
I have a lot of cassette tapes.Is there a way to connect my boom box to my computer to down- load my cassettes so I can put them on cds.your help would be grately appreciated
Answer: go to radio shack and get a 'Mini to Mini' stereo jack. There like $3
Take your radio, and plug one end into your headphone or Aux jack and the other into your Line In, on your computer. ALL PCs HAVE A LINE IN!
Open up your sound program, which there are hundreds to choose from. Hit Record on the program and play on your stereo and edit as you see fit
Category: Add-ons
DSK VSTi at rekkerd.org
Dsk Brass seemed to install fine to a dedicated VST folder in Program Files, I was able to add the channel no prob. Then I composed a track with Dsk Brass, ...
DSK Interview: Former IMF Head To Speak Publicly
PARIS -- Dominique Strauss-Kahn broke his silence four months after a New York hotel maid accused him of sexual assault, calling his encounter with the ...
Hotel video of DSK, accuser aired in France - CBS News
Clips show Dominique Strauss-Kahn checking out of NYC hotel, maid apparently acting out attack for security officials
Why Are the DSK Maid Rape Security Guards Dancing in This Video?
Now that Dominique Strauss-Kahn is back in France and safe from criminal prosecution for rape, his Sofitel maid encounter has entered its "Grassy Knoll" phase in the ...
Do you find the accuser of DSK credible in her story?
After the interview, I found her story lots of loose ends. Why would she be protected? Protected from whom now that she went out of the open?
Answer: I just saw a little. she seemed real. I do not care about her lying on her visa thing, thousands of people do that.
Category: Other - News & Events
The DSK “victory dance” video proves nothing
Sometimes a dance is just a dance. In this case, it’s a dance between two male security guards that Edward Jay Epstein, in his New York Review of Books piece suggesting the rape charges against Dominique Strauss-Kahn were the result of a ...
My computer keeps telling me that something is corrupt and that I need to run DSK something.?
What is that and where do I find it?
Answer: the progarm is called scandisk but its not the best thing in the world to do that job. if you are very warry about losing files or files that you can see to access then i would recomande in pay for this progaram i very good at fixing and recovering files that may be corrupted to the os and you cant get to them.
the programs is a little price i think but its worth it. it all comes down to how you want to prcie the vlue your data.
the program is $89 it called SpinRite https://www.grc.com/sr/spinrite.htm
Category: Security
Is there a website where I can download .DSK files for Macintosh Plus?
I am running a Mini vMac program and was just wondering.
Answer: This was all I could find:
Hope it helps...
TIP: Always read the software's FAQs, first.
Category: Software
Video: The Hotel Footage from the DSK Sex Assault | Verum Serum
Dsk has since admitted to “consensual but stupid” sexual relations with Diallo in a new book called “Affaires Dsk: La Contre-enquête” (“Dsk Affairs: The Counter-Investigation”), a collaboration with his biographer Michel ...
Surveillance video from after DSK Sofitel hotel incident released ...
2 days ago ... PARIS -- Hotel CCTV images of Dominique Strauss-Kahn and the New York chambermaid who accused him of attempted rape were broadcast ...
OP-ED COLUMNIST; When a Predator Collides With a Fabricator
SO whats the moral of this Manhattan immorality tale? That the French are always right, even when their hauteur is irritating? They were right about Iraq and Americas rush to war. And they may be right about Dominique Strauss-Kahn and Americas rush to judgment. In both cases, French credibility was undermined, so we resisted seeing things from - By MAUREEN DOWD
Evidence That DSK Was Set Up
Edward Jay Epstein reports in the New York Review of Books the details of the arrest and investigation of Dominique Strauss-Kahn last May in New York. A number of intriguing details suggest the possibility that some persons, acting to benefit ...
BBC News - Conspiracy claims bolster DSK mystery
The latest reports of conspiracy surrounding the Dsk affair leave more questions than answers, reports the BBCs Christian Fraser in Paris.
what punishment would you give give the chambermaid in the DSK case?
Shes made someones life hell with this completely rubbish accusation ....FIVE YEARS..Id say, Im feeling generous today.
I also object to the phrase "innocent til proven guilty"
It should be *innocent UNLESS proven guilty"
Answer: His spunk was all over her dress remember.
A willing participant would take it off.
Category: Current Events
DSK on French TV: Admits to ‘Moral Error’ But Little Else ...
Appearing on French TV channel TF1s Sunday night newscast — normally watched by several million of his countrymen — Dominique Strauss-Kahn made his first public ...
DSK ‘stopped by vice squad in park raid’
Dominique Strauss-Kahn was stopped by police who were trying to “clean up” a Paris park notorious for transvestite prostitutes, France’s Interior Minister said yesterday. Claude Gueant said the former International Monetary Fund chief was spoken to ...
DSK: He Said, She Said - Yahoo! News
The Nation-- The prosecutors did what they had to do when they dropped the charges against Dominique Strauss-Kahn. As they wrote in their motion to dismiss ...
Top French cop arranged prostitute-filled orgies for DSK: report
A top French cop served as Dsk’s personal pimp, organizing orgies for him in both France and New York, an explosive report charged yesterday. The latest scandal ...
Why Are the DSK Maid Rape Security Guards Dancing in This Video?
Now that Dominique Strauss-Kahn is back in France and safe from criminal prosecution for rape, his Sofitel maid encounter has entered its "Grassy Knoll" phase in the public imagination: Complicated conspiracy theories abound, even as most accept a much ...
On The Come Up: Why Are The DSK Maid Rape “Victims” Security ...
Looks like these two were celebrating a come up. That is a call to the NYPD you hear as well. The defense argued this went on for 2 minutes or so, but it only lasted for 13 seconds.
DSK Jewelry!™
Dsk Jewelry is handmade/handcrafted by me! [D.S.K.] ... Dsk Jewelry LLC is a Registered Business in the USA. ... Thank you for visiting the Dsk Jewelry Blog! ...
How do you Compare DSK (Dominique Gaston André Strauss-Kahn ) with US Former President Bill Clinton ?
How do you Compare Dsk (Dominique Gaston André Strauss-Kahn ) with US Former President Bill Clinton ?
Why Did Bill Clinton escape Prosecution - Just because Democrats helped him escape the Law ?
What is your opinion about Hillary Clinton - Have you seen a more phoney Person - who now wants to World Bank President ?
Answer: You don't.
"Why Did Bill Clinton escape Prosecution"
You obviously do not realize that Clinton was impeached. How did you miss that fact? You conservatives are a real hoot.
Category: Elections
Surveillance video of DSK, NY hotel maid aired - Yahoo! News
Watch the video Surveillance video of Dsk, NY hotel maid aired on Yahoo! News.
Wayne State defeats Winston-Salem 21-14
Quarterback Mickey Mohner passed for one touchdown and ran for another as Wayne State defeated previously unbeaten Winston-Salem State 21-14 in the Division II semifinals on Saturday. Mohner hit Josh Renel with a 25-yard touchdown pass on the first series ...
How can I open or recover an image file with extention "DSK"?
actually, I had backep up very imporatnt data with software "Acronis", it had made a file with
extention "Dsk" , after I made this image file & lost the original data , I found out "Acronis" just
makes this kind of file & can not open or recover data from it ,therefore now I only have an image
file & I,m not able to extract my important data from it , please help me get through this.
Answer: I recommend u a data recovery software published by Wondershare.It supports a variety of formats files,such as videos,pictures,mp3 etc. I'm using it now and feel very useful. U can try it.
Category: Software
Sneak peek: DSK bares his naked truth in book
How could she help herself? Dominique Strauss-Kahn claims in a new book that the chambermaid who accused him of sexually attacking her was actually so smitten by his genitals that she desired nothing more than to make l’amour with him. “Dsk Affairs: Th ...
EconomicPolicyJournal.com: HOT Surveillance Video after DSK ...
HOT Surveillance Video after Dsk Sofitel Hotel Incident Released; Shows Bizarre Security Guard Dance. Hotel CCTV images of former IMF Chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn and the New York chambermaid who accused him of ...
Hotel workers dance stirs suspicions of political plot against DSK
Hotel workers dance stirs suspicions of political plot against Dsk. By JAMIE SCHRAM, REBECCA ROSENBERG and DAN MANGAN. Last Updated: 6:33 AM, December 9, 2011
DSK: Ex-Lover Details Physical Sex - The Daily Beast
A woman claiming to be Strauss-Kahn’s ex-lover is now sharing details. Christopher Dickey on scary similarities with Dsks rape charges—and a breakup that ...
New DSK Book Tells of His Side of Diallo Affair, Prostitution Ring ...
Dec 2, 2011 ... A new book about Dsk claims he is subject of a conspiracy. By Tracy McNicoll.
Did a BlackBerry hack bring down DSK?
This year may go down in history as the year of the phone hack. Vulnerabilities in mobile communication have, in one way or another, revealed everything from News Corp’s moral turpitude to Scarlett Johansson’s bum. According to a report by ...
DSK was treated ‘like the Messiah’ at orgies, says prostitute who slept with him night before his arrest in New York
Sex-obsessed former IMF chief Domninique Strauss-Kahn was treated like the Messiah when he arrived at orgies, a prostitute who took part in his group sex sessions has revealed. The vice girl, named Jade, praised the shamed 62-year-old economist for his ...
What Really Happened to DSK, Author Asks -- Daily Intel
Nov 26, 2011 ... For example, it's possible that e-mails to and from Dsk's IMF-issued BlackBerry were being surveilled in Paris, perhaps in connection to an ...
Why did we let DSK get away with what he did?
You know Dominique Strauss Kahn right. They dropped the rape charges and he get away with raping a maid just like his company, the IMF, "raped" the economies of foreign countries. Why did we let him get away from the hands of justice?
Answer: The nature of the American legal system is such that his lawyers would have totally destroyed the credibility of the woman involved, in the States it is much more about the presentation in the courtroom than the actual facts of the case. Dsk has a shocking reputation in his dealings with women, I personally think the woman told the truth about their "encounter" and the prosecution dropped the case because they knew that his team would destroy her, one law for the rich, none for the poor in America.
Category: Current Events
French Politics: Sarkozy, the Police, and DSK
And the omnipresent publicity consultancy Euro RSCG, now advising Hollande, seems to have been a key player in the contacts between Dsk and Sarkozy's "Mr. Security," Alain Bauer (who eventually relayed the news of ...
DSK Hotel Lashes Out | Story | POWERWALL
Nov 28, 2011 ... In the months after one of its housekeepers alleged Dominique Strauss-Kahn sexually assaulted her when she went to clean his room, the ...
DSK News, Video and Gossip - Gawker
Strauss-Kahn Now Claiming that Maid Stared Unabashedly at His Organ. Dsk Scandal Getting the Porn Movie Treatment. Strauss-Kahn Calls Alleged Rape a Moral Fault.
# Trending N.Y.C.
WITH the Yankees almost-annual trip to the postseason officially booked, and the rival Red Sox fading fast, Yankees fans did their best to explode Twitter last week in a fit of joy and schadenfreude. The good cheer began on Monday, when Mariano Rivera, the teams closer, set a record for saves, recording his 602nd in a 6-4 victory over the - By MATT FLEGENHEIMER
Dominique Strauss-Kahn - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dominique Gaston André Strauss-Kahn (born 25 April 1949), often referred to in the media, and by himself, as Dsk, is a French economist, lawyer, politician, and ...
Strauss-Kahn Lawyers and Prosecution Set Meeting to Discuss Dismissal or Plea Deal
Manhattan prosecutors are scheduled to meet on Wednesday with the lawyers for Dominique Strauss-Kahn to discuss whether the sexual assault case against him can be resolved through a dismissal or a plea agreement, according to a person briefed on the matter. The meeting, which Cyrus R. Vance Jr., the Manhattan district attorney, may attend, will - By JOHN ELIGON and WILLIAM K. RASHBAUM; Jim Dwyer, Javier Hernandez and Andy Newman contributed reporting.
News of New York Turnaround Stuns France and Reshapes Debate
PARIS -- The release of Dominique Strauss-Kahn on Friday from house arrest in New York represented a startling turnaround, sharpening the focus of political debate here on a central and potent issue: with the weakening of sexual assault charges against him, will he be able to resume a potentially stellar career that could lead to the presidency of - By ALAN COWELL; Reporting was contributed by Liz Alderman, Katrin Bennhold, Richard Berry and Romain Parlier.
Hi my name is Manni. I would like to ask about the DSK ISD in pune is it good ? Currently I am in 12th and I w?
Hi my name is Manni. I would like to ask about the Dsk ISD in pune is it good ? Currently I am in 12th and I want to be a Successful car designer. I would also like to know about the fee structure of this institute and my household yearly income is less then 6 lakhs can i get some concession in it ?
How much will be the concession ??
Answer: yes it good u can get concession if u show them your family income certificate
Category: Primary & Secondary Education
How do i run Chk DSK on start up?
I really need to run ChkDsk on start-up to fix my computer up. Does anyone know the command?
P.S. i have windows XP
Answer: From the experts at Microsoft
Category: Desktops
Strauss-Kahn dominated the Twitter feeds of New Yorkers on Friday, a day after the news broke that the rape case against Dominique Strauss-Kahn appeared to be on the brink of falling apart. Every development in the case was tweeted and retweeted - Mr. Strauss-Kahn (known as #Dsk on Twitter) was in the courtroom, he had been released on his own - By MATT FLEGENHEIMER
What Really Happened to DSK, Author Asks -- Daily Intel
Although criminal charges stemming from the encounter with a maid, Nafissatou Diallo, have been dropped because prosecutors found her to be untruthful, her civil case ...
Back in France, Strauss-Kahn Is Eye of Media Tornado
PARIS -- It was not quite like the arrival of a pope, with a kiss of the tarmac, but the press attention was comparable on Sunday morning when a relieved Dominique Strauss-Kahn returned to France. With charges of attempted rape against him dropped, but having had to resign his job as managing director of the International Monetary Fund, Mr. - By STEVEN ERLANGER; Alison Smale and Jonathan J. Li contributed reporting.
THE OUT OF TOWNER; Newest New Yorkers At Play
THEY are young, talented and driven: artists who want to make their mark on the world. You see them in New York more than any other city in the country, and their New York is different from yours and mine. Its hipper and faster paced, open to experience. If they want to see a folk-singing duo, and their iPhones tell them to cross two highway lanes - Ruth Pennebakers latest novel is Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakthrough. She blogs at geezersisters.com. - By RUTH PENNEBAKER
Hotel workers dance stirs suspicions of political plot against DSK
Two Sofitel Hotel workers got boogie fever — dancing and even hugging as if they’d just won the lottery — moments after calling cops on behalf of the chambermaid who accused Dominique Strauss-Kahn of sexually assaulting her, surveillance video shows ...
DSK Jewelry!™
Dsk Jewelry is handmade/handcrafted by me! [D.S.K.] in the Seattle, Washington, USA. US, Canada, UK and all other International Orders Welcome! Dsk Jewelry LLC is a ...
Dominique Strauss-Kahn Surveillance Video Aired On French TV
According to Dsk's lawyers "two Sofitel employees hug one another and do a joyful little dance as they confer in a dark basement corridor" proves that there was a conspiracy to frame him. That's stretching it a bit isn't it? ...
Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the Media Circus and the Roman Arena
This Friday former Chief of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Dominique Strauss-Kahn (generally called Dsk in France -- and now in the international media) has been released from the house arrest under which he has been for more than a month.
DSK News, Video and Gossip - Jezebel
The Maid Stared Seductively At Strauss-Kahns Junk, You See. Dominique Strauss-Kahns Wife Stops Standing By Her Man. Diplomatic Immunity Wont Cover Dsks Ass This Time.
What is the atheistic take on the whole DSK situation? Is he guilty or was he framed by a lying opportunist?
After all, Dsk is a self-proclaimed card-carrying atheist, isnt he?
Category: Religion & Spirituality
Is there any cute jewelry like the DSK line?
I love her style and everything, but theyre just waaay too overpriced and I was wondering if theres any cute jewelry out there that sort of has the same vibe? Nothing too exact just that style.
Answer: I know! I love her jewelrys, even though its overpriced. She did it with such love and passion, she didn't just throw them all together.(: And when you recieve them in the mail, its so neat and cute! She was nice enough to put candy in the package! ^-^
But if your looking for same exact meterials for cheap, 23crystals.flyingcart.com is your site! I recently ordered from there, but you should order quick because there stuff goes out pretty quick.(: They sell things seperate, bails, stones, etc. But its very cheap, under 20 dollars to get the things you need for a necklace to put together!
Category: Fashion & Accessories
Four Deutsche Bank Employees Are Charged in South Korea
Four Deutsche Bank employees and its South Korean brokerage house face a trial at a South Korean court after they were charged by prosecutors with causing a one-day rout in stocks in November that wiped out $27 billion in value, the company confirmed on Saturday. The Financial Services Commission said in February that five of the Frankfurt-based - By BLOOMBERG NEWS
DSK Claims Alleged Rape Began With Maid's 'Suggestive Look ...
Dec 1, 2011 ... (Miguel Medina/AFP/Getty Images) The episode in a New York City hotel that ended the career of former International Monetary Fund chief ...
DSK Maid Caught On Tape Reenacting Alleged Sexual ... - News One
Leaked hotel-security video footage from the day Dominique Strauss-Kahn was accused of sexually assault shows the hotel maid, Nafissatou Diallo acting out the alleged act.
if my ps3 starts to perform badly, is there any way to improve performance WITHOUT deleting stuff from hrd DSK?
bad performance means slow functioning. and i dont mean online, i mean offline performance.
Answer: Define "perform badly"?
The PS3 is not like a regular PC, so deleting stuff from the hard drive shouldn't affect its performance.
If it's having problems during online play, it's most likely because your network connection is having problems. If you're using WiFi, check the signal strength between the PS3 and your router. A weak signal will mean slow speeds and even intermittent transmission problems. Try arranging your PS3 and router so they're closer together or use an ethernet cable to connect the router to the PS3 directly instead of using WiFi. If someone else in your house is using the internet, you may have too much traffic on your internet connection. For instance, video streaming or downloading large files can consume your bandwidth, leaving none for other applications like your PS3. Try to limit the use of these bandwidth-hungry tasks while playing online.
If you're having problems with freezing or pausing even when not online, then it sounds like your PS3 is overheating. Make sure there's no dust covering the vents on the back bottom and sides of the PS3. Make sure there's plenty of space (2-3" at least) around the sides and back of the PS3 so it can have proper airflow.
Category: PlayStation
VIDEO: The Sofitel footage that lawyers say proves sex assault claims against Dominique Strauss-Kahn
The footage, broadcast by French television station BFMTV late Thursday and widely circulated since, show Strauss-Kahn (Dsk) — at the time the International Monetary Fund chief — checking out of the hotel May 14, as well as his accuser, chambermaid ...
Affaire Carlton de Lille Dsk : "Les filles de joies et le socialisme" Que pensait Karl Marx des prostituées? http://t.co/QUzubcRI
From: mylenana - Source: web
#video feministes FEMEN Soubrettes Seins Nus Place des Vosges devant chez Dsk http://t.co/fm7VC3cq
From: ladydodo2 - Source: web
RT @japang_official: 【イベント情報】1/13(金) じゃぱんぐ♪ vol.38 @ ArcH Guest DJ Dsk☆ミ 特集などイベント詳細はブログへ→ http://t.co/q0nr1dvq #japang #ArcH2
From: japang_daisuke - Source: twittbot.net
@pedrinhohln pergunta pro Dsk
From: dimasib - Source: web
Laurent Gerra en Dsk reforme le duo avec Virginie Lemoine en Anne SInclair pour 7/7 !!! A mourir de rire !! #LGNSR
From: smillmuth02 - Source: web
affaire #Dsk Gerard Depadieu pourrait jouer le role de Dsk au cinéma, et Isabelle Adjani celui dAnne Sinclair http://t.co/cylTrGC1
From: hiroshigirl1 - Source: web
Dsk= CityTeam=>>>>>>>>
From: HEY_NOLO - Source: TweetCaster for Android
@HEY_NOLO Wats Dsk?
From: sidditynitty - Source: Twidroyd for Android
【イベント情報】1/13(金) じゃぱんぐ♪ vol.38 @ ArcH Guest DJ Dsk☆ミ 特集などイベント詳細はブログへ→ http://t.co/q0nr1dvq #japang #ArcH2
From: japang_official - Source: twittbot.net
Dskは余裕の3週間前入稿です。え、遅い?ごめんなさい( ・ω・)
From: NIPPONPON - Source: Twitter for BlackBerry®
"Whatever happened to his BlackBerry & its content, Dsks prospects were effectively ended by the events of that day." http://t.co/VtbixCq8
From: ShantyTownie - Source: Safari on iOS
Its #Dsk
From: HEY_NOLO - Source: TweetCaster for Android
#Dsk, héros de la série New York Unité spéciale http://t.co/nQh0VG43
From: mylenana - Source: web
RT @elisekarlin: #ONPC #Valls: " Dsk est un ami" - ya plus bcp de socialistes pour dire ça. Ça se respecte.
From: Purrfucktion - Source: Twitter for iPhone
"Death to the Jews, Death to America," says the inbred paedophile prophet follower with the sh*… http://t.co/mbVBzjDW via @wordpressdotcom
From: fl85 - Source: Tweet Button