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What are all the different things that have been predicted and that are supposed to happen on december 21,2012,or just 2012 in general?
Answer: Here is an article I wrote saying everything that is predicted to happen:
Category: Astronomy & Space
When Investors Rush In, and Out, Together
It seems that anxious investors in these troubled economic times are seeking safety in crowds. The prices of stocks, bonds and a host of other financial assets, which in normal conditions more often than not move in a diversity of unpredictable directions, are increasingly surging up or down in lockstep. The rise in correlation between individual - By GRAHAM BOWLEY
2012 (2009) - IMDb
Director: Roland Emmerich. . Actors: John Cusack: Jackson Curtis · Amanda Peet: Kate Curtis · Chiwetel Ejiofor: Adrian Helmsley · Thandie Newton: Laura Wilson ...
December 21 2012, The official Website for 122112 Information
The world as we know it is in for some dramatic and devastating changes. Explore the possibilities, see what other believe.
December 21 2012, The official Website for 122112 Information
December 21 2012 Racing Game - Just for the fun of it. The 2012 Countdown Begins at Chaa Creek
WEALTH MATTERS; Analysts and Advisers Review 2011 Investment Predictions - Wealth Matters
I’M not the only one who has seen prognosticators through the years make a wrong call — Dow 36,000! Dow 5,000! But I can’t recall any of them being asked to explain months later why they slipped up. So last January, I thought it worthwhile to find a group of analysts and advisers who would be accountable for their predictions, a - By PAUL SULLIVAN
NASA - 2012: Beginning of the End or Why the World Wont End?
Impressive movie special effects aside, Dec. 21, 2012, wont be the end of the world as we know.
Hope Reigns As US Rings In 2012, After Dud 2011
NEW YORK (AP) — Times Square is ready to welcome hordes of New Year’s Eve revelers looking to cast off a rough year and cheer their way to something better in 2012. For all of the holiday’s bittersweet potential, New York City always ...
American Stock Markets End 2011 Where They Started
Like a roller coaster returning to the platform, the stock market in the United States ended the last day of trading in 2011 just about where it started the year. But what a wild ride it was in between. The Standard & Poor’s 500-stock index, the main gauge of broad market performance, closed on Friday at 1,257.60, finishing the year nearly - By CHRISTINE HAUSER
Obama to Delay Budget Request So Congress Can Comment
HONOLULU — President Obama agreed on Friday to delay a request to Congress to expand the government’s borrowing authority by $1.2 trillion, allowing lawmakers time to return from recess and register their views on it. The delay, which a White House official said would be only a few days, will not jeopardize the operations of the - By MARK LANDLER
2012 Predictions: Politics and Media
1. Mitt Romney will win the primaries, fending off serious, last-second challenges from Ron Paul and Rick Santorum. Even Rick Perry may find himself surging in the polls during the final few days. But Republicans want a winner in 2012, and they sense that ...
2012 | Movies.com - New Movies | Movie Trailers | Movie Times ...
Read the 2012 movie synopsis, view the movie trailer, get cast and crew information, see movie photos, and more on Movies.com.
World begins ringing in 2012
PARIS - With glittering fireworks and celebrations from New Zealand to Times Square, the world eagerly welcomed a new year and hope for a better future Saturday, saying goodbye to a year of hurricanes, tsunamis and economic turmoil that many ...
why does everyone believe that the entire world is gunna end in 2012???!??!?!?!?! It is not gunna end. They said that in 2007 that the world was gunna end. but we are all still livin arent we. We dont live on mars!!! they are just saying it will thats all
Answer: The only people who believe the world will end in 2012 are either gullible, uneducated, or both.
No rational person believes any of the hogwash about the world ending in 2012.
No idea what "gunna" means, its not in any dictionary.
Category: Mythology & Folklore
NASA - 2012: Beginning of the End or Why the World Won't End?
Dec 22, 2011 ... Impressive movie special effects aside, Dec. 21, 2012, won't be the end of the world as we know.
Obama Says He Is ‘Hopeful’ for 2012, Greater Economic Growth
Dec. 31 (Bloomberg) -- President Barack Obama, saying he’s “hopeful” for 2012 after a year that brought the beginnings of an economic recovery, called on Congress to extend a payroll tax cut for a full year to help Americans struggling to ...
2012: Gold Above $2,000, BRIC Bubble Pops, Sarkozy, Merkel and ...
According to Clem Chambers 2012 will see markets continue this year’s rocky ride.
RealClearPolitics - 2012: Decisions and Indecision
If there's one thing we can reliably count on from the new year, it is that some cable news network will produce a nifty Decision 2012 logo for the coming election season. And, yes, Read Full Article ››. Related Topics: New ...
A look ahead: 2012 is Microsofts turning point
For Microsoft, the message of 2011 was "wait until you see what happens next year." In 2012, Redmond is threatening to do something it has never done before: offer a ...
will the world really end in 2012?? i read about it and at first people and the internet said it would happen. now i see websites saying it wont happen. im confused will the world really end in 2012???
Answer: "will the world really end in 2012?" No.
"i read about it"... Not in a science book, right? You went to a website where they wanted to sell you plans to build a bombshelter and believed the stories they made up? Do yourself a favor and take a science class.
"people and the internet said it would happen"... Remember Blossom Goodchild? She said a Flying Saucer the size of Georgia would be seen a couple years ago. It didn't show. (amazing) People said whatever the #%% they want to... most of it is @%^%.
"will the world really end in 2012?" No, though I will bet you a shiny nickel that you will never hear from Patrick Geryl again after Dec 21 2012.
Category: Astronomy & Space
The date December 21st, 2012 A.D. ( in the Long Count), represents an extremely close conjunction of the Winter Solstice Sun with the crossing point ...
2012 Official Countdown: Must Read Info About December 21, 2012
See why December 21, 2012 is not a conspiracy theory for doomsday believers. Evidence show the year 2012 could be the end of the world as we know it.
does anyone think something extraordinary will happen in the year 2012?
Answer: Another Rocky movie will be released!
Category: Astronomy & Space
2012 - Own It On Blu-ray™ & DVD March 2nd. Also on Digital Download.
2012 - From Roland Emmerich, director of THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW and INDEPENDENCE DAY, comes the ultimate action-adventure film, exploding with groundbreaking special ...
World to ring in 2012 with spectacular fireworks
Sydney — Spectacular fireworks and crowded parties will ring in the New Year for revellers around the world Saturday, as billions mark the end of 2011 with noisy celebrations from Sydney to Stockholm. From New Yorks glittering Times Square ...
2012 Preview: Capital One Financial
With 2011 nearly in the books, its time to reflect on what has transpired this year and which companies could be facing business-altering decisions in 2012. On todays plate we have Capital One Financial (NYSE: COF ) , one of the largest credit ...
Index Points to Weakness in Chinese Economy
BEIJING — Chinese factory activity shrank again in December as demand at home and abroad slackened, a purchasing managers’ survey showed Friday, reinforcing the case for pro-growth policies to bolster the economy. Also Friday, the renminbi closed at a record high against the dollar, passing through resistance at 6.30 renminbi to the - By REUTERS
The Wednesday Chef: 2012
Hellooo! I'm still here, folks, just on the other side of the screen, in fact. But the thing is, I've been hiding. Shhhh. You see, I'm in the home stretch, delivering my book in February (which apparently is four weeks...
What is the reason they thought of this? Who made it up? Is it real? If the world is going to end, why then? I need almost everything there is to know on the whole world ending in 2012.
Thanks so much.
Answer: It's the ending date of an ancient calendar. It just stops, it doesn't explain why or how. Personally I think they just got tired of carving.
I HIGHLY doubt that the world is going to "end" in 2012.
Don't worry so much.
Category: Religion & Spirituality
so who here believes the world will end on december 21 2012? i just heard about that theory and any opinions would be welcome!
Answer: This 'theory' came about because someone worked out that the Mayan calendar, which extended far into their future, stopped at 2012.
They didn't predict that the world was going to end. They just didn't extend their calendar past that date.
The amount of horsecrap written about this date is astounding.
Nostradamus is supposed to have predicted the same date - he didn't.
The Christian Church is supposed to have predicted the same date - it didn't
There is supposed to be an asteroidal impact around that date - no-one has predicted any such thing.
It's complete and utter nonsense. Get a grip ffs...
Category: Earth Sciences & Geology
Nelly Furtado Talks New Album In 2012! | PerezHilton.com
We are SO excited for Nelly Furtado´s new album! Check out the singer discussing the creative process behind recording her new, English-language album, T.S.I., which is due out in 2012, and...
No Doomsday in 2012
May 19, 2008 ... Apparently, the world is going to end on December 21st, 2012. Yes, you read correctly, in some way, shape or form, the Earth (or at least a ...
2012 - Science and Pseudoscience - Crystalinks
If reality is a Consciousness Hologram and Time is an Illusion - all ends with the element of surprise. Clearly the Maya were accurate with their many of their ...
Van Halen announces 2012 tour with David Lee Roth - Celebrity ...
(CBS) Van Halen will celebrate its 40th anniversary as a band with a major 2012 tour featuring David Lee Roth. After months of speculation, the rockers ...
█████████████████ █♥♥♥♥♥__2012__♥♥♥♥♥█ █████████████████ █▒░░░░░░░░░▒▒▒▒▒█ █░░░░▓████░░░░░▒█ █░▒░░▓████░░░░░░█?
Category: Other - Holidays
does it scare you that they say the world will end in 2012??? it kinda scares me!!! D: what do you think will happen?? ive heard people say "i think the world will end in 2012 and nothing will be anymore." OR "I think there will be a big war between the americans and chinese." i just think it is really scary!!! what do you think is gonna happen???? D:
Answer: Nothing is gonna happen...
Category: Polls & Surveys
do you think we are all gonna die on dec 21 2012????
Answer: All you really need to do is take a look at some of the people promoting the doomsday 2012 nonsense. If that doesn't convince you it's all baloney, nothing will. We have:
José Argüelles who believes himself to be a reincarnated Mayan priest and tells us that "time is faster than light", whatever that may mean.
Zechariah Sitchin who invented planet Nibiru as an object populated by a race who genetically engineered humans as slave creatures to mine gold.
Nancy Lieder who believes she's is in telepathic communication with aliens from a planet orbiting the star Zeta Reticuli who have warned her about the approach of Planet X in 2012.
Terence McKenna who, whilst on drugs, devised "novelty theory" which shows that "novelty" reaches a zero point in November 2012. When he heard about the Mayan Long Count calendar cycle rollover on 21st December 2012, he fiddled his result to match the date.
"Doctor" Jaysen Rand who tells us he was abducted by extraterrestrials from the planet Epsilon and warned of the impending arrival of Planet X.
Saying that there will be no doomsday in 2012 are (among many others):
Dr. Ed Krupp, Director of Griffith Observatory and specialist in Archaeoastronomy.
Dr. David Morrison, Senior Scientist at the NASA Astrobiology Institute.
Professor Mark Van Stone, PhD in Latin American Studies, Southwestern College, California.
Professor Mark Morris, Professor of Astronomy & Physics, UCLA.
Dr. Ian O'Neill, Solar Physicist.
So who do you want to believe? Experienced scientists with many years of study in their respective fields or a ragbag collection of oddballs and lunatics.
Difficult choice, isn't it?
Category: Astronomy & Space
2012 (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2012 is a 2009 American disaster film directed by Roland Emmerich. It stars John Cusack, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Amanda Peet, Oliver Platt, Thandie Newton, Danny Glover ...
2012 New Year Stock Price target Updates by Oxen Group
and they are not friendly price targets for these Chinese stocks: They expect GA shares to go to $3/shr in 2012 (That is a -12/shr stock target decline) while PWRD is expected to go to $18/shr (That is a -17/shr stock target decline). It looks like 2012 ...
happy new year 2012
since 1999 home of design culture, leading independent publication for design, architecture, art, photography and graphics.
PBOC’s Zhou Reiterates Prudent Monetary Policy in 2012
Dec. 31 (Bloomberg) -- The People’s Bank of China “will continue to implement prudent monetary policy” and “ensure the continuity and stability” of policy in 2012, Governor Zhou Xiaochuan said. The central bank will also “continue to ...
The 1 Thing You Need For A Successful 2012
There are thousands of books out there on time management, how to become successful, affluent, how to do it the Steve Jobs way etc. etc. but I think they can be summarized in one single word: Focus Once you are fully in the here and now, it is ...
2012 - Own It On Blu-ray™ & DVD March 2nd. Also on Digital ...
2012 - From Roland Emmerich, director of THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW and INDEPENDENCE DAY, comes the ultimate action-adventure film, exploding with ...
im so curious about 2012. like whats going to happen where r some good websites on 2012???? anything helps thx
Answer: In 2012, London will host the Olympics.
There will be the last transit of Venus this century.
433 Eros will make its closest approach to Earth since its discovery.
Like any other year, there will be elections, wars, hurricanes, some bad TV shows and some worse movies, probably an airplane crash or 2.
Other than that, there is nothing special about 2012. If you're referring to the huge pile of trash being spread about the world ending that year, there is no proof of any kind.
Category: Earth Sciences & Geology
i dont believe in it but im not ruling out anything crazy happening in 2012. tell me what u 2012 conspiracists think is gonna happen and how/why. im bored
Answer: 2012:
There is going to be a US election. Something crazy is bound to happen.
There is always something crazy at the Summer Olympics games.
Oh. You mean in relation to the Big 2012 Hoax.
Then: nothing.
In fact, most of the hoaxes, lies and stories used in creating the Big 2012 Hoax had originally been written for other years than 2012. They were modified during the Summer of 2003, in order to fit the new "favorite date" (the previous one having been June 2003).
For example, the "Bible Code" (a statistical exercise invented in 1994 in a computer journal) promised that all humans would be wiped out at the end of World War III, by a global Nuclear Holocaust in... 2006.
According to the couple who invented the "Photon Belt", Earth entered it in May 1997.
The planetary alignment (responsible for some of the disasters in Roland's movie) took place in 1982 (and again in 1998-1999, although that one was a lot less precise).
In the original story (written in the late 1960s), Nibiru cannot return before the year 2085 and, when it does return, it cannot harm earth -- the people on Nibiru need our help if they want to survive.
The end-of-the-Mayan-calendar is a lie invented in the late 1980s. When it was first invented, the data was in 2011. It was later changed to fit one of the round figures in the Mayan Long Count calendar (it has a round figure every 394 years and a quarter). The dude who made the claim did NOT say that it predicted the end-of-the-world. That was added by the charlatans who created the Big 2012 Hoax in 2003.
And so on.
Every single lie associated with the Big 2012 Hoax can be traced back to an older story (often itself a lie) that had nothing to do with 2012 in the first place.
Category: Astronomy & Space
GLOBAL ATHLETE; A New Year of Pushing the Boundaries of Human Endurance
At this start of a new year, some people will vow to quit smoking, lose weight, take up jogging or visit a gym. Those are no doubt worthy ventures, but consider this: A handful of long-distance endurance athletes are dedicating 2012 to feats that will propel them over oceans and across continents and, if they reach their goals, some of them will - By TOM SIMS
IMF chief Lagarde: Woman of the year in 2012?
As a French woman who worked for years in America, Christine Lagarde brings a particular leadership style to solving the world’s economic woes. In 2012, her style – which is inclusive, humble, and pragmatic – could be the kind that leads Europe out ...
YOUR MONEY; Financial Tips for the Year Ahead - Your Money
One of the best, most revelatory money maxims is one that comes from Tim Maurer , an author, radio host and financial planner in Hunt Valley, Md. Personal finance is more personal than it is finance. Strip away the numbers and the returns and the 50-page financial plans , and what you’re left with is people and all of their associated - By RON LIEBER
2012 Presidential Election: Voters Feeling Dispirited As Presidential ...
A decade ago, customers flocked to the store in the converted fire station on the east side of Toledo, Ohio, in pursuit of Old Glory. Howard Pinkley established Flags Sales & Repair in 1960, and runs it with his daughter, Wendy ...
2012 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2012 (MMXII) will be a leap year starting on Sunday in the Gregorian calendar. It will be the 2012th year of the Common Era (CE) and Anno Domini (AD) designations ...
Will 2012 end..? how does the government know about it ahead of time and we dont? why all of a sudden is the government allowing the movie 2012? the government wouldnt allow that movie on behalf of the destruction of the world. Idk what to do... it says in the bible we will never know when the end time is.. only god knows, and now im starting to think that maybe it will happen in 2012. Help me.
Answer: The movie is strictly for entertainment purposes. Nothing will happen in 2012 like nothing happened:
March 10th, 1982: (Drum roll here please): The Jupiter Effect! What happened March 10th, 1982? Nothing happened on March 10th, 1982.
1987: 88 Reasons Why the Rapture Will be in 88 (and 'On Borrowed Time'). So what happened in 1988? Nothing happened in 1988.
1999: Nostradamus, in 1999 will come the Great King of Terror... What happened in 1999? Nothing happened in 1999.
Y-2K: What happened 01-01-2000? Another non-event.
One of my very favorites and you should remember this one: Only last year (Sept. of 2008), the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will open up a huge black hole that will swallow up the Universe! The LHC collider was fired up on: 10 September 2008 and shut down: 19 September 2008 after a malfunction. Now I can't help but wonder why no one wants to talk about this 'prediction' anymore! Obviously nothing happened last year because we are all still here.
And about 2012, the proponents are already saying that the exact date could be off by only a hundred years, or so!
Category: Mythology & Folklore
Cyrus Mistry, Mukesh Ambani, Mayawati, Aamir Khan among 12 newsmakers who will define India in 2012
ET on Sunday analysed the prospects of dozens of public figures to pick a dozen who are likely to dominate news and mind space this year. The potential headline grabbers include CEOs, politicians, regulators, judges, administrators, entertainers ...
After a momentous year, people worldwide ring in 2012
(CNN)-- As the clock strikes midnight around the world Saturday, people are ushering in a new year with fireworks and festivities, purpose and promises -- and a string of resolutions theyll no doubt break. First to ring in 2012 were those in ...
Heard something about end times. Can someone explain to me the reasoning behind 2012 as the final year?
Answer: “2012 is sometimes claimed to be a great year of spiritual transformation (or apocalypse). Many esoteric sources interpret the completion of the thirteenth B'ak'tun cycle in the Long Count of the Maya calendar (which occurs on December 21 by the most widely held correlation) to mean there will be a major change in world order.”
Category: Other - Science
2012: Western culture obsessed with end of the world, not ancient Maya
Our world is fascinated by prophecies of doom. Every day the media carry reports of predictions that the next year, decade, century or millennium will bring untold disasters. From a reading of current news headlines, this is difficult to argue against. And ...
Round The World In Tech Stocks: 4 Buys For 2012
It was a volatile year in 2011, with market swings creating plenty of opportunities, both for profits and losses. Geopolitical events, natural disasters and sovereign debt issues drove markets lower against a backdrop of slow but steady economic ...
Hungary Passes Central Bank Rules Despite Risk to Bailout
BUDAPEST — Hungary’s chances of obtaining a financial bailout receded Friday after lawmakers approved new central bank regulations that had prompted the International Monetary Fund and the European Union to break off talks this month. The Parliament stripped the central bank president, Andras Simor, of his right to name deputies, - By BLOOMBERG NEWS
2012 (2009) - IMDb
Directed by Roland Emmerich. With John Cusack, Thandie Newton, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Amanda Peet. An epic adventure about a global cataclysm that brings an ...
2012 (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2012 is a 2009 American science fiction disaster film directed by Roland Emmerich. It stars John Cusack, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Amanda Peet, Oliver Platt, Thandie ...
Celebrity Babies 2012: Stars Who Will Welcome Children Next Year ...
This past year we met Mariah Carey's twins, Victoria Beckham's darling daughter and Kate Hudson's new son, but which celebrities will be adding to their families in 2012? Hilary Duff, Jessica Simpson and Beyonce (unless ...
EDITORIAL; The Damage of 2011
After they took power in January , the hard-line Republicans who dominate the House reached for a radical overhaul of American government, hoping to unravel the social safety net, cut taxes further for the wealthy and strip away regulation of business. Fortunately, thanks to defensive tactics by Democrats, they failed to achieve most of their
Happy 2012! | AFL-CIO NOW BLOG
Activists in Wisconsin, shown here, launched a year of protests in 2011 against injustice, economic inequality and blatant attacks on the ability of working people to form unions and collectively bargain for a solid, middle class ...
Mergers 2012: The year of the hostile takeover - Dec. 30, 2011
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- A word of warning to public company CEOs: Watch your back and your competitors. It could be a hostile year in corporate boardrooms ...
COMMON SENSE; Expert Predictions for Stocks, Fixed Income and Real Estate in 2012
Predictions for the economy and markets for 2012 have been bleak, and 2011 was much worse than expected. There may not be much to celebrate this New Year’s Eve . That may be good news, at least for investors. The last time things looked this bad — even worse — was three years ago, hard on the heels of the bankruptcy of - By JAMES B. STEWART
look, guys, dont worry about the world ending in 2012.
Busted have been to the year 3000, not much has changed, but they live under water.
Answer: I hear your great great great gran daughter is pretty fine lol
Category: Polls & Surveys
Obama hopeful economy will improve in 2012
HONOLULU -- President Barack Obama says Congress eventual willingness to come together and prevent year-end tax increases makes him hopeful of more economic progress to come in 2012. "It was good to see members of Congress do the right thing ...
2012 - Official Movie Site
With the Mayan calendar ending in 2012, a large group of people must deal with natural disasters such as volcanic eruptions, typhoons and glaciers.
I believe that in december of 2012 that a solar flare (predicted by NASA) will knock out the world electrical grid I would like to know what some of your beliefs about 2012 are?
Answer: Solar flares can't be predicted and NASA aren't predicting one for 2012. If you care to look at what NASA are actually saying, you will find that they predict a less active Sun in 2012-2013 than at its last maximum of activity in 2001: http://solarscience.msfc.nasa.gov/images/ssn_predict_l.gif
You remember all the disruption caused in 2001? Well, there wasn't any.
My beliefs are based on hard facts. There is no evidence for any unusual event in 2012. Anyone telling you otherwise is an attention-seeking nut or a scammer, trying to sell you pointless survival books, DVDs and equipment.
Category: Mythology & Folklore
2012 Paradox | Transworld Skateboarding
Jake Brown, Peter Smolik, Pat Duffy, and David Gravette are cooking up something for 2012.
DO YOUR CALENDAR WORK - THE GREGORIAN CALENDAR SCREWED UP REAL TIME. The Pyramid of the Moon. The ancient city of Teotihuacan is located 50 kilometers ...
2012? ?????
whats going to happen in 2012? im freaking out big time. im young i havent done or seen many things. please tell me nothing will happen. because im hearing, oh the world is going to end on 12/4/2012...is this all true?
Answer: Not much will happen
Category: Mythology & Folklore
Survive 2012: Ancient Mayan Doomsday, Pole Shifts and Evolution
What Will Happen in 2012 -> 22 Possibilities :: Frequently Asked Questions about 2012 :: Discussion Forum
2012 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2012 (MMXII) is a leap year starting on Sunday in the Gregorian calendar, and it is the current year in Oceania (to the West of the International Date Line), Asia, ...
RT @lauduebor: Wishyn u an AWESOME 2012! We made it:* tank GOD:-D @baraqat_h @Hon_Shinzki @mr_cki @lanreall22 @kenee22 @xxtabel @kevin4216
From: mr_cki - Source: rowi
Te espero con ansias 2012.
From: OtherDramaQueen - Source: Twitter for iPad
@KoyZaaaa @choeuntam @GengPoonHee @mymink_wachi @ibaibeiboibabe @nong_best @Sung_Gii Happy New Year 2012 ♥
From: Aouy_Hilarious - Source: web
RT @realmadrid: ¡FELIZ 2012!
HAPPY 2012!
كل عام وانتم بخير! http://t.co/GM7lztEh
From: CesarMarte_I_ - Source: web
RT @Gramedia: Semoga di 2012 koleksi bukunya tambah banyak ya tweeps.. & yg blm pernah menang kuisnya @Gramedia , tahun ini bisa menang ;)
From: ulfaSays - Source: m.tweete.net
Had an amazo night SO FAR ! @caitingtons you were so fun! thanks for coming! and I promise not to die in 2012 as my new years resolution!
From: _EllenOx - Source: web
HAPPY NEW YEAR NOG ALLEMAAL!!!! xxxxx een super 2012
From: xxSJuulxx - Source: web
RT @MattWebbMT: In case you mis-misinterpreted my last tweet: Thanks friendos, for EVERYTHING. Good times. 2012 will RULE.
From: dream9believe - Source: web
Yelling Lets Go 2012
From: ShytOnEm - Source: Twitter for iPhone
From: L6211991 - Source: Facebook
Lets get out there and finish 2011 off in style, then start 2012 off right! :)
From: JacobDupuis33 - Source: Twitter for Android
Happy New Year @angelicaxrs @sloanerful @LivLuvzRay @MsTinaDee ...hope you all have a great start to 2012! :)
From: jkcowan87 - Source: Twitter for iPhone
#metapra2012 não deixar q 2012 seja igual a 2011!
From: _Milena_vitoria - Source: web
Gracias por acompañarnos este 2011. Esperamos tengan un 2012 espléndido. Sigamos viviendo, reflexionando y compartiendo la información.
From: KajaNegra - Source: TweetDeck
Vengo del futuro para advertirles que en el 2012 sus hashtags siguen estando de la chingada
From: sr_luisenrique - Source: twicca