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Spiritually, what are your opinions on the paranormal?
The Psi or the unknown paranormal phenomena (extra-sensory perception, psychokinesis, telepathy, clairvoyance and precognition) - are being studied right now, under cognitive psychology or parapsychology.
In these occurences there is a very thin line between the natural and the super-natural. There are gradations of what is real as perceived by an individual.
In fact there are "academic journals" (just do a yahoo search or try this sample link http://Ejp.org.uk/) in the social sciences/psychology which focused studies about ESP claims for example.
How do feel about it spiritually speaking, are these hoaxes to confuse and befuddle understanding of what is actually observable even our faith or...
A new basis for affirmation of ones spirituality?
I dont know if this makes sense, but Im skeptical about the real reported cases of individuals who have experienced the psi - but equally curious.
Andy... : Okay, youre entitled to that. =)
Herodotus...: Yes, they have even statistics and mathematical equations to calculate validity/reliability plus, neuroscience has been highly interested with the Psi-ESP.
Im impressed with the answers Ive received so far. I was thinking, how can I connect my skepticism of the paranormal to my understanding of spirituality or the meta-physical aspect of life... but your answers are great, and coming from various spiritual and religious precepts. Thanks =)!
Answer: what's difficult for me is to accept the term, super-natural. I guess some would call me spiritual, some a witch, some a nut, but I feel that everything that goes on, in my life, is just simply natural. I appreciate all I have in life and the ability to live it without destroying it. I respect the mother nature thing, that when a tree dies, another grows, etc. When a human body dies another is born. The energy of one's brain, I call their spirit continues, perhaps on another level of living and I feel comfort with that. I choose to believe that I am not alone and am always being "watched" or protected, or guided by the spirits of ancestors before me. Do I have special abilities that others don't. Of course not. It's a choice of whether or not to be sensitive to my surroundings. Can I predict the future? Sure and so can anyone else. It's easy. The human body will stop to function and it will turn into dust or even smaller particles unseen to the eyes of living human bodies. The energy of the brain, or spirit will then go into the air and where it lands, I know not where.Can it choose it's next place. Why not, if it can make choices now then why not later. Immature thinking to some, but, why make a mountain out of a mole hill. Why disect everything in life to disprove something instead of learning how to live it. Take a simple scenerio. Just about everyone hears about the perils of treading on an indian burial site. Very spiritual individuals. Even people who don't believe are reluctant to test the theory. So, super-natural events don't occur. Even if they are results of people's hoaxes, it's as natural as it is human.
Category: Religion & Spirituality
E.J. Prescott | Water - Sewer - Drain - Storm Water
PPF -Plastic Pipe Fabrication a division of Ejp 599 Water Street (tel) 207-582-4795 (fax) 207-582-4683 Portland 530 Warren Avenue (tel) 207-797-3330 (fax) 207-797-3331
Electronic Journal of Probability
The Electronic Journal of Probability publishes full-size research articles in probability theory. The Electronic Communications in Probability (ECP), a sister ...
EJP | News | Thousands of Chabad emissaries gathered in New ...
NEW YORK (Ejp)---Thousands of rabbis gather in front of Lubavitch World Headquarters in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, for a group picture on the occasion of the annual international conference of Chabad-Lubavitch "schluchim" or emissaries. ...
what is J2EE? tell more about it?
tell mainly about Ejp,servlets,and jsp.......
Answer: J2EE stands for "Java 2 Enterprise Edition" and it deals with Web related APIs.
Servlets, in simple language, are the programs that produce html file as output which is then returned by the web server (say tomcat) to the internet browser.
JSP is Java Servlet Pages, which appear more like html code. It is first converted (automatically) to servlet then complied (automaticaly).
Category: Programming & Design
EJP | Home
Ejp Weekly Newsletter. Don't miss our Weekly Selection of News !!! To receive it just send your email address to: pr@Ejpress.org ...
EJP | Home
I hope that this will be a good omen for Palestines admission to other international organizations.
Using PC Anywhere?
I installed in my pc, here in home. "version 10"
now!, Can I check my machine from other places ?
like for Ejp: staying in my friend house, and iusing his PC with the intention to go into my home PC.
I read that you can do that form your office or so!, but I dont have any office. I just need the aplication to get into my PC when Im away!.
Thanks in advanced!
Answer: Remote desktop. There are remote desktop applications even for mobile phones.
Category: Other - Computers
EJP | News | Western Europe | Holland to reconsider ...
THE HAGUE (Ejp)---Holland will "thoroughly review" its policy on the United Nations Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNWRA), Dutch Foreign Minister Uri ...
Continuing Counter Reformation: A Dialogue on EJP's Jesuitical ...
A Dialogue on Ejp's Jesuitical Racism. Re: Brother Nick Booth / Brother Maxi's Separation Thanks to the Cultic Sectarian Racist/Dominionist Doctrine of Eric Phelps. Hide Details FROM: TS TO: TS - troy_space@me.com ...
Home - EJP
With our software you can add your own images, music, text and links quickly and easily. The Toolbar at the top of the page, and the Editor which floats on the ...
E.J. Prescott | Water - Sewer - Drain - Storm Water
About · Community Involvement · Mission · PEPtalk · The Prescott Family of Companies · Store · Products · Backflow Preventers · Clamps, Couplings & Saddles ...
how do i open an EJP file???
i am trying to open a Ejp cctv file any help please ??
Answer: Ejp files are listed by several sources as Elite Japan Crossword Puzzle files.
Unfortunately every site pointed to a dead link.
The other listed Ejp file is extensible java profiler, see second link.
I am not sure either of these makes sense in the context of CCTV!
The company listed in the first link below claims to convert Ejp files, presumably at a cost. I take no responsibility for any consequences!
Category: Software
Does your religion and family indoctrinate you or do they brainwash you?
There is a distinction between indoctrinating and brainwashing. The word brainwashing has been overused as hyperbole to the point of being taken literal in every instance. However, indoctrinate means "teach doctrines (beliefs) to." In contrast, brainwashing involves "FORCIBLE indoctrination into a new set of attitudes and beliefs."
Does your religion and family indoctrinate you or do they brainwash you?
Answer: I would say that I was indoctrinated by my mother and church leaders when I was Christian. I can't say brainwashed because I was told that interracial marriage was a sin and I did it anyway. They told me and my sis that homosexuality was a sin and shes gay. If we were brainwashed we probably would have followed their doctrines better.
Category: Religion & Spirituality
EJP - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ejp may refer to European Journal of Personality European Journal of Philosophy European Journal of Physics Electronic Journal of Probability This disambiguation page ...
EJP Training Dynamics
Ejp Training Dynamics, www.Ejptrainingdynamics.com, team building, business writing workshops, High Quality and Great Prices.
EJP Contracting
Ejp Contracting Corp. Ejp Contracting Corp. has been striving for excellence for over twenty years. The principals of the corporation are Enzo Puccio President and ...
Risks to Emerging East Asian growth have risen: ADB
MANILA, Dec 6 (bdnews24.com/Reuters) — Emerging East Asias economic momentum remains robust, but the region faces greater risks than just three months ago as Europes debt problems and a fragile US economy could worsen into another global crisis, the ...
EJP Communications Home
Ejp Communications Learning Centre, based in Oakville, Ontario, provide Academic, Professional Training and Research services. Eleanor Pierre is a Teacher Educator ...
Extensible Java Profiler
Mar 25, 2005 ... A profiling tool for Java with a scalable and extensible architecture, allowing its usage for exotic programming languages that use a Java ...
Human Rights march demands socio-economic reforms
Bishop Modesto Villasanta, convener of the Exodus for Justice and Peace (Ejp), said for several months this year social injustice and violence has become the norm. There is not enough food for the poor, the youth are out of school, farmers have no land to ...
Are centipedes dangerous for cats?
I was in the basement and saw this huge centipede. When I went close to it, his back went up like he wanted to attack. I tried to swat it but it was too quick. Now, I dont know where its at. What if my cats catch it? Is it dangerous for them? It looked something like this.
Answer: We get those things in our house sometimes. I see them in the basement or around the sinks - anywhere where there is dampness or water. They are harmless.
Category: Cats
Using PC Anywhere?
I installed in my pc, here in home. "version 10"
now!, Can I check my machine from other places ?
like for Ejp: staying in my friend house, and iusing his PC with the intention to go into my home PC.
I read that you can do that form your office or so!, but I dont have any office. I just need the aplication to get into my PC when Im away!.
Thanks in advanced!
Answer: Yes...
Category: Security
EJP Machines
Ejp Maschinen GmbH - Quality Made in Germany ... Ejp started in 1979 as an engineering office founded by Mr. Terry Paraskevas after 18 years with Schumag AG, Aachen ...
Holland Rejects Proposed Ban on Kosher Slaughter
In June, the Dutch parliament voted by a majority of 116 against 30 in favor of the legislation, but Ejp noted that since that time several political parties have changed their stance on the matter, including the Socialist and Liberal parties which ...
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EJP | News | Western Europe | EU Parliament President Buzek ...
BRUSSELS (Ejp)---The President of the European Parliament, Jerzy Buzek, has invited young political leaders from the European Union, Israel and Palestine to Brussels as part of its efforts to foster a lasting peace in the Middle East, his office ...
Welcome to EJP Accountants & Advisors
Ejp Accountants & Advisors are your ideal partner for complete support in the areas of accountancy, tax advise and estate planning.
Whats up with this guy, do you agree with him white racists?
He seems to claim that asians and arabs hate blacks more than white people? Everybody is racist, but not everyone hates a race. I went to a korean church in sacramento and Ive met some half black/half korean kids and we all got along. His claim in the article is that ALL asians hate black people. Is he mental like the rest on this section that tries to pit wars between non-whites? Pointing out hypocrisy is one thing, but stretching it beyond imagination is another.
And does this guy doing interviews tell us pretty much what all white racists think? That they really are jealous of black men getting with white women? Oh man, and I guess thats why they have some psychological transference against asians.
Also he believes that half of Africa should be given to whites, because of the killings of 24,000 or so Dutch people
He also goes on about how gold is better money without refuting why it would be better than paper money. He just doesnt have a distinguishing framework other than exposing jesuits, nor does he sound college educated. His plug about Thomas More linking a catholic to his book Utopia and Platos Republic have all already been known but havent been agreed upon. Im just wondering why are these guys on this section are on his side? Oh man. He really speaks the sentiments of this section.
Its not only video interviews, but his emails posted on a racist site on unhived mind supported by his followers.
He says all this while white racists on this section make fun of other races. Oh brother.
I cant find the video of him talking about his chat with Jamaicans that are supposedly on his side on youtube. In it he talks about how Chinese are living there to invade Jamaica and kill them, I guess for some war against the US. Does he even comprehend how bad that would look for China? Also he mentions there what I mentioned about him that black males/white females should stop getting together because when white men see that, they get jealous. Oh man, thats why they start shit with Asians in the same manner. Anyway, Ill find that video later, hopefully it wasnt taken down. It took hours to try and find it with no results, but Ill spend an hour or so more and posted it on here.
Oh yeah in the video I was talking about, he also says he wants to kill all Chinese coming to US soil, taking no prisoners if an invasion happened. x)
Eric Phelps isnt arguable? He just said Mexican savages in one email were Roman-Catholic immigrants. I hardly doubt all Roman-Catholics act savage like. Theres a chat channel of this sweet nice young Nicaraguan girl who has conservative values cause she was raised Roman catholic. She claims to have some sort third eye or whatever and that she gets scared remembering paranormal things that happened in her old house. But jeez, if I was christian Id rather help the girl. And tis sad to see good people burn in this demented hell that christians create. Yeah you dont like nice people cause they seem deceptive, but you hate actual crimes happening to white people. Cmon, give me a break, of course you demand nice people by that logic.
Also Obamas muslim, whether in name or not, the muslims dont want to make themselves look bad by "plotting" to kill black people. The slave trade is a bad basis, as eric just want people to acknowledge the hypocrisy, but to say theyre more killers than whites, oh maan.
And what else is he not truthful about? That fox news is a fascist right wing network runned by jesuits to bring catholics and protestants together to give emnity towards blacks & mexicans? I see no protestant here staying aloof from what the white hateful racists are saying here.
Answer: These kind of people need a lot of help, preferably in a renowned Mental Institution that can meet their needs.
When people start talking like that I yawn and move on, my life is way too short for that bullsh!t from people.
Category: Other - Cultures & Groups
What's your angle? | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
By Ejp Photo Eric+ Add Contact. This photo was taken on November 9, 2011 in Teaneck Riverftont, Teaneck, NJ, US, using a ... Ejp Photo's photostream (3768). Newest photo →; Everything Ends · What's your angle? On Fire · Come for a visit ...
E.J. Prescott | Water - Sewer - Drain - Storm Water
PPF -Plastic Pipe Fabrication a division of Ejp: 599 Water Street (tel) 207-582- 4795 (fax) 207-582-4683; Portland: 530 Warren Avenue (tel) 207-797-3330 ...
Using PC Anywhere?
I installed in my pc, here in home. "version 10"
now!, Can I check my machine from other places ?
like for Ejp: staying in my friend house, and iusing his PC with the intention to go into my home PC.
I read that you can do that form your office or so!, but I dont have any office. I just need the aplication to get into my PC when Im away!.
Thanks in advanced!
Answer: If U r using Windows XP, U will not need such program.
U can use Remote Access feature given by XP.
First U need to set a remote account user at your home PC.
Secondly - Go to dyndns.org to acquire a dynamic IP address
Download Client module and install it in your home PC.
Finally U can use your friend PC to Connect to the dyndns set account (url) by using " Remote Desktop Connection" as offered by Windows XP.
Category: Software
Spreading Christmas Cheer | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
This photo belongs to. Ejp Photo's photostream (3770). Newest photo →; The Inferno · Spreading Christmas Cheer · Everything Ends · What's your angle? This photo also appears in. My Faves - 2011 (Set) · Christmas (Set) ...
rgb channels in photoshop?
does anyone know how to move individual channels in photoshop to create an effect like this logo? :
i cant find anything only for it....
Answer: save as ur picture as a new jpg . .its important . .somtimes it wont work if u din save . . tn go to channel editor . ."u cn get it from window menu " . .tn use move tool n move the channel u want
Category: Software
riddle me this?
obr djogyrf ,u gomhrtd pmr pbrt gtp, yj rjp,r lrud///og upi vsm trsf yjod. smdert Ejp yjr gotdy [trdofrmy pg yjr imoyrf dysyrd esd/
Answer: Ive shifted my fingers one over from the home keys. If you can read this answer who the first president of the united states was.
George Washington
Ten points to me for taking the time and trouble to decipher your little code.
Well done, kept me entertained for around 15 minutes.
Enjoyed it. Wasnt hard to work out but kept me going back to the keyboard!!
Category: Jokes & Riddles
E.J. Prescott | Water - Sewer - Drain - Storm Water
Distributors of water, sewer, and drain materials.
EJP-TOSCA Strahlanlagen GmbH
Ejp-TOSCA guarantees extremely reliable products, due to its technical expertise and its wide range of experience in this field. Ejp-TOSCA offers customers ongoing ...
Team EJP Racing & PEP Classic Car Company: Home
Welcome to the Ejp Racing / PEP Classic Car Company. We at Team Ejp Racing are passionate about racing and classic cars. Along with racing and classic car restoration ...
On Fire | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
By Ejp Photo Eric+ Add Contact. This photo was taken on December 15, 2011 in Harismus Cove, Jersey City, NJ, US, using a ... Ejp Photo's photostream (3768) · Everything Ends; What's your angle? On Fire; Come for a visit; Silver Bells ...
Come for a visit | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
By Ejp Photo Eric+ Add Contact. This photo was taken on December 9, 2011 in Grove Street, Jersey City, NJ, US, using a Nikon ... Ejp Photo's photostream (3768) · What's your angle? On Fire · Come for a visit · Silver Bells · December Rose ...
Electronic Journal of Probability
Ejp is a research journal in probability theory. ... The Electronic Journal of Probability publishes full-size research articles in probability theory.
Do you agree with this protestant white supremacist white racists of this section. Please take a look?
That all Asians hate blacks? That all Chinese of the Liberation Army is plotting to kill all Jamaicans and use it as a military advantage to take over America? I went to a Korean church in Sacramento back in the 90s, and weve got along with the half black/half korean kids and peers. We had a Korean youth group paster who was a woman.
This guy says otherwise:
He says he met a KKK member who said not all of them were bad and spanked a white lady who they barely knew for leaving her child home alone while going to a bar.
Here he says he represents all whites saying white men hates it when they see a black man gets with a white woman:
Sounds familiar? Is this why they have psychological transference on Asian men?
Also he called Mexican immigrants savages as well as others, etc, but only those who are Roman Catholic who are supposedly manipulated by the Vatican. ALL of them. He just said Mexican savages in one email were Roman-Catholic immigrants. I hardly doubt all Roman-Catholics act savage like. Theres a chat channel of this sweet nice young Nicaraguan girl who has conservative values cause she was raised Roman catholic. She claims to have some sort third eye or whatever and that she gets scared remembering paranormal things that happened in her old house. But jeez, if I was christian Id rather help the girl. And tis sad to see good people burn in this demented hell that christians create. Yeah you dont like nice people cause they seem deceptive, but you hate actual crimes happening to white people. Cmon, give me a break, of course you demand nice people by that logic.
And he says protestants should stay aloof of catholics and catholic controlled media or politics? He says fox is fascist and was used to bring catholics and protestants together as an example to start hate with other races or ethnicities through wars, etc. But I just dont buy that. Not many have stayed aloof of any hateful racism on there cause they think its being politically correct. He uses an analogy that a kingdom of god exists alluding to carbon monoxide, but he cant answer questions like if god was all loving, why doesnt he show himself to the world so many people can be saved.
And I had full black friends, cause obviously I lived in Sacramento in both black and white neighborhoods.
And I doubt China would want to risk retaliation from any other nation, or risk their reputation with the world.
Also I say hell contradict his analogous claim of carbon monoxide, because wouldnt it be logical for god to show himself to the world? Christians will say its free will of choice to not chose god or whatever, but this guy is a neo-calvinist protestant, so he doesnt believe in free will.
I mean I know about it pertains more to the hardening of hearts issue with the Phaoroh, and numerous other examples and hypotheticals, but christians mostly use that argument that people can choose in argument of why god doesnt show himself.
Answer: lol Such a profoundly stupid man. ANY idiot can google facts, it's not hard.. So why the hell did he say "English holding of Hong Kong was given to red China, in what? 1999?"
Lmfao how hard is it to pick up a book to see that the G6 conquer and divided China and the English took Hong Kong as a colony and was given to them for about a hundred years, 1997 was the year it expired and was given back to China.
LOL What a ignorant man.
Category: Other - Cultures & Groups
Ejp Consulting Group LLC. Who We Are · What We Do · Our Team · Project Highlights · Contact Us. Welcome to Ejp Consulting Group LLC We Build Change.
Lets be frank about this. I know more about Ulysses than anyone else in the world, and Im going to teach it all to you. The 210 undergraduates crammed into the Columbia University Law School auditorium broke into laughter on Monday afternoon, as Prof. Wallace Gray began teaching another semester of Eliot, Joyce, Pound. Ejp, as it is - By Susan Heller Anderson and David W. Dunlap
Asian shares, euro dip after S&P downgrade
SINGAPORE, Dec 6 (bdnews24.com/Reuters) - Asian stocks and the euro fell on Tuesday after ratings agency Standard & Poors warned it might downgrade euro zone countries en masse if European leaders fail to produce a credible plan to solve the regions debt ...
Flickr: EJP Photo's Photostream
Flickr is almost certainly the best online photo management and sharing application in the world. Show off your favorite photos and videos to the world, securely ...
Team EJP Racing & PEP Classic Car Company: Home
Team site for the #03 truck. Includes a photo gallery, team news, merchandise, driver profile, and sponsor information.
Easy Java Persistence (EJP) 3.5 Released – It's Huge! | EasierJava ...
Easy Java Persistence (Ejp) 3.5 has been released, and it is huge! This release fixes all known issues. All functionality/features have been thoroughly tested on every major database platform (Oracle, DB2, PostgreSql, Mysql, ...
Extensible Java Profiler
Ejp - Extensible Java Profiler Home Page ... March 25th., 2005 Ejp 2.2beta1 was released. This release fixes all known bugs.
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