Sophie Marceau - Beautiful Sophie Marceau. An Actress Tribute list

Sophie Marceau: Videos

SOPHIE MARCEAU et Christophe Lambert reportage.
SOPHIE MARCEAU et Christophe Lambert reportage.
SOPHIE MARCEAU and Francois Valery - Dream in.
SOPHIE MARCEAU and Francois Valery - Dream in.
SOPHIE MARCEAU Young Lan note bleue - YouTube
SOPHIE MARCEAU Young Lan note bleue - YouTube
Premier Casting - Sophie Marceau - YouTube
Premier Casting - Sophie Marceau - YouTube
La Fid��lit�� (2000) - YouTube
La Fid��lit�� (2000) - YouTube
Lost and Found chello scene - SOPHIE MARCEAU.
Lost and Found chello scene - SOPHIE MARCEAU.
SOPHIE MARCEAU Interview - YouTube
SOPHIE MARCEAU Interview - YouTube
SOPHIE MARCEAU - LA BOUM 2. ������������. ������������.
SOPHIE MARCEAU - LA BOUM 2. ������������. ������������.
Valentine ( Sophie Marceau ) - YouTube
Valentine ( Sophie Marceau ) - YouTube
Tu Veux ou Tu Veux Pas - Teaser Officiel - Sophie.
Tu Veux ou Tu Veux Pas - Teaser Officiel - Sophie.
[Portrait] SOPHIE MARCEAU - YouTube
[Portrait] SOPHIE MARCEAU - YouTube
Sophie Marceau interview - YouTube
Sophie Marceau interview - YouTube
Sexy Sophie Marceau - Time-Lapse Filmography.
Sexy Sophie Marceau - Time-Lapse Filmography.
Excerpt from the movie Brave Heart. Mel Gibson.
Excerpt from the movie Brave Heart. Mel Gibson.

Sophie Marceau: Photo Gallery

SOPHIE MARCEAU - uniFrance Films
SOPHIE MARCEAU - uniFrance Films
Sophie Marceau - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sophie Marceau - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sophie Marceau - Sophie Marceau Photo (9978888) - Fanpop
Sophie Marceau - Sophie Marceau Photo (9978888) - Fanpop
SOPHIE MARCEAU Images and Pictures - Becuo
SOPHIE MARCEAU Images and Pictures - Becuo
Sophie Marceau / Elektra King - Bond girls Photo (32544098) - Fanpop
Sophie Marceau / Elektra King - Bond girls Photo (32544098) - Fanpop
SOPHIE MARCEAU Highest-Paid Actress in the World - Mediamass
SOPHIE MARCEAU Highest-Paid Actress in the World - Mediamass
Sophie Marceau coming to Eden Paris Premiere
Sophie Marceau coming to Eden Paris Premiere
SOPHIE MARCEAU Wallpapers skype | Pinter Wallpapers
SOPHIE MARCEAU Wallpapers skype | Pinter Wallpapers
De lautre côté du lit
De lautre côté du lit
RT @PremiereFR: Julie Gayet envoie SOPHIE MARCEAU en prison
RT @PremiereFR: Julie Gayet envoie SOPHIE MARCEAU en prison
İlk Görüşte Aşk - Une Rencontre 1080p izle
İlk Görüşte Aşk - Une Rencontre 1080p izle
Sophie Marceau - James Bond Wiki
Sophie Marceau - James Bond Wiki
SOPHIE MARCEAU | Sports | Pinterest
SOPHIE MARCEAU | Sports | Pinterest
SOPHIE MARCEAU - uniFrance Films
SOPHIE MARCEAU - uniFrance Films
Kiz Kulesi
Kiz Kulesi
braque3 (Apparition)
braque3 (Apparition)
SOPHIE MARCEAU géante dans laéroport de Taipei
SOPHIE MARCEAU géante dans laéroport de Taipei
SOPHIE MARCEAU 2015: dating, smoking, origin, tattoos and body - Taddlr
SOPHIE MARCEAU 2015: dating, smoking, origin, tattoos and body - Taddlr
Sophie Marceau
Sophie Marceau
Sophie Marceau
Sophie Marceau
Sophie Marceau Archives - HawtCelebs - HawtCelebs
Sophie Marceau Archives - HawtCelebs - HawtCelebs
Sophie Marceau Gallery
Sophie Marceau Gallery
İlk Görüşte Aşk 720p izle
İlk Görüşte Aşk 720p izle

Sophie Marceau: Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites

A Dream of Foolish Mortals

Pot luck Shakespeare is enjoying a special film vogue now, what with the tempting prospect of hearing a forsooth or methinks from the least likely sources. The strategy of choice is picking a travel agents dream setting, casting attractive actors no matter what (e.g., Keanu Reeves in Much Ado About Nothing), giving an outrageous costume party and hoping for the best. But even for the Leo-does-Romeo set these productions need more than visual flash if they hope to work. Take away smooth ensemble acting and a unifying vision, and youre left with the dramatic equivalent of watching Noah load the ark. Michael Hoffmans fussy production of A Midsummer Nights Dream is just such a parade of incongruities, with performances ranging from the sublime to the you-know-what. Mr. Hoffman has transported the plays humans and fairies to Tuscany, where they switch partners under the influence of trickery from Stanley Tuccis mischievous Puck. But theres no magic potion to banish the films awkwardness or make it more than a string of intermittent acting highlights. Pucks Lord, what fools these mortals be! looks like an understatement under the circumstances.. Janet Maslin reviews Michael Hoffmans film version of A Midsummer Nights Dream; Kevin Kline and Michelle Pfeiffer star; photos (M)

HONOR GIRLS AT VASSAR.; Several Students from New York Are on the List.

. ed on pol scene

Sophie Marceau, Laura Smet, Patrick Bruel - Pluie de stars.

Venus soutenir les jeunes talents, les actrices Sophie Marceau et Isabelle Huppert, ainsi que le chanteur et com��dien Patrick Bruel, ��taient ��galement de la soir��e pour venir encourager les jeunes talents. �� Wyters Alban/��.

Nicki Minaj, Sophie Marceau, Les Guetta. Top 10 des ruptures en 2014 (Photos)

Cette ann��e 2014 a ��t�� marqu�� par toutes les s��parations chez les people, qui ont fait beaucoup de bruit. Non Stop People vous propose de retrouver le top 10 des ruptures qui ont fait le plus de bruit et notamment qui ont particuli��rement marqu�� la .

Making a Surreal Trip Onto a Nightclub Runway

How could one fail to love a city that opens its fashion season with a show in which models appear wearing stuffed bird heads and roughly sutured overcoats, sleepwalking to a Patti Smith drone across the dance floor of a nightclub near Place Pigalle? That Jun Takahashis Undercover show on Monday night was both hypnotic and a bit creepy makes sense if you consider that Mr. Takahashi amuses himself by taking apart Japanese monster toys and then assembling even stranger mutants from the pieces. It was about beauty, Mr. Takahashi explained through a translator in a backstage area so dark that it was nearly impossible to make out his face. And plush toys.. Guy Trebay Fashion Diary discusses opening of Paris (France) fashion season and eccentric designer Jun Takahashis Undercover show; photos (M)

Apr��s avoir critiqu�� Fran��ois Hollande, SOPHIE MARCEAU va.

Lhistoire damour entre Fran��ois Hollande et Julie Gayet a fait couler beaucoup dencre. Nombreux sont ceux �� ��tre all�� de leurs petits commentaires, �� linstar de Sophie Marceau. Dans une interview accord��e au magazine��.

Maurice Pialats Police With Gerard Depardieu

Character is even more truly action in Maurice Pialats films than in most, since his central figures are so rarely given over to introspection. They are active and talkative, but they seldom stop to analyze. Nor does the director, and he also refrains from bringing any judgments to bear upon what these people do. The audience must watch and listen and think for itself about the lives of, say, an aimless, promiscuous teen-age girl from a combative family (Sandrine Bonnaire in A Nos Amours) or a loutish, lady-killing scoundrel (Gerard Depardieu in Loulou). The more of this directors work one sees, the more one appreciates the efficacy of his restraint. Mr. Pialats techniques in some ways distance the viewer, but they never create detachment; if anything, the effect is quite the opposite. The direction is lively and energetic, and it easily sustains interest. And it generates curiosity, sympathy and a moral involvement in these peoples behavior simply by offering up their most casual behavior for scrutiny. Like Eric Rohmer, Mr. Pialat has an effortless, omniscient style that bespeaks the utmost assurance.

Stars shine with a different shimmer

Sophie Marceau, another favorite in China, has a faint touch of Asianness in her face and posture, or so many Chinese believe. And if such foreign stars make their entrance at the right moment, they may well capture the Chinese heart no matter what.

Beautiful Sophie Marceau. An Actress Tribute list

Sophie Marceau was born november 17 1966 in Paris, France. Sophie began her acting career at 13 y.o. in the french movie La Boum (1980) directed by Claude Pinoteau and starring Claude Brasseur, Brigitte Fossey, Deni.

Entwining 1967 War And Love

Alexandre Arcadys intermittently stirring film, For Sasha, aspires to be something like the Dr. Zhivago of the Arab-Israeli war in 1967. The movie, which opens today, teems with characters who are vital and attractive and whose personal dramas are given an extra romantic weight by Philippe Sardes overripe symphonic score. The movie, which is set on an Israeli kibbutz just below the Golan Heights, portrays a utopian community where hard work and lofty dreams have turned the desert landscape into a bountiful Eden. The camera lingers sensuously over deep blue skies and golden sunsets and on the shining faces of the people who have brought about this transformation.


Silenced by a stroke 10 years ago, MICHELANGELO ANTONIONI still had much to contribute to the Venice Film Festival. Extra showings of the directors comeback film Beyond the Clouds were scheduled because of huge demand for seats. It received a standing ovation at each showing on Sunday. WIM WENDERS directed the film with the 83-year-old Mr. Antonioni, who was awarded an Oscar this year for his career. The film, based on short stories that Mr. Antonioni wrote in 1983, has an international cast including JOHN MALKOVICH, FANNY ARDENT, PAUL WELLER and SOPHIE MARCEAU, and musical interludes featuring the Irish rock group U2.

At India Fantastique, Silk, Stars and High Fashion

. A London book party for two of Mumbais most-loved designers draws an A-list crowd.


Mime has emerged as a major and creative art form in America in the last 10 years and not everybody has noticed. In part, this is because the practitioners of mime have always had trouble defining the art itself. Certainly, the affinity between mime and dance performances has been one of long standing. Today, the young North Americans that go under the label of new mime have usually studied some form of dance. Moreover, dance critics, accustomed to nonverbal theater, have been more open to reviewing mime than drama critics. In New York, it is a dance organization - Dance Theater Workshop - that has taken the lead in presenting the new mimes, who include Bill Irwin, Bob Berky, Daniel Stein, Thomas Leabhart and the United Mime Workers. Even the National Endowment for the Arts, until now, has funded mime artists and projects under its dance program.

SOPHIE MARCEAU ��lue femme la plus glamour de 2014

Symbole de la femme fran��aise �� l��tranger, chouchoute des chinois, mod��le de mode. Sophie Marceau remplit les crit��res dexcellence ! En 2015, nous allons ��galement beaucoup voir lactrice. En effet, Sophie Marceau commencera demain le tournage .

Box-office : Sophie Marceau et Patrick Bruel �� la conqu��te.

Quand on r��unit �� l��cran deux personnalit��s pr��f��r��es du public, il y a de fortes chances pour que ce soit un succ��s. La r��union Sophie Marceau/Patrick Bruel semble r��ussir �� Tu veux ou tu veux pas. La nouvelle com��die��.

Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes - Trennung nach Esmeraldas Geburt?

Erst vor drei Monaten begr����ten die beiden Hollywoodstars ihren Nachwuchs. Doch neusten Berichten zufolge herrscht schon seit einigen Wochen Funkstille bei Ryan Gosling und Eva Mendes. Droht nun tats��chlich das Liebesaus?

New Video Releases

Pushing Tin A film about air traffic controllers telegraphs its climax, but an exceptionally strong cast carries the story well beyond the inevitable crises aloft. John Cusack (standing at left, with Billy Bob Thornton) is Nick, hotshot of the control tower, and Cate Blanchett is his wife, Connie, an Elizabeth I who talks about tuna casseroles with a Long Island accent. Mr. Thornton is Russell, the daredevil newcomer to the tower. Angelina Jolie is his wife Mary, a former biker chick who shakes up the controllers wives, not to mention Nick, who makes his play one boozy night. As directed by Mike Newell, Pushing Tin, Janet Maslin wrote in The New York Times, gets past its initial M*A*S*H-style comic chaos and becomes a four-character story with four characters worth watching. 1999. Fox. $104.16. 115 minutes. Closed captioned. R. Release date: Oct. 5. This Is My Father A glum Irish-American schoolteacher named Kieran (James Caan) returns to the old sod in search of his roots. Flashing back to 1939, Paul Quinns film centers on the romance between Kierans mother, the pretty, impetuous 17-year-old Fiona Flynn (Moya Farrelly) and his father, a shy orphaned farmer also named Kieran (Aidan Quinn). An aged fortuneteller (Moira Deady) helps uncover the tale of Fionas malevolent mother (Gina Moxley) and her efforts to keep the couple apart. Some stellar actors, including Colm Meany and John Cusack, add verve in cameo parts, while its principal players move through this story in quietly impassioned style (Maslin). 1999. Columbia Tri-Star. $99.36. 120 minutes. Closed captioned. R. Release date: Oct. 5. Lost and Found What a beautiful French cellist named Lila (Sophie Marceau) sees in a chicken-breasted twerp of a restaurant owner named Dylan (David Spade) is hard to imagine. In Jeff Pollacks film it is posited that Dylans concern for her lost dog, Jack, somehow transforms into romance down the line, but thats a reach to say the least. In point of fact, Dylan has hidden the pooch in his apartment, where it swallows a diamond and necessitates a probe through doggy doo. Perhaps therein also lies a metaphor for a rancid little nothing of a movie (Stephen Holden). 1999. Warner. $104.16. 99 minutes. Closed captioned. PG-13. Release date: Oct. 5. STRAIGHT TO VIDEO Other new titles of interest, some of which may have had a theater release, appeared on television or been on videocassette in earlier editions. DIZZYS DREAM BAND. For a concert recorded in 1981 at Avery Fisher Hall, the trumpeter Dizzy Gillespie handpicked 25 colleagues, including the baritone saxophonist Gerry Mulligan, the drummer Max Roach, the vibraphonist Milt Jackson, the pianist John Lewis and the vocalist Jon Hendricks. Backstage interviews are included, as well as clips of Gillespie playing with Charlie Parker. 1999. Fox Lorber. $19.98; DVD, $24.98. 89 minutes. SOMETHING WICKED THIS WAY COMES. Adapted from Ray Bradburys story, Jack Claytons film is set in Green Town, Ill., where Mr. Dark (Jonathan Price) brings his mysterious Darks Pandemonium Carnival. There to save the people from ensuing havoc is the librarian Charles Holloway (Jason Robards). A Disney production, the tale might have had more bite, but it is enjoyable nevertheless. 1983. Anchor Bay. $14.98. 95 minutes. BERNADETTE PETERS IN CONCERT. The Broadway diva performs hits by Stephen Sondheim, Jerome Kern and others. Additional songs have been stirred into the show broadcast on PBS this summer. 1999. Acorn. $19.95. 91 minutes. Information: (800) 999-0212. BARRIERS. Bullied at his mostly white school, an affluent black teen-ager named Tori (Jamaul Roots) takes up with Snake (Geoff Garcy), a streetwise, tough-talking boy from Harlem. Trying to keep Snake out of their sons life, Toris parents hire a white female (Annie Golden) to escort him home from school, but an eventual showdown will test everybodys notions of race and class. 1998. Water Bearer. $29.95. 90 minutes. No rating. Information: (800) 551-8304.. Brief reviews of some films now released on video: Pushing Tin, This Is My Father, Lost and Found; photo (S)

SOPHIE MARCEAU / Patrick Bruel : premi��re ? deuxi��me - We.

Sophie Marceau et Patrick Bruel se croisent-ils vraiment pour la premi��re fois au cin��ma ? Combien de films Dracula a-t-il hant�� ? Que mange un bodybuilder durant son entra��nement ? Toutes les r��ponses en chiffres !

A Written-Out Wretch, Saved by His Steno

The director Rob Reiner likes movies about talkers, guys who chatter to amuse themselves as much as anything else. There was Billy Crystals voluble Harry, who courts Sally with curdled cynicism, and Peter Falks crusty saltine of a grandpa in The Princess Bride. Luke Wilsons Alex Sheldon in Alex and Emma is a combination of both, yet in this case no amount of talk can enliven things. The movies enervated wackiness is like a trip on a ghost ship, cruising past markers of What Once Was. Alex is a dissipated gambler whose disheveled Boston apartment, which looks like a SoHo restaurant from the late 80s, is being further grunged up by a pair of Cuban leg-breakers, advance men from a bookie who wants the hundred large that Alex owes him right away. They hang Alex upside down from his balcony as if Suge Knight had hired them to shake money out of a living coin bank. They even set his laptop on fire, an act of emasculation like tearing off a military mans stripes or cutting one of Regis Philbins ties. But their assault is so underwhelming it looks as if they are sleepwalking into somebody elses daydream.. Elvis Mitchell reviews movie Alex and Emma, directed by Rob Reiner; Luke Wilson and Kate Hudson star; photo (M)

Sophie Marceau, Eva Green, L��a Seydoux. Ces. - LCI - TF1

james bond girl ,sophie marceau ,l��a seydoux ,james bond ,eva green News Cin��-S��ries Le casting du prochain James Bond, intitul�� Spectre, vient de tomber. Au rang des James Bond Girls on retrouve une Fran��aise, L��a��.

Sophie Marceau tourne dans une nouvelle fiction adapt��e.

Sophie Marceau tourne dans une nouvelle fiction adapt��e du th����tre. B��n��dicte Acolas adapte pour ARTE �� Une histoire d��me �� en film, dapr��s un texte dIngmar Bergman quelle avait d��j�� mis en sc��ne au th����tre.

THE PLAY IN REVIEW; The Assassin, Based on the Murder of Admiral Darlan, Has Its American Premiere Here at the National Theatre

While serving in the Army, Irwin Shaw remembered he also was a playwright, and during his spare time managed to write The Assassin. Based on the murder of Admiral Darlan and pleading the case for the freedom of France.. Assassin, by I Shaw

Le 20h people : Sophie Marceau distingu��e, la f��te alcoolis��e de Karine Le.

A 48 ans, Sophie Marceau qui est aim��e par toutes les g��n��rations a ��t�� ��lue Femme la plus glamour de 2014 par les t��l��spectateurs de 50 Minutes Inside. Depuis plus de 30 ans, lactrice encha��ne les succ��s au cin��ma. Dailleurs, elle commencera demain .


(Sophie Daniele Sylvie Maupu) November 17, 1966 ���. Marcel Marceau, Frenchman, was the greatest mime of all time. We already discussed that in his profile. And, yes, he was Jewish. Marcel Marceau, Frenchman, mime,��.

SOPHIE MARCEAU remporte le titre de la femme la plus.

Nouveau sacre pour Sophie Marceau qui figurait d��j�� dans le classement JDD des personnalit��s pr��f��r��es des Fran��ais. Lactrice a ��t�� ��lue femme la plus glamour de 2014 par les t��l��spectateurs de l��mission 50 Minutes��.

Download Anna Karenina (1997) SOPHIE MARCEAU [MuX.

Download Anna Karenina (1997) Sophie Marceau [MuX - Italian English] MIRCrew torrent or any other torrent from Dubbed Movies category. Direct download via HTTP available as well.

A New Tavernier

REVENGE OF THE MUSKETEERS Directed by Bertrand Tavernier, 130 minutes, French with English subtitles, R rating. Buena Vista. Dont let the title fool you. Revenge of the Musketeers, out Sept. 7 on Buena Vista Home Video, is neither a belated Three Musketeers sequel nor a crass attempt to cash in on recent costume dramas like The Man in the Iron Mask and The Mask of Zorro.. Kevin Filipski reviews video release of Bertrand Taverniers movie Revenge of the Musketeers, which has been renamed from 1994 original DArtagnans Daughter; photo (M)

Transformed by Obsession, Heart, Mind and Soul

There are moments of such astounding visual power in Michelangelo Antonionis film Beyond the Clouds that you are all but transported through the screen to a place where the physical and emotional weather fuse into a palpable sadness. In one scene, the brooding, peripatetic director (John Malkovich) who introduces the movies vignettes, finds himself in Portofino, where he becomes obsessed with a beautiful woman he sees in a shop. As he lingers on the beach under an ominous sky, a stiff wind churns the sand into a diaphanous river. With the ground literally moving under his feet, and the sea and sky threatening, he becomes an eerily isolated figure, seemingly floating just above the earth in a melancholy reverie.. Stephen Holden reviews Michelangelo Antonioni film Beyond the Clouds, shown as part of New York Film Festival; photo of scene with John Malkovich (S)

Sophie Marceau in Anna Karenina im Live-Stream, heute, 01.01., Drama

Anna Karenina ist die im Jahr 1997 produzierte Verfilmung des zwischen 1875 und 1877 geschriebenen gleichnamigen Romans von Leo Tolstoi. Die Hauptrolle ist mit Sophie Marceaubesetzt. In dem ebenfalls im Russland des 19. Jahrhunderts spielenden .

Sophie Marceau Photos - Tiviseries

Sophie Marceau Photos. by admin. Sophie Marceau Photos. Sophie Marceau Photos. Sophie Marceau Photos. Sophie Marceau Photos. Sophie Marceau Photos. Sophie Marceau Photos. Sophie Marceau Photos. Sophie Marceau Photos.


Sleepy Hollow Heads roll and roll in Tim Burtons exuberantly dark and expressionistic reworking of the Washington Irving story. Sent up the Hudson River to investigate some killings, the squeamish detective Ichabod Crane (Johnny Depp, left, with Christina Ricci) encounters a horseman from hell (Christopher Walken), headless himself, hacking a seemingly random swath through the conspiratorial citizenry of Sleepy Hollow. Mr. Burton renders the Irving story unrecognizable, but an ornate fantasy should make its own rules, and, Janet Maslin wrote in The New York Times, Sleepy Hollow does that with macabre gusto. 1999. Paramount. $107.37; DVD, $29.99. 105 minutes. Closed captioned. R. Release date: May 23.. Brief reviews of films now released on video: Sleepy Hollow, The World is Not Enough, Anywhere but Here and Eye of the Beholder; photo (S)

TV : Monica Bellucci et Sophie Marceau duo insolite dactrices pour Ne te.

Les deux stars partagent laffiche de ce film ��trange de la r��alisatrice fran��aise Marina De Van, pr��sent�� au Festival de Cannes en 2009. Dans Ne te retourne pas, alors quelle ��crit son premier roman, la Jeanne de France interpr��t��e par Sophie.

Celebrating Fine Wagyu Beef At JW Marriott Phuket Resort and Spa

He has been honored to serve important personalities such as the King and Queen of Malaysia, Malaysian prime minister, Indian prime minister, Japanese foreign minister. Movie stars and celebrity singers are also on his profile list including Sophie.

Le film qui va r��unir Julie Gayet et SOPHIE MARCEAU

La soci��t�� de production de Julie Gayet, Rouge International, va produire le film Taularde, dans lequel Sophie Marceau sera la t��te daffiche. Julie Gayet a de multiples talents. Actrice de renom, elle est ��galement productrice de cin��ma et a cr����.

SOPHIE MARCEAU and Patrick Bruel duet glamor in Angouleme

Sophie Marceau and Patrick Bruel duet glamor in Angouleme For its seventh edition, the Festival Film Francophone Angouleme has offered the most glamorous.

Sophie Marceau and Suzanne Clement prepare to start shooting new movie The.

Suzanne Clement already has a number of interesting movie projects lined up for 2015 and the one that we are most excited about, is her new, upcoming movie The Convict, which will see the actress sharing the screen with the brilliant Sophie Marceau.

SOPHIE MARCEAU et Patrick Bruel : couple in��dit et attachant.

Quand une nymphomane rencontre un repenti : formant un couple aussi solaire quattachant, Sophie Marceau et Patrick Bruel sont r��unis pour la premi��re fois �� l��cran dans Tu veux ou tu veux pas, efficace com��die de��.

Whats On Today

8 P.M. (13), 9 P.M. (49) IN PERFORMANCE AT THE WHITE HOUSE: FIESTA LATINA In celebration of National Hispanic Heritage Month, President Obama and his wife, Michelle, are hosts of this concert, taped on Tuesday on the South Lawn of the White House, featuring performances by Gloria Estefan, Marc Anthony, José Feliciano (above, with Ms. Estefan), Los Lobos, the New York bachata band Aventura, the Mexican singer Thalía, the reggaetón singer Tito El Bambino and the percussionist Pete Escovedo. Sheila E., Mr. Escovedos daughter, leads the backup band. Eva Longoria Parker, Jimmy Smits and George Lopez are the M.C.s. 7 A.M. (NBC) TODAY Former President Jimmy Carter talks about his work with Habitat for Humanity and If I Had a Hammer, a new book about the organization. Also, Monty Python, the subject of an IFC documentary, is celebrated, and Tina Fey chats about 30 Rock (see below) before moving to The View on ABC at 11.

Catherine Deneuve, SOPHIE MARCEAU in spat over Hollande

French screen idol Catherine Deneuve has rounded on fellow actress Sophie Marceau, after the former Bond girl insulted president Fran��ois Hollande. In an interview with the French edition of the magazine GQ, Sophie Marceau called the French head of .

SOPHIE MARCEAU : Le sexe, cest important - Cin��ma.

Alors quon la retrouvera au d��but du mois prochain dans la com��die Tu veux ou tu veux pas, Sophie Marceau se confie, dans un entretien accord�� �� Elle, sur son rapport avec les sentiments, le sexe, lintime.

High School Rocks the Vote, Then Stands It on Its Head

Election Matthew Broderick, Reese Witherspoon, Chris Klein, Jessica Campbell, Phil Reeves, Mark Harelik Directed by Alexander Payne R 105 minutes People like you have to pay a price for greatness, says a geometry teacher to Tracy Flick (Ms. Witherspoon), an alarmingly driven teen-ager he is about to seduce. The price he pays for that interaction is loss of his job and marriage and banishment to Milwaukee, where he is last seen slapping price stickers on products at a supermarket.. Peter M Nichols Taking the Children reviews of films Election, Lost and Found and Go; photo (S)

SOPHIE MARCEAU, Teri Hatcher, Halle Berry��� Ces James Bond Girls qui ont.

Bien avant de cartonner dans Desperate Housewives, Teri Hatcher a elle aussi camp�� une James Bond Girl dans Demain ne meurt jamais. Denise Richards a, quant �� elle, tenu le r��le de Dr Christmas Jones et donn�� la r��plique �� Sophie Marceau dans Le .

Hollandes affair: Catherine Deneuve and Sophie Marceau in war of words over.

Sophie Marceau, 47, who has satreed in Braveheart and The World is Not Enough has called the French president a ���coward��� and a ���jerk��� for cheating on his former partner, Valerie Trierweiller. In an article in GQ magazine, Ms Marceau said: ���A man who .

SOPHIE MARCEAU in Und nebenbei das gro��e Gl��ck im Live-Stream heute.

Jazz-Pianist Sacha genie��t sein Leben in Paris in vollen Z��gen. Er geht gern feiern, hat eine Frau nach der anderen, und seine Mutter Fanfan k��mmert sich um seine W��sche. Mit dem Komponieren von Werbejingles verdient er seinen Lebensunterhalt.

EXCLUSIF - Sophie Marceau trouble Patrick Bruel dans un.

D��couvrez Sophie Marceau, en mode sexy, passant un entretien dembauche avec un Patrick Bruel visiblement troubl�� dans un extrait du film Tu veux ou tu veux pas r��alis�� par Tonie Marshall. Une com��die �� d��couvrir le��.

Seks, mi��o���� i terapia: SOPHIE MARCEAU uwodzi. seksoholika na odwyku

Pi��kna Sophie Marceau powraca i uwodzi seksapilem w wielkim przeboju francuskich kin ��� komedii Seks, mi��o���� i terapia. Najnowszy film Tonie Marshall, zdobywczyni Cezara za ���Salon pi��kno��ci Venus���, trafi na polskie ekrany w 2015 roku, ale ju�� dzi�� .

Astrology: Sophie Marceau, date of birth: 1966/11/17.

Astrology: Sophie Marceau, born November 17, 1966 in Paris 15e, Horoscope, astrological portrait, dominant planets, birth data, heights, and interactive chart. 48223 Free Horoscopes and Astrological Portraits.

Arts Briefing

HIGHLIGHTS OPERATION BARN DOOR -- The Munch Museum in Oslo, where armed, hooded thieves stole the Edvard Munch paintings The Scream and Madonna in broad daylight last month, will close for about three weeks for the installation of a new video surveillance system, city officials said yesterday. This was planned before the theft of The Scream, but we have now concluded talks with the supplier, Lise Mjoes, in charge of the city of Oslos art collection, told Agence France-Presse. With the museum administration under intense criticism, investigators have disclosed that the images of the theft on the current video surveillance cameras were of such poor quality that they were of no use. BIRTHDAY BOY -- At the age of 500 his nude body still attracts admirers from around the world, and tomorrow, five centuries to the day when Michelangelos statue of David was first unveiled, Florence, Italy, will begin a year of celebrations to include concerts, fireworks, symposiums, exhibitions and that modern commemorative adornment, the official David 500 T-shirt, Agence France-Presse reported. We want Davids 500th birthday to spark debate, to be controversial, to challenge people about what art is today, not just what it was 500 years ago, Antonio Paolucci, superintendent of Florence museums, said yesterday at the Galleria dellAccademia, where David has been displayed since 1873. The wing that houses it is being cleared of Renaissance paintings to make place for modern works it inspired.. Arts Briefing column; Munch Museum in Oslo, where thieves stole Edvard Munch paintings The Scream and Madonna, reportedly will close for about three weeks for installation of new video surveillance system; city of Florence, Italy, is set to begin yearlong celebration of 500th anniversary of unveiling of Michelangelos statue of David; Steven Spielberg is made knight of Legion of Honor by French Pres Jacques Chirac; photo (M) �� SOPHIE MARCEAU w komedii SEKS, MI��O���� I TERAPIA 30.

Rozpocz���� nowe ��ycie, w kt��re nagle wkracza seksowna Judith (Sophie Marceau), nimfomanka, sypiaj��ca z ka��dym napotkanym facetem. Najbardziej jednak kr��c�� j�� ci, z kt��rymi pracuje. Niestety ostatni szef Judith mia�� do���� jej temperamentu i zwolni�� j��.

A Belgian Film Wins Top Prize at the Cannes Festival

Accepting his award as best director tonight at this years Cannes International Film Festival, Pedro Almodovar (All About My Mother) thanked his fellow filmmakers Atom Egoyan (Felicias Journey), David Lynch (The Straight Story), Jim Jarmusch (Ghost Dog) and Arturo Ripstein (No Letter for the Colonel). Somebody had to do it, and this years jury was not about to. The jury was headed by David Cronenberg, who at an early news conference had avowed a desire to favor offbeat films. But the judges, including Holly Hunter, Jeff Goldblum and the director Andre Techine, chose two simple, bleak films about suffering as the years big winners. The Palme dOr, the festivals top honor, went to the quietly devastating Belgian film Rosetta. It was directed by the brothers Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne, whose only previous drama was La Promesse, about a moral crisis surrounding the death of an African worker in Belgium. Their work in documentaries is apparent in Rosetta, which watches a stony, impoverished young woman fighting furiously to get and hang onto a menial job. Rather than narrating the events, we tried to find the essential movements of the character, Luc Dardenne has explained.. Rosetta, Belgium film, is named best film at Cannes International Film Festival; Emilie Dequenne (Rosetta) and Severine Caneele (LHumanite) share best actress award; Emmanuel Schotte (LHumanite) is named best actor and Pedro Almodovar (All About My Mother) is named best director (M)

The Splashy Epic Finds New Life in the 13th Century

We know Mel Gibson as one of the prettiest guys in Hollywood; who would have thought he was also one of the canniest? As director, star and producer of Braveheart, he turns the unpromising story of a 13th-century kilted wonder into one of the most spectacular entertainments in years. The story of William Wallace, who led the Scots in a struggle for freedom from Englands brutal rule, Braveheart evokes old-fashioned movie epics. Mr. Gibsons stroke of brilliance is to revel in those epic qualities -- tragic romance and unbounded heroism, gorgeous photography and a cast of thousands --and add a swift contemporary kick. Braveheart is also an explosive action movie. The logical comparison is not with the pallid Rob Roy but with a Die Hard film. The medieval Scots use spears, swords, axes and giant rocks, and they use them with a vengeance.


FOR American audiences, to whom French films once represented the ultimate in chic, its going to be something of a shock to watch a Gallic comedy like Claude Pinoteaus Boum - one that takes its inspiration less from the great French films of yesteryear than from American television situation comedies. Not that La Boum isnt entertaining. In its pleasantly predictable way, it is. Its just that a French heroine who keeps a Muppet poster on her bedroom wall or who has the kind of madcap family that might ordinarily be found on a hit television series, seems to be something of a cultural hybrid. Her parents good-natured philandering is the only recognizably French contribution to the formula. La Boum, which opens today at the Plaza, follows a pretty, pouty 13-year-old named Vic (Sophie Marceau) through the first of what will undoubtedly be many romances. (La Boum II is already in the works.) She has a best friend who claims to see 10 American movies a week, a foxy great-grandma who knows everyone at La Coupole and parents who are approaching their first marital separation, although not even this unhappy development is allowed to damage the films lighthearted mood. Vic also has a wild crush on a certain gar,con, whom her great-grandma (Denise Grey) is sporting enough to photograph on the sly. Giant likenesses of the handsome boyfriend soon mingle with the Muppets on Vics bedroom wall.

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