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Sarkozy’s Son Ends Effort to Oversee Business District
Jean Sarkozy, 23, had hoped to run the organization that oversees La Défense, a business district on the western edge of Paris. But cries of nepotism thwarted his bid.
In French First Lady, a Rumor Takes Shape
Carla Bruni-Sarkozy arrived at the Group of Eight summit meeting in Deauville, France, on Thursday and made no effort to hide her rounded belly as she posed for photographs.
Sarkozy Hopes to Crush Party Rivals in French Come-Back Test
Nicolas Sarkozys hopes of running for a new French presidential term in 2017 face a crucial first test on Saturday as members of his crisis-ridden conservative UMP party vote for a new leader.
Former French president Sarkozy calls for Frances gay.
Former French president Nicolas Sarkozy, who has embarked on a political comeback, on Saturday said Frances gay marriage law should be scrapped, in his strongest comment yet on the controversial issue. Sarkozy was��.
“After this first meeting with Jacques Chirac, I was with him for all the big battles over the following fifteen years.”
Charlie Hebdo : Hollande rencontre SARKOZY
Le pr��sident Fran��ois Hollande recevra son pr��d��cesseur Nicolas Sarkozy �� lElys��e demain �� 09H30 au lendemain de lattentat sanglant contre Charlie Hebdo, selon la pr��sidence. Le premier ministre Manuel Valls avait pour sa part invit�� aujourdhui .
Nicolas Sarkozy : �� Notre d��mocratie est attaqu��e ��
Apr��s avoir rendu hommage aux victimes et appel�� �� �� la plus grande s��v��rit�� �� envers les auteurs de lattentat, Nicolas Sarkozy a demand�� aux Fran��ais de �� refuser la tentation de lamalgame ��. �� Le gouvernement doit prendre des mesure fortes contre.
The return of Nicolas SARKOZY
The recent election of former French president Nicolas Sarkozy as head of the main centre-right Opposition UMP party, two months after announcing his political comeback, marks the first time a former French head of state has returned to frontline politics.
French former PM to sue Le Monde over Nicolas Sarkozy.
Fran��ois Fillon and Nicolas Sarkozy. Fillon, a former prime minister, says the Le Monde leak is part of a plot to destabilise the opposition. Photograph: Reuters. Anne Penketh in Paris. Monday 10 November 2014 08.33 EST.
France: Another SARKOZY Victory
President Nicolas Sarkozy’s son, Jean. was elected Friday to the board of the organization that runs France’s most important business district, La Défense.
Frances Sarkozy Wants EU to Lose Half Its Powers
The European Union must hand back half of its powers, former French president Nicolas Sarkozy said on Saturday, stepping up his criticism of the 28-nation bloc as he seeks to be elected head of Frances conservative party next week.
Why Nicolas SARKOZYs return is good for France | ASU News.
Nicolas Sarkozy is the Comeback Kid. Despite a crippling defeat in the 2012 French Presidential election against then-Socialist candidate and current French President Francois Hollande, Sarkozy is rising again like a��.
Hollande hails benefits of immigration in swipe at Sarkozy
Chiracs successor Sarkozy made a point of not showing up for its opening in October 2007. Instead, he courted controversy by creating a Ministry of Immigration and National Identity, whose first move was to call for DNA testing of immigrants who want.
French Political Scions Exchange Jabs in Twitter Feud
Louis Sarkozy, son of Nicolas Sarkozy, has been dueling with Léonard Trierweiler, whose mother was the partner of President François Hollande.. Louis Sarkozy, teenage son of former French Pres Nicolas Sarkozy, has been engaged in ongoing Twitter feud with Leonard Trierweiler, son of former first lady Valerie Trierweiler, former partner of Pres Francois Hollande; heated exchange has riveted French tabloids and the Twittersphere.
Nicolas SARKOZY and wife Carla Bruni attend funeral of Jacques Chancel
Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy and his wife Carla Bruni have attended the funeral of a much-loved broadcaster and journalist in Paris. The couple, who have been in the spotlight recently as Mr Sarkozy prepares a political campaign to take back .
Former French President SARKOZY Finds Gay Marriage.
Nicolas Sarkozy, who stepped down from his post as president of France in 2012, is perhaps best known in the United States as being the husband of singer/model/Woody Allen muse Carla Bruni. This weekend, he sat down��.
SARKOZY tipped to lead party in new charge for French.
Paris (AFP) - Frances former president Nicolas Sarkozy was on Saturday tipped to win the leadership of his right-wing UMP in party elections, a position seen as a potential springboard back into high office. The 59-year-old��.
Nicolas Sarkozy announces return to politics in France - The.
Before his defeat to Fran��cois Hollande in 2012, Sarkozy had said that if he lost nobody will hear of me again���. Photograph: Lionel Bonaventure/AFP/Getty Images. Kim Willsher in Paris. Friday 19 September 2014 08.25 EDT.
French politics rocked by claims of anti-Sarkozy plot
A former French PM is alleged to have instructed Hollandes chief of staff to speed up investigations into Sarkozy in a bid to thwart Sarkozys leadership ambitions.
Partie de cache-cache entre Sarkozy et les socialistes
Nicolas Sarkozy est invisible. Il sest volatilis�� depuis fin novembre. Mais, mardi matin, cest bien de lui quil a ��t�� question �� Matignon, lors du petit d��jeuner de la majorit��, le tout premier de lann��e. Manuel Valls a fait, en substance, ce.
Nicolas SARKOZY under official investigation after questioning.
Allegations of corruption and influence peddling against former French president Nicolas Sarkozy divide opinion about his political chances for the 2017 election. Kim Willsher in Paris. Wednesday 2 July 2014 09.31 EDT.
Sarkozy y Le Pen condenan el odioso atentado
Las formaciones ultraderechistas francesas se mostraron horrorizadas ante el atentado perpetrado este mi��rcoles en la sede del semanario sat��rico Charlie Hebdo, que ha causado la muerte de doce personas. El expresidente franc��s, Nicolas Sarkozy, .
Because of an editing error, a front-page article last Friday about the spouses of the French presidential candidates referred incorrectly to the source of a 1995 quote by Cécilia Sarkozy, wife of the conservative candidate Nicolas Sarkozy, who said: I dont see myself as a first lady. That bores me. I am not politically correct. She spoke in an interview with a French television magazine, not on a television show.. Correction on April 27 article about spouses of French presidential candidates, regarding source of remark made by Cecilia Sarkozy
Nicolas Sarkozy to Spend New Years Eve Celebrations in Marrakech
Rabat ��� Frances former President Nicolas Sarkozy is said to have chosen the city of Marrakech in order to spend the New Years Eve celebrations. According to media sources, Sarkozy will spend a week in Marrakech during which he will meet with a number .
France: Sarkozy’s Ex-Wife to Remarry
Cécilia Ciganer-Albéniz, as she is known since divorcing President Nicolas Sarkozy in October, and Richard Attias, an event planner, will marry in New York this month.
Nicolas Sarkozy is back as leader of Frances main. -
Former French president Nicolas Sarkozy is greeted by well-wishers as he leaves his campaign headquarters after he won his UMP (Union for a Movement Popular) politial party members online vote for its new leader in��.
Primaire UMP : optimiste , Jupp�� consid��re Sarkozy comme son ami pour toujours
M��me avec lactuel pr��sident de lUMP, son probable futur rival �� la primaire, Nicolas Sarkozy. ��Nous sommes amis pour toujours et pas seulement jusquen 2017��, sest vant�� avec emphase lancien premier ministre. Alain Jupp�� continue cependant �� .
French First Lady Gives Birth to a Girl
France’s first lady, Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, gave birth to a girl on Wednesday evening.. Frances first lady Carla Bruni-Sarkozy gives birth to a girl, first baby born to modern-day French president while in office.
Im a rotten bastard, says SARKOZYs model wife
Former French first lady, Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, has attributed her devouring need for recognition to the fact that she is a bastard, born from an affair her mother had with an Italian-born Brazilian grocery magnate.
Frances Sarkozy Hopes to Cement Comeback as Party Votes for Leader
Nicolas Sarkozys hopes of running for a new French presidential term in 2017 faced a crucial first test on Saturday as members of his crisis-ridden conservative UMP party voted for a new leader.
SARKOZY Wins French UMP Party Leadership but Rivals Defiant
Nicolas Sarkozy won the leadership of the conservative UMP on Saturday, a potential step towards a bid to be French president for a second time, but his victory was not decisive enough to cow his rivals in the party.
Sons of Nicolas Sarkozy and Valerie Trierweiler trade insults in Twitter spat
Since July 2014, Louis Sarkozy and L��onard Trierweiler - the sons of former president Nicolas Sarkozy and former first girlfriend Val��rie Trierweiler - have attacked each other on anything from their mothers to Trierweilers enrolment in a cookery.
Will the real SARKOZY please stand up?
Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy has just taken the first step in his political comeback. Although he declared in 2012 that he would never run again ���unless exceptional circumstances demand it��� ��� and even then ���surely not through regaining the .
Sarkozy Tries Quick Comeback, but France May Not Go Along
The former French president is campaigning for the leadership of his center-right party, but there is little doubt that his sights are on a return to the Élysée Palace.. Former French Pres Nicolas Sarkozy has been holding American-style town hall meetings around the country, campaigning for leadership of his center-right party, but there is little doubt that he is eyeing another run for the presidency.
SARKOZY announces return to French political sphere -
Former French president, Nicolas Sarkozy, has announced his return to the countrys political arena after being beaten by current president Francois Hollande in 2012.
Sarkozy Urges French Center-Right to Re-Invent Itself
Former French president Nicolas Sarkozy, back in politics after a two-year retirement, announced plans on Friday to revamp his center-right UMP party if named this month as its chairman.
The EU will EXPLODE without fundamental change, warns.
THE European Union will explode if half its powers are not returned to individual member states, according to former French president Nicolas Sarkozy.
Can Sarkozy Give France a New Start? -
So ran the headline in The Economist after Nicolas Sarkozy was elected leader of his party, the center-right Union for a Popular Movement (U.M.P.), in a decisive, but by no means crushing, victory. Coincidentally, Marine Le��.
Alliance for Change
The present mechanisms for global governance are unsuited to the myriad challenges which we face in the 21st century.
Charlie Hebdo : Hollande, SARKOZY, Jupp��, M��lenchon��� les politiques �� l.
Fran��ois Hollande, Fran��ois Bayrou (Modem), Alain Jupp�� (UMP), Anne Hidalgo (maire de Paris, PS), G��rard Larcher (pr��sident du S��nat, UMP), Nicolas Sarkozy (UMP), Jean-Luc M��lenchon (Front de gauche), Emmanuelle Cosse (Europe ��cologie - Les .
In France, Whispers of Trouble for the Sarkozys
There are rumors that the marriage of President Nicolas Sarkozy and his wife, Cécilia, is ending.
The Resurrection of Nicolas SARKOZY | Foreign Policy
V��LIZY-VILLACOUBLAY, France ��� In a hot, vaulted hall in V��lizy, a suburb of Paris, Nicolas Sarkozys faithful braved a bitter night of rain last week to witness his renaissance up close. And the former French president did not��.
France: SARKOZY’s Ex Seeks to Block Book
President Nicolas Sarkozy’s ex-wife Cécilia asked a Paris court to block release of a book that quotes her describing the president as a philanderer, a skinflint and “a man who loves no one, not even his children.”
Frances Sarkozy elected chief of right-wing UMP party: official
AFP Matthieu AlexandreNicolas Sarkozy (C), former French president and candidate for the presidency of right-wing main opposition UMP party, waves as he arrives to vote for the first round of the election, on November 29,��.
Le Tweetclash - Sons of Nicolas Sarkozy and Valerie Trierweiler trade.
Since July 2014, Louis Sarkozy and L��onard Trierweiler - the sons of former president Nicolas Sarkozy and former first girlfriend Val��rie Trierweiler - have attacked each other on anything from their mothers to Trierweilers enrolment in a cookery.
Nicolas SARKOZY sets out comeback plans for Frances UMP.
The former French president Nicolas Sarkozy was given a prime-time television news slot to explain his plans after announcing his return to frontline politics. Sarkozy set out his platform for the race to head the opposition UMP��.
SARKOZY the Self-Appointed Savior Has No Choice, Must
The former French president Nicolas Sarkozy was given a prime-time television news slot to explain his plans after announcing his return to frontline politics. Sarkozy set out his platform for the race to head the opposition UMP��.
Pregnancy at Élysée, Tabloid Reports
France’s first lady, Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, is expecting a child, according to her father-in-law, who spoke to a German tabloid on Tuesday.
Burned by a TV dinner because of Carla Bruni-SARKOZY?
The young woman gave birth to her child at the clinic on 21 October 2011, two days after Bruni-Sarkozy gave birth to her and then-president Nicolas Sarkozys daughter Giulia. According to the plantiffs statement, due to the presence of Bruni-Sarkozy.
Aux Barricades! France and the Jews
A columnist-cartoonist’s comment about President Nicolas Sarkozy’s son and his Jewish fiancée has stirred a French intellectual storm.
Hollande se reunir�� con SARKOZY el jueves en el El��seo tras el atentado contra.
El presidente de Francia, Fran��ois Hollande, recibir�� el jueves en el Palacio del Eliseo a su antecesor en el cargo, Nicolas Sarkozy, tras el atentado perpetrado este mi��rcoles contra la sede de la revista sat��rica Charlie Hebdo en Par��s. Hollande y.