Galette des Rois - BIENTOT > GALETTE DES ROIS and L��PIPHANIE. - Hannut

galette des Rois: Videos

la galette des rois - YouTube
la galette des rois - YouTube
GALETTE DES ROIS: recette et techniques de.
GALETTE DES ROIS: recette et techniques de.
Galette des Rois poire chocolat ! - YouTube
Galette des Rois poire chocolat ! - YouTube
L��o et Popi - La galette des rois - YouTube
L��o et Popi - La galette des rois - YouTube
Kings Pastry / Galette des Rois Homemade.
Kings Pastry / Galette des Rois Homemade.
Galette des rois rapide et facile - YouTube
Galette des rois rapide et facile - YouTube
Galette des Rois - King Cake Recipe - Bruno.
Galette des Rois - King Cake Recipe - Bruno.
Damien Vidal explique la r��alisation de la galette.
Damien Vidal explique la r��alisation de la galette.
Recette de La galette des rois faite maison kings.
Recette de La galette des rois faite maison kings.
How to make a galette des rois - Three Kings.
How to make a galette des rois - Three Kings.
La galette des rois �� la cr��me damandes - Apprendre.
La galette des rois �� la cr��me damandes - Apprendre.
France - Making of the Galette des Rois - YouTube
France - Making of the Galette des Rois - YouTube
Recette Galette des Rois par Arnaud Delmontel.
Recette Galette des Rois par Arnaud Delmontel.
Galette des Rois - Raymond Blancs Christmas.
Galette des Rois - Raymond Blancs Christmas.
La galette des rois aux pralines roses - Recette.
La galette des rois aux pralines roses - Recette.

galette des Rois: Photo Gallery

Reprise entrainement collectif le 10/01/2015 et galette des rois.
Reprise entrainement collectif le 10/01/2015 et galette des rois.
La recette étape par étape de la galette des rois !
La recette étape par étape de la galette des rois !
Galette de Rois
Galette de Rois
1ère galette des rois 1er janvier 2015
1ère galette des rois 1er janvier 2015
Galette des rois
Galette des rois
Galette de Rois -Kings Cake with Red Bean Paste and Chestnut
Galette de Rois -Kings Cake with Red Bean Paste and Chestnut
Galette des Rois | Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong
Galette des Rois | Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong
galette des rois
galette des rois
La galette des rois et sa couronne �� G��rardmer Ski Nordique
La galette des rois et sa couronne �� G��rardmer Ski Nordique
Homemade Galette des Rois ��� Recipe and How To | Becoming Madame
Homemade Galette des Rois ��� Recipe and How To | Becoming Madame
GALETTE DES ROIS (11) copie2
GALETTE DES ROIS (11) copie2
Galette des rois : Quels vins boire avec ? - Le Figaro Vin
Galette des rois : Quels vins boire avec ? - Le Figaro Vin
Galette de Rois
Galette de Rois
Galette des rois : recette de la galette des rois (Epiphanie.
Galette des rois : recette de la galette des rois (Epiphanie.
Galette des Rois on offer at Tall Grass Prairie Bread Company.
Galette des Rois on offer at Tall Grass Prairie Bread Company.
Courses Hippiques du 6 janvier: sp��ciale galette des rois.
Courses Hippiques du 6 janvier: sp��ciale galette des rois.
King cake - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
King cake - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Slice Of Galette Des Rois Stock Image - Image: 23704261
Slice Of Galette Des Rois Stock Image - Image: 23704261
Un Grand Pas - galette des rois
Un Grand Pas - galette des rois
Un Grand Pas - galette des rois
Un Grand Pas - galette des rois
Encontrei a fève no Gallette de Rois 👑 Je rencontré la fève dans le Galette de Rois.   #Fève #GaletteDeRois #Éphifanie #Roi #Fabophilie
Encontrei a fève no Gallette de Rois 👑 Je rencontré la fève dans le Galette de Rois. #Fève #GaletteDeRois #Éphifanie #Roi #Fabophilie
Galette des rois
Galette des rois
Dimanche 4 janvier 2015 - Repas partag�� et GALETTE DES ROIS apr��s.
Dimanche 4 janvier 2015 - Repas partag�� et GALETTE DES ROIS apr��s.
part de galette des rois 2
part de galette des rois 2
Galette des rois | BBC Good Food
Galette des rois | BBC Good Food
Janviers Favorite Cake: La Galette des Rois
Janviers Favorite Cake: La Galette des Rois
Τέλεια η βασιλόπιτα μας! Ευτυχισμένο το 2015 ! Notre galette des rois est vraiment super ! Bonne année 2015  ! :)
Τέλεια η βασιλόπιτα μας! Ευτυχισμένο το 2015 ! Notre galette des rois est vraiment super ! Bonne année 2015 ! :)

galette des Rois: Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites

Recette: galette des rois au chocolat blanc

Et si cette ann��e vous r��alisiez vous-m��me votre galette des rois? D��couvrez cette recette de galette des rois au chocolat blanc dune des r��dactrice du D9! Une recette �� d��guster au plus vite! ��Jill Cousin/D9. Ingr��dients : 2 rouleaux de p��te.

La galette des Rois, reine de janvier

Percer le dessus de petits trous pour laisser lair s��chapper, sinon elle risque de gonfler et de se dess��cher. Enfourner �� 210��C (th 7) pendant 30 min environ (surveiller la cuisson d��s 25 min, mais ne pas h��siter �� laisser jusqu�� 40 min si n��cessaire).

LEpiphanie : entre f��te religieuse et galette des rois

Le temps passant cette f��te religieuse est dor��navant associ��e �� la d��licieuse galette des rois. Ce g��teau cache alors une f��ve. Celui qui la trouve devient donc le roi. Cette pratique remonte �� la Rome antique. Lors de f��tes pa��ennes, les romains.

D��clinaison de frangipane pour la galette des rois 2015

Si vous ��tes lass��s de lincontournable frangipane qui fourre la galette des rois chaque ann��e, go��tez plut��t aux nouveaut��s des p��tissiers tendances. Ils respectent la tradition de la cr��me damandes tout en leur apportant leur signature. Panorama.

5 galettes des rois pour 2015

Pour c��l��brer larriv��e des Rois Mages au chevet du petit J��sus, nous avons s��lectionn�� cinq galettes aux saveurs cr��atives dans des maisons parisiennes r��put��es. Pour ceux qui pr��f��rent la version traditionnelle �� la frangipane (cr��me damande et.

Bonbini!: Galette des Rois

Galette des rois, one of my favorite French pastry. It is made of two puff pastry sheets and filled with frangipane. Ingredients: - 2 sheets puff pastry,. - 1 cup almond flour or almond meal. - 1/2 cup sugar. - 1/2 cup salted butter,��.


The Best of Organic The best-looking organic produce in town is now at Native Farms Organic, a neat but rustic storefront at 322 East 11th Street. Unlike many health-food stores and supermarkets that have organic produce departments, Native Farms is interested in promoting the cultivation of crops without chemicals, or with only minimal amounts, and will sell only those that meet high standards of taste and appearance. Among the stores clients are some fine restaurants.

Galette des rois | David Lebovitz

Starting in late December, pastry shops in Paris start jumping the gun, and windows and showcases begin filling up with Galettes des rois, or King Cake, in anticipation of the celebration of Epiphany, on January 6th.


L��piphanie est une f��te chr��tienne qui c��l��bre le Messie venu et incarn�� dans le monde et recevant la visite et lhommage des rois mages. Elle a.

A City Drenched in Sugar

New Orleans, where bakery loyalties run deep, has become a laboratory for desserts — especially when it comes to the popular king cake and its many variations.. New Orleans, where bakery loyalties run deep, has become laboratory for desserts, especially when it comes to popular king cake and its many variations.

Vive la Galette des Rois ! - Institut fran��ais de Norv��ge

Vive la Galette des Rois ! galette 630 x 418. Nous restons fid��les �� la tradition et vous invitons �� f��ter la nouvelle ann��e avec nous autour dune belle galette dor��e ! Nous navons pas oubli�� les couronnes. Bienvenue �� tous ! Agenda, Lettre��.

Mon Top 5 des galettes des rois �� Paris pour lEpiphanie 2014

Honn��tement, je ne me vois pas vivre l��piphanie sans manger une excellente galette des rois. Attention ! m��me si je suis souvent tr��s aventureux en sucr��, jai avant tout envie de manger une galette traditionnelle �� la frangipane ou la cr��me damande .

La galette des rois poitevine: entre frangipane et couronne aux fruits !

En effet, la region se situe �� la charni��re de deux coutumes bien diff��rentes: au nord, la galette est feuillet��e et �� la frangipane; au sud, la brioche est en forme de couronne, garnie de fruits confits. Et tant mieux pour les gourmands poitevins qui.

GALETTE DES ROIS | Alliance Fran��aise de Los Angeles

Enjoy authentic Galette des Rois and refreshments with a presentation on the origins of this centuries old celebration. Meet other students and members and learn more about our cultural center and new class sessions that��.

Choisir une bonne galette des rois

La star de ce week-end, cest la galette des rois, pour c��l��brer l��piphanie. L��piphanie : f��te chr��tienne qui comm��more la visite des rois mages �� lenfant J��sus. La date th��orique tombe le 6 janvier, mais comme ce jour-l�� nest pas f��ri��, l.

Epiphany Table Traditions

EPIPHANY, one of the oldest feast days of Christendom, brings each year to its Jan. 6 celebration the wealth of traditional cookery associated with it from past centuries.. Article on traditional Epiphany foods; illus


WITH its setting overlooking Three Mile Harbor in East Hampton, the Clubhouse at Wings Point is a stunning place. Until this year it had been called the Lighthouse, a restaurant whose design took advantage of the waterfront panorama and yet was splendid in its own right, with a soaring interior space that held a 5.5-meter racing sloop (the Jade) over the bar. Now, as the Clubhouse, part of a complex that has been planned to include cottages and recreation facilities and that operates in conjunction with another Wings Point resort on Lake Champlain upstate, it is more magnificent than ever. The Clubhouse has been elegantly redecorated in a look that is at once contemporary and traditional. The sloop is still in place. Gleaming brass lighting fixtures and hardware, large candlelit hurricane lamps and some handsome scrubbed pine antique furniture have been combined with modern rush and wicker seating in a neutral beige and white color scheme enlivened with pots of salmon- colored begonias.

Epiphanie 2015 : 20 galettes des rois -

Nous, ce quon aime par dessus tout lors de la nouvelle ann��e, cest de pouvoir manger des galettes des Rois. Et cette ann��e, l��piphanie aura lieu le 4 janvier 2015 ! Alors chez Cosmo, on a d��cid�� de vous faire saliver en��.

Calendar of Events


La GALETTE DES ROIS fourr��e poire-chocolat

Le r��veillon du 1er de lAn termin��, on pense d��j�� �� la galette des Rois, cest comme ��a chez nous. Mieux, elle est propos��e dans les commerces juste apr��s No��l. Bient��t �� P��ques on commencera �� penser �� No��l ! Bref, jadore la galette �� la frangipane .

Galette des rois : Recette de Galette des rois - Marmiton

Etaler le contenu du saladier sur la p��te, y mettre la f��ve (sur un bord, pour minimiser les chances de tobner dessus en coupant la galette!). Refermer la galette avec la 2��me p��te, et bien coller les bords. Dessiner au couteau dessus et dorer��.

Galette des rois �� la frangipane : Recette de. - Marmiton

Pr��paration de la recette : Placer une p��te feuillet��e dans un moule �� tarte, piquer la p��te avec une fourchette. Dans un saladier, m��langer la poudre damandes, le sucre, les 2 oeufs et le beurre mou. Placer la p��te obtenue dans le moule ����.

JeBif pub Galette de rois! | JeBiF

Afin de ne pas perdre le rythme des repas bien copieux, nous vous proposerons de tirer la galette des rois!! Cette rencontre sera ��galement pour nous loccasion de vous pr��senter le nouveau CA et le nouveau pr��sident et��.

Fr��d��ric Pichard, roi de l��piphanie

Les f��ves choisies par Fr��d��ric Pichard figurent les rois de France. Dor��es �� lor fin, �� la main, elles sont ��normes et p��sent environ 56 grammes ! Ses galettes sont pes��es, le prix variant selon le poids et non selon le nombre de personnes, ce qui.

Gateau des rois | Nick Malgieri

A reader has asked: Somewhere I read a reference to something called a ���gateau des rois.��� What is it? A: A gateau des rois, sometimes also referred to as a galette, is a cake made to celebrate Twelfth Night or January 6 in��.

La galette des Rois

REPLAY ��� Selon la tradition, la galette des Rois se consomme au moment de l��piphanie. Raoul Maeder, un artisan p��tissier, estime que depuis quelques ann��es, celle-ci nest plus respect��e. La page de l��mission : RTL Evenement. > La galette des Rois .

VIDEO. La tradition de la galette des Rois nest plus respect��e

Apr��s le Nouvel An, cest la p��riode de la galette des Rois. La tradition veut quelle soit consomm��e �� l��piphanie. Mais cette p��riode ne semble plus respect��e. Tr��s souvent, elle tr��ne d��j�� dans les rayons des supermarch��s d��s le mois de novembre.


A guide to cultural and recreational goings-on in and around Westchester and Putnam Counties this week. Items for the guide should be sent at least three weeks in advance to, or by mail to Westchester Cultural Calendar, 229 West 43d Street, New York, N.Y. 10036-3959. FILM Mamaroneck A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints, drama directed by Dito Montiel. Through Jan. 7. $8; subscribers and members, $5; matinees, $6. Emelin Theater, 153 Library Lane. (914) 698-0098. Peekskill A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints. Through Jan. 7. Backstage, directed by Emmanuelle Bercot. Thursday through Jan. 14. $7 and $9. Paramount Center for the Arts, 1008 Brown Street. (914) 930-7588. Pleasantville Rarely Seen Cinema: Dragon Squad, Hong Kong action thriller, directed by Daniel Lee; with question and answer session with Jonathan Demme. Jan. 7 at 6 p.m. $6.50 to $13. Jacob Burns Film Center, 364 Manville Road. (914) 773-7663. White Plains Criss Cross, starring Burt Lancaster and Yvonne DeCarlo. Tuesday at 2 p.m. In Remembrance of Martin, documentary honoring the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Jan. 14 at 2:30 p.m. White Plains Public Library, 100 Martine Avenue. (914) 422-1480. Yonkers Men at Work, directed by Mani Haghighi; in Persian with subtitles. Wednesday at 2 p.m. Yonkers Public Library, Grinton I. Will branch, 1500 Central Park Avenue. (914) 337-1500. FOR CHILDREN Montrose Parent/child crochet workshop. For ages 8 and up. Mondays through Feb. 26 at 6:45 p.m. $10; includes yarn, hook and instructional booklet. Hendrick Hudson Free Library, 185 Kings Ferry Road. (914) 739-5654. Purchase Swimmy, Frederick and Inch by Inch, childrens works by Leo Lionni, presented by the Mermaid Theater of Nova Scotia. Jan. 14 at 3 p.m. $14 and $20. Dance Lab Theater, 735 Anderson Hill Road. (914) 251-6830. Scarsdale Meet the Animals, Travis Brady, museum manager, will introduce patrons to animal museum favorites. Jan. 14 at 2 p.m. Free and $5. Greenburgh Nature Center, 99 Dromore Road. (914) 723-3470. White Plains Curious George and Monkey Friends Pajamarama, story time with songs, activities and a bedtime snack. For ages 2 and up. Wednesday at 7 p.m. White Plains Public Library, 100 Martine Avenue. (914) 422-1480. Yonkers Surviving the Winter, childrens program detailing different methods that birds and animals use to get through the winter. For ages 7 to 10. Jan. 13, 10 to 11 a.m. Free; pre-registration required. Lenoir Preserve, Dudley Street. Yonkers Music and Merriment, childrens program. For ages 11/2 to 5. Wednesday through June 20. Yonkers Crestwood Library, 16 Thompson Street. (914) 337-1500 x360. MUSIC AND DANCE Beacon Anthony da Costa, folk. Friday, 8 to 10 p.m. $5. Chthonic Clash Coffeehouse, 453 Main Street. (845) 831-0359. Beacon Howland Chamber Music Circle, works by Bach, Beethoven, Bartok and Schumann. Jan. 14 at 4 p.m. $12 and $25. Howland Cultural Center, 477 Main Street. (845) 297-9243. Bronx Grupo Niche, salsa; with Jimmy Bosch, trombone, and his orchestra. Jan. 13 at 8 p.m. $30 to $45. Lehman Center for the Performing Arts, 250 Bedford Park Boulevard West. (718) 960-8833. Katonah Giovani Stelle, benefit for Caramoor. Thursday. Caramoor Center for Music and the Arts, 149 Girdle Ridge Road. (914) 232-1252. Mahopac Gilbert and Sullivans Mikado, musical comedy, proceeds of which will sponsor the TBS Childrens Choir. Jan. 13 and 14. $10. Temple Beth Shalom, 760 Route 6. (845) 628-6133. Mamaroneck Millers Crossing with Mike Burns and North Country, bluegrass. Fridayat 8 p.m. $28. Emelin Theater, 153 Library Lane. (914) 698-0098. Rhinebeck Strata, piano trio, presented by the Rhinebeck Chamber Music Society. Jan. 13 at 8 p.m. $5 and $25. Church of the Messiah, 6436 Montgomery Street. (845) 876-2870. Scarsdale The Great Puccini, Victoria Atwater and Bruce Reed, vocalists, perform arias from Puccini operas. Wednesday at 1 p.m. $21 to $23. J. C. C. of Mid-Westchester, 999 Wilmot Road. (914) 472-3300. Scarsdale HB Artist Series: Lani King Chang, violinist, with Jenny Hayden, soprano; Michael Finckel, cello; and Edmund Niemann, piano. Jan. 14 at 4 p.m. $11 to $13. Scarsdale Community Baptist Church, Popham and Autenrieth Roads. (914) 723-1169. Tarrytown Reels n Fugues, Irish music. Jan. 13 at 2:30 p.m. Warner Public Library, 121 North Broadway. (914) 631-7734. White Plains Westchesters Interfaith Music Services: an interfaith group of Muslims, Jews and Christians celebrate the music of gospel pioneer Charles Albert Tindley. Jan. 14 at 4 p.m. Congregation Kol Ami, 252 Soundview Avenue. (914) 949-4717 ext. 103. White Plains American Song Sampler, Rob Weintraub, baritone, and Lin Li, pianist. Wednesday at 12:10 p.m. Free. Grace Church, 33 Church Street. (914) 949-2478. An American Songbook, Rob Weintraub, baritone, and Lin Li, piano, perform songs by Gene Scheer, Walter Damrosch and others. Wednesday at 12:10 p.m. Grace Church, Mamaroneck Avenue. (914) 949-0384. Yonkers Music and Words and Music, with Miriam Brickman, pianist. Jan. 7 at 2 p.m. Free. Yonkers Public Library, Grinton I. Will branch, 1500 Central Park Avenue. (914) 337-1500. THEATER Pawling The Heidi Chronicles, drama by Wendy Wasserstein, presented by the Pawling Theater Company. Friday through Jan. 27. $11 to $15. Pawling High School, Reservoir Road. (845) 855-1965. Pleasantville Salome, staged reading and discussion. Jan. 14 at 2 p.m. Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Wednesdays, to 6 p.m.; Fridays through Sundays, to 5 p.m. Mount Pleasant Public Library, 350 Bedford Road. (914) 769-0548. White Plains Guys and Dolls, musical by Abe Burrows and Jo Swerling; presented by the Play Group Theater. Through Jan. 14. $15; $20, groups of 20 or more. White Plains Performing Arts Center, 11 City Place. (914) 328-1600. SEASONAL Larchmont Celebration of French Galette des Rois, traditional French Twelfth Night gathering sponsored by Westchester Accueil. Thursdayat 9:30 a.m. Larchmont Public Library, 121 Larchmont Avenue. (914) 834-2281. Somers Winter Fun for Families, adults and children make crafts and baked goods. Jan. 14, 1 to 3 p.m. Muscoot Farm, Route 100. (914) 864-7282. SPOKEN WORD Mount Vernon The Lenape: Native Peoples of the Hudson Valley, a discussion of the history of the original Native American settlers of the area. Jan. 13 at 1 p.m. St. Pauls Church National Historic Site, 897 South Columbus Avenue. (914) 667-4116. Rye Brook Identity Theft and Investment Scams, with Supervisory Agent Steven Garfinkel of the F.B.I. Thursday, 3 to 5 p.m. Collecting Books and Collecting Kipling, with David Richards, Rudyard Kipling expert. Jan. 14 at 2 p.m. Sterling Glen, 1200 King Street. (914) 939-2900. Yonkers Crime and Punishment, a mini-course analyzing Dostoevskys novel, taught by Melissa Frazier. Wednesday through Friday. Beethovens Ninth Symphony, a mini-course conducted by Martin Goldray. Wednesday through Friday. $45. Reisinger Concert Hall, Sarah Lawrence College. (914) 395-2412. MUSEUMS AND GALLERIES Armonk Winter Solstice V: Expressions of Our Time and Place, group show. Through Jan. 28. Gallery talk by Marcy B. Freedman, Jan. 13 at 2 p.m.; $5; reservations required. Saturdays and Sundays, 1 to 5 p.m. The Studio: An Alternative Space for Contemporary Art, 2 Maryland Avenue. (914) 273-1452. Beacon bau 25: bau NOW, group exhibition featuring sculpture, painting and mixed media. Saturdays and Sundays, noon through 6 p.m., and by appointment. Beacon Artists Union (bau), 161 Main Street. (845) 440-7584. Briarcliff Manor Watercolor and oil paintings by Julie Anello. Through Jan. 27. Wednesdays through Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Images Art Gallery, 1157 Pleasantville Road. (914) 762-3000. Bronx South Bronx Contemporary, group show. Through March 10. Mondays through Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Longwood Art Gallery at Hostos, 450 Grand Concourse, C-190. (718) 518-6728. Bronx Celebrating Winter Through Nature, contemporary artworks. Through Jan. 14. $2 to $4; members and under 6, free; free for everyone on Tuesdays; free for everyone Saturdays, 9 a.m. to noon. Tuesdays through Sundays, 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Wave Hill, 675 West 252nd Street. (718) 549-3200. Greenburgh Captured Energy, student paintings and batik prints inspired by energy conservation. Through June 2007. Free. Greenburgh Town Hall, 177 Hillside Avenue. (914) 993-1649. Greenburgh Watercolors by students of Brigitte Loritz. Through Jan. 31. Mondays through Fridays, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Madeleine Gutman Gallery, 177 Hillside Avenue. (914) 682-1574. Greenburgh Contemporary landscapes by Leigh Trifari. Through Wednesday. Mondays through Fridays, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Town Court Gallery, Greenburgh Town Court, 188 Tarrytown Road. (914) 682-1574. Harrison a few of my favorite things, watercolors by Caty Kendall. Through Jan. 26. Mondays and Wednesdays, 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, to 5:30 p.m.; Saturdays, to 12:30 p.m. Harrison Public Library, Bruce Avenue. (914) 835-0324. Hartsdale DeSanti Plaza Sculpture Project: Tinted Reflections II, sculpture by Anthony Krauss. Through March 1. DeSanti Plaza, across from Metro-North. (914) 478-4630. Katonah Wild Edges, photographs by Gregory Conniff. Through Wednesday. Paterson II, A new series of photographs by George Tice. Tuesdays through Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Sundays, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Candace Dwan Gallery, 27 Katonah Avenue. (914) 232-3966. Katonah Sculpture by Michael Steiner. Through April 22. Michael Krondl: Rising Water, Falling Water, photographic mural. Through March 8. Admission: $5, $3 for seniors and students. The Way Things Go, video documenting a mad science experiment. Tuesdays through Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Sundays, noon to 5 p.m. Katonah Museum of Art, Route 22 at Jay Street. (914) 232-9555. Larchmont Just a Moment, photography by Sid Hecker. Reception: Jan. 13, 3 to 4:30 p.m. Larchmont Public Library, 121 Larchmont Avenue. (914) 834-2281. Larchmont Young Artists on the Rise, student group show featuring work from Mamaroneck and New Rochelle high school students. Reception: Jan. 18, 5 to 7 p.m. Tuesdays through Saturdays, noon to 5 p.m. Mamaroneck Artists Guild, 2120 Boston Post Road. (914) 834-1117. New Rochelle Racing on a Broken Road, exhibit on the Underground Railroad. Through March 4. Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Thursdays and Fridays, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Saturdays and Sundays, noon to 4 p.m. Castle Gallery, 29 Castle Place. (914) 654-5423. Newburgh Small Works in Time for Giving, painting, sculpture, paper works and photography, and found-object pieces by Charles Davidson. Both through Jan. 7. Decorative works curated by Elizabeth Oliver. Jan. 13 through Feb. 25. Yellow Bird Gallery, 19 Front Street. (845) 561-7204. Peekskill Only the Paranoid Survive, works focusing on the culture of fear, curated by Daniel Fuller. Through Jan. 21. $5, adults; $1, children; members, free. Saturdays and Sundays, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.; group tours available by appointment. Hudson Valley Center for Contemporary Art, 1701 Main Street. (914) 788-7166. Port Chester Pollinia, ceramic sculpture by Leigh Taylor Mickelson. Through Jan. 27. Mondays through Fridays, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Clay Art Center, 40 Beech Street. (914) 937-2047. Purchase Crossing the Boulevard: Strangers, Neighbors, Aliens in a New America. Through Jan. 27. $3 to $5; members and children 12 and under, free. Tuesdays through Sundays, noon to 5 p.m. Neuberger Museum of Art, 735 Anderson Hill Road. (914) 251-6100. Rockville Centre Poor Art Student. Strike 3! mixed-media group show of student artwork, curated by Cristina Pugliese. Through Jan. 24. Free. Mondays through Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Molloy College Art Gallery, 1000 Hempstead Avenue. (516) 678-5000. Rye Cutting Across Cultures: The Art of Papercutting, Then and Now, works by traditional and contemporary paper-cutting artists. Through Feb. 17. Rye Arts Center, 51 Milton Road. (914) 967-0700. Rye The Image Makers, works by members of the Westchester Photographic Society. Through Feb. 16. Rye Free Reading Room, 1061 Boston Post Road. (914) 967-0480. Rye Shells and Trees, works by Elasah Schaff. Mondays through Fridays, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Rye Nature Center, 873 Boston Post Road. (914) 967-5150. Scarsdale Turning Points: Documents That Shaped America, historical documents. Through Jan. 20. $1.50 to $2; members, free. Mondays through Fridays, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Scarsdale Historical Society Museum, 937 White Plains Post Road. (914) 723-1744. West Point The Color of Loyalty: A Tribute to Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer, works of Linda Jean Fisher. Through Feb. 11. Daily, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 1929 Gallery, Eisenhower Hall, United States Military Academy. (845) 938-2782. White Plains Expressions of the Spirit, folk arts showcase. Through Jan. 13. Arts of Japan Workshop: Calligraphy with Yoshiko Katsumi. Jan. 13 at 2:30 p.m. $15. Arts Exchange, 31 Mamaroneck Avenue. (914) 428-4220, extension 273. White Plains Once Upon a Time. The Art of Childrens Book Illustration, work of Howard Fine, Yumi Heo and Mary OKeefe Young, with family story times and demonstrations by the artists on Jan. 14 at 2 p.m. Through Feb. 28. White Plains Public Library, 100 Martine Avenue. (914) 422-1480. Woodstock Nature Without Glass, pinhole photographs by Mark Stetler. Jan. 5 through Feb. 12. Thursdays through Mondays, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Gallery B. M. G., 12 Tannery Brook Road. (845) 679-0027. Yonkers Quilt Stories, textile works by Sara Fasy. Through Friday. Esther Raushenbush Library, Sarah Lawrence College. (914) 395-2470. Yonkers The Cubist Works of Pablo Picasso, sculpture by students at Yonkers Riverfront International Baccalaureate High School. Through Jan. 12. Free. Yonkers Public Library, One Larkin Center. (914) 337-1500, Extension 461.

Yes, Its Real: The Magic Of Christmas In Montreal

ITS Paris without the jet lag, especially at Christmastime. Here in Montreal, you cant lift a fork without wanting to sink it into a slice of bûche de Noël, the all but bejeweled cake that replicates the Yule log as imagined by Christian Lacroix. You cant walk into a bakery without being tempted by a whole tourtière, the spiced pork pie in the crumbly crust that is to Christmas here what quiche is to Lorraine.. Regina Schrambling article on the joys of Montreal at Christmas time, especially its food shops and restaurants; recipes (M)

Food Stuff

A French Tradition For Epiphany One of Frances most endearing traditions is the galette des rois, the cake served on Epiphany, the Feast of the Three Kings, on Jan. 6. Inserted in each is a trinket, a dry white bean or a small figurine, and according to one custom, the person who finds it is crowned king or queen. But another custom is somewhat less generous: the finder has to buy the next cake.. Florence Fabricant Food Stuff column; comments on one of Frances most endearing traditions, galette des rois, cake served on Epiphany, Feast of the Three Kings, on Jan 6; Williams-Sonoma is now selling cake mixes; photo (M)

VIDEO. La galette des Rois est �� lhonneur d��but janvier

Apr��s la b��che, le foie gras et le saumon, place d��sormais �� la galette des Rois. Traditionnellement mang��e pendant l��piphanie, on la retrouve d��j�� dans les magasins. Je laime, non pas �� la frangipane, mais comme on fait chez moi dans le Limousin, .

O�� manger la meilleure galette des rois dans le Bas-Rhin ?

Le 6 janvier, cest-��-dire mardi prochain, c est la date traditionnelle de lEpiphanie. Mais depuis quelques jours d��j��, les galettes des rois tr��nent sur les pr��sentoirs des p��tissiers. A Strasbourg, la boulangerie Hanss a m��me obtenue la m��daille d.

Introducing the Galette des Rois! | Main Street Bakery

Look out, Main Street Bistro and Bakery fans! Theres a new dessert (or two) in town. By now youve come to know, love, eat, and compete on social media for our Christmas special, the B��che de No��l. While our Yule Log will��.

CARQUEIRANNE / Galette des rois du CVB / Dimanche 18.

Dimanche 18 janvier au gymnase, �� la suite du match des nationales opposant le Carqueiranne Var Basket �� La Tronche Meylan �� 15h30, les dirigeants, les joueurs et joueuses partagent la galette des rois. Cest pour nous,��.

The French Village Diaries: G is for Galette des Rois

The French have a special cake to mark twelfth night called Galette des Rois that begin to appear in the supermarkets from the beginning of December and remain until February. It can be a ring shaped cake made of brioche,��.

The Galette des Rois is coming soon | Atelier Monnier

Starting January 3rd, Atelier Monnier will start jumping the gun offering the Galettes des Rois, or King Cake, in anticipation of the celebration of Epiphany, on January 6th. The Galette des Rois is made of layers of puff pastry��.

Chouette, une recette de galette !

Tradition oblige pour f��ter la nouvelle ann��e, le premier dimanche de janvier voit d��barquer les galettes des rois. Robin Dugal, chef p��tissier au ch��teau des Tourelles, �� la Baule, concocte une galette traditionnelle et en propose une version revisit��e.

Food Notes

Training for the Super Bowl For cooks and football fans who want to be ready for the crowds coming to their homes on Jan. 26 to watch the Super Bowl, a class in preparing food for a party will be given on Jan. 19 from 11 A.M. to 4 P.M., at Peter Kumps School of Culinary Arts, 307 East 92d Street. Steve Jacobson, a sports columnist for Newsday, will provide insights on the game, while his wife, Anita, a cooking teacher, will deal with the party food. The cost is $95. Information: (212) 410-4601. Cakes With a Special Charm Special cakes, often baked with a bean, a trinket or another good luck charm inside, are a tradition in many countries on Jan. 6 for Epiphany, the Feast of the Three Kings. La Bonne Soupe, 48 West 55th Street, has a rich, flaky galette des rois, or kings cake, layered with almond paste, for $25. The cakes, available to take out Jan. 6 through 10, must be reserved a day in advance. To order: (212) 586-7650.. Florence Fabricant Food Notes column (M)

News of Food; Twelfth Day, the Post-Christmas Feast, Is Time for Old World Baking Revelry

Today is the feast of the Epiphany, of the Magi, of the Three Kings, of Little Christmas, of Twelfth Day. However one calls it, it is the celebration twelve days after Christmas that commemorates the visit of the Wise Men to the Christ Child.

Galette ou g��teau des rois? R��pondez �� notre sondage.

Lors de tradition populaire de la f��te des rois (dont la date correspond �� la f��te chr��tienne de lEpiphanie, le premier dimanche de janvier), la coutume pa��enne veut quon serve un g��teau dans lequel une figurine (ou f��ve)��.

��piphanie 2015 : les reines des galettes

En hommage �� Cocteau, Len��tre a imagin�� une galette dans laquelle le citron, fruit favori du peintre po��te, parfume le fond de p��te sabl��e, la fine couche de cr��me p��tissi��re et le moelleux aux amandes relev�� au limoncello de Menton (8-10 parts, 59 ���).

Topics of The Times

Topics of The Times

The Galette des Rois | foundinfrance

The typical Galette du Roi of the Indre is made of flaky pastry like a pie and filled with frangipane, an almond cream paste. There are regional variations, and some enterprising bakeries offer a different filling for every day in��.

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