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FIRST SERIES WAS CONTESTED IN 1884; Providence and Mets the Pioneers--Present System Dates Back to 1903. ONE WENT FIFTEEN GAMES. Detroit Nationals and St. Louis A. A. Team Played in Ten Dif- ferent Cities in 1887. The Temple Cup Series. National Commission in Charge.
Post season play between pennant winners for the worlds baseball championship dates back far beyond the inception of the American League, though the annual Fall classic now means to the average fan the clash of the National and American League champions.
PLATT HAD HIS OVERCOAT; HOME FROM ST. LOUIS LOOKING CHILLY ENOUGH TO NEED IT. Dr. Depew, Lou Payn, Hackett, Gru- ber, and Others Arrived by Dif- ferent Routes, Most of Them Wearing McKinley Badges but Seeming Rather Depressed -- Dr. Depews Little Pleasantry About Miller and His Speech.
Thomas C. Platt reached home from St. Louis yesterday, having come in a special car attached to a regular Baltimore and Ohio train. The train was on time, and Mr. Platt and his party landed at the foot of Liberty Street at 6:30 P.M. The other occupants of his car were Charles W. Hackett and his son Fred, Louis F. Payn, J. Sloat Fassett, and Benjamin B. Odell.. Interview Evaded in New-York
TOPEKA, Kan., Oct. 23 -- While the campaign in Kansas is approaching the critical point, the work from this time on-will have but little effect in changing votes. The results cannot be foretold with any degree of accuracy, for during the past four years there has been an educational process that has created what are known here as vest-pocket voters, but who style themselves independents, although they have not left their old parties.. Election Prospects for Electoral Ticket, Congressman, and Legislature
VIDEO Se Rene Dif som brutalt v��kkeur p�� Roskilde. - DR
Aqua-stjernen Rene Dif overraskede fredag formiddag sovende g��ster p�� Roskilde.
DIF agrees the sale of 9 German wind projects | IPP Journal
The DIF Renewable Energy Fund has executed a sale and purchase agreement (SPA) with the Allianz Renewable Energy Fund for the sale of 9 operational wind projects in Germany. On 29th October 2014 the DIF��.
DIF File Extension - Open.DIF Files
A DIF file has four possible file associations, but is most likely a Data Interchange Format. Learn what Mac, Windows, and Linux programs can open.DIF files.
COMING TOGETHER ON SUGAR; PROSPECT THAT THE TARIFF CONFERREES MAY AGREE TO-DAY. Representatives of the House Considering a Proposition to Change the Senate Schedule -- Will Give Their Answer This Morning -- Sugar Out of the Way, There Will Be No Dif- ficulty in the Way of Agreement -- The Trust Hard at Work.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 3 -- Some escitement was created this afternoon by the report that the conferrees on the Tariff bill had come to an agreement upon the sugar schedule; that the conference soon would conclude its work, and that the Congress might adjourn within ten days.. Tariff Bill Speeches Prepared by Col. G. W. M. Harvey
Worxmas 2014: DJ Tech DIF-1S Mixer | DJWORX
DJing at its core is simple, so a two channel mixer works for everyone. And this Worxmas prize is the DJ Tech DIF-1s mixer with mini Innofader.
DIF selects Radian Generation to manage portfolio of solar.
DIF, an independent fund management company with an extensive global portfolio of solar projects, has chosen Radian Generation, LLC to provide commercial and technical asset management services for more than 65MW��.
IROQUOIS BEAT THE LASCA; MR. BROOKSS SCHOONER UNABLE TO SAVE HER TIME ALLOWANCE. The Spring Regatta of the Larchmont Yacht Club Was a Bit Disappointing -- Light Winds and Few Yachts Marred the Sport -- Special Prizes Offered for Boats in Dif- ferent Classes to Make a Race -- Viator Defeated Azalea and Bonnie Doon Fin- ished Ahead of the Wasp.
The annual Spring regatta of the Larchmont Yacht Club was sailed yesterday. It was hardly the success that the Larchmont yachtsmen expected. The wind was light and fluky and several of the boats entered failed to come to the line. One of these was Mr. J. Rogers Maxwells new schooner Emerald. On Friday the Emerald ran aground off Bay Ridge and damaged her centreboard.
DIF sells ���121m fund to Aberdeen | AltAssets Private Equity.
DIF managing partner Wim Blaasse said, ���The sale of DIF PPP represents a milestone in the history of DIF, as it is the first realisation of a complete fund which DIF has managed from start to finish. ���Although the time at which��.
DIF | Carlos Fiorentino | Design Education and Research
Design for Sustainability and Visual Communication Design, teaching and research. HOME �� Design for sustainability : Hecol 493 related posts �� Design general. DIF. Screen Shot 2014-10-23 at 5.47.32 PM. Share this:.
BRAUN IS PREPARED TO WORK WITH REICH; But Prussian Premier Sees Dif- ficulty in Delimiting Func- tions in Practice. HOPES FOR EARLY ELECTION Federal Commissioner Warns Civil Service That Court Confirmed Duty to Obey Him.
BERLIN, Oct. 26 -- The governmental schism in Prussia, made de jure yesterday when the Federal courts awarded the right to administer the State to the Reich and other executive prerogatives to the previously shelved Braun-Severing Cabinet, remained an unsolved problem today.. Ct ruling confuses situation; right to administer State awarded to Reich and other exec rights to Prussian Cabinet; Premier Braun issues statement
GARMENT PRICE CUT SEEN IN PIECEWORK; A. E. Lefcourt Predicts Reduc- tion of 25 to 33 1-3 Per Cent. by Next Spring. CAMOUFLAGE, SAY WORKERS Schlesinger Asserts Change of Sys- tem Wont Mean 50 Cents Dif- ference on a Garment.
The return to the piece work system in the womens garment industry on Nov. 14, supplanting the present week work plan, would result in a price reduction next Spring of 25 to 33 1-3 per cent., said a statement issued yesterday by A. E. Lefcourt, spokesman for the Cloak, Suit and Skirt Manufacturers Protective Association.. A E Lefcourt says restoration of piecework wage system would mean 25 to 33 1-3 per cent reduction next Spring, B Schlesinger denies it
Visita DIF a beb��s nacidos en el 2015
La se��ora Irene El��as Leal, representando al voluntariado del Sistema DIF Reynosa, visit�� a los beb��s que nacieron durante los primeros minutos del 2015. A nombre del presidente municipal, Jos�� El��as Leal, y de la presidenta del DIF Reynosa, se��ora .
DIF shelters children celebrate Christmas
The Puebla Famliy Development Agency (DIF) held a traditional Christmas festival with carols, dances and carnivals for minors in different shelters across the state, with the goal of strengthening traditions and making the children feel at home, said.
Desarrolla Edomex programas alimentarios a trav��s del DIF
TOLUCA, M��x.- El gobernador Eruviel ��vila Villegas inform�� que con el prop��sito de combatir y revertir la desnutrici��n infantil en comunidades de zonas ind��genas, campesinas y urbanas marginadas, a trav��s del Sistema para el Desarrollo Integral de la .
Inicia DIF C��rdoba colecta de juguetes para repartirlos en comunidades rurales
A trav��s de diversos m��dulos instalados en sus respectivas oficinas y en la Feria del Juguete, el sistema del Desarrollo Integral de la Familia (DIF) C��rdoba, inici�� la Colecta de Juguetes 2015 para posteriormente repartirlos entre los ni��os de la.
Entrega DIF despensas
FRONTERA, COAH.- Para apoyar a las familias de escasos recursos con productos de la canasta b��sica, Mar��a Elena Li����n de Moreno, Presidenta del Sistema para el Desarrollo Integral de la Familia en Frontera entreg�� despensas en apoyo al gasto .
Ex-Secretary of the Treasury Charles S. Fairchild talked to a TIMES reporter yesterday about the political situation and the May convention movement.. Presidential Preference for Mr. Cleveland; New-York Democrats May Convention Plans
IF SILVER SHOULD RISE; WHEN BRYAN IS ELECTED AND FREE COINAGE EFFECTED. Then the Gold Standard Countries of the World Would Get the Bulk of the Benefit Which the Popocrats Claim Would Result -- Tremendous Figures to Show What Is the Dif- ference Between 66 Cents and $1.29 an Ounce.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 19 -- Judge Thomas of Missouri, at present Assistant Attorney General for the Post Office Department, and formerly Judge of the Supreme Court of Missouri, gave to a representative of THE NEW-YORK TIMES to-night the following interesting statement of his position on the silver question:. Silver Views
User Acceptance Testing Versus Usability Testing���Whats.
User Acceptance Testing Versus Usability Testing���Whats the Dif? Jo��l Virothaisakun �� October 6, 2014 �� Design, User Testing and Research, UX. Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on emailShare on printMore Sharing Services?
Reconocen labor de voluntarios del DIF
El gobernador de Coahuila, Rub��n Moreira, reconoci�� la labor de m��s de cien j��venes en Coahuila que participaron de manera voluntaria como parte de los festejos que el DIF Coahuila organiz�� en diferentes municipios de la entidad para celebrar la .
PRICE WAR FEARED ON NEWSPRINT CUT; Canadians Predict Crave Dif- ficulties, Imperiling Sta- bility of the Industry. LIMIT SAID TO BE REACHED Official of Anglo-Canadian Pulp Says Few Concerns Can Con- tiue at Existing Scale. Special to THE NEW YORK TIMES.
QUEBEC, April 18. -- Fears of a newsprint price war, which would send prices tumbling under their already low levels and which might force more newsprint concerns into bankruptcy, were expressed here today by representatives of the Canadian industry as a result of the International Paper Companys discount of $5 a ton.. Canadian officials fear price war; statement by J A MacInnis; Chronicle-Telegraph of Que says cut opens war for survival of fittest
DIF exhorta a renovar tarjetas del Inapam y discapacidad
DIF exhorta a renovar tarjetas del Inapam y discapacidad. De lunes a viernes de 8:00 a 15:00 horas, las persona interesadas podr��n solicitar la credencial, tarjet��n y renovaci��n de discapacidad, as�� como la c��dula para las personas de la tercera edad.
HETTY GREEN LOSES DEPOSIT BOX SUIT; Must Pay $550 for Five Years Use of Eleven Boxes, Con- taining Rubbish. PROVES A POOR WITNESS Action Started for Blackmail, She Declares, but the Jury Takes a Dif- ferent View of the Testimony.
Cat fits and Blackmail were the terms used yesterday on the stand by Mrs. Hetty Green to characterize the efforts of the Safety Deposit Company of 149 Broadway to recover $550 rentals from her. But the Jury in the case, which was tried before Judge ODwyer in the City Court, found against Mrs. Green and she expressed her indignation in no uncertain terms.. retailers to apply for writ against order
Education: What are the new stories? ��� Join my session at DiF
Do well in school, go to University, get a degree, get a good job. As Sir Ken Robinson says, this is the story that much of our education system is built on, a story that we have told young people for many years, but one that for��.
Article 8 -- No Title
Article 8 -- No Title
Republicans, Democrats - whats the dif?: James Varney.
President Barack Obama meets with Congressional leaders in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, Tuesday, Sept. 9, 2014. From left are, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Ky., House Speaker John��.
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Front Page 2 -- No Title
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ENLISHMENS DINING ROOMS; WAYS IN WHICH THEY ARE DIF- FERENT FROM OURS. The English Like to Eat All Over the House -- Some of Their Dining-Room Furnishings Are Novel to Us, but May Be Adopted -- The Convenient Chair Screen -- An Egg Service -- A Reason for the Cold English Break-. fast -- Toasting Forks.
One of the oddest vagaries of English life, said an observant American not long ago, is the way they have of eating in every room in the house: a cup of tea, often a regular breakfast, in ones bedroom, breakfast proper in the library, luncheon and dinner in the dining room, tea in the drawing room, the boudoir, the sitting room, wherever my lady may fancy.. Chair Screen and Egg Service Described
MR. HUNTINGTONS INTERESTS; SOUTHERN PACIFICS PRESIDENT IN A PEACEABLE MOOD. He Predicts an Amicable Settlement of Pacific Mail and Panama Railroad Dif- ficulties -- The Agreement Not Quite Ready to be Made Public -- Mr. Hunt- ington Denies that There Is a War of Sates Between the Southern Pacific and the Canadian Pacific Railroads.
There is good ground for the belief that negotiations for a cessation of hostilities between the Panama Railroad and the Pacific Mail Steamship Company have almost reached a mutually satisfactory termination. Influential persons connected with the Pacific Mail Company frankly admitted yesterday that the difficulty was practically settled.
Differential Temperature (DIF) Technique | 1000Bulbs.com
Plant growth rates can be simply managed by manipulating your plants lighting and temperature through temperature DIF control.
TO AVENGE A BOYS DEATH; INFURIATED CHICAGO MOB TRIED TO KILL TROLLEY MEN. Conductor and Motorman of a Car Which Had Bun Over a Child Res- cued from the Crowd with Dif- ficulty by the Police.
CHICAGO, Ill., Dec. 25. -- A mob numbering fully 1,000, made several attempts to lynch a street-car conductor and motormab at Throop and Eighteenth Streets, this afternoon, for running over and killing a boy, and was prevented only through the nerve of a druggist, his clerk, and the motorman, who held the mob at bay at the points of revolvers until the police arrived.. Chicago; Trolley Car Kills Boy; Mob Threatens Motormen
Propone el DIF terapia con perros
A fin de brindar terapia asistida con perros a ni��os con autismo y otros padecimientos, el DIF de la capital lanzar�� a principios de este a��o el programa Ludocan, se inform�� en un comunicado del ayuntamiento. La terapia se realiza con perros.
prolog - How to prevent duplicates in generated sequences.
Not a real answer, but too long for a comment: Your problem is that you want to keep your elements as facts. Put them in a list, and you can use select/3 to take out an element from that list. As long as you keep them as facts, this is��.
Con diversas acciones, en 2014 el DIF Michoac��n refrend�� su compromiso con.
dif El Sistema para el Desarrollo Integral de la Familia (DIF) Michoac��n, que dirige Mariana Sosa Olmeda, a trav��s de los programas sociales que opera ofrece atenci��n y trabaja para la inclusi��n de las personas con discapacidad, adultos mayores y ni��os.
BOHR DEMONSTRATES ACTION OF THE ATOM; Shows How Electrons Become Bound to the Nucleus and Dif- erent Spectra Are Emitted. SAYS THEORY IS BAFFLING But Calls New Science Very Real, Though Incomplete -- Ends Yale Lectures.
NEW HAVEN, Conn., Nov. 15 -- In the last of his lectures on the structure of the atom at Yale University today. Prof. Bohr told how the theory had enabled him to predict the discovery of a new element and how this element has since been found by means of the X-rays.. more lectures by Prof Bohr on atom
CONGRESS FINDS MUCH TO PRAISE; Frankness of Coolidges Decla- rations Liked Despite Dif- ferences on Policies. TAX AND BONUS UPPERMOST Some Progressives and Demo- crats Think He Takes Standpat Position. CONGRESS FINDS MUCH TO PRAISE
WASHINGTON, Dec. 6. -- The reaction to President Coolidges message in the Senate was favorable so far as most of the Republicans were concerned. The Democrats as a rule called it an utterance which would please the standpatters.. message to Congress
Dif signar egen produkt
Mycket roligt och ett nytt bevis p�� de m��jligheter som finns f��r seri��st satsande talanger att utvecklas i DIF, sammanfattar Patrik Werner. Erik ��r son till Tomas Sachs, tidigare m��lvakt i Degerfors IF:s A-lag och numera m��lvaktstr��nare i kluben. NA.
DIF: Sale of portfolio of 9 German onshore wind projects.
DIF: Sale of portfolio of 9 German onshore wind projects totalling 57MW Augusta and Co plc (Augusta) acted as exclusive financial adviser to Dutch Infrastructure Fund (DIF) on the sale of a portfolio of their onshore operating��.
Dif bryter kontraktet med publikfavoriten
. ��� N��r han inte tog en ordinarie startplats, d�� tror jag att han k��nde att han ville s��ka ny klubb, s��ger Pelle Olsson till fotbolldirekt.se. ��ven Tim S��derstr��m l��mnar klubben. Rekommendera Tweeta. Mark Mayambela kom till Djurg��rden inf��r den f��rra .
DIF closes the sale of 9 German wind projects | IPP Journal
On 27th November 2014, the DIF Renewable Energy and the Allianz Renewable Energy Fund closed the sale and purchase of 9 operational onshore wind projects, with a total installed capacity of 57MW. The projects are��.
DIF entreg�� lentes a 4 mil 142 adultos mayores
El Sistema para el Desarrollo Integral de la Familia (DIF) Michoac��n, presidido por Catherine R. Ettinger, en coordinaci��n con los DIF municipales realiza diversas acciones a favor de este sector de la poblaci��n. En el estado de Michoac��n, seg��n el.
DIFs Second Report of Activities - Atenci��n San Miguel
Karla Ram��rez, president of the municipal DIF (Familys Integral Development Department), presented her second report of activities where she highlighted the credibility and confidence that the system has generated for those��.
Apoyar�� el DIF a madres vulnerables
apoyara el DIF a-680x330 Matehuala.- Hay madres en situaci��n vulnerable que no cuentan para la manutenci��n de sus beb��s se les apoyar��, dentro de un programa encaminado hacia ellas. El Desarrollo Integral de la Familia puso en marcha un programa .
Ask Nature @ dif | Biomimicry Alberta
Ask Nature @ dif. Posted on November 6, 2014 by carlosfiorentino �� Screen Shot 2014-11-06 at 3.39.13 PM. Share this: Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) �� Share on Facebook (Opens in new window) �� Click to share on LinkedIn��.
Guarder��as del DIF, inseguras
guarderias del DIF-680x330 Ciudad Valles.- A pesar que la mayor��a de las guarder��as en la ciudad cumplen con las medidas de seguridad, entre lo que se incluyen los simulacros, las guarder��as del DIF son las que menos han cumplido en ese sentido, .
AN INCREASED ARMY NEEDED; GEN. SCHOFIELD PLEADS FOR MORE SOLDIERS IN THE FORCE. The Lesson of the Past Year Should Not Go by Unheeded -- Domestic Dif- ficulties, Like That of the Great Railroad Strike, Require Prompt Action -- The President Should Have Discretion to Increase the Army -- Work of the War Department.
. Annual Report as Commander of Army
Mise en service du compte personnel de formation, qui remplace le DIF
Par rapport au DIF, le CPF apporte plusieurs nouveaut��s. D��sormais, tous les salari��s, d��s quils rentrent sur le march�� du travail, cest-��-dire potentiellement d��s l��ge de 16 ans (15 ans pour ceux ayant un contrat dapprentissage), peuvent en.
Entregan Verbeneros juguetes al sistema DIF
As�� mismo la presidenta del sistema DIF Gabriela Valencia ��ngulo, agradeci�� a los Verbeneros por el apoyo brindado, el cual servir�� para hacer feliz aquel ni��o que no cont�� con un regalo el d��a 25 de diciembre. Estaremos este a��o redoblando esfuerzo .