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France Rules in Favor of Paper That Published Muhammad Cartoon
The paper and its editor were accused by two Muslim groups of “publicly abusing a group of people because of their religion.”
EN DIRECT : Attentat terroriste au si��ge de Charlie Hebdo.
Une fusillade a eu lieu mercredi matin au coeur de Paris au si��ge du journal Charlie Hebdo. Plusieurs hommes lourdement arm��s ont ouvert le feu �� l��tage de la r��daction, faisant au moins 12 morts. Le chef de l��tat, sur��.
A Provocative Newspaper Is Attacked in France, And Support Is Swift
PARIS - Adored by many, reviled by some, offensive to most everyone, the French satirical weekly called Charlie Hebdo has long reveled in the arch, if simple, art of provocation. Its pages are filled with vulgar caricatures and caustic humor, lampooning politicians, entertainers and media personalities of all stripes, and the newspaper has found itself a frequent presence at Paris courts, accused on several dozen occasions of defamation or inciting hate. The worlds religions have also been favorite targets of the paper, this being France, where state-mandated secularism is a sort of religion of its own. The cover page of one recent issue featured a cartoon of three rolls of toilet paper, labeled Bible, Koran and Torah, and the headline: In the toilet, all the religions.
Fusillade au si��ge de CHARLIE HEBDO : plusieurs victimes.
Deux hommes arm��s ont attaqu��, ce mercredi 7 janvier, le si��ge du journal satirique Charlie Hebdo �� Paris, rapportent plusieurs m��dias fran��ais. Selon la.
Arts, Briefly
James Levine Recovering From Fall James Levine, right, fell off the stage during an ovation on Wednesday night at Symphony Hall in Boston, where he was conducting the Boston Symphony Orchestra in a program that included Schoenbergs Chamber Symphony No. 1 and Beethovens Symphony No. 9. As a result, Mr. Levine, the orchestras music director, was unable to conduct the same program last night. A statement from Mark Volpe, the managing director of the orchestra, said that a consultation with his doctors, and X-rays, have confirmed that there are no broken bones. But, it added, there is the understandable soreness and discomfort that typically result from a fall of this type. Mr. Levine very much hopes to return to the B.S.O. podium during the course of this weekend. Jens George Bachmann, assistant conductor, was tapped to take his place last night. Dave Chappelle to Comedy Central: Can the Laughs Dave Chappelle, left, has threatened not to return to Comedy Central if it proceeds with plans to broadcast four half-hour shows cobbled together from material he filmed before walking away from Chappelles Show and a deal that could have earned him $50 million, The Associated Press reported. In a telephone interview with The Dayton Daily News, he said his return to the show was still possible. But I think if they air that stuff, I cant see how Im going to be able to, said Mr. Chappelle, whose film Dave Chappelles Block Party opens today (a review is on Page 1). In a written statement, Comedy Central did not comment on specific plans but said, We are still waiting patiently for Dave to return to work, but we know that our viewers are looking forward to seeing the material he produced for the third season. Authors Protest at Fair Writers including Nick Hornby, J. M. Coetzee, Mike Leigh, Nadine Gordimer, Will Self and Ian McEwan have called upon the organizer of the London Book Fair to end its association with international arms fairs, the BBC reported. The three-day fair, opening on Sunday, has been organized by Reed Exhibitions, a subsidiary of Reed Elsevier, the British-Dutch publishing giant. A letter signed by the authors published in The Times Literary Supplement and proffered by the Campaign Against Arms Trade, a coalition of peace groups and individuals, said, We are appalled that our trade should be commercially connected to one which exacerbates insecurity and repression, and which props up regimes inimical to free expression. Reed Exhibitions organized Europes biggest arms fair in London last year. A spokesman said it utterly respects the writers opinions. Peru to Sue Yale University Over Inca Artifacts Dissatisfied by a compromise proposal from Yale University, Perus government said it plans to file a lawsuit in the United States seeking the return of hundreds of Inca artifacts, The Associated Press reported. Perus ambassador to Washington, Eduardo Ferrero Costa, said that Yale had refused to acknowledge Perus ownership of the artifacts, which were removed by a Yale archaeologist from the ancient city of Machu Picchu on digs in 1912 and 1914-15. He complained that the university proposes that these artifacts belong to humanity, and at the same time pretends to keep part of the collection. Yale said on Wednesday that it had offered to send some artifacts for display at a new museum in Peru while the rest would remain at the university. Many of the items, which range from human bones to ceramics, are on display at Yales Peabody Museum of Natural History. Backlash to Cartoon Fury The Indian-born British writer Salman Rushdie, below, the French philosopher Bernard-Henri Lévy, the exiled Bangladeshi author Taslima Nasreen and Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a Somali-born filmmaker and member of the Dutch Parliament, are among a dozen signatories of a statement warning against Islamic totalitarianism, the BBC reported. The statement was published in Charlie Hebdo, a French weekly that was one of several European publications to reprint cartoons, first published in Denmark, that satirized the prophet Muhammad and ignited violent international protests. The manifesto published in Charlie Hebdo said, After having overcome fascism, Nazism and Stalinism, the world now faces a new global threat: Islamism. Footnotes Though an Off Broadway production of My Name Is Rachel Corrie was postponed this week because of concerns about its political content, the sold-out production at the Royal Court Theater in London will move to the West End. Pieced together from Ms. Corries journals and e-mail messages, the solo show by Alan Rickman, left, and Katherine Viner about Ms. Corrie, an American demonstrator killed by an Israeli bulldozer while trying to stop the destruction of a Palestinian home, will open at the Playhouse Theater for 36 performances, from March 28 through May 7. The first New York revival of the 1954 Horton Foote play The Traveling Lady will open tonight at Ensemble Studio theater for a run through March 19. Presented in a new version, it deals with a young mother seeking a new life in a small Texas town and the return of the ex-convict husband who deserted her.. Conductor James Levine falls off stage at Symphony Hall in Boston where he is conducting Boston Symphony Orchestra; is unable to conduct performance following night; photo (S)
UKs Cameron Says Paris Attack Sickening, Says Press Freedom Must Be Defended
British Prime Minister David Cameron on Wednesday condemned an attack on the Paris offices of the satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo as sickening and said Britain stood with France in the fight against terror.
Obama Spokesman: US Stands With French in Time of Suffering
President Barack Obamas top spokesman says the United States is determined to help the French apprehend those responsible for the attack on a satirical Paris newspaper that left at least 12 people dead.
At Least 12 Dead After Gunmen Storm French Satirical.
Firefighters carry an injured man on a stretcher in front of the offices of the French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo in Paris on Jan. 7, 2015, after armed gunmen stormed the offices leaving at least one dead according to a��.
A Scooter, a Sarkozy and Rancor Collide
A scandal has emerged in France involving the president’s son, his wealthy fiancée, a much-beloved and scabrous magazine, a crusty cartoonist and humid charges of anti-Semitism.
At least 11 dead as masked gunmen attack French satirical.
11:28 GMT ��� WELCOME TO AFPS LIVE REPORT on the shootings in Paris where ten people are dead after armed gunmen stormed the offices of French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo, according to prosecutors. Report typos��.
12 Dead in Attack on Paris Newspaper; France Goes on Alert
Masked gunmen stormed the Paris offices of a satirical newspaper Wednesday, killing 12 people before escaping, in Frances deadliest terror attack in at least two decades.
BBC News ��� Gun attack on French magazine Charlie.
BBC News ��� Gun attack on French magazine Charlie Hebdo kills 11. Gunmen have attacked the Paris office of French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, killing 11 people and injuring 10, French officials say. Witnesses spoke��.
Paris Police Say 12 Dead After Shooting at Charlie Hebdo
An injured person is evacuated outside the French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdos office, in Paris An injured person is evacuated outside the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdos office, in Paris, Jan. 7, 2015. Thibault Camus���AP .
Bush Urges Nations to End Violence; Rice Accuses Syria and Iran
President Bush called on governments around the world on Wednesday to halt the violence that has followed the publication of cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad, while Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice accused Iran and Syria of fueling the protests for political gain. Mr. Bush, in an Oval Office meeting with King Abdullah II of Jordan, said, We reject violence as a way to express discontent over what is printed in the free press. Hours later, Ms. Rice delivered a far more pointed message, saying that Iran hasnt even hidden its hand in this. Iran and Syria have gone out of their way to inflame sentiments and to use this to their own purposes, she said. And the world ought to call them on it.
Attentat �� CHARLIE HEBDO : Cabu, Charb, Tignous et Wolinski parmi les victimes
Jean Cabut (Cabu), 76 ans, et Georges Wolinski, 80 ans, avaient ��t�� dessinateurs dans lembl��matique magazine Hara-Kiri, anc��tre de Charlie Hebdo, avant de participer �� la cr��ation de ce dernier. Bernard Verlhac, plus connu sous le nom de Tignous.
Next Step by Weekly in Paris May Be to Mock the Holocaust
President Jacques Chirac on Wednesday condemned a French weeklys decision to print the Danish cartoons that have inflamed passions across the Muslim world. The paper said it would also publish Iranian-sponsored lampoons of the Holocaust. The weekly, Charlie Hebdo, published the Danish cartoons on Wednesday, together with one it had commissioned for its cover showing the Prophet Muhammad muttering, Its hard to be loved by morons.
CHARLIE HEBDO - Daily Express
FRENCH satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo has previously provoked fury for its controversial and non-conformist content.
A Provocative French Newspaper Is Attacked, and Support Is Swift
. The weekly Charlie Hedbo has tested limits with its satire, including its latest issue, guest-edited by Muhammad.
Attaque contre ��CHARLIE HEBDO��, ce que lon sait
Deux ou trois hommes arm��s ont p��n��tr�� ce mercredi matin vers 11h30 dans les locaux de lhebdomadaire satirique Charlie Hebdo, dans le XIe arrondissement de Paris et ont ouvert le feu. Selon plusieurs t��moins, la fusillade aurait dur�� une dizaine de .
At least 12 killed in shooting at French satirical magazine.
(CNN) ��� At least 12 people were killed in Wednesday attack on a satirical magazine, Charlie Hebdo, in Paris, regional official Jean-Paul Huchon said. ���This is a terrorist attack, there is no doubt about this,��� he said.
La vid��o a ��t�� publi��e sur Facebook par Jordi Mir. Elle montre les deux tireurs qui ont tu�� une dizaine de personnes au si��ge de Charlie Hebdo en fin dapr��s-midi sortir des b��timents. Une fois dans la rue, ils abattent un policier sur le trottoir den.
TEMOIGNAGES - Fusillade �� CHARLIE HEBDO : On a vu du.
Une fusillade a eu lieu ce mercredi matin au coeur de Paris, au si��ge du journal Charlie Hebdo. Plusieurs hommes arm��s ont ouvert le feu �� l��tage de la r��daction, faisant plusieurs victimes. Les premiers t��moins parlent��.
Liveticker zum Anschlag auf Charlie Hebdo -
Blutiger Anschlag auf die Satire-Zeitung Charlie Hebdo in Paris: Zwei schwer bewaffnete M��nner haben den Sitz der Zeitung ��berfallen, dabei wurden mehrere Menschen get��tet. Die Zeitung ist seit Jahren f��r ihre��.
French Weekly Has History of Angering Muslims With Cartoons
The French newspaper Charlie Hebdos staple is to be provocative — poking fun at popes, presidents as well as the Prophet Muhammad.
Paris attackers shouted we have avenged the prophet: Police on Charlie Hebdo.
PARIS: The attackers who stormed the Paris offices of satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo on Wednesday, killing 12 people, shouted we have avenged the prophet, according to witnesses cited by a police source. In a video of the attack filmed by a man .
Paris Charlie Hebdo shooting: 12 killed and four critical in.
AT LEAST twelve people were today killed in a shooting at the Paris office of a satirical magazine previously firebombed over cartoons about Muslim leaders.
CHARLIE HEBDO shooting: 10 killed as shoots fired at satirical magazine.
At least 10 people have been killed in a shooting incident at the headquarters of French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo, according to French media reports. More follows. Loading gallery. World News in Pictures. 1 of 50. 5 January 2015; 4 January.
Frances Hollande to Visit Site of Newspaper Shooting
French President Francois Hollande will go to the scene of a shooting at satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo and then hold an emergency government meeting, a source at his office said on Wednesday.
CHARLIE HEBDO shooting: 10 dead in shooting at French.
Paris, Jan 7: Armed with Kalashnikovs and a rocket-launcher, gunmen opened fire in the offices of French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo on Wednesday killing at least 10 people. There were no confirmation on the number of��.
Arts, Briefly
Cheeta Paints After reasonably spirited competition in the silent auction at a black-tie gala for 1,800 people on Saturday night to benefit the Desert AIDS Project in Palm Springs, Calif., Stephen F. Breimer, 56, an entertainment lawyer, won the bidding for an acrylic on canvas. The artist? None other than Cheeta, Johnny Weissmullers simian sidekick in the Tarzan films of the 1930s and 40s. Now 74 and billed as the worlds oldest chimpanzee by the Guinness Book of World Records, Cheeta has turned to what is called Ape-Stract Art while living in retirement at the Creative Habitats and Enrichment for Endangered & Threatened Apes, a primate sanctuary in Palm Springs. Mr. Breimer, whose Palm Springs home features memorabilia from the 50s, said that Cheetas painting, above, signed with a thumb print and accompanied by a similarly autographed photo, would fit well with the décor. Mostly pink and mauve, the unframed work, about 22 inches wide and 28 inches high, suggests a man and a woman either dancing or interacting in some way, Mr. Breimer said. But they are very abstract. Mr. Breimer declined to specify his winning bid but said it was in the three figures. He added that he would be delighted to meet the artist. French Weekly Sued Over Cartoons Editors of the French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo will go on trial in Paris tomorrow in a civil lawsuit filed by two Islamic organizations objecting to its publication last February of cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad, Agence France-Presse reported yesterday. Charlie Hebdo is accused of issuing insults stigmatizing a group of people on the basis of religion, and the plaintiffs -- the Union of Islamic Organizations of France and the Grand Mosque of Paris -- are seeking $38,750 in damages. The trial is expected to last two days. Charlie Hebdo, in an issue that carried cartoons poking fun at other religions, printed the 12 cartoons that appeared in September 2005 in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten and touched off international Muslim riots. Yesterday 50 French intellectuals, including many French Muslims, published an open letter in the newspaper Libération, urging support for Charlie Hebdo and calling the trial a test case for free speech. Indian Bombing Film Opens Two years after its scheduled debut, Black Friday, a film that documents the synchronized 1993 bombings that killed 257 people in Mumbai, will be released in India on Friday, Reuters reported. Although the film has been shown abroad, the premiere in India was delayed for two years because of concerns that it might influence a 13-year trial, which ended in September, when 100 defendants, mostly Muslims, were found guilty, and 23 were acquitted. The police say the bombings were masterminded by Dawood Ibrahim, a Muslim and Indias most-wanted man, to avenge the razing of a 16th-century mosque and subsequent rioting by Hindu mobs in 1992. Anurag Kashyap, above, the director of Black Friday, said: As a filmmaker I was compelled to capture this cataclysmic event that changed hundreds of lives.. Stephen F Breimer wins painting by Cheeta, chimpanzee yompanion who starred in Tarzan films of 1930s and 1940s, at silent auction to benefit Desert AIDS Project in Palm Springs, Calif; Cheeta, who is at age 74 oldest chimpanzee in world, paints while in retirement at primate sanctuary in Palm Springs; photo (S)
Angriff auf Satirezeitung Charlie Hebdo: Tote bei.
Schwer bewaffnet sind zwei Unbekannte in die Redaktion der islam-kritischen Satirezeitschrift Charlie Hebdo in Paris eingedrungen und haben um sich geschossen. Zehn Menschen wurden get��tet, mindestens sechs��.
Charlie Hebdo: 11 dead, 10 wounded in Paris shooting
Charlie Hebdo: 11 dead, 10 wounded in Paris shooting. Jan 7, 2015. More Sharing Services. Europe. 11 people are dead and a further 10 wounded in a shooting at the offices of satirical French newspaper Charlie Hebdo. Video: Reuters. Jump to comments .
Twelve people killed in shooting at French satirical magazine
One journalist who works for a news agency beside the Charlie Hebdo offices said a man with a gun came to his door and demanded to know where the Charlie Hebdo offices were. Benoit Bringer told that he��.
Charlie Hebdo: eyewitness footage of attack
This video also appears in: Live: At least 12 dead in shooting at Paris offices of satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo · January 7, 2015French president Francois Hollande says the terrorist attack has left the country in shock .
Paris: 12 people dead after Prophet Mohammed satirists Charlie Hebdo rocked.
Police have confirmed 11 people are dead. Witnesses said two black-clad gunmen armed with automatic weapons stormed the premises and later escaped aboard a getaway vehicle. Le Figaro reported that a police officer sustained a gunshot wound during .
Arts, Briefly
Lost Goya painting is recovered, French weekly sued over cartoons, Indian bombing film opens and more culture news.
Shocking first video of CHARLIE HEBDO magazine attack
Shocking first video of Charlie Hebdo magazine shooting. Video · Comment; Increase font size Decrease font size Size; Email article email; Print. Share. Share on facebook; Share on twitter; Share on google_plusone_share · Share on linkedin; Share on .
Your Wednesday Briefing
Here’s what you need to know to start your day.
MFS - The Other News: France - CHARLIE HEBDO: Paris.
France - Charlie Hebdo: Paris shooting at least ten death - updates. (France24). At least 10 dead after gunmen attack magazine. At least 10 people have been killed after gunmen burst into a magazine office in Paris. At least��.
Paris shooting: Twelve people killed at CHARLIE HEBDO office
Well be posting live updates from Yahoo News UK as soon as we get them. Share. Twitter; Facebook; Permalink. Discussions. chrispar. an hour ago. David Chour told the BBC from close to the scene: A lot of people from the shops heard a lot of gunshots.
Paris: Elf Tote bei Angriff auf CHARLIE HEBDO-Zeitschrift
Schwer bewaffnet sind zwei Unbekannte in die Redaktion der islam-kritischen Satirezeitschrift Charlie Hebdo in Paris eingedrungen und haben um sich geschossen. Elf Menschen wurden get��tet, mindestens zehn verletzt.
Charlie Hebdo shooting scene like a war zone
A man who works in the same building as the Charlie Hebdo offices told the BBC the scene was like a war zone. A neighbour called to warn me that there were armed men in the building and that we had to shut all the doors. And several minutes later there .
Fusillade �� CHARLIE HEBDO : le plan Vigipirate passe au niveau maximum en Ile.
Le Premier ministre Manuel Valls a d��cid�� de relever mercredi le plan Vigipirate au niveau alerte attentats, le niveau le plus ��lev��, sur lensemble de la r��gion Ile-de-France, �� la suite de la fusillade contre Charlie Hebdo, a indiqu�� Matignon.
12 Dead in Attack on Paris Magazine Famous for Muhammed Controversy
The magazine, Charlie Hebdo, has been at the center of a controversy surrounding the mockery of Muhammed; it initially courted controversy when it ran a Dutch cartoon of the Islamic prophet. (Islam forbids any depiction of Muhammed.) In 2011 the .
Islamophobic Michel Houellebecq book featured by CHARLIE HEBDO published.
Islamophobic Michel Houellebecq book featured by Charlie Hebdo published today. Submission, the latest controversial work by Michel Houellebecq, was featured on this weeks Charlie Hebdo cover - but its author denies the book is Islamophobic.
Trial Over Muhammad Cartoons Begins in France
Two French Muslim organizations contend that a satirical newspaper is guilty of slander for printing cartoons that had touched off international rioting.
Attaque contre �� CHARLIE HEBDO ��
Matignon a annonc�� que le plan Vigipirate ��tait relev�� au niveau �� alerte attentats ��, le plus ��lev��, dans toute lIle-de-France. Sur place, Fran��ois Hollande a ��voqu�� un attentat terroriste �� dune exceptionnelle barbarie �� .
15,000 Frenchwomen Reportedly Sterilized
The Government today ordered an investigation into allegations that 15,000 Frenchwomen deemed mentally or physically inferior were sterilized without their consent. The women were sterilized after being ruled unfit for motherhood by the state institutions responsible for their care, according to a report published today in the investigative weekly Charlie-Hebdo. Such sterlizations would violate French law.. French Government orders investigation into allegations that 15,000 women deemed mentally or physically inferior were sterilized without consent (S)
Cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad
The Prophet Muhammad would have decried the attack on a French newspaper office but also would have called on citizens of all faiths to work together.
When Speech Is Hateful, How Free Should It Be?
To the Editor:.
The Jewish Press �� �� UPDATED ��� 12 Killed in Paris Terror.
Two gunman entered the offices of the Charlie Hebdo satire magazine in France and began shooting.
French Court Rules for Newspaper That Printed Muhammad Cartoons
The paper and its editor were accused by two Muslim groups of “publicly abusing a group of people because of their religion.”