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Cronkite On Famine, Pestilence And Death
T. S. Eliot had it backward. Forget the whimper, the world will end with a bang, and possibly soon. This kind of apocalyptic foreboding underlies Avoiding Armageddon, a disturbing four-part, eight-hour documentary series running tonight through Thursday on PBS. These programs are far richer in Armageddon than in avoiding, raising the specters of disease and destruction spread through the world by troubling terrorists. The segments are rich, too, in alarming (even agonizing) alliteration, with episode titles that include phrases like Poisons and Plagues, Nuclear Nightmares and Turning the Tide.. Ron Wertheimer reviews Avoiding Armageddon, four-part documentary on PBS on danger that mankind may bring about its early demise; photo (M)
Warhammer 40000 ��� ARMAGEDDON - Rock, Paper, Shotgun
Armageddons fronts are messy. Units with a range of one ��� meaning they have to sit alongside an enemy to attack ��� are rare. Vehicles and squads with more than one weapon are common, so an artillery unit might have a��.
Armageddon Bruce Willis, Ben Affleck, Liv Tyler, Billy Bob Thornton, Steve Buscemi Directed by Michael Bay PG-13 144 minutes. Peter M Nichols reviews movie Armageddon, starring Bruce Willis and Ben Affleck, and rates it for young audiences; photo (S)
ARMAGEDDON Shows Strength at Box Office
Never mind what film critics tell you, or predictions that movie audiences are losing their appetites for vacuous, special-effects-laden thrill rides. Armageddon, the story of oil drillers who take time off to save Earth from a collision with an asteroid, is estimated to have brought in a solid $52.9 million at the box office since opening last Wednesday to some of the most savage reviews of the year. I actually really didnt understand the reviews, seeing how much the audiences reacted, said Joe Roth, the chairman of the movie division of the Walt Disney Company, which produced the movie. I also thought the reviews were generational. They attacked the style in which the movie was made, not the substance.. Movie Armageddon, despite savage reviews, grosses some $52.9 million over long holiday weekend; solid, if less than stellar showing, comes after Walt Disney Co spent some $200 million making and promoting film, Disneys most expensive ever (M)/
Letters to The Times; Flexibility Needed in Trade Rigid Labor Conditions Viewed as Bar to Business Recovery The Charges Against Major Ryan Propaganda in the Dictionary Superannuated at Forty The Government Seen in the Role of the Pot Calling the Kettle Black Favoring a Lottery Civil Service Credits ETERNAL ARMAGEDDON
TO THE EDITOR OF THE NEW YORK TIMES: Bernard M. Baruchs plea for minimum wages and maximum hours would be more convincing if it were supported by at least one actual example in which such rigid labor conditions permanently increased incomes or employment. Recent important evidence is all to the contrary.. charges against Ryan denied, lr by 7 men under his command
Col. ROOSEVELT will not read GEORGE W. PERKINS out of the Progressive Party at the demand of AMOS PINCHOT. One of the Colonels admirable traits is that of standing by his friends. Even if he had not that trait, it would be poor politics to begin a Congressional campaign by publicly admitting that he had been mistaken in choosing PERKINS as one whom he delighted to honor.. discord at Armageddon, editorial
Everything Wrong With ARMAGEDDON In 14 Minutes Or Less.
Its finally time to count the sins of the Michael Bay-est of all the Michael Bay movies. Armageddon. As you might expect, we found plenty wrong with it. T.
SECURITY OR ARMAGEDDON Israels Nuclear Strategy. Edited by Louis Rene Beres. 242 pp. Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books/D.C. Heath & Company. Cloth, $25. Paper, $12.95. NO Israeli government has ever acknowledged the possession of nuclear weapons, yet here is a collection of wide-ranging and probing essays by a dozen academics on Israels nuclear strategy. In actuality, it has long been assumed that Israel has a nuclear weapons capacity, a bomb in the basement consisting, perhaps, of components that could be assembled on relatively short notice. Much of the debate in Security or Armageddon, therefore, is concerned with the question of the pros and cons of a possible declaration by Israel that it has the bomb.
Notes on Armageddon
THE instinctive human desire for a permanent record of great events has brought forth these four ambitious undertakings, prepared in haste and with varying degrees of skill and care.. cartoons
The Two Hollywoods: The Actors; Tom Hanks; Ben Affleck
At 41, Tom Hanks is the biggest star of his generation: back-to-back Oscars for his lead roles in Philadelphia and Forrest Gump; total domestic box-office receipts in the last 10 years of $1.3 billion, and a reputation as a very nice guy. Ben Affleck pretty much summed up the industrys feeling about Hanks when he strode into the Regent Beverly Wilshire Hotel and exclaimed, When I told them I was coming to talk with Tom Hanks, they let me off work today.. Article in form of conversation between film star Tom Hanks and Ben Affleck, actor and screenwriter who is venturing into the world of megamovies for the first time in film Armageddon; photos (M)
Armageddon in Crimea. 384619449. 2014/12/27 ��� Crimea. Kyiv, Western countries and companies impose sanctions on the occupied peninsula. The last train from Kyiv arrived in Simferopol today. Ukrzaliznytsia, the Ukrainian state-owned��.
Henny Penny Gets the Presidents Ear
Doom threatens. Again. This time its a giant asteroid (Its the size of Texas, Mr. President), and its the Chrysler Building that becomes New Yorks most conspicuously flattened landmark (just as Deep Impact toppled the Statue of Liberty and Godzilla wrecked the Brooklyn Bridge.) That damage is done by a fake meteor shower during the first part of Armageddon. The sight, however apocalyptic, isnt as scary as the prospect of raising a generation of Americans on movies like this. Movie isnt actually the best word to describe Armageddon. More accurately its a product, a feat of salesmanship, a sight worth noticing only because, like the asteroid on a collision course with planet Earth, its size and inevitability arent easy to miss. But it should surprise no one to learn that the catchy title and prime opening date were more vital to the genesis of Armageddon than the burning need to tell one more derivative disaster story. Or that, without counting technical jargon, official titles, government or profanity, armageddon is easily the biggest word in the script.. Janet Maslin reviews Armageddon, movie directed by Michael Bay; photo (M)
Sleepwalking Toward ARMAGEDDON : Sam Harris
Sleepwalking Toward Armageddon. ISIS. In his speech responding to the horrific murder of journalist James Foley by a British jihadist, President Obama delivered the following rebuke (using an alternate name for ISIS):.
Solar Desalination: Surviving Waters Coming ARMAGEDDON
At the speed global water conversion from foul-to-fresh is spreading around the globe���via inexpensive household solar desal units���a few hundred billion ordinary people will NOT go thirsty. The average human adult can survive for only two or three.
Reckoning With ARMAGEDDON
The Book of Revelation last got a big press in 1976, when Hollywood used it as the basis of a little movie called The Omen. It showed any number of bad things happening to any number of good people because Satan, in the shape of a small boy named Damien, was back in town - and Armageddon was just around the corner. Now Revelation is getting an even bigger press: some very serious people are worried that President Reagan subscribes to Armageddon prophecy and may even be influenced by it in designing nuclear policy.
Huge Surge In ARMAGEDDON Soundtrack Listens During.
This time, they discovered that the ESA landing Philae on Comet 67P coincided with a surge in listens to I Dont Want To Miss A Thing from the 1998 Armageddon movie soundtrack. You know, the one where Bruce Willis��.
Warhammer 40000 Armageddon - Rock, Paper, Shotgun
Its a serious-looking turn-based strategy game by the folks behind Panzer Corps, recreating the Second War of Armageddon across a big campaign with hundreds of different units and variants. And its out now. Come watch��.
Macedonia cries to Armageddon for help from Gideons band, says Col. GEORGE HARVEY in the pungent and vigorous review of the political situation which appears in the Magazine Section of THE SUNDAY TIMES. Macedonia is the Democratic Party, which seems to Col. HARVEY to be in desperate straits, and Gideons band is the advancing Republican host.. editorial
Solar Desalination: Surviving Waters Coming Armageddon.
Solar Desalination: Surviving Waters Coming Armageddon. by Barbara G. Ellis / December 17th, 2014. At the speed global water conversion from foul-to-fresh is spreading around the globe���via inexpensive household solar desal units���a��.
Permanent ARMAGEDDON | RealClearPolitics
We now seem to be living in the Age of High C, a period when every fight is Armageddon, every foe is a monster, and every issue is either the key to national survival or the doorway to ruin. This habit seems especially��.
Former Arch Enemy Guitarist Christopher Amotts.
ARMAGEDDON, the band led by former ARCH ENEMY guitarist Christopher Amott, has parted ways with singer Matt Hallquist due o personal reasons. The group states: We thank Matt for his time and commitment to the��.
Warhammer 40000: ARMAGEDDON, 25% off! - Steam
Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon is Now Available on Steam and is 25% off!* In this hex-based, turn-based strategy game, players will lead the Imperial forces of the Armageddon Steel Legion and Space Marines from a��.
United in Battle
C Falls book on Gen Allenby victory over Turks at Megiddo revd. C Falls book on Gen Allenby victory over Turks at Megiddo revd
Allenby of Megiddo: The Hero of The Last Crusade; His Romantic Palestine Campaign a Perfect Piece of Military Strategy
ABOUT one campaign in the World War there is general agreement. No soldier or commentator mentions Allenbys destruction of the Turkish army among the hills of Palestine but to praise the achievement as a model of strategy and tactics.. Savage, R, Allenby of Armageddon
Warhammer 40000: Armageddon review
Armageddon, a planet so unpleasant it was named after the end of the world. Set in the absurdly grim Warhammer 40,000 universe it is, of course, a very popular destination and the site of three planetary wars. Everyone wants a piece. Warhammer 40,000: .
STREAMING: ARMAGEDDON ���The Watcher��� + Contest! |
The younger, blonder Amott has moved on to his labor of love called Armageddon (no relation to the 70s hard rock band of the same name). But Armageddon isnt a new entity. The group, helmed by Amott and pulsed by��.
Armageddon | The Kings English
Revelation 16:12-21; 19:1-21. Armageddon is well known in our culture as the ���final battle��� for the future of the planet. But the way people imagine this battle differs greatly from the biblical reality. According to Hollywood��.
Vocalist Antony H��m��l��inen (pictured; NIGHTRAGE, NERVOSIA, MERIDIAN DAWN) will front ARMAGEDDON, the band led by former ARCH ENEMY guitarist Christopher Amott, on their upcoming U.S. tour, which is scheduled to kick off in early February.
Does the AbbVie-Express Scripts pact signal drug-price.
Does the AbbVie-Express Scripts pact signal drug-price Armageddon? December 23, 2014 | By Emily Wasserman. Share. Tools. Comment; Print �� Contact Author �� Reprint. Express Scripts may have warned the world that it would use its��.
Crashing drops make mini-ARMAGEDDON craters
Xiang Cheng from the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis and colleagues released drops of water onto a bed of tiny glass beads, varying the impact energy to observe the resulting mini-Armageddon. The team was surprised to find that craters formed by .
ARMAGEDDON Singer Matt Hallquist Leaves The Band
On Monday Armageddon Singer Matt Hallquist Leaves The Band was a top story. Here is the recap: (TeamRock Radio) Armageddon - the band led by former Arch Enemy guitarist Christopher Amott - has announced that singer Matt Hallquist has left the group .
Every fight is now Armageddon in America
Meg Greenfield, the late Washington Post editorial page editor, counseled against writing in High C all the time. By this she meant that an editorialist or columnist who expressed equally noisy levels of indignation about everything would lack.
Co-op fails Bank of England Armageddon stress test
For RBS, 80 per cent owned by the state, the capital ratio would fall to 4.6 per cent in the stress scenario, or 5.2 per cent after strategic management actions which could include cost-cutting. The Bank said it would ordinarily have required RBS to.
Apocalyptic Beliefs of American Evangelicals
“Waiting for Armageddon” is a spine-tingling reminder that some prophecies are self-fulfilling.
. ed
Dionne: Permanent ARMAGEDDON
We now seem to be living in the Age of High C, a period when every fight is Armageddon, every foe is a monster, and every issue is either the key to national survival or the doorway to ruin. This habit seems especially pronounced in the way President .
World facing Armageddon unless Obama and Putin defrost icy relationship
Russian elder statesman Mikhail Gorbachev today warned of the threat of Armageddon if Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin fail to rapidly defrost their icy relations. The architect of glasnost also demanded that Moscow and the European Union end what he .
ARMAGEDDON, the band led by former ARCH ENEMY guitarist Christopher Amott, has parted ways with singer Matt Hallquist due o personal reasons. The group states: We thank Matt for his time and commitment to the band. This means we are once .
Armageddon: The final battle of good and evil
Tel Megiddo panorama ��� Megiddo went out of existence in 350 BC. ��� in 1468 BC. The first battle by Tutmose from Egypt was fought. Megiddio (which is barely excavated) is the site of at least 20 layers of civilization. It was also the place where 34 key.
Atomic Light
To the Editor: My favorite touch in the design of the West German presidents living room has to be the mushroom-cloud-shaped lamps and table. The interior decorator clearly had a splendid sense of humor. JON FELDMAN Brooklyn. Jon Feldman letter on Richard B Woodwards Jan 11 review of Janet Borden Gallery exhibit of Andreas Magdanzs photographs of Dienstelle Marienthal, West Germanys underground nuclear shelter, now open to public (S)
Emerging as a Leading Man of Supporting Actors
FOR the actor Will Patton, its the end of the world. Again. In the course of some 30 films, he has endured post-apocalyptic mail carriers, squishy parasites from outer space and the wrath of God, so this weekends scourge -- an asteroid the size of Texas, headed straight for Earth -- should be no trouble.. Profile of actor Will Patton, who comments on latest film, Armageddon, and his work as supporting actor in many movies; photos (M)
P.R. Bauble Of the Week
Theres still time to prepare for Earths encounter with an asteroid -- or at least for the July 1 release of the film Armageddon.. Ad for new film Armageddon noted; photo (Pulse column)
Warhammer 40,000: ARMAGEDDON review ���
Of course with publisher Slitherine at the helm, Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon was never going to be an Enemy Unknown-style reboot - not that one was ever called for. Its 1999 predecessor, SSIs Rites of War, based on��.
The Heat Is On: Three Ways To Avoid Climate Armageddon
Hot, thirsty, hungry, and homeless: Sound much like a real-life version of the movie Day After Tomorrow? Probably too close for comfort if you listen to the alarm bells sounded by delegates from all 194 UN nations joined by hundreds of the worlds most .
ARMAGEDDON - Item - World of Warcraft - Wowhead
This epic two-handed sword has an item level of 213. It is looted from Gluth.
Duck and Cover
To the Editor: Re Pictures at the Hotel Armageddon by Richard B. Woodward [Jan. 11]:. Irving Seidenberg letter on Richard B Woodwards Jan 11 review of Janet Borden Gallery exhibit of Andreas Magdanzs photographs of Dienstelle Marienthal, West Germanys underground nuclear shelter, open to public; photos (S)
This Fourth Beast is the final world empire on Earth that will rise before the War of Armageddon. The reason Daniel uses the words ���The Fourth Beast shall be a fourth kingdom on earth��� is because he was given a supernatural vision of the four great.
A Brush With Armageddon
THE CHASTENING Inside the Crisis That Rocked the Global Financial System and Humbled the IMF. By Paul Blustein. 431 pp. New York: PublicAffairs. $30.. Adrian Wooldridge reviews book The Chastening: Inside the Crisis That Rocked the Global Financial System and Humbled the IMF by Paul Blustein (M)
Worms ARMAGEDDON [WinXP-7-8] [cd version]
Download Worms Armageddon [WinXP-7-8] [cd version] torrent or any other torrent from PC category. Direct download via HTTP available as well.
Signposts on the road to Armageddon
As the New Year explodes in the sea of life you may hear from some; that you have not passed this way before for it is 2015. Others may have a new beginning in life such as, the crushing of the glass in a Jewish wedding to symbolize the closure of a .
Margaret And Davids Farewell Message, Seamlessly Inserted Into Armageddon
Tomorrow night, Margaret Pomeranz and David Strattons At The Movies will air for the very last time. The pair of iconic Australian film critics announced their retirement in September, and the final episode will be ���a fun-filled hour packed full of.
Does the AbbVie-Express Scripts pact signal drug-price Armageddon?
Express Scripts may have warned the world that it would use its gatekeeper status to force big hepatitis C discounts. But when word of its exclusive, discounted deal with AbbVie actually hit on Monday, analysts went a-Twitter, biotech shares slid.