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Can someone help me with a NON CONTROVERSIAL topic that an adult would be interested in for a DECATHLON?
So basically i have to write a five paragraph essay for my academic Decathlon class. It has to be a non-controversial topic that i have to present in front of the judged. Also a topic that adults would talk about in a normal conversation. A former winner presented his speech in class, and it was about the stupidity or criminals these days, it was rather good too. Any suggestions, Thanks!
Answer: underlying global themes of the Olympic games (non-violent competition, etc)
Category: Higher Education (University +)
Is the winner of the DECATHLON the greatest athlete of the Games?
The Decathlon is made up of 10 events that test both speed and strength. Are you more impressed with Bryan Clay (US) winning this, or of Michael Phelps(US) winning 8 events that test just swimming?
Answer: Phelps is the best swimmer, Clay is obviously the best Olympian this year. 10 different competitions and does well in all. Plus he won gold. Too bad they dont give a medal for each competition, like what they do for swimming. Being able to complete all 10 in the decath shows u have the endurance and strength, as well as ability. Decathalon is the model sport, since it encompasses a wide variety of different sports. Go USA!! Woohoo!!
Category: Olympics
Academic DECATHLON Needs You « Coppell Gifted Association
In order to compete in Academic Decathlon, each school must provide volunteers to run the meet. Volunteers range from proctors, to judges, to timekeepers. It takes a total of about 270 volunteers to run our regional AcDec ...
Bolt Toys With Field; Kenyans Start Fast
DAEGU, South Korea (AP) -- Stepping out onto the big stage, Usain Bolt instantly transforms into the ultimate showman. Bolt, the Jamaican sprinting sensation, played to the adoring crowd again Saturday at the track and field world championships, blowing on his fingers as if to cool off the tips of his imaginary pistols and mugging for the camera at - By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
Academic DECATHLON® : The Premier Scholastic Competition for ...
Academic Decathlon practice tests, news, scoring software, and contact information.
What events of track and field includes penthlaton and DECATHLON?
What events of track and field includes penthlaton and Decathlon?
Answer: The Classic Penththlon was contested in Olympic Games from 1906 through 1924. The events in the Classic Pentathlon are, in order:
Long Jump
200 meters
1500 meters
The Modern Pentathlon has been on the Olympic program continuously since 1912. The events in the Modern Pentathlon are,
Shooting (4.5 mm air pistol)
Fencing (épée)
Swimming (200 m freestyle)
Riding (Equestrian show jumping)
Running (3 km cross-country race)
The Decathlon is an athletic event consisting of ten track and field events. The Events are held over a two day period,
Day 1:
100 meters
Long Jump
Shot Put
High Jump
400 meters
Day 2:
110 meter hurdles
Pole Vault
1500 meters
Category: Olympics
CrossFit Memorial Houston | Winter DECATHLON - Saturday, January ...
CrossFit Memorial Houston will host a Winter Decathlon on Saturday, January 28th from 7:30 am – 9:30 am. This is a great opportunity for you to benchmark yourself on 10 CrossFit Events! If you participated in the Summer ...
May I have some help on coming up with a speech for Academic DECATHLON?
I just cant choose any one topic to write about, and then speak for 4 minutes. This is my first year in the Decathlon, and Im getting the hang of most of the subjects except for the speaking part. Any help would be appreciated.
Answer: Nice, a fellow decathlete! This is my fourth year in acadec and I'm team captain this year.
My advice for speech? Pick a topic you're passionate about. I've done speeches on women presidential candidates, the Iraq War, and stereotyping, and I've medalled two of the last three years.
Your coach is probably telling you to stay away from controversial issues, but if you can present a controversial issue in a way that is thoughtful and personal (my father was deployed to Iraq, for example), then I've found the speech goes over well. Make a list of things you're passionate about or interested in, even if they're controversial. Make another list of experiences which have had a significant effect on you. Make a third list about "who you are." Example: I'm a military brat, a middle child, well-travelled, editor of a local magazine, a writer, a senior in high school, a liberal Democrat, politically involved, a redhead, an avid reader. Any of these are things I could expand upon and explain what it says about me and how that aspect of my identity has affected my worldview. Pick something from one of the lists and run with it. Don't be afraid to mix and match lists. Use an anecdote to explain an aspect of your identity.
Your speech can be about anything. The more personal, passionate, and creative it is, the better. Maybe there's a specific anecdote or experience from your life that you can apply to a wider context. Take the personal and make it universal. You might also want to look at essays you've written that you've really liked and work off one of those.
Don't be afraid to be funny or be dramatic. Take a bold or unique position and then explain why. In a different program I partook in, I presented a speech about why Santa Claus was a Communist. It was successful, and I had lot of with it.
This doesn't have to be a dry, analytical, point by point speech. The judges will likely be bored out of their mind, so do something to excite and interest them. Make them think, make them laugh, make them cry. Make them do more than just tick off "articulate" on their judging sheets.
And don't worry, you still have plenty of time to write a speech. I wasn't finished with mine until January last year and still placed second in Honors. Speech is one of the most fun, enjoyable aspects of Academic Decathlon for me. I can't stress enough to just have fun with it. If you don't love your speech, then you need a new one.
Good luck.
Some of my teammates' speeches which have medalled:
-surviving the zombie apocalypse
-love of travel
-the greatness of Ronald Reagan
-the value of teamwork
-child abuse (told in poem form)
Some other speeches I've heard:
-the history of rock'n'roll
-the evils of World of Warcraft
-language/slang associated with rap culture
-nuclear weapons
-moving to America from Germany
Category: Standards & Testing
What is the difference between pentatlon, heptathlon, and DECATHLON??
My coach says that he thinks I would be best at the heptatlon, but because of my age, I have to do the pentathlon...Ive done the Decathlon before and I was just doing a bunch of events...Can any one tell me the difference between these 3???
Answer: 1. The Decathlon is a men's event and consists of four track and six field events held on two consecutive days in this sequence: 100m, long jump, shot, high jump, 400m, 110m hurdles, discus, pole vault, javelin and 1500m. The athlete is allowed three trials in the long jump and throwing events. Placings are determined by the total number of points scored per the IAAF scoring tables.
2. The Heptathlon is a women's event and consists of three track and four field events held on two consecutive days in this sequence - First day: 100m hurdles, shot, high jump, 200m; second day: long jump, javelin and 800m. Placings are determined by the total number of points scored per the IAAF scoring tables.
3. The athletics Pentathlon for women consists of five events and shall be held on one day in the following order: 60m Hurdles, High Jump, Shot Put, Long Jump, 800m.
The Pentathlon for junior men consists of five events, which shall be held on one day in the following order: 60m Hurdles, Long Jump, Shot Put, High Jump, 1000m.
Category: Olympics
The Calfornia Academic DECATHLON Announces Upcoming Competition!
On February 4, 2012, at Bret Harte High School in Angels Camp, approximately sixty students from four high schools will compete in the 30th Annual Regional Academic Decathlon Competition. Participating high schools include Bret Harte High School ...
The Decathlon is an athletic event consisting of ten track and field events. The word Decathlon is of Greek origin (from δέκα deka [ten] and αθλος athlos ...
swinguru @ DECATHLON Wavre | guru training systems | the right move
We are proud to announce that our swinguru golf training and teaching system is on show in the brand new Decathlon store in Wavre! Golfers are invited to practice their swing whilst discovering our so.
How to do well on Academic DECATHLON?
I will be senior next year, and it will be my first time to do Academic Decathlon. And I believe I will put into the category for A group because my GPA.
What are some tips for me to form a study schedule?
I am really nervous about it. What are some types of study or workshop I can do during the summer?
Answer: Information is below.
Category: Other - Education
DECATHLON Club, a Pacific Sports Resort - Western Athletic Clubs
Decathlon Club, a Pacific Sports Resort is more than just a place to get in shape—it’s a daily destination for you to get away. For more information, please ...
How many questions in Math portion of Academic DECATHLON?
How many questions are there in the Math portion of the Academic Decathlon?
Also, how much time is given to solve the questions?
Also, what topics are covered?
Want to get a head start in preparation before school year.
Answer: I'm don't know where you live, nor am I sure whether or not your local Academic Decathlon has the same restrictions as my local AcaDeca, but then again, I don't see a reason why they wouldn't be standard across the nation.
Keep in mind that the rules are subject to change.
If I remember correctly, everyone has 30 minutes to answer 35 questions for the Math section. The questions usually range from simple algebra to simple calculus (and everything in between, including, but not limited to geometry, precalculus topics, trigonometry, statistics, probability, etc).
I do have to advise you, though, that the questions are far from easy. I highly doubt anyone has the chance to answer all 35 questions within the time limit without guessing. The first ten or so may be really easy, the next five slightly harder. By the time you get past question 20, each one will take at least a minute to solve even with a calculator on hand. I recall during my past two Academic Decathlon experiences being around half finished with the Math section when the warning call for 5 minutes was announced.
Luckily, though, you just have to answer the ones you know you can get right. Awards are usually given to the three highest scorers in your ranking, so as long as you answer more questions correctly than everyone else, you'll be in good shape. I blindly guessed on the last 10 questions (meaning I only had to time to actually read 5/7 of the test, and yet I still won a Gold medal for it.
Category: Standards & Testing
UAlbany on the right track
Scannapieco, from Mohegan Lake, won the mens Decathlon with 4,956 points. That was well ahead of teammates Jared Heldman of Langley, British Columbia. (4,783) and Matthew Catera of Whitestone (4,771) who finished second and third, respectively.
DECATHLON - definition of DECATHLON by the Free Online Dictionary ...
de·cath·lon (d-k th l n, -l n) n. An athletic contest usually limited to men in which each contestant participates in the following ten track and field events: the ...
DECATHLON - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Decathlon is a combined event in athletics consisting of ten track and field events. The word Decathlon is of Greek origin (from δέκα deka [ten] and αθλος ...
Any tips on Scrimmage for Academic DECATHLON?
I am taking the scrimmage test for Decathlon in two days (Saturday)
Some people say that the test has years And others say there wont be any but I Am not sure.
Im also not sure whether or not there will be any specific or general questions.
Any tips??
Answer: study hard, I think scrimmage determines if you'll get on the competiting team..
they just want to know where you're at.. how well you're doing.
Category: Standards & Testing
Buttes Colt Anderson named Philadelphia Eagles special teams MVP
Mohl, a native of Red Lodge, piled up 5,521 points to win the mens Decathlon Tuesday. Staven finished second in the mens Decathlon, racking up a career-high 5,455 points in the process. After day one of the two-day meet, Mohl, who placed third in ...
Can medals earned in the Academic DECATHLON count as awards?
I was in the Academic Decathlon my senior year of high school. We made it all the way to State and won 2nd place. Throughout all of our competitions, I won a lot of medals, especially in the categories of English, Speech and Interview. Is there a way to make these count on a scholarship when they ask for awards, or are these not considered prestigious enough? Thanks! [And if you get the chance, check out my last question too!]
Answer: of course. who says they're not prestigious. u're good, man!
Category: Higher Education (University +)
How do i train for the DECATHLON without coaches?
i am the NJCAA National Champion in the Decathlon. this is my best bet to make the USA nationals. only problem is im moving to florida to train full time. but i dont have the facilities, or throwing impliments, and especially a technical coach to help me through everything. what do i do? i have a SOLID running coach though. the plan was to go to Florida State. i can make the team but my academics dont allow me to get in exactly.
Answer: I have no doubt you are an outstanding athlete and have steely determination to be a great decathlete. But you're not going to be your best alone. You need help in coaching and facilities.
As I see it, you've got three choices. (1) Find another college with a strong track program that you can get into. (2) Join a track club, which may mean having to move. (3) Get your academics up. Think of it this way: For you, the Decathlon has 11 events, the first and foremost being the books.
Category: Olympics
ATHLETICS; Pistorius Advances to 400 Semifinals at Worlds
DAEGU, SOUTH KOREA -- There was a shortage of witnesses to history Sunday morning when Oscar Pistorius stepped into Lane 8, the carbon fiber blades that he uses for legs bending as he shifted his weight in anticipation. The first seven rows in the block of seats nearest Pistorius were empty, along with the majority of Daegu Stadium. But as it - By CHRISTOPHER CLAREY
Summer Day Camps in Woodside and Los Altos, CA for Boys & Girls ...
Decathlon Sports Club, the Bay Area’s premier Summer Sports Camp with locations in Woodside and Los Altos, CA. Day camps for boys and girls ages 6-12. Decathalon ...
Solar DECATHLON 2011 Pictures Solar Houses
Twenty college teams are competing in the U.S. government’s fifth Solar Decathlon contest to design and build affordable, appealing, and livable homes that run on ...
CURRENTS | EVENTS; Green Houses Grow on the National Mall
Free for dinner in Washington? Nineteen groups of architecture students will be serving meals next week at houses they have built in West Potomac Park, adjacent to the National Mall, as part of the Department of Energys biennial Solar Decathlon, a kind of Americas Got Talent for green architecture. The ambience at their dinner parties is one - By FRED A. BERNSTEIN
Pistorius Is in Semifinals In a First for an Amputee
DAEGU, SOUTH KOREA -- There was a shortage of witnesses to history Sunday morning when Oscar Pistorius stepped into Lane 8, the carbon fiber blades that he uses for legs bending as he shifted his weight in anticipation. The first seven rows in the block of seats nearest Pistorius were empty, along with the majority of Daegu Stadium. But as it - By CHRISTOPHER CLAREY
Is Academic DECATHLON really very crucial for getting into the Ivy League?
If I already have quite a few AP classes as a junior and a few other extracurriculars such as Science Olympiad and Math Team with a 4.xx GPA, is participating in Academic Decathlon going to be crucial in order to get accepted into the Ivy League?
Answer: Certainly not. Some schools, such as my own, do not even have Academic Decathlon though our students still get into Ivy League schools.
Category: Primary & Secondary Education
BLUE MILE: Drake changes the course.
The Drake Relays competition at Drake Stadium also gets underway on April 25 with the Decathlon and heptathlon events beginning, and continuing into Thursday April 26. Thursday night will again feature the popular Distance Carnival. Friday and ...
CURRENTS | EVENTS; Green Houses Grow on the National Mall
Free for dinner in Washington? Nineteen groups of architecture students will be serving meals next week at houses they have built in West Potomac Park, adjacent to the National Mall, as part of the Department of Energys biennial Solar Decathlon, a kind of Americas Got Talent for green architecture. The ambience at their dinner parties is one - By FRED A. BERNSTEIN
Agility drill where each of 5 cones must be touched. 2 attempts per competitor, fastest time is scored
DECATHLON Club, a Pacific Sports Resort
Decathlon Club, a Pacific Sports Resort is more than just a place to get in shape —it's a daily destination for you to get away. Receive a Free Three-Day Pass to ...
How come men have to compete in the DECATHLON while women only get to do the heptathlon?
"The Decathlon is contested mainly by male athletes, while female athletes contest the heptathlon."
from wikipedia, and im sure its true because thats the way it works in the olympics, although some competitions may do it differently.
Answer: This has been the question since the women began to pole vault. Everyone expects the women to do the dec and drop the hep, but until the IAAF makes the decision nothing is going to happen.
Category: Olympics
DECATHLON Dubai | Facebook
Decathlon Dubai - Create the desire and make the joy and the benefits of sports accessible to the largest audience. At Decathlon and under one roof find all ...
Superefficient Home With Big Ambitions, Built by Students on a Hoboken Lot
HOBOKEN, N.J. -- On summer evenings, the running path along the riverfront here is clogged with businessmen on smartphones tripping over dog leashes and joggers weaving through a stream of strollers. It had gotten even more congested recently as curious pedestrians congregated around a fenced-off parking lot on Sinatra Drive to guess the purpose of - By JOANNA M. FOSTER
DECATHLON - Tous les sports sous un même toit
Manufacturer of apparels and equipment for a range of sports. France.
Westover wins Academic DECATHLON
ALBANY — Westover High School took the shooting match in the Georgia Academic Decathlon at the Isabella school complex Friday. During the day-long academic event, students from Westover, Dougherty High and Albany High competed with one other ...
A knock, three gunshots and a mysterious slaying in Winnetka
The 3,500-student campus has an Academic Performance Index score of 805, among the highest, and boasts six national Academic Decathlon titles. Assistant Principal Bette Marcoux called the campus atmosphere Thursday "very somber." "Its never ...
Buckeye champion gears up for repeat performance
Even after a huge second-day rally, Heath Nickles wasn’t likely to win the Decathlon at the Big Ten Outdoor Track and Field Championships in May. Personal records in the pole vault, javelin and 110-meter hurdles had propelled him from eighth ...
Solar DECATHLON Success: What You Couldn't See | Aquilent Blog
When I look back on the Solar Decathlon project ,if I had to ask myself that same question, I would say with certainty: “Absolutely yes.” Why did I use the holiday decorating analogy you may ask? When you come to the end of ...
U.S. Department of Energy Solar DECATHLON Home Page
The U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon challenges 20 collegiate teams to design, build, and operate solar-powered houses that are cost-effective, energy ...
How do I use the LATCH on the Britax DECATHLON?
I used to have a 90 Corolla with the Britax Decathlon in the rear facing postion.
I just bought an 08 Sedona and now that my baby is older it can be Front facing and I can now use the LATCH. But I dont know how and I lost the britax manual.
Can anyone help me? Thanks a lot :)
Answer: Go here>>> You can download another manual.
Category: Safety
For other uses, see Decathlon (disambiguation). This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding reliable ...
Decathlon (Rémi GAILLARD) Dangerously funny videos created and produced by Rémi GAILLARD. The show continue on 100 meters, long jump, shot put ...
13 hours ago ... Resources, results, records, event information, history, links and news in the world of Olympic, college and high school Decathlon.
Bruce Jenner Caught Cross-Dressing! (Photo)
Who would have thought that when Bruce Jenner won an Olympic gold medal for the Decathlon in Montreal back in 1976 that the studly dude would turn out to be a cross dresser? Well Star mag reveals this week that Bruce loves to dress in women’s clothing ...
Selfmade SolarPanels - Solar DECATHLON Team Partners With ...
Developed in partnership with Habitat for Humanity of Washington, D.C. (DC Habitat), and the D.C. Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD), the project marks the first time in the Solar Decathlon's history ...
where can i download Daley Thompsons Decathlete to play?
need to play it now!!!!!!!!!!!
Answer: Probably somewhere on a gaming internet site. To find them, you might want to check out
Category: Other - Games & Gear
DECATHLON : Sports articles, Sports clothing and footwear. Buy ..., buy online sport equipment, sportwear, sport footwear. Stores Information and service. Use home delivery functionnality or book online in Store all ...
Raul Garcia: Individual Scheme submission for the Solar DECATHLON ...
This is my individual scheme for the solar Decathlon competition, the process that we went through to develop this project was to analyze our own dwelling and imagine ourselves functioning within the spaces to then later ...
noun an athletic contest comprising ten different track-and-field events and won by the contestant amassing the highest total score. Origin: 1910–15; dec- + Greek ...
How do you wheel land a super DECATHLON?
I got my tailwheel in a Champ, but I am a little concerned with stick full forward on a wheel landing in a Super Decathlon. It just feels like you are going to bite it. Anyone out there with some pointers on making great wheel landings in a Super Decathlon?
Answer: Luckily I have flown a super D..This is what worked for me.
Approach the runway in ground effect with just enough power still on to not drop the tail..You want to do this to avoid the porpoising the airplane...You do not really have to stick it full forward...I found that just going 1/4 to 1/2 full forward you will have enough to stick it to the will have to play with it a bit until the tail starts to come down...then fly it as you would anything else..careful with those brakes..I have seen a few citabria's and Decathlon's on their nose because of this...usually happens in the last 10 knots of the roll out...just play with it...if all else fails....go around...worked for me...alot..haha...good luck!
Jonathan S
Category: Aircraft
Help This New England Church Become More Efficient
They were inspired by the Solar Decathlon and all the ideas those young people were able to bring to a single family home -- but will those ideas work for a working congregation? Were asking our community to weigh in and crowd-source the solution to this ...
Painterly Visions: DCAC ART DECATHLON
The semi-finalists show the results of the worlds first art Decathlon! After centuries of specialization in art that has relied on labels such as painter, sculptor or photographer, DCAC asked artists working in the DC metropolitan ...
DECATHLON - ZX Spectrum | The Favorite Toys
Decathlon - ZX Spectrum. My first sports game to ZX Spectrum Last time I played with "Decathlon - ZX Spectrum": 87. Posted Yesterday by Rafael Martínez. Labels: ZX Spectrum. 0 ...
D.C. Arts Center DECATHLON
Art becomes spectator sport when the DC Arts Center hosts its first Decathlon with 10 media - textiles, painting, drawing, printmaking, photography, collage, sound, video, conceptual art and sculpture - standing in for javelin, shot put and ...
B’Twin Rockrider 9.1 review | $1240
B’Twin bikes from French sports superstore Decathlon are always good value, despite the fact that the sterling-euro exchange rate is in the doldrums. The Rockrider 9.1 is the cheapest of their performance range full-suspension bikes. While most budget ...
Chinas Next Revolution Is in Fitness
DALIAN, CHINA -- Chinas recent emergence on the world stage as an athletic powerhouse may be traced back to a single runner from this northeastern city. Liu Changchun, whose giant bronze likeness is frozen in an exaggerated midsprint in the middle of Dalians Olympic Square, was the first Chinese to compete in a global sporting event -- the 1932 - By TOM SIMS
DECATHLON - Tous les sports sous un même toit
Manufacturer of apparels and equipment for a range of sports. France.
California Academic DECATHLON Website
What is the Academic Decathlon? < How to start a team ... FORMS & INFORMATION · Donate at Facebook to Support the California Academic Decathlon. ...
The Olympic bronze medalist Walter Dix won the national title in the 100 meters on Friday in Eugene, Ore., and Justin Gatlin finished second to earn a spot on the world-championships team in his return to major competition after a four-year doping ban. Dix finished in 9.94 seconds to beat Gatlin by 0.01. Michael Rodgers earned the third spot at - By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
DECATHLON Facts, information, pictures | articles ...
Get information, facts, and pictures about Decathlon at Make research projects and school reports about Decathlon easy with credible articles from ...
Memories of First Car Thefts Sparked by NICB Centennial
The year was 1912 and Woodrow Wilson was president. Jim Thorpe won Olympic gold in the Decathlon and pentathlon events at Stockholm, Sweden. New Mexico became the 47th state in January followed a month later by Arizona completing the contiguous ...
DECATHLON - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Decathlon is a combined event in athletics consisting of ten track and field events. The word Decathlon is of Greek origin (from δέκα deka [ten] and ...
THE NEW SEASON; Familiar Faces Wear Classic Roles
SHAKESPEARES saddest monarch will be out on the heath again this fall, yelling at the elements and courting death by lightning, when the Public Theater opens its new production of King Lear, starring Sam Waterston, in November. New Yorkers may feel that this demented curser of the gods has been hanging out a lot in their neighborhood recently. - By BEN BRANTLEY
Whats a good way to not get nervous during an academic DECATHLON?
Im in one. >_<
Its my first Decathlon competition, and, well... I have a problem with panicking, what the questions in the tests are, etc.
Advice, if you please? :(
Answer: You have "the butterflies." Everyone gets them to some extent. The solution is to sit calmly, breathe slowly and deeply in and out, close your eyes and see yourself, in your mind, as victorious. It's not unlike meditation.
Category: Standards & Testing
NICB Celebrates Its Centennial in 2012
Jan. 11, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The year was 1912 and Woodrow Wilson was president. Jim Thorpe won Olympic gold in the Decathlon and pentathlon events at Stockholm, Sweden. New Mexico became the 47th state in January followed a month later by ...
ATHLETICS; False Start Rule Scrutinized After Bolts Early Exit
DAEGU, South Korea It was late Sunday night. Trey Hardee and Ashton Eaton, the Americans who had won the gold and silver medals in the Decathlon, were at a news conference, and the moderator had just asked if there were any questions. Silence. They only care about the 100 meters, Eaton said, sounding resentful. How about that false start? - By CHRISTOPHER CLAREY
RHS students advance in Academic DECATHLON
RANDOLPH - Nine Randolph High School students may be the only ones not hoping for a snow day Friday. The Rocket Academic Decathlon team qualified for the regional Academic Decathlon competition, set for Friday on the UW-Whitewater campus. They ...
DECATHLON - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster ...
Definition of Decathlon: a 10-event athletic contest; specifically: a composite contest that consists of the 100-meter, 400-meter, and 1500-meter runs, the 110-meter ...
U.S. Department of Energy Solar DECATHLON Home Page
Nov 30, 2011 ... The U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon challenges 20 collegiate teams to design, build, and operate solar-powered houses that are ...
American Champion DECATHLON - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The 8KCAB Decathlon and Super Decathlon are two-seat fixed conventional gear light airplanes designed for flight training and personal use and capable of sustaining ...
Data Center Management Platform ensures reliable operation.
December 9, 2011 - Comprising software, hardware, and services, Decathlon(TM) suite provides single view of IT, facilities, and energy management information to ensure data center reliability and energy efficiency. Functionality allows management of energy ...
Im at Decathlon (Wiebachstraat 75, Kerkrade)
From: drake_pp - Source: foursquare
En Decathlon con mi padre
From: isiitaa95 - Source: Twitter for BlackBerry®
@MauriiCsm17 ooohh! Decathlon? xD jujuju
From: javiamantegui17 - Source: Twitter for BlackBerry®
RT @Carlos_ehh: En el Decathlon: -Disculpe, ¿tiene pelotas para jugar al tenis? +Pues si, mañana a la 8 hijo de puta
From: mgmoratalla - Source: Twitter for Android
@marymabob fnx mary Decathlon! xoxox
From: ana_dilley - Source: Mobile Web
Im at Decathlon
From: vigg_cz - Source: foursquare
I just ousted Thomas F. as the mayor of Decathlon on @foursquare!
From: vigg_cz - Source: foursquare
Im at Decathlon (Av de Europa, Alcorcón)
From: patsanchezpena - Source: foursquare
Omwt Decathlon
From: BrittPelzer - Source: Twitter for BlackBerry®
Im at Decathlon (4 Rue Louis Armand, Paris)
From: plemga - Source: foursquare
Weer terug van de Decathlon nu spaghetti maken :)
From: Dorien96 - Source: Twitter for BlackBerry®
buenos dias twiter@s! preparandone para ir con @breakerangel al Decathlon! :)
From: jromero46 - Source: Twitter for Android
Vooy al Decathlon que tengo q pillar algunas cosiicas :3
From: MauriiCsm17 - Source: Twitter for BlackBerry®
En Decathlon...
From: MartaPortilloCl - Source: Twitter for iPhone
Je suis en train de mendormir sur un banc de Decathlon... Je déteste ce magasin u_u
From: MarineOOS - Source: Mobile Web