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French president honors 4 French troops killed by Afghan trainee ...
PARIS — President Nicolas Sarkozy on Wednesday honored four French troops shot dead by an Afghan man, a killing that rattled France’s commitment to a NATO-led war ...
Nicolas SARKOZY - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nicolas Sarkozy is the 23rd and current President of the French Republic and ex officio Co-Prince of Andorra. He assumed the office on 16 May 2007 after ...
Nicolas SARKOZY - Forbes
Sarkozy surprised many when France decided to exercise its muscle by actively supporting the rebel Libyan National Transitional Council. In the ensuing NATO ...
NewsDaily: French 2011 deficit to be under 5.4 percent GDP: SARKOZY
France's public deficit could come in at 5.4 percent, or even 5.3 percent of gross domestic product for 2011, well below the government's initial forecast, President Nicolas Sarkozy said on Sunday.
SARKOZY confession to press sets rumour mill spinning - FRENCH ...
Off-the-record comments by French President Nicolas Sarkozy about his potential defeat in forthcoming presidential elections, which were made public by the ...
SARKOZY wants to create industrys bank, raise VAT to boost competitiveness
PARIS, Jan. 29 (Xinhua) -- French President Nicolas Sarkozy unveiled on Sunday the creation of a 1-billion-euro (some 1.32 billion. U.S. dollars) bank to inject new blood into small and medium enterprises and detailed a social VAT to bolster competitiveness.
What is the orchestra playing in the 60 minutes episode about Nicolas SARKOZY that aired on October 28?
The episode aired tonight, October 28th. It was about Nicolas Sarkozy. The music that I am referring to starts when they talk about his inauguration and features a shot of an orchestra, the music continues in the background for about a minute after. I am looking for either the name of the orchestra, the song / score they are playing, or both. Thanks!
Answer: I only saw the presentation of the program on the site of CBS (I am in France), but I think the orchestra you are referring to is the Musique de la Garde Républicaine. The Garde Republicaine is part of the French army, and is in charge of official security for the Institutions. They are always present for official ceremonies. They are very popular because they are horse-guards and because of their very good orchestra.
On the Garde Républicaine:
On the the Musique de la GR:
You can also find CDs by them. I am sorry I can't remember what the music was last night.
Category: Media & Journalism
INSIDE EUROPE; A European Debt Crisis With an Italian Twist
PARIS — There are weeks when it can sound as if the European sovereign debt crisis is going around in circles. Barbed exchanges between the Italian prime minister, Mario Monti, and the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, carry echoes of a prolonged dialogue between Greece and Germany two years ago, when Berlin was resisting calls to bail out - By PAUL TAYLOR | REUTERS
Carla Bruni-SARKOZY | Home
Carla Bruni-Sarkozy's official website.
SARKOZY election hopes hit as 2012 growth forecast halved - Expatica
The announcement came as European Union leaders met in Brussels for a summit mainly aimed at finalising a new pact to toughen budget discipline and find...
Nicolas SARKOZY | World news | The Guardian
Latest news and comment on Nicolas Sarkozy from
WORLD BRIEFING | EUROPE; France: No Abrupt Afghan Pullout
France ’s troops will not be hastily withdrawn from Afghanistan, Foreign Minister Alain Juppé, left, told Parliament on Tuesday, adding that talk of a retreat by the end of 2012 was not “well thought out and examined.” Last week, François Hollande, the Socialist who is running for president, pledged to bring - By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
SARKOZY victory in France - what does it mean to US French relations?
Ive heard a lot of uproar about the Sarkozy victory. What does this mean for France and what does this mean for U.S.-French relations?
Sarkozy = GWBush = Hitler.....?
I would have hoped for a considered opinion.
God I hate it when people make ridiculous Hitler comparisons. Its kind of like when people used to call Clinton a Communist. Its total crap.
Answer: It will be nice to have a French President who likes Americans. Yes, he admires Americans.
However, one of the first things he said in a speech was that America must accept the Kyoto Treaty. I don't think that is going to happen on George W. Bush's watch.
I think Sarkozy will be a better person to work with than Ségolène Royal. His political ideas are closer to what the major Republican and Democratic points of view are.
Category: Current Events
SARKOZY Says 25 States to Sign Fiscal Compact Treaty | ForexLive
BRUSSELS (MNI) - French President Nicolas Sarkozy said Monday that the fiscal compact treaty will be signed by 25 European Union countries after the.
is there anywhere on the internet where i can listen Nicolas SARKOZY calling Netanyahu a liar?
Nicolas Sarkozy has called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a liar when he thought his microphone was switched off. Its all on the news except the actual recording of it lol.
Id just like to hear it it.. Cheers x
@yes, you probably are right, thanks.
I hope it does come out soon.
Answer: Don't think so - a handful of journalists only heard it over the radio feed. The press don't seem to have any recordings or no doubt they'd be playing it on the news.
Category: Government
SARKOZY election hopes hit as 2012 growth forecast halved
The downward revision from 1.0 percent to 0.5 percent was made to "take into account the deterioration of the economic situation," Prime Minister Francois Fillon told reporters. But Fillon insisted that "growth will take off again in the ...
SARKOZY to unveil reforms in election speech
PARIS — President Nicolas Sarkozy takes to the airwaves on Sunday to unveil reforms aimed at lifting France out of the economic doldrums and boosting his credibility ahead of elections he is tipped to lose to a Socialist. The hour-long television ...
Nicolas SARKOZY Proposes Tax Increases for France
PARIS — President Nicolas Sarkozy , insisting that he was acting as a head of state — not a presidential candidate — announced Sunday that he would raise consumer taxes to make French companies more competitive and reduce the national budget deficit. He said he would increase the basic consumption tax by 1.6 percent, to 21.2 - By STEVEN ERLANGER
What are the scandals that Nicolas SARKOZY has been involved in?
I have heard that Sarkozy can be a scandalous man. What has made people think this?
Answer: He was hand picked by Putin.
Category: Current Events
EurAmerican: Merkel to Go to Bat for SARKOZY Campaign?
"Sarkozy's German-inspired reforms are likely to please Chancellor Angela Merkel, who is believed to have offered to lend her support to Sarkozy's re-election bid. Merkel and Sarkozy were nicknamed 'Merkozy' for their close ...
What does Nicolas SARKOZY have up his sleeve?
Nicolas Sarkozy’s favourite film is A Man Escaped, Robert Bresson’s 1956 classic about a Resistance fighter who evades his death sentence by scaling the walls of Fort Monluc, a Nazi prison near Lyon, and vanishing into thin air. With less than three ...
SARKOZY to detail reforms to help business, jobs | Reuters
PARIS (Reuters) - French President Nicolas Sarkozy is set to reveal a swathe of new economic reforms on Sunday to create more jobs, improve business ...
Nicolas SARKOZY Biography - Facts, Birthday, Life Story ...
Meet French president Nicolas Sarkozy at ... Mobsters: Murder, Inc. Murder, Inc. is the name for a ruthless gang that carried out mob hits during the ...
how does nicolas SARKOZY have political power?
Im doing a project ... well a 2 page paper and it bacilly needs to be about how nicolas Sarkozy has politacal power pleaseee answer !
Answer: As President of France He has the power not to allow any Women Muslim or not to wear Veils in Public because that's Intimidation towards Women everywhere in France that will not be Tolerated and he has the power to make women feel Safe and not be Intimidated.
Category: Government
SARKOZY announces economic plans for re-election
French President Nicolas Sarkozy has set out his plans to deal with the country’s faltering economy, portraying himself as the man tough enough to take tough decisions. In an interview broadcast live on nine major French channels, Sarkozy also ...
SARKOZY admits election defeat is a possibility | Reuters
PARIS (Reuters) - French President Nicolas Sarkozy is facing up to the possibility that he could lose power in Aprils election, admitting to aides that a ...
SARKOZY: French troops to quit Afghanistan end-2013 | Reuters
PARIS (Reuters) - French troops will withdraw from Afghanistan by the end of 2013, President Nicolas Sarkozy said on Friday after talks with Afghan ...
Last Night Nicolas SARKOZY Claimed He Had Saved The Eurozone
Last night Nicolas Sarkozy made some big claims in a nationally broadcast appearence on French TV. Weve mentioned already his plans for new, German-like employment standards, and his announcement for something approaching a French financial transactions ...
Am I the only one that finds it odd that Nikolas SARKOZY was ever elected to be the leader of France?
Think about it, the french are a very ethnically proud people who tend to only support other french people and nikolas Sarkozy has not one drop of ethnically french blood in him. Also, he is a right leaning politician and we all know the french arent known for their conservative antics.
Answer: First, you have to realize that much of what the French do would seem quite "conservative" to Americans...such as prohibiting muslim garments, strict immigration policies and mandating a national language.
One of the highlights of what many Americans call "European Socialism" is that it tends to be designed for an insular system....which is why it works well in relatively small, homogeneous nations with limited immigration. Yes, the French tend to be quite "leftist" when talking about spreading the wealth among the FRENCH....but you have to understand that they have strict definitions as to what qualifies as "French."
Sarkozy is the son of immigrants, but has capitalized on that by delcaring himself 100% French, and demanding that other new immigrants do the same. Once again, you must realize that the whole concept of cultural diversity so celebrated in America is something quite contrary to even the most "leftist" European systems.
Category: Politics
LONDON — In the other election of 2012, the one more imminent, there are only two words worth remembering. The first is leadership. The second is change. The rest, as the French say, is du blah-blah. If the French decide leadership is more important in a time of crisis they will grit their teeth and re-elect Nicolas Sarkozy. If they want - By ROGER COHEN
SARKOZY dismisses watchdog for Greece
FRENCH PRESIDENT Nicolas Sarkozy has dismissed as “undemocratic” Berlin’s call to appoint an EU “budgetary commissioner” to Greece with powers to veto any government spending that knocks its rescue programme off track. The controversial call has ...
Is there any land deal made between Dalai Lama14th with SARKOZY ?
An email sent to me saying the first time that Sarkzoy refused to meet DL is becoz DL did not offer something in return--as DL had done to Americans. So, Sarkozy agreed to meet DL this time is becoz DL met Sarkozy preconditions. Is this true ? What is the deal ? Land or resource concession to France?
Answer: France is trying create problem between DL & Chinese Leaders bcoz they've gainned from such separation since the Eight Alliance Nations during the Qing Dynasty.
At the far West like France and some of these not-updated countries still thinks that today's China is as weak as it was during Qing
Category: Other - News & Events
Daring or desperate? France divided on SARKOZY appearance
PARIS: President Nicolas Sarkozy’s allies Monday praised his “courageous” plan for new taxes, but analysts said he was risking everything ahead of a re-election battle he is widely tipped to lose. Sarkozy’s right-wing acolytes united in hailing the ...
Do you think SARKOZY and Bush are up to no good? Did you hear SARKOZY say France loves our soldiers as family?
Do you think Sarkozy is getting ready to pull a fast one on Bush or vice versa? Do you think they are planning a war with Iran?
Answer: I don't know what is going on, but I don't like it. Something is going on between those two.
Category: Other - Politics & Government
SARKOZY: lost president or the man with the courage to kick-start growth?
WAS IT daring or desperate? A cunning stratagem or a final throw of the dice from a president running out of time? These were the questions circulating in Paris yesterday after Nicolas Sarkozy told an audience of 16 million television viewers that one of ...
Nicolas SARKOZY sets out stall for re-election - Telegraph
Defending his efforts to save the euro and the French economy, Mr Sarkozy said: “The financial crisis is calming down. Europe is no longer on the edge of the abyss ...
SARKOZY Wants French to Be More Like Germans | Atlantic Sentinel
Sarkozy's party, currently in government, hiked taxes last August and again in November in an attempt to balance the budget. Consumption taxes on liquors, tobacco and soft drinks were raised as was the lowest value added ...
Decision Reverses Earlier French Stand of Afghan Presence ...
So it turns out France is indeed leaving Afghanistan earlier than planned, and will seek to bring the last of its current 3900 troops home by the end of 2013.
SARKOZY Would Have France Emulate The Success of Germany ...
French President Nicolas Sarkozy is still not an official candidate for reelection. As president rather than candidate, he can command some perks.. He did that Sunday night when he commandeered the networks to announce ...
Cameron and SARKOZY set to resume tussle -
David Cameron and Nicolas Sarkozy have not spoken since the stormy night in Brussels last month when the British prime minister blocked a new EU treaty to enforce ...
SARKOZY and Bruni reveal daughters name - TODAY News -
PARIS — French President Nicolas Sarkozy said on Thursday he and first lady Carla Bruni were deeply happy over their baby daughter, the first official confirmation ...
SARKOZY Says France to Tax Financial Transactions From August
Jan. 30 (Bloomberg) -- France plans to unilaterally impose a 0.1 percent tax on financial transactions starting in August, President Nicolas Sarkozy said, brushing aside opposition from the nation’s banks. “What we want to do is provoke a ...
Why does the president of France, Nicolas SARKOZY, want to raise the retirement age from 60 to 62?
What are the reasons behind Sarkozy wanting to do this? How would this benefit the state of France and its people?
Answer: I think it might already be done. France is going broke as they, too, keep increasing military spending (like the US) without raising taxes. You can't have it both ways; cut the military, and you have money for retirements.
Category: Media & Journalism
Is there any land deal made between Dalai Lama14th with SARKOZY ?
An email sent to me saying the first time that Sarkzoy refused to meet DL is becoz DL did not offer something in return--as DL had done to Americans. So, Sarkozy agreed to meet DL this time is becoz DL met Sarkozy preconditions. Is this true ? What is the deal ? Land or resource concession to France?
Answer: The inside story was... DL has initially promised to bring along Sharon Stone for the meeting. However Stone was too drunk to the nite before and has missed the flight.... Therefore Sarkozy as a little upset
Category: Government
Election Ahead, SARKOZY Announces French Tax Hike | WSLS 10
PARIS (AP) In a big pre-election gamble, President Nicolas Sarkozy pledged Sunday to raise the consumption tax as a way to ease fees paid by employers, hoping to lower high labor costs and keep jobs in France. Sarkozy ...
How did the French leader, Nicholas SARKOZY get his power?
I have to do a Datadisk project and need to know How Nicholas Sarkozy got his power of France
Category: Government
Nicolas SARKOZY - News, photos, topics, and quotes
The latest news on Nicolas Sarkozy, from thousands of sources worldwide. High- quality photos, articles, blog posts, quotes, and more.
Turks Lash Out at France Over Genocide Bill
PARIS — The Turkish government and news media castigated France on Tuesday, accusing Parliament of racism and a breach of France’s own free speech principles after the French Senate passed a bill late Monday criminalizing the denial of officially recognized genocides, including the Armenian genocide begun in 1915. Historians widely - By SEBNEM ARSU and SCOTT SAYARE
What do you think about politic in France, and especially about SARKOZY and Segolene Royal?
Nicolas Sarkozy and Segolene Royal are the ones who wants to be president in France in 2007.
Answer: Segolene Royal may well become France's first lady. She would clean up the corruption and and self interest that prevails in French political life (not just a US problem). She might become an important voice for Socialism throughout Europe and that is currently much needed. Her attitude towards the US will be cool but friendly. She will continue the natural French concern about loss of French values in a world dominated by US business.This is healthy enough and could well change if Hillary Clinton become President.
France will have a better experience with Madam Royal than we in Britain had with the dreadful Thatcher.
Go Segolene!
Category: Elections
What do you think about Nicolas SARKOZY, the French president?
Nicolas Sarkozy is the French president. What do you think abou him? about his politic?
Answer: I like his wife Carla Bruni.
Category: Politics
SARKOZY Unexpectedly Calls Earlier French Troop Exit From Afghanistan
So it turns out France is indeed leaving Afghanistan earlier than planned, and will seek to bring the last of its current 3,900 troops home by the end of ...
SARKOZY Lifts Sales Levy to Finance EU13 Billion Payroll-Tax Cut ...
Jan. 29 (Bloomberg) -- French President Nicolas Sarkozy announced increased sales taxes and levies on financial incomes to fund a 13 billion-euro ($17 ...
With reelection prospects dimming, SARKOZY warns his career is at ...
French President Nicolas Sarkozy is famous for bluntly speaking his mind, and for shining the brightest in the midst of a crisis. But now Mr. Sarkozy faces ...
Struggling SARKOZY unveils new taxes in pre-election gamble
The right-winger has not confirmed he will stand for re-election, but he gave his strongest hint yet he will be a candidate in the election that opinion polls predict will be won by Francois Hollande. "I have a rendezvous with the French.
SARKOZY says financial crisis is easing
French President Nicolas Sarkozy said Sunday the spiraling financial crisis subsided as efforts to restore stability in the EuroZone is bearing fruit. “Today, with caution, I think we can say that the elements of financial stability in the world and ...
SARKOZY - Twitter
Sign up for Twitter to follow Sarkozy (@Sarkozy). I'm not Président de la République.
Nicolas SARKOZY Biography - Facts, Birthday, Life Story - Biography ...
Meet French president Nicolas Sarkozy at
French Senate Passes Bill on Armenian Genocide
PARIS — Relations between France and Turkey dipped to a nadir as the French Senate approved a bill late Monday criminalizing the denial of officially recognized genocides, including the Armenian genocide begun in 1915. Turkey’s prime minister, anticipating the bill’s passage, called the move “incomprehensible” and - By SCOTT SAYARE and SEBNEM ARSU
Trailing in polls, SARKOZY hits French prime-time - Yahoo! News
PARIS (AP) — President Nicolas Sarkozy is blanketing Frances top TV news shows in a prime-time interview as polls show him trailing the Socialist nominee before ...
Can you handle two perfect clowns like Merkel and SARKOZY decide upon the European Unions future?
Isnt it embarassing to see Monsieur Sarkozy and Frau Merkel together talking and deciding about EU future economic policies??? How can the Italians and the Spanish stand to be governed by such burocrats? No wonder capitals are fleeing Europe... The mere image of the two politicians talking together would scare anyone off.
Answer: Well they both have to face elections in the next 18 - 24 months. If the polls in Germany are to be believed it is likely Merkel will lose and in France it will all depend on who face Sarkozy in the second round run off to whether he will remain in power.
But everyone knows that the EU is, and has always been, a Franco-German mutual adoration society.
Category: Government
LETTER FROM EUROPE; The Perils of Playing Politics With History
PARIS — At a time when Europe’s future seems so murkily ill-defined, when people fret about paychecks and their abrupt disappearance, a jittery currency and suffocating debt, the past might seem the last place to look for salvation. Yet, in recent days, history has tugged at national debates from Istanbul to Edinburgh like some - By ALAN COWELL
What has Nicolas SARKOZY done for France and what do people think of him?
What has Nicolas Sarkozy done for France and what do people think of him?
Answer: As you can see by the 2 answer above me. Opinions about Sarokzy are extremely different. Some tend to think he suck and don't do anything. Those are the socialist's one
Some others tend to think he did well against the crisis, he make a lot of changes in our country right now, wich are barely liked.
Our precedent leaders were stupid and just used to give us everything we asked for when we was in the street. So now he have to be very rude and make us work a LOT if we want to see France development in a better situations that this last 30-40years. Trying to be as powerful as we used to be in our history, a long and hard time is in front of us
Category: Other - France
Whats the difference between SARKOZY and BNP leader Griffin?
Isnt it true that both of these leaders use exactly the same racist rhetorics regarding the immigrants in their countries in their speeches. Why is that Sarkozy is given free pass while Griffin is bitterly criticized?
Answer: One has denied the holocaust, stated views on the white race and has links to the Nazi's. And the other is married to a wife who most would like to bed.
Category: Politics
Carla Bruni - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Carla Bruni-Sarkozy (born Carla Gilberta Bruni Tedeschi; 23 December 1967) is an ... She has been married to Nicolas Sarkozy, the President of the French ...
The entente non-cordiale: Tension at EU summit as SARKOZY says Britain has no industry
David Cameron was embroiled in a fresh war of words with Nicolas Sarkozy last night as EU leaders agreed a new treaty to prop up the euro. Downing Street was forced on to the counter-attack after the French president sneeringly claimed that Britain ‘has ...
In Europe, Arguing to Apply Some Stimulus Along With the Austerity
PARIS — With much of Europe embarked on a program of budget-cutting and belt-tightening, doubts about whether more austerity is the answer to today’s economic troubles are popping up in the strangest places. On a concrete wall in Oporto, Portugal, where a tough austerity effort has hit hard, a somber graffiti mural depicts a submarine - By LIZ ALDERMAN
BBC News - Profile: Nicolas SARKOZY
President Sarkozy says he has a duty to bring about change Since his election in May 2007 Mr Sarkozy has battled to push through reforms at home, energetically ...
Nicolas SARKOZY - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nicolas Sarkozy is the 23rd and current President of the French Republic and ex officio Co-Prince of Andorra. He assumed the office on 16 May 2007 after defeating the ...
In France, Hollande Offers Plan to Revive Economy
PARIS — François Hollande, the Socialist Party candidate leading in the polls for the French presidency, appeared Thursday to try to address complaints that he had been too vague about his plans for France and its slowing economy, issuing a package of 60 measures that would increase taxes and government spending but aim to balance the - By STEVEN ERLANGER
In pre-election gamble, SARKOZY unveils French tax hike to help jump-start job creation
PARIS - In a big pre-election gamble, President Nicolas Sarkozy pledged Sunday to raise the consumption tax as a way to ease fees paid by employers, hoping to lower high labour costs and keep jobs in France. Sarkozy went on national TV Sunday to ...
France, Breaking With NATO, Will Speed Afghan Exit
PARIS — President Nicolas Sarkozy announced on Friday that France would break with its allies in NATO and accelerate the French withdrawal from Afghanistan , pulling back combat troops a year early, by the end of 2013. Mr. Sarkozy also said that he and Afghanistan’s president, Hamid Karzai , would ask the NATO alliance for a similar - By STEVEN ERLANGER and ROD NORDLAND
Carla Bruni-SARKOZY: France Is Not Interested in My Baby - Carla ...
Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, who has already vowed not to release photos of her baby after the birth, now says few people would be interested in them anyway – at ...
Looks like there is at least one person who would like to see French President Nicolas Sarkozy get re-elected. Unfortunately, shes not French. Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, has pledged to join Sarkozy on his campaign trail later this year, the ...
RT @ABezardin: #Sarkozy convaincant pour 1 téléspectateur sur 2, 59% lont trouvé clair dans ses explications ( et @IfopOpinion ) #France #UMP
From: AntoineLevoir - Source: Twitter for BlackBerry®
Nicolas Sarkozy interviewé à la télévision - EN DIRECT
From: Fabstyle08 - Source: AutoTweet Connector
RT @financialbrk: Daily Telegraph - Cameron and Sarkozy war of words over financial transaction tax #finance
From: CristinaZT - Source: twitterfeed
@HDBosnjak i smell WWIII- God help us when Sarkozy thinks he is smarter than European at each others throats
From: GypsyDesert - Source: web
Sarkozy anunció medidas económicas, pero mantiene el misterio sobre su candidatura
From: P24Informe - Source: Noticias_hoy_
RT @ray64_2008: "Jai rendez-vous avec les français" a déclaré Sarkozy hier. Il vous a contacté vous ?
Moi je nai rien reçu, Ni invitation, ni bristol ..
From: josedasilva671 - Source: Twitter for iPhone
RT @kutup_zencisi: fransanin 3 ayri sehrinde "ermeni soykirimi yoktur" diye bagirdim bir sey olmadi... yasa cikartacagina turkce ogren gerizekali Sarkozy...
From: mmsyr - Source: web
Sarkozy reignites war of words with UK
From: bonkers_blunder - Source: twicca
La Une de Libé demain. #Sarkozy à lenvers via @TwitPic
From: cvijicmikael - Source: Tweet Button
RT @Antoine_Leveque: Ifop : 49% des téléspectateurs ont trouvé N. Sarkozy convaincant, 65% courageux, 53% sincère, 82% déterminé via @IfopOpinion
From: isaac_80 - Source: Twitter for iPhone
Cameron and #Sarkozy #war of words over financial #transaction tax –
From: neindia - Source: Google
Donc voila ne votez pas Sarkozy, Hollande ou Mélenchon, appelons le Capitaine Flam !! #2012
From: ALottin - Source: web
Cameron and Sarkozy war of words over financial transaction tax - Telegraph via @Telegraph
From: canadianeast - Source: Tweet Button
Sarkozy: des annonces, mais pas de candidature
From: Fabstyle08 - Source: AutoTweet Connector
TVA, industrie : les approximations de Nicolas Sarkozy
From: sarkozi2012 - Source: twitterfeed