Hacker publishes waves of Facebook logins

Facebook login : Photo Gallery

FACEBOOK LOGIN Page Help And Troubleshooting
FACEBOOK LOGIN Page Help And Troubleshooting
FACEBOOK LOGIN Approvals - Login Helper
FACEBOOK LOGIN Approvals - Login Helper
https login facebook
https login facebook
How to Use the FACEBOOK LOGIN Screen
How to Use the FACEBOOK LOGIN Screen
How to Use the FACEBOOK LOGIN Screen
How to Use the FACEBOOK LOGIN Screen
Podcasting How To FAQ
Podcasting How To FAQ
Staying in Control of Your FACEBOOK LOGINs | Facebook
Staying in Control of Your FACEBOOK LOGINs | Facebook
FACEBOOK LOGIN problems and their solutions | Gadget of all
FACEBOOK LOGIN problems and their solutions | Gadget of all
Staying in Control of Your FACEBOOK LOGINs | Facebook
Staying in Control of Your FACEBOOK LOGINs | Facebook
Change Facebook account login email address
Change Facebook account login email address
FACEBOOK LOGIN Approvals - Login Helper
FACEBOOK LOGIN Approvals - Login Helper
Staying in Control of Your FACEBOOK LOGINs | Facebook
Staying in Control of Your FACEBOOK LOGINs | Facebook
FACEBOOK LOGIN- Tips to Securely Sign In
FACEBOOK LOGIN- Tips to Securely Sign In
Facebook friend or foe? New phishing schemes target social networks ...
Facebook friend or foe? New phishing schemes target social networks ...
FACEBOOK LOGIN: login account facebook
FACEBOOK LOGIN: login account facebook
Facebook is looking to evolve email - News | TechSmart.co.za
Facebook is looking to evolve email - News | TechSmart.co.za
FACEBOOK LOGIN V3 by *SencerBugrahan on deviantART
FACEBOOK LOGIN V3 by *SencerBugrahan on deviantART
One Response to “fake-facebook-login-page”
One Response to “fake-facebook-login-page”
Úvodní stránka Facebook - login | Facebook.com - rady, návod ...
Úvodní stránka Facebook - login | Facebook.com - rady, návod ...
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yellow login
rough login
rough login
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photo umbrella
violet login
violet login
monitor login
monitor login
for sharing
for sharing
Welcome to Plimus Affiliate Network!
Welcome to Plimus Affiliate Network!
How sharp is your blue ?
How sharp is your blue ?
man made web
man made web
Hacker Posts Thousands of FACEBOOK LOGIN Information
Hacker Posts Thousands of FACEBOOK LOGIN Information
Ponies in the Snow
Ponies in the Snow
FACEBOOK LOGIN: So Here's the Problem With Sign Up...
FACEBOOK LOGIN: So Here's the Problem With Sign Up...
Facebook, experts spar over Ramnit worm contagion
Facebook, experts spar over Ramnit worm contagion
Facebook posts could cost job-seekers
Facebook posts could cost job-seekers
FACEBOOK LOGIN & password theft en masse: Ramnit slurps 45000
FACEBOOK LOGIN & password theft en masse: Ramnit slurps 45000
Facebook Down: Worm Steals Login Info of 45K, How to Protect Your Account
Facebook Down: Worm Steals Login Info of 45K, How to Protect Your Account
Ticketmaster Launches New Facebook App
Ticketmaster Launches New Facebook App
Facebook Plugins Keep People On Websites 50% Longer
Facebook Plugins Keep People On Websites 50% Longer
Hispanic-Jobs.com Adds New FACEBOOK LOGIN Tool That Lets Users Log In And ...
Hispanic-Jobs.com Adds New FACEBOOK LOGIN Tool That Lets Users Log In And ...
Facebook "Free Mobile Recharge" scam hijacks accounts
Facebook "Free Mobile Recharge" scam hijacks accounts
MC announces new head coach
MC announces new head coach
Diversity-Jobs.com Makes it Easier for Jobseekers to Search Online for Jobs ...
Diversity-Jobs.com Makes it Easier for Jobseekers to Search Online for Jobs ...
Police: Assailants kidnap US citizen leaving bank in Nigeria oil delta, ask ...
Police: Assailants kidnap US citizen leaving bank in Nigeria oil delta, ask ...
Protect Your Facebook Account from the Latest Hack
Protect Your Facebook Account from the Latest Hack
Underworld: Awakening: An IMAX Experience
Underworld: Awakening: An IMAX Experience

Facebook login : Videos

Disaster Dates Before Social Connect Facebook
Disaster Dates Before Social Connect Facebook
Preston wedding photography
Preston wedding photography
How To Make A Fake FACEBOOK LOGIN Page
How To Make A Fake FACEBOOK LOGIN Page
Friendship with Cambodia Intro
Friendship with Cambodia Intro
Putting the FUN into RFID from Facebook and Coca-Cola
Putting the FUN into RFID from Facebook and Coca-Cola
Boat Cleaner - "Chine Shine" AMAZING new fibreglass boat hull cleaner from Deckhand Marine.
Boat Cleaner - "Chine Shine" AMAZING new fibreglass boat hull cleaner from Deckhand Marine.
Welcome to Facebook - Log In, Sign Up or Learn More.mp4
Welcome to Facebook - Log In, Sign Up or Learn More.mp4
facebook log in
facebook log in
Ramnit Worm Steals FACEBOOK LOGIN Information
Ramnit Worm Steals FACEBOOK LOGIN Information
Online Food ordering system - PizzaSys Promotional.mp4
Online Food ordering system - PizzaSys Promotional.mp4
Why You Should NOT Use FACEBOOK LOGIN On Websites
Why You Should NOT Use FACEBOOK LOGIN On Websites
fake FACEBOOK LOGIN page (102% works!!!)
fake FACEBOOK LOGIN page (102% works!!!)
FACEBOOK LOGIN Problems (Page Wont Load) August and September 2011
FACEBOOK LOGIN Problems (Page Wont Load) August and September 2011
FACEBOOK LOGIN Please : More Facebook marketing secrets from the the experts http://click.gwbg.ws/1
FACEBOOK LOGIN Please : More Facebook marketing secrets from the the experts http://click.gwbg.ws/1
Welcome to Facebook Log In, Sign Up or Learn More
Welcome to Facebook Log In, Sign Up or Learn More
Welcome to Facebook - Log In, Sign Up or Learn More.FLV
Welcome to Facebook - Log In, Sign Up or Learn More.FLV
Cut This: The Death Penalty
Cut This: The Death Penalty
FACEBOOK LOGIN - Hyper Facebook Traffic (The Truth About Facebook!)
FACEBOOK LOGIN - Hyper Facebook Traffic (The Truth About Facebook!)
FACEBOOK LOGIN and Home Screen
FACEBOOK LOGIN and Home Screen
FACEBOOK LOGIN Bug (How to fix)
FACEBOOK LOGIN Bug (How to fix)
Facebook en la Vida Real
Facebook en la Vida Real
Facebook Basics For Business
Facebook Basics For Business
Facebook web templates
Facebook web templates
facebook hack with FACEBOOK LOGIN
facebook hack with FACEBOOK LOGIN
Da Hero (Feat. Greedy) - Hood Rich [Unsigned Hype]
Da Hero (Feat. Greedy) - Hood Rich [Unsigned Hype]
Login to hack Hack Yahoo Passwords hack Hotmail passwords hack ...
Login to hack Hack Yahoo Passwords hack Hotmail passwords hack ...
Get FREE Facebook Credits Codes
Get FREE Facebook Credits Codes
Beyonce vs Little Girl Arianna
Beyonce vs Little Girl Arianna
mdiuydbe_mobile.mp4 video by 1wildchildtv - Photobucket
mdiuydbe_mobile.mp4 video by 1wildchildtv - Photobucket
Facebook Chat History - Even Offline Friends
Facebook Chat History - Even Offline Friends
Facebook tricks
Facebook tricks
406734.mp4 video by dylanbell420 - Photobucket
406734.mp4 video by dylanbell420 - Photobucket
VIDEO0007.mp4 video by thizzgirl9 - Photobucket
VIDEO0007.mp4 video by thizzgirl9 - Photobucket
Juliana.mp4 video by Abhishekumar - Photobucket
Juliana.mp4 video by Abhishekumar - Photobucket
Hannah Montana- Dont Wanna Be Torn Full (Lyrics)
Hannah Montana- Dont Wanna Be Torn Full (Lyrics)
How to make a Facebook account.
How to make a Facebook account.
Shawty Lo - Tunnel Vision
Shawty Lo - Tunnel Vision

Facebook login : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites

Welcome to Facebook - Log In, Sign Up or Learn More

Facebook is a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work, study and live around them. People use Facebook to keep up with friends, upload an...

Upload Rabbit for Facebook

We could drag and drop images into the programs target or browse to files to add. Next came the Accounts page, where we could log in to our Facebook page by allowing various levels of access. Once we were logged in, we could simply click our Account photo ...


Welcome to the Facebook login Page where we will try to help you get using you account swiftly. A few things to remember when logiing into Facebook

Israeli Hacker Releases Thousands of FACEBOOK LOGIN Information ...

(via www.valuewalk.com) …A hacker has brought out login information from thousands of alleged Arab Facebook accounts in support of the Israeli government. Hannibal, the name used by the hacker, posted login emails and ...

FACEBOOK LOGIN - CanaryIslandsPress

Nov 16, 2011 ... Facebook login The Ramnit worm has been used to steal at least 45000 Facebook logins with the goals of transmitting malicious links to victims ...


You must log in first. Email or Phone: Password:

Use your Facebook account to Sign in on other Websites | Facebook

Use your Facebook account to register for other sites. Bring your friends with you on the web to see their comments and recommendations.

How to delete an email from my FACEBOOK LOGIN page on facebook?

My mom wanted to log into my sisters facebook to make sure she was doing the right thing but we couldnt figure out her password, if my sister ever tries to come on this computer she is going to wonder why we tried logging into hers. can anyone tell me how to delete an email address on Facebook login ... my internet is SAFARi
Answer: Just clear your history, and log in afterward with a different account like urs or somethin'. Anywayz... you should not go into ur sisters account! She needs her privacy and social life. It is very disrepectful towards her. I'd be hell pissed off if MY mum and sis tried to get into my account.../..............
Category: Facebook

Facebook hacked by Ramnit worm

"We suspect that the attackers behind Ramnit are using the stolen credentials to log-in to victims Facebook accounts and to transmit malicious links to their friends, thereby magnifying the malwares spread even further." By clicking on links Facebook ...

Tinychat is only allowing a FACEBOOK LOGIN even though settings allow guests?

I made a Tinychat and in the settings I allow guests to come in but when my friends try to come in it only shows the Facebook login and it wont even login in for them. What should I do?
Answer: Thats bull my friend sign in as guests on there all the time.
Category: Other - Computers

Malicious Software Said to Have Struck 2,500 Corporations

A malicious software program has infected the computers of more than 2,500 corporations around the world, according to NetWitness, a computer network security firm. The malicious program, or botnet, can commandeer the operating systems of both residential and corporate computing systems via the Internet. Such botnets are used by computer criminals - By JOHN MARKOFF

What does it mean when what I am about to type shows up when i try to login to facebook?

HOw long do i have to wait for my facebook to come back?? Why is this happening? Facebook login Account Unavailable Your account is temporarily unavailable due to site maintenance. It should be available again within a few hours. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Answer: Maybe you should try updating your browser.. If not then you should make a new facebook.
Category: Facebook


Facebook login Phishing - Facebook login problems are added accustomed than some users ability anticipate they are. The best accustomed blazon of errors that are encountered by Facebook users are usernames and ...

Login with Facebook - Facebook Help Center | Facebook

When you connect or login to a website with your Facebook account, it can access information you’ve added on Facebook in order to provide a social and personalized ...


Logging you in to the latest Facebook news. ... Facebook has more than 800 million users. Don’t you sometimes wonder what these users share, what world events they ...

How can i login to facebook on my computer?

My sons computer is out of service until next week we dont live close to each other so he gave me his information to login but it keeps telling me its the wrong e-mail address do i have to logout to make this work i have gone to Facebook login but still cant do it i have to save the farm and crops,Thank-you
Answer: i would log out then try again. if it still doesn't work you have the wrong e-mail because i've never had it tell me that unless i had something wrong.
Category: Facebook


Other ways to connect with us: Visit the Facebook Blog at Follow us on Twitter: @facebook Subscribe to more video at Comment Policy: ... Log in. Facebook © 2012 · ...

How do you delete FACEBOOK LOGIN history on a Mac?

Whenever i go onto facebook and type in the first letter of my username, the whole username comes up, which is normally fine, but recently i accidently typed my password into the username box, so that now pops up whenever i type the first letter :s....how can i delete the login history on facebook?
Answer: Click Safari in the menu bar, then click Reset Safari... then deselect everything except Remove Saved names and passwords.
Category: Facebook

top FACEBOOK LOGIN headlines | Chantler 411

Tags: Salman Taseer, new zealand, Morning Headlines, Technology Headlines, international headlines, Melbourne Stars <BR/> Related posts: top facebook...


AGE 7 AND UNDER 1. Youtube 2. Google 3. Facebook 4. Porn 5. Club Penguin 6. Yahoo 7. Webkinz 8. You Tube 9. Games 10. Miniclip 11. Nick Jr. 12. Youtube.com 13. Gmail 14. Cartoon Network 15. Poptropica and Michael Jackson 17. eBay 18. Disney Channel 19. Cbeebies 20. Hotmail 21. Hannah Montana 22. Lego 23. Disney 24. Yahoo Mail 25. Facebook login AGE

Facebook worm compromises up to 45,000 accounts

We suspect that the attackers behind Ramnit are using the stolen credentials to log-in to victims Facebook accounts and to transmit malicious links to their friends, thereby magnifying the malwares spread even further. In addition ...

Log In | Facebook

Facebook is a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work , study and live around them. People use Facebook to keep up with friends, ...

Welcome to Facebook - Log In, Sign Up or Learn More

Facebook is a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work , study and live around them. People use Facebook to keep up with friends, ...

how to delete others email from my FACEBOOK LOGIN page on facebook.i m using window vista?

how to delete others email from my Facebook login page on facebook.i m using window vista.i tried a lot but i could not
Answer: Depends on your browser. If you are using IE, Click on Tools', then 'Internet Options'. Under the 'General' Tab there should be 'Browsing History'. Select the 'Delete' Button next to it. That should open up a new small window with a bunch of options of what to delete. Make sure 'Form Data' is selected. This is the saved information that has been typed into forms (eg, emails into login pages). Then select 'Delete'. If you are using Firefox, Click on 'Tools' and from the drop down menu select 'Clear Recent History'. In the new box that opens up, select 'Details' and a list will drop down. Make sure 'Form and Search History' is selected. Click 'Clear Now'. The method should be roughly the same for any other browser you might be using.
Category: Facebook

Hackers Steal 45,000 Facebook Passwords & Logins

A rampant worm by the name of Ramnit has stolen login and password information for 45,000 Facebook users, mostly in the UK and France. Prowling the 800-million-strong social network, the worm eats user names, passwords and browser cookies. It also acts as ...


Facebook helps you connect and share with the people in your life.

Hacker publishes waves of FACEBOOK LOGINs

A HACKER who calls himself Hannibal has posted thousands of alleged login email addresses and passwords of Arab Facebook users. Emails and passwords for the social network Facebook have been published on Pastebin. Hannibal claims he has more than 30 ...


Looking for Facebook login? Facebook is considered one of, if not the most popular social networking website on the Internet. The website, which allows users to ...

Log In | Facebook

Facebook is a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work, study and live around them. People use Facebook to keep up with friends, upload an ...

Facebook’s growth slows to 10% in last year

He added that the large number of individuals who use Facebook sporadically might log in and find that they no longer know how to operate or navigate the site and ultimately decide it’s not worth using. Inane statuses and comments may also be ...

What font is used when typing in a web address on Internet Explorer or a FACEBOOK LOGIN?

What font is used when typing in a web address on Internet Explorer or a Facebook login?
Answer: Looks like the plain Times New Roman twelve to me.
Category: Facebook

E-Mail Fraud Hides Behind Friendly Face

SAN FRANCISCO -- Most people know to ignore the e-mail overture from a Nigerian prince offering riches in exchange for a bank account number. That is a scam, plain to the eye. But what if the e-mail appears to come from a colleague down the hall? And all he asks is that you add some personal information to a company database? This is spear - Google discloses it discovered and disrupted a rapidly proliferating form of e-mail fraud called spear phishing designed to steal passwords and monitor accounts; Federal Bureau of Investigation says they will investigate Googles assertions that scam originated in China; spear phishing entails sending highly targeted and authentic-looking pitches that appear to come from a trusted source and are difficult for recipients to detect; photos (M) - By MATT RICHTEL and VERNE G. KOPYTOFF; John Markoff contributed reporting.


Email or Phone: Password: Log In

There are adds on my facebook wall and on the FACEBOOK LOGIN page. How do I get rid of them?

For some odd reason I have advertisements (that arent supposed to be on facebook) on my facebook pages and on the Facebook login page. They only seem to appear on one of the computers but not the other. I downloaded a setup thing to download shows on megaupload but then it appeared that nothing happened and it kept asking to download it. So I deleted what I download but the advertisements are still there. What do I do?
Answer: Maybe you had download a virus which one is called koobface I am not sure about this but can you try to find to delete the adds on your facebook wall and login page?
Category: Facebook


Ever since I got a a face book I cant get on, only on my computer, Ive tried changing my password, and it will login for a split second, and then itll say its incorrect. It works on other peoples computers. Is there any software I need? My computer is an HP. Also, my browser says something about the connection being encrypted.
Answer: perhaps you need to upgrade your internet browser try upgrading your internet explorer browser (if thats the one u have, or whatever browser u have) to the latest version that might do the trick o also check ur cookie preferences right click the internet explorer icon click properties then click on the third tab which is Privacy and check ur setttings sometimes if ur computer blocks cookies ur facebook won't login
Category: Facebook

Welcome to Facebook - Log In, Sign Up or Learn More

Ye olde Facebook be a community sarvice that be lettin scurvy dogs keep up with their crew an other scurvy dawgs who be doin a manner of piratical things near them.

FACEBOOK LOGIN - Help With Login

Help with Facebook login, www.Facebook login, Facebook Homepage Login, Super Logout from Facebook, Quit Facebook, Protecting your Facebook from ...

Worm Steals 45000 FACEBOOK LOGIN Credentials, Infects Victims ...

Ramnit, a worm first discovered in April 2010, has made the leap from Windows to Facebook, where it's using stolen login credentials to spread itself through the social networking site.

PHONE SMART; Putting All Your Conversations on the Small Screen

One curse of the digital age is the need to manage multiple continuing conversations -- be they via Facebook, Twitter, e-mail, instant messages or text-messaging on your cellphone. With the exception of text-messaging, the cellphone used to stand out of that loop, leaving you with lots of catch-up work -- or peace, if such a thing appeals to you -- - By BOB TEDESCHI

My FACEBOOK LOGIN tells me that it is under site maintenance wont let me login for over 12 hours now?

When I try to login to facebook it keeps telling me that my profile is under site maintenance. This has been going on for over 12 hours now. What is going on with face book? Is my profile being hacked or what?
Answer: Same thing with me. I contacted them, and they said this: Hi, We are aware of the problem that you described and apologize for the inconvenience. Unfortunately, we do not have a specific date for when this issue will be resolved but hope to fix it as soon as possible. We appreciate your patience. Thanks for contacting Facebook, The Facebook Team" If you're able to get a better answer, let me know. I emailed them again and said this was really unacceptable!!
Category: Facebook

how do I get my FACEBOOK LOGIN put on my favorities?

I would like to put my login to facebook on my favorites so that I can go to it quicker. How do I do this?
Answer: ya you can do lot more thing but my suggestion is add opening URL from your browser or now opera look like some speed dial . this may be thing you can do it more faster
Category: Facebook

FACEBOOK LOGIN Fix (PHP or JS SDK) | AJAX | Facebook | MySQL ...

I need a Facebook login that works across browsers. I was able to get it to work in everything but IE. I can send you the current code or if you prefer you can.

Facebook Plugins Keep People On Websites 50% Longer

Gigya also found that Facebook accounts for 62 percent of those social logins ... Perhaps most notably, we can see that social login and social plug-ins are correlated with major increases in time spent on-site and page views. The biggest increases ...

Solving Problems on the FACEBOOK LOGIN page - YouTube

Mar 28, 2011 ... Check out this new Facebook Troubleshooting site on http://www.facebooklogin. us.com/ now. If you want to know more about solving Facebook ...

eBooks on the Go: ebrary Releases iOS App and Adds Facebook ...

eBooks on the Go: ebrary Releases iOS App and Adds Facebook login Option. Posted on January 20, 2012 by Gary D. Price · More Info/Download New ebrary iOS App. From an ebrary Announcement: Available on the App Store, the free new ...

How can I delete an email from the list of emails that comes up in FACEBOOK LOGIN?

I dont like the whole list of emails that comes up in the Facebook login email part so does anyone now how I can delete these emails?
Answer: When you log into Facebook, go to you Inbox . Once in, you'll see a list of your emails. Look to the right of each. There will be an "x." Place a check mark in the emails you want to delete and click the "x". Your emails will disappear.
Category: Facebook

FACEBOOK LOGIN | www.FACEBOOK LOGIN | Facebook Homepage Login

Help with Facebook login, www.Facebook login, Facebook Homepage Login, Super Logout from Facebook, Quit Facebook, Protecting your Facebook from Hackers, and more!


Facebook login Information - A cyberpunk has produced sign in information from a large number of believed Arabic Myspace records in assistance of the Israeli administration. Hannibal, the name used by the cyberpunk, ...

Sharing Online, but With More Than 140 Characters

The singer and guitarist John Mayer, whose prolific posts on Twitter drew nearly four million followers, shocked fans in mid-September by closing his account. But Mr. Mayer hasnt gone away. Hes switched from Twitter to Tumblr, a free blogging service that has become a hit among Internet enthusiasts. Tumblr, based in New York, says it is drawing - By PAUL BOUTIN

There are adds on my facebook wall and on the FACEBOOK LOGIN ...

asked: For some odd reason I have advertisements (that aren't supposed to be on facebook) on my facebook pages and on the Facebook login page. They only seem.


Facebook is the largest social network site on the planet. Blocked from using Facebook, MySpace, Bebo and other social media websites from your school or ...

What is my login name for mobile facebook chat?

i downloaded the mobile facebook chat app for my straighttalk phone and it is asking me to login with my login name and password. it wont let me use my regular Facebook login. i tried using my url name and that didnt work either. what is the login name that it is asking for?
Answer: it will be your username that you use in Facebook.1st check you got username or not, if not than make one
Category: Facebook

DIGITAL DOMAIN; Opt-In Rules Are a Good Start

FACEBOOK seems to have finally learned its lesson: Permission is everything. Many Web site visitors are willing to share personal information about themselves -- provided that their consent is obtained first. Consent cannot be presumed, however. Sneaky is not O.K. Facebook appeared to figure this out the hard way: it would make unilateral changes - Randall Stross is an author based in Silicon Valley and a professor of business at San Jose State University. E-mail: stross@nytimes.com. - By RANDALL STROSS

Facebook - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Facebook is a social networking service and website launched in February 2004, operated and privately owned by Facebook, Inc. As of January 2012, Facebook has more ...

Q & A

Viewing Facebook Via Roku Q.Can you see other parts of Facebook besides just photos on the Roku video set-top box? A. According to the Help section of Rokus site (roku.com/support/faqs), the video players Facebook Channel allows you to see only your photo albums, pictures in which youve been tagged and the photos your Facebook friends have - By J .D. BIERSDORFER

Facebook, experts spar over Ramnit worm contagion

Facebook has downplayed the significance of Ramnit, a recently discovered worm that attempts to steal login credentials for the social networking site. It said an adapted version of the bank account-raiding virus is not actually spreading through the site itself.


Hello and welcome to our Facebook login page where we display information on how you can login to Facebook safely using the steps outlined in this page. Tips

Queeries: What to Do About Facebook After a Death

In response, Facebook created memorial profile pages ... make sure that in death your wishes are known and your log-in info is available. I hope it goes without saying that you must never do anything that tries to be comical, or perverse, with the log ...

Hackers Go After the Smartphone

SINGAPORE -- In September, a virus began infecting more than a million mobile phones in China. Masquerading as an anti-virus application, zombie let hackers access the phones SIM card and automatically send spam text messages to people listed on the phones address book. As global sales of smartphones rise quickly, experts are predicting a - By SONIA KOLESNIKOV-JESSOP


ok so everytime i try logging into facebook it says "account temporarily unavalible" and like stuff about site maintenance.... it says try back in a few hours. but this has been happening since friday night i couldnt login at all yesterday and now this morning it says the same thing is there anything i can do to fix this? is it normal?
Answer: Do a google search on facebook site maintenance limited to the last 24 hours or a week and you will see there is a major problem with one of the databases. I have been down since last Sunday. The site error I see when I sign in is an expanded site maintenance error. They finally acknowledged on Tuesday that they have a problem with one of the databases. There is a pretty good explanation in an article on Cnet, among other places. My husband can sign onto his account just fine. So it is just one database, although I see posts of other people having different, minor problems.
Category: Facebook

How to make your FACEBOOK LOGIN your phone number?

Some of my mates have their Facebook login as their mobile phone number or just their namr. Iive asked then how they do it & they say they didnt do it there mate done it for them. It would be alot easier for me if i could figure out how to do this. Does anyone know? God bless :)
Answer: Its simple you go into Account, Account settings and then password. And change your password to your phone number. But this makes it VERY unsecured as anyone that knows your number can log onto your FB account.
Category: Facebook

LINK BY LINK; Strangers in the Net, Exchanging Glances

ARE social networking sites bringing us together, or only fake bringing us together? This, in a nutshell, is the debate between the technology utopians and the technology skeptics, who worry that luminous words like friend and network are being drained of their meaning by people chained to their cellphones or computers. Well, the Web site - By NOAM COHEN

How to keep your Facebook account from being hacked (really)

Put a checkmark in the box next to “Browse Facebook on a secure connection (https) when possible.” Click Save Changes, and you’re done. Easy peasy. * Turn on Login Notifications. This will alert you when your Facebook account has been accessed from a ...

Keeping Online Criminals at Bay

THE Web is a fount of information, a busy marketplace, a thriving social scene -- and a den of criminal activity. Criminals have found abundant opportunities to undertake stealthy attacks on ordinary Web users that can be hard to stop, experts say. Hackers are lacing Web sites -- often legitimate ones -- with so-called malware, which can silently - By RIVA RICHMOND

when i log into my facebook account it just flips back to login screen again?

when i enter my Facebook login name and then my password and click login. it just brings back an empty login screen again. I have reset my password and it still does the same thing. .
Answer: I would guess you're using Internet Explorer. I would recommend using Firefox. Download from http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/ it's a better browser with less problems.
Category: Facebook

Facebook "Free Mobile Recharge" scam hijacks accounts

Following the offered link, they land to a page asking them to enter their Facebook login credentials in order to get it: Once the account details are entered and the "Log In" button is pressed, the page redirects users to a page mimicking a ...

Facebook: Arab User Accounts Leaked by Hannibal Invalid

Many hackers claimed to have obtained login credentials by hacking into Facebook, but the social media network is not so easy to hack and in reality most of the record sets come from phishing campaigns which lately have been very well designed. We’ve ...

Login | Facebook

Login - Description: In computer security, a login or logon (also called logging in or on and signing in or on) is the process by which individual access to a ...

Facebook for Websites - Facebook Developers

Our Login Button and Registration Plugin let you simplify or eliminate your own ... Using Facebook for login provides you with all the information you need to ...

New stealthy botnet Trojan holds Facebook users hostage

Previous malware attacks on Facebook have been designed purely to slurp login info, so this latest skirmish, spotted by transaction security firm Trusteer, can be considered something of an escalation. The Carberp variant replaces any Facebook page the ...


Facebook is without doubt the most popular social networking website on the Internet with millions of users logging in to the site each day. It is only natural that ...

Facebook Has A Full-Time Team Of 30 Fighting Spam And Hackers

"Facebook is one of the only sites that will challenge a users login even if they provide the correct password. If you login every day from San Francisco and 10 minutes later you login from Siberia Russia," Facebook will ask you to prove ...

You Can Use Facebooks Ad Interface To Find Out The Sexual Practices Of People At Any Workplace

But that doesnt stop Facebook from claiming to sell access to 40 kinky Facebook employees.) So, log in to Facebook, click on create an ad, and see what you can find out for yourself by targeting different organizations and interests.

RT @AdamRoyerMTV: http://t.co/xw7VYdfg <------ click on this link & login with your facebook and become a fan pleaseee i need 30 fans right now #thankyouRT @AdamRoyerMTV: http://t.co/xw7VYdfg <------ click on this link & login with your facebook and become a fan pleaseee i need 30 fans right now #thankyou
From: EmilySperrazza - Source: web

The RL Census is now ready. Please login to the forums and use the "Complete Your Census" link in the Forum and... http://t.co/vl64wpw0The RL Census is now ready. Please login to the forums and use the "Complete Your Census" link in the Forum and... http://t.co/vl64wpw0
From: rakurabase - Source: Facebook

so i deactivated my facebook i hope @_saraKARINAx3 dnt login this tym ! lol anyways FWM .so i deactivated my facebook i hope @_saraKARINAx3 dnt login this tym ! lol anyways FWM .
From: Tweet_MYleak - Source: web

Ada Bailes Gambill and Elizabeth Bailes sent you requests in Ravenwood Fair.: Ada Bailes Gambill and Elizabeth B... http://t.co/GHowkx8GAda Bailes Gambill and Elizabeth Bailes sent you requests in Ravenwood Fair.: Ada Bailes Gambill and Elizabeth B... http://t.co/GHowkx8G
From: DMBTransport - Source: twitterfeed

RT @AdamRoyerMTV: http://t.co/xw7VYdfg <------ click on this link & login with your facebook and become a fan pleaseee i need 30 fans right now #thankyouRT @AdamRoyerMTV: http://t.co/xw7VYdfg <------ click on this link & login with your facebook and become a fan pleaseee i need 30 fans right now #thankyou
From: StephhDevost - Source: web

Wow! do you guys remember this photo? such good memories! http://t.co/3AUv1efDWow! do you guys remember this photo? such good memories! http://t.co/3AUv1efD
From: iChristianSmith - Source: Facebook

Wow! do you   remember this pic? such good memories! http://t.co/1abNLX4DWow! do you remember this pic? such good memories! http://t.co/1abNLX4D
From: iChristianSmith - Source: Facebook

Wow!! do you   remember this pic? such good memories! http://t.co/3AUv1efDWow!! do you remember this pic? such good memories! http://t.co/3AUv1efD
From: iChristianSmith - Source: Facebook

Wow, do you guys remember this pic? such good memories!! http://t.co/ySis0oQFWow, do you guys remember this pic? such good memories!! http://t.co/ySis0oQF
From: iChristianSmith - Source: Facebook

http://t.co/xw7VYdfg <------ click on this link & login with your facebook and become a fan pleaseee i need 30 fans right now #thankyouhttp://t.co/xw7VYdfg <------ click on this link & login with your facebook and become a fan pleaseee i need 30 fans right now #thankyou
From: AdamRoyerMTV - Source: web

I login to facebook to this #wow http://t.co/mEccxB0AI login to facebook to this #wow http://t.co/mEccxB0A
From: JaoSoberano - Source: Twitpic

Asking me to use my Facebook email to login into your site is discrimination. What about the few of us that dont have a fb?
#1OutOfaBillionAsking me to use my Facebook email to login into your site is discrimination. What about the few of us that dont have a fb? #1OutOfaBillion
From: Blessed2Be_Z - Source: Twitter for iPhone

RT @NannyMcKay: Yo. Leave that Facebook shenanigans at the Twitter Login.RT @NannyMcKay: Yo. Leave that Facebook shenanigans at the Twitter Login.
From: Spliffy_Lynzie - Source: Twitter for BlackBerry®

Yo. Leave that Facebook shenanigans at the Twitter Login.Yo. Leave that Facebook shenanigans at the Twitter Login.
From: NannyMcKay - Source: Twitter for BlackBerry®

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