Hadopi - HADOPI and Cartes Musique: France’s Answer to Piracy | For the ...

Hadopi : Videos

HADOPI fail again
HADOPI fail again
[Tuto] Détourner HADOPI (vidéo détaillée).
[Tuto] Détourner HADOPI (vidéo détaillée).
Piratage : lElysée veut durcir la loi HADOPI
Piratage : lElysée veut durcir la loi HADOPI
La loi HADOPI neffraie pas les pirates
La loi HADOPI neffraie pas les pirates
Affaire TF1 HADOPI
Affaire TF1 HADOPI
Internet : 1er bilan pour le système HADOPI
Internet : 1er bilan pour le système HADOPI
LHADOPI lance une campagne de communication
LHADOPI lance une campagne de communication
Jean-Bernard Levy (Vivendi Universal) sur HADOPI
Jean-Bernard Levy (Vivendi Universal) sur HADOPI
HADOPI Song III: Vivre ou survivre
HADOPI Song III: Vivre ou survivre
Jean-Michel Jarre et HADOPI (IFA 11)
Jean-Michel Jarre et HADOPI (IFA 11)
[SLG] "HADOPI est une voyante."
[SLG] "HADOPI est une voyante."
La face cachée dHADOPI et de Loppsi
La face cachée dHADOPI et de Loppsi
HADOPI et droit dauteur à lère numérique : un premier bilan
HADOPI et droit dauteur à lère numérique : un premier bilan
Piratage : lElysée veut durcir la loi HADOPI
Piratage : lElysée veut durcir la loi HADOPI
HADOPI et le label PUR : Franck Riester sur France Inter
HADOPI et le label PUR : Franck Riester sur France Inter
Marine Le Pen against ACTA treaty and HADOPI law - June 2011 (english sub)
Marine Le Pen against ACTA treaty and HADOPI law - June 2011 (english sub)
Loeil sur le web - HADOPI 3 : le retour de la vengeance
Loeil sur le web - HADOPI 3 : le retour de la vengeance
"Mon oeil" - -- HADOPI ---------- Michel Mompontet
"Mon oeil" - -- HADOPI ---------- Michel Mompontet
Anonymous Stop SOPA, PIPA, ACTA, HADOPI #opmegaupload (official video) (français)
Anonymous Stop SOPA, PIPA, ACTA, HADOPI #opmegaupload (official video) (français)
HADOPI - Brazil
HADOPI - Brazil
HADOPI - spot TV 1
HADOPI - spot TV 1
section dintervention HADOPI
section dintervention HADOPI
HADOPI: Quand on parodie façon MOZINOR
HADOPI: Quand on parodie façon MOZINOR
HADOPI - Jirai Loler sur vos tombes
HADOPI - Jirai Loler sur vos tombes
HADOPI, et après ?
HADOPI, et après ?
Humour : La procédure HADOPI
Humour : La procédure HADOPI
HADOPI fail again
HADOPI fail again
Bernard HADOPI 2 - Jirai Loler sur vos tombes
Bernard HADOPI 2 - Jirai Loler sur vos tombes
HADOPI, postes à pourvoir
HADOPI, postes à pourvoir
Campagne de pub de lHADOPI
Campagne de pub de lHADOPI
License globale contre HADOPI
License globale contre HADOPI
HADOPI Song III: Vivre ou survivre
HADOPI Song III: Vivre ou survivre
HADOPI: Alain Bazot
HADOPI: Alain Bazot
HADOPI et les «cinq gus dans leur garage»...
HADOPI et les «cinq gus dans leur garage»...
PIRATAGE : HADOPI est dépassé par le streaming
PIRATAGE : HADOPI est dépassé par le streaming
Télécharger sans peur dHADOPI avec les newsgroups
Télécharger sans peur dHADOPI avec les newsgroups
Economie de rareté VS abondance
Economie de rareté VS abondance
Envoyé Spécial - HADOPI contre les pirates 1/5
Envoyé Spécial - HADOPI contre les pirates 1/5

Hadopi : Photo Gallery

HADOPI : la blague du siècle? | Roxarmy.
HADOPI : la blague du siècle? | Roxarmy.
HADOPI | (les) Nains Portent Nawak
HADOPI | (les) Nains Portent Nawak
HADOPI, VPN & simplicity (or the lack of it :p) | insecure
HADOPI, VPN & simplicity (or the lack of it :p) | insecure
Loi HADOPI: illustration de pirate
Loi HADOPI: illustration de pirate
Orbor, un artiste qui s'engage contre HADOPI (vidéo) | Politique
Orbor, un artiste qui s'engage contre HADOPI (vidéo) | Politique
HADOPI black-out : images, bandeaux, boutons, bannières | La ...
HADOPI black-out : images, bandeaux, boutons, bannières | La ...
HADOPI répond au téléphone
HADOPI répond au téléphone
Suspending the application of law HADOPI (3 messages) French on ...
Suspending the application of law HADOPI (3 messages) French on ...
Téléchargement illégal : HADOPI aurait un effet négatif sur le ...
Téléchargement illégal : HADOPI aurait un effet négatif sur le ...
File:La bataille HADOPI - version bronze.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
File:La bataille HADOPI - version bronze.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
Christian Paul : abroger HADOPI, loi répressive, inutile
Christian Paul : abroger HADOPI, loi répressive, inutile
Vous reprendrez bien un verre d'
Vous reprendrez bien un verre d'
Second vote solennel HADOPI entre le 5 et le 12 mai | Zik'n'Blog ...
Second vote solennel HADOPI entre le 5 et le 12 mai | Zik'n'Blog ...
Soirée concert « HADOPI m'a tuer
Soirée concert « HADOPI m'a tuer
Les 3 missions principales de HADOPI
Les 3 missions principales de HADOPI
La dernière idée des communicants de l’HADOPI est de s’attaquer ...
La dernière idée des communicants de l’HADOPI est de s’attaquer ...
Attention aux faux email HADOPI
Attention aux faux email HADOPI
HADOPI, ça demarra bien ! | Communiqués de presse gratuits
HADOPI, ça demarra bien ! | Communiqués de presse gratuits
HADOPI has already apologized, and France Telecom-Orange said that ...
HADOPI has already apologized, and France Telecom-Orange said that ...
SOS-HADOPI.fr : un site pour aider les internautes accusés de ...
SOS-HADOPI.fr : un site pour aider les internautes accusés de ...
HADOPI : la blague du siècle? | Roxarmy.com
HADOPI : la blague du siècle? | Roxarmy.com
HADOPI in Belgium, a new Don Quichotte Story? « /dev/random
HADOPI in Belgium, a new Don Quichotte Story? « /dev/random
Le fonctionnement dHADOPI en une image | WebActus
Le fonctionnement dHADOPI en une image | WebActus
Loi HADOPI: illustration de pirate
Loi HADOPI: illustration de pirate
 ... je ne pouvais rester muet plus longtemps au sujet de la loi HADOPI
... je ne pouvais rester muet plus longtemps au sujet de la loi HADOPI
 ... HADOPI resurgie des profondeurs législative pour nous être livrée
... HADOPI resurgie des profondeurs législative pour nous être livrée
Mail HADOPI : aurions-nous le premier gagnant ?
Mail HADOPI : aurions-nous le premier gagnant ?
mini-73578-logo-HADOPI-ministere-de-la-culture.png, juil. 2009
mini-73578-logo-HADOPI-ministere-de-la-culture.png, juil. 2009
HADOPI 3.0: Nicolas Sarkozy en lutte contre le streaming
HADOPI 3.0: Nicolas Sarkozy en lutte contre le streaming
Queen of Mad Cows
Queen of Mad Cows
Ca manque de couleurs... RT @quentinlechemia: Sympa la page Wikipedia de HADOPI http://t.co/DYWsA4sh via @AnotherBiBuzz
Ca manque de couleurs... RT @quentinlechemia: Sympa la page Wikipedia de HADOPI http://t.co/DYWsA4sh via @AnotherBiBuzz
RT @sirchamallow: Ahaha lol le WOTscore dHADOPI.fr http://t.co/aMsfghpn
RT @sirchamallow: Ahaha lol le WOTscore dHADOPI.fr http://t.co/aMsfghpn
Blackout Banksy
Blackout Banksy
Ayez Confiance
Ayez Confiance
HADOPI ? Même pas peur !
HADOPI ? Même pas peur !
No HADOPI apr-09 #1
No HADOPI apr-09 #1
No HADOPI apr-09 #9
No HADOPI apr-09 #9
No HADOPI apr-09 #3
No HADOPI apr-09 #3
No HADOPI apr-09 #8
No HADOPI apr-09 #8
No HADOPI apr-09 #7
No HADOPI apr-09 #7
No HADOPI apr-09 #6
No HADOPI apr-09 #6
Is France's 'three strikes' anti-piracy banhammer working?
Is France's 'three strikes' anti-piracy banhammer working?
Anti-Piracy Warnings Have No Effect on iTunes Sales
Anti-Piracy Warnings Have No Effect on iTunes Sales
Anonymous Attacks MPAA, RIAA, DOJ, BMI, & HADOPI
Anonymous Attacks MPAA, RIAA, DOJ, BMI, & HADOPI
Sarkozy Readies Fiscal Strategy
Sarkozy Readies Fiscal Strategy
Piracy is part of the digital ecosystem
Piracy is part of the digital ecosystem
France claims 'three strikes' piracy law is working
France claims 'three strikes' piracy law is working
IFPI Publishes Digital Music Report 2012
IFPI Publishes Digital Music Report 2012
Blog - Imbroglio about the possible "legal coma" of the HADOPI
Blog - Imbroglio about the possible "legal coma" of the HADOPI
French SCPP Report: Rights Income Increases 10 Percent, Digital Continues ...
French SCPP Report: Rights Income Increases 10 Percent, Digital Continues ...
Hollande says he will abrogate HADOPI
Hollande says he will abrogate HADOPI
165 French File-Sharers Now On 3rd Strike, “iTunes Up 22.5%”
165 French File-Sharers Now On 3rd Strike, “iTunes Up 22.5%”
Hackers attack Elysée website
Hackers attack Elysée website
France claims its attempts to stop 'piracy' are a success
France claims its attempts to stop 'piracy' are a success
HADOPI makes appointements
HADOPI makes appointements
New Market Research: Music Streaming Services Halve Illegal Downloads
New Market Research: Music Streaming Services Halve Illegal Downloads
Zut Alors! French Government Deny BitTorrent Piracy Allegations
Zut Alors! French Government Deny BitTorrent Piracy Allegations

Hadopi : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites

France Enforces New Antipiracy Law - WSJ.com

Responsible for implementing the law is "Hadopi," the acronym for an independent agency that reports to the French Ministry of Culture.

HADOPI | Haute Autorité pour la diffusion des œuvres et la ...

19 Janvier 2012. Présentation de létude sur la consommation de musique en ligne. L’Hadopi a souhaité conduire une étude sur la consommation de musique en ligne ...

HADOPI - Three Strikes Letters Imminent

After all the problems with the famed French three strikes, Security General for Hadopi, Eric Walter, has publicly commented that the letters are coming out ...

HADOPI | Media Piracy | The American Assembly

Hadopi Says: Let's Try Cutting off Nose to Spite Face. Posted on July 26, 2011 by karaganis. Torrentfreak wrote last week about what is apparently the latest ...

BBC News - French downloaders face government grilling

Jul 27, 2011 ... Hadopi takes its name from the 2009 legislation which permits authorities to fine copyright infringers, or to cut off their internet connection.

Internet censorship in France - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There is very little Internet censorship in France, apart from limited filtering of child pornography and Web sites that promote terrorism or racial hatred, and ...

France Enforces New Antipiracy Law - Wallstreetjournal.de

Responsible for implementing the law is "Hadopi," the acronym for an independent agency that reports to the French Ministry of Culture.

Study does not show that disconnection threats terrorized France into using iTunes

These warnings are the first step of the controversial Hadopi system, which is the first of a series of global "three strikes" laws pushed for by IFPI. TorrentFreak had a look at the study, which was written by researches at Wellesley College and Carnegie ...

HADOPI - La Quadrature du Net

La loi « Création et Internet » - ou « Hadopi » - vise à réprimer le partage d' œuvres culturelles sur Internet. Préparée par le gouvernement français, elle met en ...


These kind of policies will be a disaster - phishers will prey on peoples fears of being banned from the internet, I can imagine the spam now You have been monitored downloading illegal files, click here to find out what you can do where here takes you to god only knows what malware. Im also left wondering how they plan on figuring out peoples email addresses or if they just use whatever meaningless email address the ISP gave to the person. Because I suspect that only a tiny fraction of people actually use the free email given by their ISP. Not to mention the problem of tying an IP to an individual. Couple that with an already burdened legal system and Im sure youll end up with some "interesting" justice... Its also a disaster because the judicial system is getting bogged down with relatively victimless criminal cases based on laws written by entertainment industry lawyers -- many of whom probably go on to prosecute and defend in cases based on the very laws they just wrote. These people are literally writing their own meal tickets, while increasing the public financial burden of the court system, and were placidly watching it happen. headline reads "Illegal downloaders first get a warning e-mail, then a letter if they continue, and finally must appear before a judge if they offend again" Good grief. Dont give up the fundamental principle of presumption of innocence. it will fail, the Hadopi Council (the name of the organization) is already late on his schedule, all the decrees necessary are not yet published, etc etc... And it gives time to all downloaders to think about using different techniques to bypass it (VPN, seedboxes, streaming etc). But it will not fail because\of that, it will fail because of the law: Hadopi will only take the IP address as a proof for illegal downloading, but a lot of trial of piracy in France were dismissed because the judges said that it isnt enough to prove your culpability. (especially if you use WiFi at home). Hadopi says that you have to secure you wifi connection, but its not possible to everyone (especially for my grand-mother who doesnt know the difference betweeen Google and the Internet), and its just a very short list. But just to prove the stupidity of the people who conceive this law, andtheir incomprehension of how the interrnet and a computer work: It was said during the debates at the assembly that the firewall of OpenOffice will be sufficient to secure your connection... WTF? If your french heres a good site. http://isohunt.com/ It was once said that the only things certain in life were dearth and taxes , however you may now add Gordon Brown jumping on yet another bandwagon to the first 2 .
Answer: don't worry france has a way of not actually applying laws they don't like in any serious way, a few years back they were ordered by the international court to allow vcr imports from the far east which they were trying to control so they set up a forty page page import form and opened an import office in (i think) orleans with one man as the sole staff and all vcr imports had to go through there, if even one word was out of order the importer had to start again vcrs got through Ok but not as many as you would think
Category: Law & Ethics

HADOPI and Cartes Musique: France’s Answer to Piracy | For the ...

The French government has taken a particularly strong stance against music piracy. Through the adoption of two programs, Hadopi and Cartes Musique, the French ...

Frances HADOPI Sends Out Final Copyright Infringement Notices ...

Hadopi, the independent authority created by French law to handle copyright infringement and encourage legal online usage, is entering the third and final warning ...

HADOPI Begins Issuing Tens Of Thousands Of Notices For ...

Almost a year after the law officially went into effect, the French Hadopi organization, which is responsible for managing the "three strikes" process to kick file ...

SPECIAL REPORT: INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION; A Push in Law Schools to Reform Copyright

In July, a U.S. court in Boston rendered a six-figure judgment against Joel Tenenbaum, a 25-year-old Boston University doctoral student, for illegally downloading and distributing 30 songs over the Internet. The $675,000 judgment, or $22,500 per track downloaded, was neither the first nor the heaviest assessed against an individual for downloading - By NAZANIN LANKARANI

DOJ, FBI, entertainment industry sites attacked after piracy arrests

Hadopi.fr, and ChrisDodd.com, the site for the former U.S. senator who now heads up the MPAA. Some of the targeted sites were intermittently down, like the FBI, while others were accessible but opening very slowly. (A list of known targets is here.)

HADOPI | Haute Autorité pour la diffusion des œuvres et la protection ...

Sortie de la première publication des experts de l'Hadopi : « Au fil des Labs ... L' Hadopi était conviée mercredi 11 janvier à participer à une table ronde sur la ...

Anti-Piracy Warnings Have No Effect on iTunes Sales

“The analysis found that French iTunes sales saw a significant uplift at exactly the period when awareness of Hadopi was at its highest, in Spring 2009, when the law was being debated in the National Assembly.” This is bogus. The researchers don’t ...

HADOPI - ORG Wiki - Open Rights Group | Home

Introduction. France has now adopted the Hadopi law, the “law promoting the distribution and protection of creative works on the internet” (Loi favorisant la ...

blender.org - Stop SOPA! Stop BREIN! Stop BUMA-STEMRA! Stop ...

Blender is the open source, cross platform suite of tools for 3D creation.

Révolte Numérique (revoltenumerique)'s status on Thursday, 26-Jan ...

#Allostreaming : bloquer un site fermé, l'acharnement létal des ayants droit http://bit.ly/xNP4PD via @pcinpact #Hadopi #blocage · about 4 hours ago from web Repeated by revoltenumerique · Help · About · FAQ · TOS ...

HADOPI: What SOPA looks like from the Eiffel Tower | The Rude ...

Even though the Sopa bill was quickly shelved, it was hard to ignore what was going on – especially in France where the country's similar (but not identical) “Hadopi” anti-piracy law has been also sparked a ton of controversy ...

HADOPI Study Says Frances Three-Strike Law Having Positive Impact ...

The French three-strike copyright protection law known by the acronym Hadopi, which was implemented in 2010, is beginning to have an impact on internet users ...

SOPA, PIPA, HADOPI, DEA, ACTA, Sinde and it goes on ...

More and more countries have decided to control the Web. We see new legislations that are created throughout the world and that will have a huge impact on how we use the web. In France, there is Hadopi – based on ...

165 French File-Sharers Now On 3rd Strike, “iTunes Up 22.5%”

Meanwhile, a report set to be published by IFPI next week will suggest that Hadopi is a success that has contributed to a 22.5% increase in purchases from iTunes. In January 2010, the French authorities put in place what they believed would be the solution ...

France claims its attempts to stop piracy are a success

A report due to be published by IFPI next week will suggest that Hadopi is a success that has contributed to a 22.5 per cent increase in purchases from Apples Itunes. The French put in place a three strikes scheme in January 2010 to try to cut down on ...

HADOPI Sends 100,000 Warning Emails To Suspected Pirates ...

Hadopi, the French authority with responsibility for issuing warnings to illicit file-sharers, has just announced that so far it has sent out 100,000 email warnings ...

Labour: Frances pirate-bashing HADOPI laws work • The Register

Shadow culture minister Ivan Lewis has cited new research from France to support anti-piracy enforcement online. Lewis quoted research suggesting that 50 per cent of ...

French HADOPI “3 Strikes” Anti-Piracy Company Hacked | TorrentFreak

May 14, 2011 ... The private company entrusted to carry out file-sharing network monitoring for the French government has been hacked. Trident Media Guard ...

HADOPI law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The French Hadopi law or Creation and Internet law (French: Haute Autorité pour la diffusion des œuvres et la protection des droits sur internet, "law promoting ...

Over 9,000 Hackers Join Anonymous DDoS SOPA/Megaupload Protest

Things appear to have calmed down significantly since last night—when the FBI, Department of Justice, France’s Hadopi, record labels and many others went offline after a series of attacks from Anonymous hackers. Several of these ...

France claims ‘three strikes’ piracy law is working

The Haute Autorité pour la Diffusion des Œuvres et la Protection des Droits sur Internet, also known as Hadopi, regulates Internet access based on compliance with copyright laws. In October 2010, the government agency began sending out ...

French HADOPI “3 Strikes” Anti-Piracy Company Hacked ...

French Hadopi “3 Strikes” Anti-Piracy Company Hacked. enigmax; May 14, 2011; 143; Hadopi, TMG; Print; The private company entrusted to carry out file-sharing ...

Anti-Piracy Warnings Have No Effect on iTunes Sales | TorrentFreak

“The analysis found that French iTunes sales saw a significant uplift at exactly the period when awareness of Hadopi was at its highest, in Spring 2009, when the law was being debated in the National Assembly.” ...

HADOPI / Olivennes Bill | La Quadrature du Net

Languages. English · Français · Who are we? News · Dossiers ...

HADOPI law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The French Hadopi law or Creation and Internet law was introduced during 2009 as a means to control and regulate internet access and encourage compliance with ...

Wikipedia - what can it tell us about Sopa?

Around the world, with Britains Digital Economy Act, Frances Loi Hadopi, and now Americas Sopa, the story has repeated itself. The media industries claim the new laws will provide them with vital protection against the scourge of online piracy ...

Anonymous to launch file sharing service

They also briefly knocked the sites of the U.S Copyright Office site, the record label BMI and the French copyright authority Hadopi offline. “Anonymous” hackers also gained internal access to the Utah Chiefs Of Police Association site.

Resist SOPA, HADOPI, Censorship… « Il y a du thé renversé au ...

... fighting against web censorship. Against SOPA (in the US), Hadopi (in France), and all the bills that assume that freedom of expression and freedom of information can be cast aside whenever they come in the way of profit.

The anti-privacy/liberty law named HADOPI (The Sun BabelFish Blog)

Blogs.Oracle.Com - The Sun BabelFish Blog ... The Hadopi law being voted now in France, constitutes an incredible attack on Freedom of expression and Privacy.

IFPI Digital Music Report 2012: The Effectiveness of Anti-Piracy Strategies

Of particular interest are IFPIs statistics regarding the success of "Hadopi" graduated response laws in France, whereby a criminal court has the power to suspend an internet account for up to a month and levy a fine of €1,500 (about $1,930) if an ...

MEDIA CACHE; While in France, Watch What You Download

PARIS -- More than 800 members of the global digerati are to gather this week in Paris, at the invitation of President Nicolas Sarkozy, to discuss the future of the Internet. Here are a few tips for participants in the so-called E-G8 Forum. Travel light It has been warm and dry in Paris this spring, and the forecast calls for more of the same. - By ERIC PFANNER

Hollande says he will abrogate HADOPI » Digital TV Europe | Digital ...

François Hollande, the French socialist party's candidate in next year's presidential election, has indicated he would abolish the current Hadopi anti-piracy regime if elected. via Hollande says he will abrogate Hadopi » Digital ...

La Quadrature du Net | Internet & Libertés

03/06/11 UN Report on Freedom of Expression Bashes G8, ACTA, Hadopi. 23/05/11 EU Commission Sticks to Flawed Copyright Repression; 26/09/11 [Computerworlduk] ...

IFPI Publishes Digital Music Report 2012

There has been positive momentum in the fight against piracy in 2011. In France, the introduction of the new Hadopi graduated response law has seen peer-to-peer (P2P) piracy levels decline by 26 per cent, with around two million P2P users stopping the ...

Piracy is part of the digital ecosystem

The gathering was meant to be an informal discussion among media people about Nicolas Sarkozys push for the Hadopi anti-piracy bill. The risk of a heated debate was very limited: everyone in this little crowd of artists, TV and movie producers ...

MEDIA CACHE; Frances Three-Strikes Law for Internet Piracy Hasnt Brought Any Penalties

PARIS -- In the World Cup final between Spain and the Netherlands, the referee, Howard Webb, handed out a record 14 yellow cards. Nonetheless, the game turned nasty, as the players apparently concluded that Mr. Webb was all bark and no bite. Is something similar happening in the French governments high-profile battle against digital piracy of - By ERIC PFANNER

Anonymous: OpMegaUpload Largest Attack In History

The Web sites that Anonymous took down were justice.gov, MPAA.org, UniversalMusic.com, Anti-piracy.be, RIAA.org, FBI.gov, Hadopi.fr, Copyright.gov, UniversalMusic.fr, ChrisDodd.com, Vivendi.fr, Whitehouse.gov, BMI.com and WMG.com. The group said ...

The Digital Piracy Problem Is Riddled With Hypocrisy

As for law-based enforcement systems such has the French Hadopi or American SOPA/PIPA, they don’t work either. Hadopi proved to be porous as chalk, and the US lawmakers had to yield to the public outcry. Both bills were poorly designed and inefficient.

HADOPI stories at Techdirt.

Dec 12, 2011 ... The French three-strikes scheme known as Hadopi (actually the name of the government agency that oversees its implementation) is a perfect ...

SOPA Blackout, Anonymous-Style: FBI, DOJ Sites Downed In Megaupload Protest

They are covering not just U.S. sites but also extending their work to similar organizations in Europe, such as Hadopi.fr, which is now also down. Hadopi is the French law that was introduced in 2009 and is used to regulate internet access and copyright ...

Best Paid VPN: Anti-HADOPI VPN Reviews

Enticing features of Anti-Hadopi VPN server attracts those internet users who are conscious of their privacy protection and want something trustworthy. This VPN technology includes OpenVPN and PPTP to support your confidential interests ...

@martelf @franckriester bien sur que non, tout le monde connais <b>Hadopi</b>, cest reservoir a lulz et sinon, ben cest "fuck this shit" :)@martelf @franckriester bien sur que non, tout le monde connais Hadopi, cest reservoir a lulz et sinon, ben cest "fuck this shit" :)
From: prototux - Source: web

Quand Mr Flouby, aka @fhollande, saura exactement ce quil propose aux électeurs sur #<b>Hadopi</b>, quil se signale, mais dici là, quil cogite.Quand Mr Flouby, aka @fhollande, saura exactement ce quil propose aux électeurs sur #Hadopi, quil se signale, mais dici là, quil cogite.
From: Zetourist - Source: HootSuite

RT @loppsi_<b>Hadopi</b>: #LOPPSI #<b>Hadopi</b> is out! http://t.co/nvUPzCe0 ▸ Top stories today via @harryfandor @kim_bruning @<b>Hadopi</b>nsidersRT @loppsi_Hadopi: #LOPPSI #Hadopi is out! http://t.co/nvUPzCe0 ▸ Top stories today via @harryfandor @kim_bruning @Hadopinsiders
From: Kim_Bruning - Source: Paper.li

#fipa2012. @riester. Supprimer <b>Hadopi</b>. Pour quoi faire à la place? @aurelflip#fipa2012. @riester. Supprimer Hadopi. Pour quoi faire à la place? @aurelflip
From: cboissiere - Source: TwitBird

RT @reesmarc: Court confirms: IP addresses arent people (and P2P lawyers know it) http://t.co/gGJ9crmz via @arstechnica #<b>Hadopi</b>RT @reesmarc: Court confirms: IP addresses arent people (and P2P lawyers know it) http://t.co/gGJ9crmz via @arstechnica #Hadopi
From: TotoroInParis - Source: Tweet Button

RT @neilabeyler: ITW de @PascalNegre PDG d @UMusicFrance sur le #Midem, le marché du #disque, #TheVoice, #<b>Hadopi</b>, #piratage, #megaupload sur lesechostv.frRT @neilabeyler: ITW de @PascalNegre PDG d @UMusicFrance sur le #Midem, le marché du #disque, #TheVoice, #Hadopi, #piratage, #megaupload sur lesechostv.fr
From: yvesriesel - Source: web

Licence globale : le #Snep redoute une «catastrophe» http://t.co/V67OzGdp via @le_figaro #<b>Hadopi</b>Licence globale : le #Snep redoute une «catastrophe» http://t.co/V67OzGdp via @le_figaro #Hadopi
From: ConstGuignot - Source: Tweet Button

@MikaelDorian @AssembleeNat Et ils vont voter <b>Hadopi</b> ou les trucs comme ACTA sans problème. Cest ça qui est beau !@MikaelDorian @AssembleeNat Et ils vont voter Hadopi ou les trucs comme ACTA sans problème. Cest ça qui est beau !
From: jdboutet - Source: web

Au #FIPA : @franckriester : Jeunesse et <b>Hadopi</b> ne sont pas contradictoires. (Tu verras ca en mai mec)Au #FIPA : @franckriester : Jeunesse et Hadopi ne sont pas contradictoires. (Tu verras ca en mai mec)
From: martelf - Source: Twitter for BlackBerry®

RT @reesmarc: Court confirms: IP addresses arent people (and P2P lawyers know it) http://t.co/gGJ9crmz via @arstechnica #<b>Hadopi</b>RT @reesmarc: Court confirms: IP addresses arent people (and P2P lawyers know it) http://t.co/gGJ9crmz via @arstechnica #Hadopi
From: gwildaz - Source: Tweet Button

MegaUpload a réduit lefficacité d#<b>Hadopi</b> “@Aymeric_DV: Le P2P explose après la fermeture de Megaupload  http://t.co/3hg7AJ4H”MegaUpload a réduit lefficacité d#Hadopi “@Aymeric_DV: Le P2P explose après la fermeture de Megaupload http://t.co/3hg7AJ4H”
From: NicoTupe - Source: Twitter for Mac

#fipa2012. @toubon. Défend <b>Hadopi</b>. Lartiste ça vaut, lœuvre ça vaut.#fipa2012. @toubon. Défend Hadopi. Lartiste ça vaut, lœuvre ça vaut.
From: cboissiere - Source: TwitBird

@canalplusfr @TF1etVous @M6lachaine Je vx voir #Touch en téléchargement légal ss-titré Fr, avec PC Linux, quand sera-t-il dispo SVP? #<b>Hadopi</b>@canalplusfr @TF1etVous @M6lachaine Je vx voir #Touch en téléchargement légal ss-titré Fr, avec PC Linux, quand sera-t-il dispo SVP? #Hadopi
From: valeryan24 - Source: identica

ITW de @PascalNegre PDG d @UMusicFrance sur le #Midem, le marché du #disque, #TheVoice, #<b>Hadopi</b>, #piratage, #megaupload sur lesechostv.frITW de @PascalNegre PDG d @UMusicFrance sur le #Midem, le marché du #disque, #TheVoice, #Hadopi, #piratage, #megaupload sur lesechostv.fr
From: neilabeyler - Source: web

RT @piotrr70: SOPA, PIPA, ACTA, <b>Hadopi</b> 1, 2, 3… Vous en avez marre ? Adhérez au Parti Pirate : http://t.co/uwvWY98IRT @piotrr70: SOPA, PIPA, ACTA, Hadopi 1, 2, 3… Vous en avez marre ? Adhérez au Parti Pirate : http://t.co/uwvWY98I
From: ndelavergne - Source: TweetDeck

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