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French Passe Compose CONJUGAISON help.?
You know in some french verbes like faire, when converted to passe compose, it is je suis fait, or pouvoir -> pu, what are all the congugasism exceptions?
Oops. sorry yeah, jai fait and jai pu.
yeah like etre becomes ete (both with accent_ and avoir becomes eu.
can you provide a list of exceptions?
Answer: I don't think I can come up with a complete list... there are so many exceptions! Why don't you try this link:
Just type in the verb and you get all the forms in all tenses! I find that really helpful!
Here's a list of some but there probably are more:
acquérir: acquis (acquired)
apprendre: appris (learnt/learned)
atteindre: atteint (attended)
avoir: eu (had)
boire: bu (drunken)
comprendre: compris (understood)
conduire: conduit (driven)
connaître: connu (known)
construire: construit (constructed)
courir: couru (ran)
couvrir: couvert (covered)
craindre: craint (feared)
croire: cru (believed)
décevoir: déçu (disappointed)
découvrir: découvert (discovered)
devoir: dû (must)
dire: dit (said)
écrire: écrit (written)
être: été (been)
faire: fait (done, made)
finir: fini (finish)
instruire: instruit (prepared)
joindre: joint (joined)
lire: lu (read)
mettre: mis (put, placed)
mourir: mort (died)
offrir: offert (offered)
ouvrir: ouvert (opened)
naître: né (was born)
paraître: paru (came out)
peindre: peint (painted)
pouvoir: pu (been able to)
prendre: pris (taken)
produire: produit (produced)
recevoir: reçu (received)
savoir: su (known)
surprendre: surpris (surprised)
souffrir: souffert (hurt)
suivre: suivi (followed)
tenir: tenu (held)
venir: venu (came)
vivre: vécu (lived)
voir: vu (seen)
vouloir: voulu (wanted)
Category: Languages
La CONJUGAISON c'est pas facile! : Sabine et Associés, le blog d'une ...
Pierrafeu sort de son cours d'éveil musical avec une sucette en chocolat. Pas bien réveillé pour autant il me dit :\
Le Conjugueur - Toute la CONJUGAISON des verbes
Le Conjugueur permet de conjuguer lensemble des verbes français de manière simple, rapide et conviviale. Conjugaison en ligne de tous les verbes français. Rappel ... Bescherelle: La CONJUGAISON Pour Tous (French Edition ...
Most Helpful Customer Reviews: I cannot say enough about Bescherelle: La Conjugaison pour tous. This wonderful little book is INVALUABLE. It is the ONLY reference you ...
Please check my French?
Im writing my uncle a letter, and we like to do them in French to keep I like writing more, but Im not that best of a French speaker, yet, so I was wondering if anyone could possibly correct my French, so he understands it better? Thanks! :D
Bonjour Oncle Danny,
Je vais tres bien! Merci. Cest terrible. Savez-tu comment la maison est en train de faire?
Oh mon dieu! Je suis tres excité. Je pensais que tu aviez oublié. Je suis tres heureux que tu ne lavez pas. Pensez-tu que tu pourriez maider à mieux apprendre le français? Jessaie sur mon propre, parce que dans le virtuel lecole, ils noffrent pas le français, qui mai fait très triste. Je comprends beaucoup delle, sans avoir
à utiliser Google pour traduire, je ne sais pas que dun grand vocabulaire, et je suis toujours sur le travail de Conjugaison des verbes correctement. Premier apprentissage de lespagnol ne tu aident pas comme tout le monde me dit quil le ferait. Je demande aussi si tu avez encore eu grand-père de la vieille voiture?
Je tembrasse!
Ta niéce,
I just realized I forgot to put what I wanted it to say!
"Hello Uncle Danny,
I am very good. Thanks. Thats terrible (about Hurricane Ike). Do you know how much the house is damaged?
Oh my god! Im very excited. I thought you had forgotten. I am very happy that you remembered. Could you help me learning French better? Im studying it on my own because virtual school doesnt have it, which made me very sad. I understand almost everything, without having to translate it using Google, I just dont have that great of a vocabulary and am still working on conjugating verbs correctly. Learning Spanish first did not help me like everyone said it would. I was also wondering if you still had Grandpas car?
I love you.
Your niece,
Answer: (Here it is, I also corrected some accents)
Bonjour Oncle Danny,
Je vais très bien ! Merci. C'est terrible. Sais-tu combien la maison est abîmée ?
Oh mon Dieu ! Je suis très excitée. Je pensais que tu avais oublié. Je suis très heureuse que tu te souviennes. Penses-tu que tu pourrais m'aider à mieux apprendre le français? J'essaie de l'étudier toute seule parce qu'ils n'offrent pas de cours de français dans l'école virtuelle, ce qui m'attriste. Je comprend presque tout, sans devoir utiliser Google pour traduire, c'est juste que je n'ai pas un vocabulaire riche, et je suis toujours en train de travailler sur la Conjugaison correcte des verbes. Apprendre l'espagnol en premier n'a pas été aussi bénéfique que ça malgré les recommendations de tout le monde. Je me demande aussi si tu as toujours la vieille voiture de grand-père ?
Je t'embrasse !
Ta nièce,
Category: Languages
Conjugaison française en ligne (gratuit). Plus de 12000 verbes !
Can "commencer" take être as its auxilliary?
In "Bescherelle: La Conjugaison pour tous les verbes de la langue française", it states that the verb "commencer" can have either être or avoir as its auxilliary, however, everywhere else Ive looked, including asking my professeur française, has stated that avoir is its only auxilliary. Can you please clear this up for me?!
See the picture below:
(Sorry: didnt realise it was 1.44Mb.)
Answer: This is what the Larousse des difficultés" says:
Commencer se construit avec avoir quand on veut exprimer l'action (Les fêtes ont commencé) et avec être quand on veut exprimer l'état (L'année est commencée).
Some people are talking about the passive voice and any verb in the passive voice would use "être".
Category: Languages
La CONJUGAISON des verbes français |
Conjugaison des verbes en ligne. Conjuguez les verbes français à tous les temps, tous les modes: indicatif, subjonctif, impératif, infinitif, conditionnel...
Conjugation - CONJUGAISON - French Grammar + Pronunciation Glossary
Definition of conjugation / Conjugaison. ... Definition: Conjugation refers to the five possible inflections (désinences) of a verb.
- Product Reviews, Compare Prices, and Shop at
$62.50 Etui Bescherelle: Conjugaison - Orthographe - Grammaire (Bescherelle three volumes in a slip case) (French Edition)
CONJUGAISON - Wiktionary
French: conjugation · (military) pairing, combining ... Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary
CONJUGAISON - Le blog de FamilyandCo
Nous avons introduit la Conjugaison en commençant par reconnaître les trois temps (passé, présent et futur).Sofiane trie chaque phrase en fonction de son temps.Pour secorriger, il retourne chaque … Hébergé par OverBlog.
Is there any book like Bescherelle de CONJUGAISON, but for english language?
Would this be ok? :)
Category: Languages
CONJUGAISON de parler -
French Verb Conjugation / Conjugaison de Verbes. Dictionary Look-up: French- English, French-Spanish, English-French, Spanish-French, Spanish: definition ...
Help is urgently needed. Pls dont reply unless u r very sure of the answer.?
I have a French exam today and I wonder if someone can help me in Conjugaison de verbe asseoir. Is it like verb "voir"? We say "asseyez-vous", what about if we use "tu", will it be "asseids-toi"?
Answer: There are two verbs asseoir and the other s'asseoir.
Le Conjugaison le verbe ASSEOIR( to ask sumbody to take a seat), c'est ici.
j' assieds
tu assieds
il assied
nous asseyons
vous asseyez
ils asseyent
Well are you talking about S'asseoir( to sit down), it goes this way
Je m' assieds
Tu t' assieds
Il/elle s' assied
Nous nous asseyons
Vous vous asseyez
Ils/Elles s'asseyent
What you are talking about I mean "Assieds-toi", ''Asseyons-nous", "Asseyez-vous" c'est la forme imperatif.
Voir is conjugated in this way
Je vois
Tu vois
Il/Elle voit
Nous voyons
Vous voyez
Elles/Ils voient
La forme imperatif
Vois-tu, Voyons-nous, Voyez-vous.
Which one do u want? Check and do tell. Gud luck!
Category: Homework Help
French verb conjugation -- Verbix verb conjugator
Feb 8, 2010 ... Conjugaison. Librairie Larousse. 1987. French verb tables. Harper Collins Publishers. Glasgow. 1995. Bescherelle 1. La Conjugaison. Librairie ...
Bescherelle - La CONJUGAISON for iPad on the iTunes App Store
Read reviews, get customer ratings, see screenshots, and learn more about Bescherelle - La Conjugaison on the App Store. Download Bescherelle - La Conjugaison and ...
French help sil te plait!!! when do you etre and avoir?!?
Remplissez les blancs avec la bonne Conjugaison du verbe etre, ou avoir.
( Fill in the blanks using etre or avoir)
Martine et Michel ne/n (1) _____ pas mes disques compacts.
Je/J (2) ____ un repondeur, mais il ne/n (3)____ pas bon.
Vous (4) _____ d ou? Vous (5)_____ des amis a New York?
Tu(6) ___ une belle chambre.
Nous (7) _____ heureux parce que nous (8) ____ beaucoup de choses.
Les hommes (9)_____ peres parce quils (10)_____ des enfants
thanks a bunch!!!!
Answer: I'm sure you know what etre (to be) and avoir (to have) mean, is your problem with how to conjugate them?
je suis, tu es, il/elle est, nous sommes, vous êtes, ils/elles sont
j'ai, tu as, il/elle a, nous avons, vous avez, ils/elles ont
So now look at what is being said in each sentence, and who the verb is referring to. Take #1 for example:
Martin and Michelle don't have my CDs. What form of have would go for more than 1 person? This is the same as saying "They" don't have the CDs, so you'd use the conjugation "ont" for have.
Give them a try yourself and edit your question/email me if you are still having problems.
Category: Languages
CONJUGAISON - Learn English
Conjugaison : Past simple ou past participle (2) - English Jan 11, 2008 ... Conjugaison : Past simple ou past participle (2) : free exercise for ESL/EFL learners.
6ème : une page sur la CONJUGAISON de HAVE GOT - CLASSROOM ...
gif trouvé sur internetNous venons d'apprendre à parler de ce qu'on possède. Pour t'aider, voici une page qui regroupe toute laConjugaison de HAVE GOT au présent.Tu peux y aller en cliquant sur le… Hébergé par ...
French CONJUGAISON help!!!?
Ok so guys Im writing a story in french.SO its just this person who gets robbed and tells the police of her experience.But i dont know which conjug 2 use.Ok for the part where she is telling the story its present but what abt the story itself (which happended in the past-a few mins ago-).Which tense do i use 4 that? Imparfait?Passe compose?Plus que parfait? PLZ HELP
Answer: A mix of "imparfait" and "passé composé" since the girl is telling her own story. If it was told by someone else, you should use a mix of "passé simple", "imparfait" and maybe even "plus-que-parfait".
Imparfait will be used for descriptions and repetitive actions.
Passé composé will be used for short actions.
Category: Languages
Download CONJUGAISON free |
Description This is a softwarerecommended to all those who need to deal with french writings. It is known that grammar and spelling, specially in French, can be tricky.
quick french que..?
is the use of quest-ce que correct in these two sentences?? or would it be quest-ce que sont ___ and quest-ce quest ____ (respectively)??
a. quest-ce que les deux racines pour le verbe etre?
b. quest-ce que la Conjugaison pour le verbe avoir au subjonctif??
im not trying to answer the questions, im just trying to figure out if the use of quest-ce que is correct in both sentences.
Answer: To be properly grammatical, I think you need the verbs in these questions. The only time I hear it without "c'est" etc. is when it is followed by something else.. such as "Qu'est-ce que j'en ai à faire?" When asking what something is, "etre" in some form needs to be there. I think of the "qu'est-ce que" as merely "what" --- it doesn't make sense in English to ask "What the two roots for the verb 'to be'?" does it? You need "What ARE the two roots.." :)
Whether you need it or not, though, I guarantee either way you would be understood.
Category: Languages
CONJUGAISON VISUELLE = Adorer = Conditionnel Présent ...
Conjugaison VISUELLE = Adorer = Conditionnel Présent. imagiers. Subscribe Subscribed Unsubscribe. Loading... 225528 videos. Sign In or Sign Up now! Loading... Alert icon. You need Adobe Flash Player to watch this ...
CONJUGAISON VISUELLE = Adorer = Conditionnel Passé - YouTube
Conjugaison VISUELLE = Adorer = Conditionnel Passé. imagiers. Subscribe Subscribed ... Add to [Apprenez l'allemand] [Conjugaison visuelle] imagiers 618 views · Thumbnail 2:39. Add to. Common French ...
What can I do to improve my French and Spanish?
I can speak fairly well French and a little bit of Spanish.
But for French i always get the feminin and masculin words wrong and i dont have correct grammar and im pretty bad at Conjugaison.
as for Spanish i can understand everything pretty well and read pretty well but i have difficulties with verbs and also expressing myself.
I was thinking of getting a tutor but its not sure i can find a good one and at a reasonable price any time soon...
So how and what can i do to improve gradually, by doing small efforts and little by little? what do you suggest to improve in these languages, do you have any special tricks?
Please give me advice!
Thanks in advance!
Category: Languages
Can you help me with this French sentence?
Heres the sentence:
"je tais envoyer un e-mail."
What does the whole sentence mean? Particularly I want to know what is doing "ais" in that sentence (I thought it was the verb "avoir" conjugated but I cant find it here: )
Sorry for my english.
Answer: It's just badly spelled. "je t'ai envoyé un e-mail." : 'I sent you an e-mail.'
Category: Languages
There is a LITTLE sound French people make at the end of some words ending in e, the problem is, Im not able to imitate it, I try really hard but I just cant identify how to make it.
In the page above, a French woman says at the beginning of the audio au cirque, off course, she makes that little sound. Ive heard the same sound in words like claire, appelle, laquelle, lesquelles, boule, etc. Please, if you know tell me how to make that sound.
Example: Cirque. Is it pronounced like CIRK + UN ? or CIRK + AIN ?
Its not a normal uh sound. I know how to pronounce the word correctly, I just want to sound like a native speaker and the sound Im talking about is not like the e from de, its more like an open sound like in un (1) or ain (demain).
DESOLÉ haha Im so sorry.
Answer: The link you posted is just a wiki page on conjugation, I found no audio on it.
But I assume the sound you're talking about is "euh". It's exactly like the e in "que". Try pronouncing "e" (like in the English "bed") while rounding your lips like for "o".
In most words ending in "e" (like the ones you posted - claire, appelle, cirque etc.), the "e" is not pronounced. The correct pronounciation of "cirque" is "sirk", "claire" is "kler" etc. But in informal speech, people often pronounce that final "e". It's like they divide the word in syllables - for "cirque", instead of saying "sirk", they say "sir-que". There is no nasal sound like "un" or "ain" there.
Category: Languages
La CONJUGAISON - Le Conjugueur
3 août 2011 ... comment conjuguer un verbe francais, en ligne, directement sur le site.
Learning spanish !!! :-(?
just took up learning the language, been a month now, and gee i was excited! been all fun and games till we got to the Conjugaison...i mean what the hell ???!!!!! its even worse than french !! any of you guys who learned it can help me up here, i mean there must be a way of learning a verb Conjugaison other than just memorizing em, right ????
Answer: Wrong. If you though there was a short abbreviated way to learn, whoever told you that stole your money. There are model verbs but there are many examples that are different.
When Spanish speakers made the language they didn't think of an easier, abbreviated version just for you.
I have seen that in the USA people love to learn a short version, but that does not work if you want to learn a language correctly. You still must do things the old way. STUDY, STUDY, STUDY.
By the way, I beg to differ concerning Spanish being harder than French. Personally I consider French conjugation ( not Conjugaison, that is French ) harder than that of Spanish.
I have the feeling that you should improve your english as well, because of the "Conjugaison"
Category: Languages
CONJUGAISON - Mappeverbe French verb ending mind map
Mappeverbe French verb ending mind map tells you everything you need to know about French verb endings, all tense endings, how to form any tense, all the rules to ...
Read reviews, get customer ratings, see screenshots, and learn more about Conjugaison on the App Store. Download Conjugaison and enjoy it on your iPhone ...
verb2verbe - Learn the French language: French verb conjugation ...
Learn French. Conjugate and translate over 4000 french and english verbs.
Tests rapides de CONJUGAISON -façon calcul mental « classeurdecole
En périodes 4 et 5, je donnais ces petits tests, histoire d'automatiser l'apprentissage de la Conjugaison (les temps donnés avaient déjà été bien étudiés en classe auparavant). Alors je sais que je n'ai rien inventé, car lorsque ...
CONJUGAISON | Free Home & Education software downloads at ...
Conjugaison is a very simple and usefull soft to conjugate french verbs on your Palm OS.
Le Conjugueur - Toute la CONJUGAISON des verbes
3 août 2011 ... Le Conjugueur permet de conjuguer l'ensemble des verbes français de manière simple, rapide et conviviale. Conjugaison en ligne de tous les ...
CONJUGAISON progressive du français - livre + corrigés.pdf ...
Conjugaison Progressive du Français - Livre + CORRIGÉS - download at 4shared. Conjugaison Progressive du Français - Livre + CORRIGÉS is hosted at free file ...
CONJUGATION FR - More 12000 french conjugate verbs
French conjugation of verbs / Free online french conjugations . ENTER THE FRENCH VERB OF YOUR CHOICE TO OBTAIN THE CONJUGATION :
Mappeverbe fast track to French verb forms in 90 verbs . Mappeverbe Fast Track to French verb forms in 90 verbs. All you need to learn French verb forms quickly and effectively!
French conjugation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
French conjugation is the creation of derived forms of a French verb from its principal parts by inflection. French verbs are conventionally divided into three ...
La CONJUGAISON des verbes français -
Ce dictionnaire français vous permet de trouver la Conjugaison de plus de 9 000 verbes, les définitions et synonymes de plus de 150 000 mots. Le premier ... - La-CONJUGAISON receives about 48,447 unique visitors and 73,155 (1.51 per visitor) page views per day which should earn about $161.33 per day. Estimated value is $ ...
French please???
Can someone explain "discours indirect et question, la Conjugaison interrogative et negative". Please???
Answer: i think it's something about grammar...discard indirect question, conjunction, interrogatices, and negatives...i dunno...i have only been in french for 3 weeks but it doesn't seem that hard to figure out if you kno the pattern...hope this helps
Category: Languages
one question on pronounciation & one on CONJUGAISON - French ...
The first questions is: en tous les cas I often heard this phrase but it seems the 'les' is not pronounce or is it actually 'en tous cas'? Please clarify.…
@onixis37 @pegazeTF @jermira13 attends il a 12 ans que veux tu de plus !!! il est a son maximum en Conjugaison et orthographe !!!!
From: dragon744 - Source: web
RT @LANDEYves: A lécole, les profs devraient arrêter denseigner la Conjugaison au passé simple et commencer à apprendre aux enfants lavenir difficile.
From: JarodMoonchild - Source: web
Futur antérieur aviser
From: futuranterieur1 - Source: Google
Passé antérieur tartiner
From: passeanterieur - Source: Google
RT @LANDEYves: A lécole, les profs devraient arrêter denseigner la Conjugaison au passé simple et commencer à apprendre aux enfants lavenir difficile.
From: raisonvite - Source: web
RT @LANDEYves: A lécole, les profs devraient arrêter denseigner la Conjugaison au passé simple et commencer à apprendre aux enfants lavenir difficile.
From: WarenTorfel - Source: web
RT @LANDEYves: A lécole, les profs devraient arrêter denseigner la Conjugaison au passé simple et commencer à apprendre aux enfants lavenir difficile.
From: karinsza - Source: web
RT @LANDEYves: A lécole, les profs devraient arrêter denseigner la Conjugaison au passé simple et commencer à apprendre aux enfants lavenir difficile.
From: Axel_Bongio - Source: web
RT @LANDEYves: A lécole, les profs devraient arrêter denseigner la Conjugaison au passé simple et commencer à apprendre aux enfants lavenir difficile.
From: didikeys - Source: web
Imparfait élaborer
From: Conjugaisonimpa - Source: Google
Ramifier au présent
From: Conjugaisonpres - Source: Google
RT @serrano_n: A lécole, les profs devraient arrêter denseigner la Conjugaison au passé simple et commencer à apprendre aux enfants lavenir difficile.
From: DedieuCharlene - Source: Twitter for Mac
RT @LANDEYves: A lécole, les profs devraient arrêter denseigner la Conjugaison au passé simple et commencer à apprendre aux enfants lavenir difficile.
From: arnodegardin - Source: web
RT @LANDEYves: A lécole, les profs devraient arrêter denseigner la Conjugaison au passé simple et commencer à apprendre aux enfants lavenir difficile.
From: Rowoad - Source: web
RT @LANDEYves: A lécole, les profs devraient arrêter denseigner la Conjugaison au passé simple et commencer à apprendre aux enfants lavenir difficile.
From: MarieMichele851 - Source: web