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Google : quand Julie Gayet talonne Kim Kardashian
C��t�� c��l��brit��s, Julie Gayet et Nabilla devancent Dieudonn��, tandis que Mika, Conchita Wurst et Indila forment le podium du classement Artistes-Musique. Plus surprenant, Comment voter blanc et Pourquoi gr��ve SNCF ont ��t�� les questions les plus .
VIDEO. JULIE GAYET, Nabilla et la Coupe du monde en t��te.
Et en France, dapr��s un classement publi�� mardi 16 d��cembre, lactrice Julie Gayet se place en t��te des r��sultats les plus recherch��s, devant la star de t��l��r��alit�� Nabilla Benattia et la Coupe du monde de football. Suivent��.
Francois Hollande and JULIE GAYET seen together for the first time
Francois Hollande has been pictured for the first time with his secret lover Julie Gayet ��� relaxing in the official home of the French president. According to French sources Gayet has been a regular fixture at the Elysee Palace for months. The images.
Francois Hollande, Julie Gayet ��� and a very British scandal.
Francois Hollande, Julie Gayet ��� and a very British scandal about a very French affair. Once, news of a scandal at the Elys��e palace might never have made the papers. Now, Frances tradition of privacy and discretion is��.
Hollande caught carrying on with actress lover once again.
France was given a first glimpse of President Hollandes continuing discreet liaison with Julie Gayet yesterday, when a magazine published pictures of the couple enjoying the autumn sunshine on a terrace at the Elys��e��.
French First Lady in Hospital After Reports of Hollande Affair
French first lady Valerie Trierweiler has been admitted to hospital following reports of an affair between President Francois Hollande and an actress, but will be discharged on Monday, sources said on Sunday.
Photos �� l��lys��e : JULIE GAYET assigne Voici en justice
Lactrice et compagne officieuse de Fran��ois Hollande, Julie Gayet, assigne Voici, lhebdomadaire du groupe Prisma, pour atteinte �� la vie priv��e et au droit �� limage, apprend-on aupr��s de la direction du magazine. Le 21 novembre, Voici publiait les .
Isabelle Adjani admire JULIE GAYET et d��fend Val��rie.
Si elle d��fend Valerie Trierweiler, dont la revanche est pour elle une avanc��e pour les femmes, elle tient �� souligner toute ladimration et lamiti�� quelle a pour Julie Gayet. Les d��clarations absurdes de G��rard��.
France perking up?
Allegations of an affair between French President Francois Hollande and film actress Julie Gayet are spicing up the gossip columns of Paris - but piling more pressure on a difficult presidency. But Hollande might take some comfort from the latest figures on the economy, which hint at France doing a bit better than expected. David Pollard reports.
Francois Hollande has renewed his love affair with Julie.
VSD magazine claimed in their latest edition that Mr Hollandes relationship with blonde beauty Julie Gayet, 41, was very much back on track and that the pair see each other almost every day. Accompanied with the headline��.
French Magazine Fined Over Photos of President
A French court has ordered a gossip magazine to pay 15,000 euros for publishing photos of what it said was a helmeted President Francois Hollande visiting an actress for a secret tryst.
French First Lady in Hospital After Reports of Hollande Affair
French first lady Valerie Trierweiler has been admitted to hospital following reports of an affair between President Francois Hollande and an actress, but will be discharged on Monday, sources said on Sunday.
Derri��re les photos vol��es de Hollande et Gayet. - Atlantico
Fran��ois Hollande nest pas ma��tre �� lElys��e. On le prend, �� son insu, en photo avec Julie Gayet. Le fac-simile de son agenda personnel se retrouve dans la presse. La s��curit�� du Pr��sident laisse �� d��sirer. Des risques��.
Google Trends 2014 : Julie Gayet et Fran��ois Hollande en t��te des recherches.
Pour les seules recherches fran��aises, cest logiquement Julie Gayet qui arrive en t��te du classement des acteurs et actrices, devant Robin Williams et Jennifer Lawrence, mais se place aussi �� la premi��re place du top des personnalit��s devant Nabila .
Is this the end of President Hollandes affair? French leaders mistress is.
Ms Gayet had enjoyed a holiday of love on the Mediterranean island, according to Atlantico, a news website. Meanwhile, Mr Hollande is spending ten days in La Lanterne, an 18th-century residence made available to presidents and prime ministers in .
French Political Scions Exchange Jabs in Twitter Feud
Louis Sarkozy, son of Nicolas Sarkozy, has been dueling with Léonard Trierweiler, whose mother was the partner of President François Hollande.. Louis Sarkozy, teenage son of former French Pres Nicolas Sarkozy, has been engaged in ongoing Twitter feud with Leonard Trierweiler, son of former first lady Valerie Trierweiler, former partner of Pres Francois Hollande; heated exchange has riveted French tabloids and the Twittersphere.
Hollande affair story boosts business
Love is big business for French advertisers as they jump on the alleged affair between French President Francois Hollande and Julie Gayet to add a touch of spice and humour to their campaigns. And the motorcyle helmet allegedly worn by the president, when he visited the actress on the back of a scooter, has become a sell-out. Ivor Bennett reports.
Frances Hollande gets a labrador puppy for Christmas.
Political and economic gloom and doom added to a scandal over Hollandes affair with French actress Julie Gayet that led to the public implosion of his relationship with partner Valerie Trierweiler. And Hollandes popularity��.
JULIE GAYET d��sormais install��e �� lElys��e - Canalfrance
Fran��ois Hollande a accueilli une nouvelle locataire au Ch��teau, comme le rapporte Le Parisien ce vendredi 26 d��cembre. On aurait pu croire que Fran��ois Hollande ait d��cid�� dofficialiser sa relation avec Julie Gayet en��.
Frances Hollande Visits First Lady in Hospital: Source
French President Francois Hollande paid a first visit on Thursday to his partner Valerie Trierweiler since she was hospitalized in need of rest after reports he has a mistress, a source in his office said.
JULIE GAYET - Contactmusic.com
French actress Julie Gayet is suing bosses at Closer magazine for suggesting she had an affair with French President Francois Hollande.Hollande and Gayet hit headlines last week (ends10Jan14) after editors at the��.
Julie Gayet et Nabilla les plus recherch��es dans Google en 2014
La premi��re nest autre que Julie Gayet, la ma��tresse du Pr��sident Fran��ois Hollande. De la r��v��lation de leur liaison secr��te aux premi��res photos du couple �� lElys��e, la vie de la com��dienne de 42 ans a ��t�� largement comment��e. Lautre femme �� avoir .
Las relaciones entre Fran��ois Hollandey JULIE GAYET se convierten en un.
Las relaciones ��ntimas entre el presidente Fran��ois Hollande y la actriz Julie Gayet se han transformado en un problema de Estado, tras dejar al descubierto graves fallos en la seguridad del palacio del El��seo, la residencia oficial del jefe del Estado.
Ex-First Lady Dishes Dirt on French President
The former companion of French President Francois Hollande writes in a book that the Socialist presents himself as someone who doesnt like the rich, but in fact doesnt like the poor.
Sophie Marceau, une Taularde pour JULIE GAYET
De Julie Gayet, on conna��t les talents dactrice. Moins ceux de productrice. �� la fin de l��t�� dernier, la com��dienne qui a tant fait couler de lencre ��� et continue de le faire encore ��� avec le scandale politico-romantique de son histoire damour avec.
Lawsuit on French Presidents Affair Goes to Court
The former companion of French President Francois Hollande won her invasion of privacy law suit on Thursday against a gossip magazine, while the actress at the center of the presidential break-up took the publication to court, saying its revelations had shattered her life.
R��TRO 2014 - Fran��ois Hollande, JULIE GAYET, Merci pour.
RETROSPECTIVE - Lann��e 2014 naura pas ��t�� de tout repos pour lancienne premi��re dame. Depuis janvier et la r��v��lation de la liaison de Fran��ois Hollande avec Julie Gayet �� la promotion europ��enne du livre Merci��.
French Presidents White House Trip Still on Despite Reported Affair
French President Francois Hollandes state visit to the United States is still on schedule despite the reported problems that have erupted in Hollandes personal life.
Jean-Luc M��lenchon avoue que laffaire Gayet-Hollande la bien fait rigoler
Jean-Luc M��lenchon estime que Closer est un espace de libert��, dans une longue interview vendredi dans lhebdomadaire people connu pour avoir publi�� les premi��res photos de Julie Gayet et Fran��ois Hollande, ainsi que celles du vice-pr��sident du FN .
Fran��ois Hollande et JULIE GAYET fianc��s?
Fran��ois Hollande est-il sur le point dofficialiser sa relation avec la com��dienne Julie Gayet. Un ��l��ment s��me le doute. Nous vous en parlions, Julie Gayet sest pr��sent��e elle-m��me comme la fianc��e de Fran��ois Hollande r��cemment. Un mariage se .
Frances Hollande Considers Legal Action Over Actress Liaison Report
French President Francois Hollande has complained of breach of privacy and is considering legal action after French magazine Closer alleged he was having an affair with an actress, a source in his office said on Friday.
Scooter en panne, Fran��ois Hollande fait raccompagner.
Julie Gayet, qui habite habituellement dans une petite rue sans issue du XI��me arrondissement, g��n��ralement plut��t discr��te lors de ses d��placements, a, cette fois-ci, fait se d��placer tout le quartier du P��re-Lachaise,��.
French President Hollandes Approval Rating Stable, Poll Shows
French President Francois Hollandes approval rating remained unchanged following a news conference to announce economic reforms and after reports of an affair with actress Julie Gayet put his private life in the spotlight, a poll showed.
Hollande seeks to pep up French after tough year
Hollande was left red-faced when glossy people magazine Closer revealed his affair with actress Julie Gayet and he suffered further humiliation when former first lady Valerie Trierweiler published a kiss-and-tell bestseller about her time with the.
Julie Gayet, Francois Hollandes Reported Mistress, Denied.
PARIS (AP) ��� Frances Culture Ministry has denied an actress a coveted spot at a prestigious French cultural institution after reports that shes having an affair with the president. An official with the ministry says Julie Gayet��.
Most Popular Google Search Terms - Business Insider
. most popular to least popular search term: Jennifer Lawrence. jennifer lawrence hunger games mockingjay Murray Close/Lionsgate. Kim Kardashian. Kim Kardashian Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP. Julie Gayet. Julie Gayet AP��.
Frances Hollande Made Left-Wing Voters Feel Betrayed: Ex-Partner
French President Francois Hollande suffers record low popularity because he has failed to deliver promised reforms and left left-wing voters feeling betrayed, his ex-partner Valerie Trierweiler said on Sunday.
Comedy on Gender Confusion Sweeps French Cesar Film Awards
A comedy about a young man who worships his mother and whose entire family treats him as a girl since childhood swept five trophies at the French Cesar awards ceremony including Best Film and Best Actor.
Parisians dismiss report that Hollande is having an affair
French tabloid Closer alleges that President Francois Hollande is having an affair with film actress Julie Gayet, while Parisians brush off story. Michaela Cabrera reports.
Nabilla, JULIE GAYET, 2048. Le Top 10 des recherches Google
En t��te de liste, on retrouve la belle Julie Gayet, plus c��l��bre que jamais depuis son histoire avec Monsieur le Pr��sident de la R��publique, en personne ! Lactrice, gr��ce aux r��v��lations du magazine Closer, sest ainsi attir����.
Shes back: Hollandes girl sneaks into the ��lys��e | The Times
Photographs of Julie Gayet apparently at the ��lys��e Palace threaten to derail Fran��ois Hollandes attempts to revive his stalling presidency.
French First Lady Trierweiler Leaves Hospital
French first lady Valerie Trierweiler left hospital in Paris on Saturday, a week after reports emerged that her partner, President Francois Hollande, was having an affair with the actress Julie Gayet, a member of Trierweilers staff said.
New French First Lady? Hollande Stays Mum
French President Francois Hollande says he has no information to share about his private life, amid speculation that he could soon formalize his supposed relationship with a French actress.
French Actress Files Complaint Over Hollande Liaison Rumor
A French actress has filed a complaint with the Paris prosecutor for breach of privacy over Internet rumors alleging she has a relationship with President Francois Hollande, the prosecutors office said on Thursday.
Fran��ois Hollande et Julie Gayet, couple le plus sulfureux de 2015
Leur histoire damour avait d��fray�� la chronique en 2014. Ils pourraient bien r��cidiver en 2015 selon un sondage du site de rencontres extraconjugales, AshleyMadison.com. A 69,2%, les internautes ont ��lu le couple Hollande-Gayet comme le plus .
Actress Linked to Hollande Appears at Movie Awards
The actress whose secret tryst with French President Francois Hollande led to his separation from his long-time girlfriend on Friday made her first public appearance since the scandal broke, atttending Frances presitigious movie awards in which she was a nominee — but left empty-handed.
Fran��ois Hollande et Julie Gayet : ay��, la photo, on sait qui cest !, George et.
Mais aussi les suites de laffaire Nabilla et comment son fr��re en profite, qui est vraiment lamoureux de Marie Drucker, Bernadette Chirac oiseau de nuit, Carla en promo pour son mari et, et, et. pourquoi Eric Zemmour a un probl��me avec le f��minisme.
Fran��ois Hollande to marry Julie Gayet
Yves Az��roual, the author of a book titled Passions of State, said: Julies tired of being the mistress who has to hide. Whats more, in the eyes of the public, she looks like the one in the wrong. Shes been putting him under pressure for several.
JULIE GAYET wins privacy suit against Closer - The Local
A French court has fined two tabloid magazine executives and a photographer over a photo of Julie Gayet, who became the subject of media hounding after her affair when President Fran��ois Hollande was revealed in��.
French President Visits Hospitalized First Lady
President Francois Hollande has visited Frances first lady for the first time since she was hospitalized late last week after a gossip magazine reported he was having an affair with an actress.
S��gol��ne Royal �� sentend bien avec JULIE GAYET ��
Non seulement Fran��ois Hollandela remplac��e par Julie Gayet mais son ��ternelle rivale, celle quelle avait r��ussi �� tenir ��loign��e du chef de lEtat, fait un retour en gr��ce extr��mement remarqu�� dans la vie de ce dernier. S��gol��ne Royal, la m��re des.
Francois Hollande and JULIE GAYET: Its started again
There is no longer any possible doubt: Fran��ois Hollande and Julie Gayet are still in love, it wrote. The presidents affair with Miss Gayet was first revealed in January, when Closer magazine published sensational pictures of Mr Hollande arriving on.