Gautier Capuçon: Classical Music/Opera Listings

Gautier Capuçon: Photo Gallery

Gautier Capu��on - ���I need a responsive audience!���: The young.
Gautier Capu��on - ���I need a responsive audience!���: The young.
No Swan Song for Cellist Gautier Capu��on | SFCV
No Swan Song for Cellist Gautier Capu��on | SFCV
Frank Braley&Gautier Capucon@Handelsbeurs
Frank Braley&Gautier Capucon@Handelsbeurs
Gautier Capu��on - bureauexport
Gautier Capu��on - bureauexport
Frank Braley&Gautier Capucon@Handelsbeurs
Frank Braley&Gautier Capucon@Handelsbeurs
Gautier Capu��on - ���I need a responsive audience!���: The young.
Gautier Capu��on - ���I need a responsive audience!���: The young.
Frank Braley&Gautier Capucon@Handelsbeurs
Frank Braley&Gautier Capucon@Handelsbeurs
Masterclass de cello ��� Gautier Capu��on | consev.
Masterclass de cello ��� Gautier Capu��on | consev.
Frank Braley&Gautier Capucon@Handelsbeurs
Frank Braley&Gautier Capucon@Handelsbeurs
Frank Braley&Gautier Capucon@Handelsbeurs
Frank Braley&Gautier Capucon@Handelsbeurs
Frank Braley&Gautier Capucon@Handelsbeurs
Frank Braley&Gautier Capucon@Handelsbeurs
Gautier Capu��on | IMG Artists
Gautier Capu��on | IMG Artists
Frank Braley&Gautier Capucon@Handelsbeurs
Frank Braley&Gautier Capucon@Handelsbeurs
Intermusica / Gautier Capu��on
Intermusica / Gautier Capu��on
Firenze: Amici della Musica di Firenze - Gautier Capu��on
Firenze: Amici della Musica di Firenze - Gautier Capu��on
Verbier Festival - Gautier Capu��on
Verbier Festival - Gautier Capu��on
annecy classic festival | Sergey Grachev photography
annecy classic festival | Sergey Grachev photography
Gautier Capu��on
Gautier Capu��on
Frank Braley&Gautier Capucon@Handelsbeurs
Frank Braley&Gautier Capucon@Handelsbeurs
Frank Braley&Gautier Capucon@Handelsbeurs
Frank Braley&Gautier Capucon@Handelsbeurs
Frank Braley&Gautier Capucon@Handelsbeurs
Frank Braley&Gautier Capucon@Handelsbeurs
Frank Braley&Gautier Capucon@Handelsbeurs
Frank Braley&Gautier Capucon@Handelsbeurs
Frank Braley&Gautier Capucon@Handelsbeurs
Frank Braley&Gautier Capucon@Handelsbeurs
Gautier Capu��on | LA Phil
Gautier Capu��on | LA Phil
Picture of Gautier Capucon
Picture of Gautier Capucon
Frank Braley&Gautier Capucon@Handelsbeurs
Frank Braley&Gautier Capucon@Handelsbeurs
Conciertos Augusto - Artistas
Conciertos Augusto - Artistas
Frank Braley&Gautier Capucon@Handelsbeurs
Frank Braley&Gautier Capucon@Handelsbeurs Gautier Capu��on: Songs, Albums, Pictures, Bios Gautier Capu��on: Songs, Albums, Pictures, Bios
Frank Braley&Gautier Capucon@Handelsbeurs
Frank Braley&Gautier Capucon@Handelsbeurs
Frank Braley&Gautier Capucon@Handelsbeurs
Frank Braley&Gautier Capucon@Handelsbeurs

Gautier Capuçon: Videos

Gautier Capu��on - Verbier Festival 2013 - Interview.
Gautier Capu��on - Verbier Festival 2013 - Interview.
Gautier Capu��on and Yuja Wang - Shostakovich.
Gautier Capu��on and Yuja Wang - Shostakovich.
Gautier Capucon - M��ditation from Tha��s by Jules.
Gautier Capucon - M��ditation from Tha��s by Jules.
Schubert : Le trio n��2, op. 100 Renaud Capu��on.
Schubert : Le trio n��2, op. 100 Renaud Capu��on.
Gautier Capu��on | Dvo����k: Cello Concerto - YouTube
Gautier Capu��on | Dvo����k: Cello Concerto - YouTube
Gautier Capu��on, Jorge Viladoms, Rachmaninoff.
Gautier Capu��on, Jorge Viladoms, Rachmaninoff.
Gautier Capu��on Masterclass with the SSO Fellows.
Gautier Capu��on Masterclass with the SSO Fellows.
Classe dexcellence de violoncelle avec Gautier.
Classe dexcellence de violoncelle avec Gautier.
Gautier Capu��on and Frank Braley - Mendelssohn.
Gautier Capu��on and Frank Braley - Mendelssohn.
Gautier Capu��on - Cello Concerto in B minor Op. 104.
Gautier Capu��on - Cello Concerto in B minor Op. 104.
Gautier Capu��on on the Haydn C Major Cello.
Gautier Capu��on on the Haydn C Major Cello.
Gautier CAPUCON - Frank BRALEY Arpeggione.
Gautier CAPUCON - Frank BRALEY Arpeggione.
Shostakovich Prelude - Gautier Capucon - St��phane.
Shostakovich Prelude - Gautier Capucon - St��phane.
Gautier Capu��on performs Saint-Sa��ns Cello.
Gautier Capu��on performs Saint-Sa��ns Cello.
Britten - Symphonie pour violoncelle et orchestre.
Britten - Symphonie pour violoncelle et orchestre.
Gautier Capu��on and Yuja Wang : Chopin - Cello.
Gautier Capu��on and Yuja Wang : Chopin - Cello.

Gautier Capuçon: Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites

T��l��vision. Le Fougerais L��o Guiguen joue samedi dans l��mission �� Prodiges ��

Ces artistes se pr��senteront devant un jury tri�� sur le volet : Patrick Dupont (ancien danseur, directeur de lop��ra de Paris), Elizabeth Vidal (soprano) et Gautier Capu��on (violoncelliste) aux carri��res internationales. En esp��rant d��crocher��� les.

Le beau fr��re de Laurence Ferrari, Gautier Capu��on jur�� de Prodiges sur France 2

Si Gautier Capu��on nest pas encore connu du grand public, son grand-fr��re lui, a d��j�� fait la couverture de plusieurs magazines. En effet le violoncelliste de 33 ans nest autre que le fr��re de Renaud Capu��on, le compagnon de Laurence Ferrari.

Classical Music/Opera Listings


Classical Music/Opera Listings for March 9-15

A selected guide to performances of classical music in New York.

Opera and Classical Music Listings for Jan. 17-23

A selected guide to performances of classical music in New York City.

Classical Music/Opera Listings


Classical Music/Opera Listings

A guide to selected performances of classical music and opera in the New York area.

Marianne James, jur��e dans Prodiges sur France 2 : ��Ces enfants sont des.

. ndlr ] ma parl�� de ce concours classique avec des enfants, du savoir-faire de Shine France et de ce jury dexception (la soprano ��lisabeth Vidal, lancien directeur de lOp��ra de Paris, Patrick Dupond, et le violoncelliste Gautier Capu��on), jai.

Gautier Capu��on and Frank Braley spelen Schuman, Schubert.

Welk repertoire plaatsen uitvoerders idealiter naast de welbekende Arpeggionesonate, opdat Schuberts fenomenale meesterwerk niet op eenzame hoogte zou komen te staan? Frank Braley (foto) en Gautier Capu��on, allebei��.

Romanticism With Russian Passion

The cellist Gautier Capu��on and the pianist Gabriela Montero, both passionate musicians, reveled in the works Golden Age Romanticism during their recital on Saturday evening at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Ms. Montero is known for her improvisatory .

Classical Music/Opera Listings for Nov. 12-18

A selected guide to classical music performances in New York and the region.

CSO: Dutoit and Gautier Capu��on in Dutilleux and French.

Chicago Sun-Times and, Saturday April 14, 2012 Gautier Capu��on Dutoits a master with the French as ever with CSO And another Capu��on makes another brilliant Chicago d��but BY ANDREW PATNER��.

Les jeunes prodiges du classique sur France 2 : d��couvrez Camille, Miyu.

Une soir��e enregistr��e �� Montpellier, avec un jury compos�� de trois professionnels : ��lizabeth Vidal, Patrick Dupond, Gautier Capu��on. Ce trio d��partagera treize jeunes gens talentueux. Accompagn��s de lorchestre philharmonique de Montpellier ��� dirig�� .

The Listings: Feb. 16 - Feb. 22

Selective listings by critics of The New York Times of new and noteworthy cultural events in the New York metropolitan region this week. * denotes a highly recommended film, concert, show or exhibition. Theater Approximate running times are in parentheses. Theaters are in Manhattan unless otherwise noted. Full reviews of current shows, additional listings, show times and tickets: Previews and Openings BILL W. AND DR. BOB Previews start today. Opens on March 5. This history play portrays the founders of Alcoholics Anonymous -- and their wives (2:15). New World Stages, 340 West 50th Street, Clinton, (212) 239-6200. BFF Previews start tomorrow. Opens on Feb. 24. In Anna Zieglers memory play, a woman, haunted by her past, has a sexual awakening (1:30). DR2, 103 East 15th Street, (212) 239-6200. THE COAST OF UTOPIA: SALVAGE In previews; opens on Sunday. Tom Stoppards epic trilogy about 19th-century Russian intelligentsia comes to an end with this final installment, which once again stars a vigorous and immense cast, including Brian F. OByrne, Jennifer Ehle, Martha Plimpton and Ethan Hawke. Jack OBrien directs (2:30). Vivian Beaumont Theater, 150 West 65th Street, Lincoln Center, (212) 239-6200. DYING CITY In previews; opens on March 4. Lincoln Center presents a new play by Christopher Shinn (Four) about a therapist who receives a visit from her deceased husbands twin brother (1:30). Mitzi E. Newhouse Theater, 150 West 65th Street, Lincoln Center, (212) 362-7600. HOWARD KATZ In previews; opens on March 2. Roundabout Theater presents a new play by Patrick Marber (Closer) about a down-on-his-luck talent agent. Doug Hughes directs (1:30). Laura Pels Theater, 111 West 46th Street, (212) 719-1300. JOURNEYS END In previews; opens on Thursday. This English transfer of R. C. Sherriffs early-20th-century antiwar play stars the Tony winners Boyd Gaines and Jefferson Mays (2:40). Belasco Theater, 111 West 44th Street, (212) 239-6200. KING HEDLEY II Previews start on Tuesday. Opens on March 11. Signature Theater revives August Wilsons operatic drama, set in Reagen-era Pittsburgh, about a man who just returned from prison (2:45). Peter Norton Space, 555 West 42nd Street, Clinton, (212) 244-7529. KING LEAR In previews; opens on March 7. He played Hamlet. He played Falstaff. It was only a matter of time before Kevin Kline took on this proud, misguided patriarch. James Lapine directs (3:00). The Public Theater, 425 Lafayette Street, at Astor Place, East Village, (212) 967-7555. MARY ROSE In previews; opens on Tuesday. Although it can sometimes seem otherwise, J. M. Barrie wrote stories besides Peter Pan, including this one about a girl who might be a ghost. Tina Landau directs (1:45). Vineyard Theater, 108 East 15th Street, (212) 353-0303. OUR LEADING LADY Previews start on Thursday. Opens on March 20. A new comedy by Charles Busch (The Tale of the Allergists Wife), about the actress who was to perform at Fords Theater on the night Lincoln was shot (2:00). Manhattan Theater Club at City Center Stage II, 131 West 55th Street, (212) 581-1212. PRELUDE TO A KISS Previews start today. Opens on March 8. The Roundabout revives Craig Lucass fantastical play about a young romance that takes a very bizarre turn (2:00). American Airlines Theater, 227 West 42nd Street, (212) 719-1300. SEALED FOR FRESHNESS In previews; opens on Feb. 24. Set in the 60s, Doug Stones new play features a group of Midwestern housewives at a Tupperware party. Comedy ensues (2:00). New World Stages, 340 West 50th Street, Clinton, (212) 239-6200. SPALDING GRAY: STORIES LEFT TO TELL Previews start on Tuesday. Opens on March 6. Kathleen Russo, Spalding Grays widow, and Lucy Sexton assembled this collection of his monologues, letters and stories. Kathleen Chalfant and Frank Wood star (1:30). Minetta Lane Theater, 18 Minetta Lane, Greenwich Village, (212) 307-4100. TALK RADIO In previews; opens on March 11. Eric Bogosians darkly funny portrait of a late-night talk show host returns for a Broadway revival starring Liev Schreiber. Robert Falls directs. Longacre Theater, 220 West 48th Street, (212) 239-6200. Broadway THE APPLE TREE The amazing Kristin Chenoweth gives Imax-screen-size life to three curvaceous doodles who by rights shouldnt be any larger than figures in the Sunday funnies. Jerry Bock and Sheldon Harnicks 1966 musical, directed by Gary Griffin, shows its age but is given theatrical verve by Ms. Chenoweth, Brian dArcy James and Marc Kudisch (2:30). Studio 54, 254 West 54th Street, (212) 719-1300. (Ben Brantley) A CHORUS LINE If you want to know why this show was such a big deal when it opened 31 years ago, you need only experience the thrilling first five minutes of this revival. Otherwise, this archivally exact production, directed by Bob Avian, feels like a vintage car that has been taken out of the garage, polished up and sent on the road once again (2:00). Schoenfeld Theater, 236 West 45th Street, (212) 239-6200. (Brantley) * THE COAST OF UTOPIA The exhilarating first two installments of Tom Stoppards trilogy about 19th-century Russian intellectuals dreaming of revolution, these productions pulse with the dizzy, spring-green arrogance and anxiety of a new generation moving as fast as it can toward the future. Jack OBrien directs a fresh, vigorous and immense cast that includes Brian F. OByrne, Jennifer Ehle, Billy Crudup and Ethan Hawke (2:45). Vivian Beaumont Theater, 150 West 65th Street, Lincoln Center, (212) 239-6200. (Brantley) * COMPANY Fire, beckoning and dangerous, flickers beneath the frost of John Doyles elegant, unexpectedly stirring revival of Stephen Sondheim and George Furths era-defining musical from 1970, starring a compellingly understated Raul Esparza. Like Mr. Doyles Sweeney Todd, this production finds new clarity of feeling in Sondheim by melding the roles of performers and musicians (2:20). Barrymore Theater, 243 West 47th Street, (212) 239-6200. (Brantley) THE DROWSY CHAPERONE (Tony Awards, best book of a musical and best original score, 2006) This small and ingratiating spoof of 1920s stage frolics, as imagined by an obsessive show queen, may not be a masterpiece. But in a dry season for musicals, it has theatergoers responding as if they were withering houseplants finally being watered after long neglect. Bob Martin and Sutton Foster are the standouts in the avid, energetic cast (1:40). Marquis Theater, 1535 Broadway, at 45th Street, (212) 307-4100. (Brantley) * GREY GARDENS Christine Ebersole is absolutely glorious as the middle-aged, time-warped debutante called Little Edie Beale in this uneven musical adaptation of the notorious 1975 documentary of the same title. She and the wonderful Mary Louise Wilson (as her bedridden mother), in the performances of their careers, make Grey Gardens an experience no passionate theatergoer should miss (2:40). Walter Kerr Theater, 219 West 48th Street, (212) 239-6200. (Brantley) MARY POPPINS This handsome, homily-packed, mechanically ingenious and rather tedious musical, adapted from the P. L. Travers stories and the 1964 Disney film, is ultimately less concerned with inexplicable magic than with practical psychology. Ashley Brown, who sings prettily as the family-mending nanny, looks like Joan Crawford trying to be nice and sounds like Dr. Phil. Directed by Richard Eyre and Matthew Bourne (2:30). New Amsterdam Theater, 214 West 42nd Street, (212) 307-4747. (Brantley) LES MISÉRABLES This premature revival, a slightly scaled-down version of the well-groomed behemoth that closed only three years ago, appears to be functioning in a state of mild sedation. Appealingly sung and freshly orchestrated, this fast-moving adaptation of Victor Hugos novel isnt sloppy or blurry. But its pulse rate stays well below normal (2:55). Broadhurst Theater, 235 West 44th Street, (212) 239-6200. (Brantley) * SPRING AWAKENING Duncan Sheik and Steven Saters bold adaptation of the Frank Wedekind play is the freshest and most exciting new musical Broadway has seen in some time. Set in 19th-century Germany but with a ravishing rock score, it exposes the splintered emotional lives of adolescents just discovering the joys and sorrows of sex. Performed with brio by a great cast, with supple direction by Michael Mayer and inventive choreography by Bill T. Jones (2:00). Eugene ONeill Theater, 230 West 49th Street, (212) 239-6200. (Charles Isherwood) TARZAN This writhing green blob with music, adapted by Disney Theatrical Productions from the 1999 animated film, has the feeling of a superdeluxe day care center, equipped with lots of bungee cords and karaoke synthesizers, where children can swing when they get tired of singing, and vice versa. The soda-pop score is by Phil Collins (2:30). Richard Rodgers Theater, 226 West 46th Street, (212) 307-4747. (Brantley) * TRANSLATIONS The estimable Irish director Garry Hynes (a Tony winner for Martin McDonaghs Beauty Queen of Leenane) has assembled an ensemble of an extraordinarily high caliber and consistency for the third major New York production of Brian Friels 1980 play. Set in rural Ireland in 1833, as the local tongue is being supplanted by the language of the English occupying forces, the play explores the seriocomic truth that language can divide as easily as it unites, and can never hope to translate the rich music in our souls with the delicacy we yearn for. A top-flight Broadway revival (2:15). Biltmore Theater, 261 West 47th Street, (212) 239-6200. (Isherwood) THE VERTICAL HOUR David Hares soggy consideration of the Anglo-American cultural divide stars Julianne Moore (representing the Americans) and Bill Nighy (leading the British), directed by Sam Mendes. The Yanks dont stand a chance (2:20). Music Box Theater, 239 West 45th Street, (212) 239-6200. (Brantley) Off Broadway ALL THAT I WILL EVER BE In this false-feeling comedy-drama by Alan Ball, creator of Six Feet Under, a gay hustler undergoes an identity crisis when he finds himself falling for one of his clients. Slick but mostly stale in its analysis of a society afraid of emotional engagement (2:15). The New York Theater Workshop, 79 East Fourth Street, East Village, (212) 239-6200. (Isherwood) THE BIG VOICE: GOD OR MERMAN? Think of two gifted and smart gay men with years of life together deploying their considerable talents from the two pianos you happen to have in your living room. The result is a hilarious and very touching memoir of two decades of love and the funky glories of show business life (2:00). Actors Temple Theater, 339 West 47th Street, Clinton, (212) 239-6200. (Honor Moore) THE CRYING WOMAN An imaginative play that manages to transform what begins as a tired culture-clash comedy involving a Mexican and United States couple sharing a house in Mexico City into a sinister tale involving strange superstitions and a ghost from the 16th century (2:30). The Beckett Theater, 410 West 42nd Street, Clinton, (212) 279-4200. (Wilborn Hampton) DAI (ENOUGH) Iris Bahrs unnerving one-woman show doesnt have much to add to the Middle East debate, but it sure leaves a lasting impression. Ms. Bahr plays an assortment of characters who have the misfortune of being in a Tel Aviv cafe that is about to be visited by the havoc common to such establishments. The attack is rendered in jarring fashion, repeatedly; you watch the play on pins and needles, waiting for the next burst. Gimmicky? Sure. But viscerally effective (1:40). Culture Project, 55 Mercer Street, at Broome Street, SoHo, (212) 253-9983. (Neil Genzlinger) DUTCHMAN A revival of the poet Amiri Barakas screed on race and American values, 43 years after its Greenwich Village debut, aims for all the fire and might of a Malcolm X speech but none of the rhetorical elegance. It shouts so loudly that you cant hear a thing (1:00). Cherry Lane Theater, 38 Commerce Street, between Barrow and Bedford Streets, West Village (212) 239-6200. (Ginia Bellafante) THE FANTASTICKS A revival -- well, more like a resuscitation -- of the Little Musical That Wouldnt Die. This sweet-as-ever production of Tom Jones and Harvey Schmidts commedia-dellarte-style confection is most notable for Mr. Joness touching performance (under the pseudonym Thomas Bruce) as the Old Actor, a role he created when the show opened in 1960. Mr. Jones also directs (2:05). Snapple Theater Center, 210 West 50th Street, (212) 307-4100. (Brantley) THE FEVER Wallace Shawn performs his provocative monologue about a guilt-riddled bourgeois everyman sweating his way through a moral crisis. The rich, often hypnotic writing draws us into his tortured mindscape, as he shifts between shame over his sense of entitlement and reasoned arguments that sacrifice is unnecessary and pointless. Meanwhile, in the third world, the violence and poverty continue unabated (1:30). Acorn Theater, 410 West 42nd Street, Clinton, (212) 279-4200. (Isherwood) THE FRUGAL REPAST This sweet, compact story by Ron Hirsen dabbles in the high concepts of art, but not too deeply, which makes it just right. Two circus performers see Picassos Frugal Repast in a dealers window and realize they were the models for it; when they steal the print, their lowbrow world and Picassos highbrow one amusingly collide (1:20). The June Havoc Theater, Abingdon Theater Arts Complex, 312 West 36th Street, (212) 868-4444. (Genzlinger) GUTENBERG! THE MUSICAL A very funny if not terribly original satire of musical theater features what must be the worst backers audition of all time. The excellent duo Jeremy Shamos and Christopher Fitzgerald make the pitch (2:05). The Actors Playhouse, 100 Seventh Avenue South, at Fourth Street, Greenwich Village, (212) 239-6200. (Jason Zinoman) * IN THE HEIGHTS Lin-Manuel Mirandas joyous songs paint a vibrant portrait of daily life in Washington Heights in this flawed but enjoyable show. Essentially a valentine to the barrio -- conflict of a violent or desperate kind is banished from the picture -- the musical contains a host of vibrant, funny performances, and brings the zesty sound of Latin pop to the stage. (2:10). 37 Arts, 450 West 37th Street, (212) 307-4100. (Isherwood) JACQUES BREL IS ALIVE AND WELL AND LIVING IN PARIS A powerfully sung revival of the 1968 revue, presented with affectionate nostalgia by the director Gordon Greenberg. As in the original, two men and two women perform a wide selection of Brels plaintive ballads and stirring anthems (2:00). Zipper Theater, 336 West 37th Street, (212) 239-6200. (Isherwood) THE JADED ASSASSIN Imagine mediocre professional wrestling mixed with Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and you get the idea (1:15). The Ohio Theater, 66 Wooster Street, SoHo, (212) 868-4444. (Zinoman) A JEW GROWS IN BROOKLYN You dont have to be Jewish or Brooklynish to empathize with Jake Ehrenreich, but in terms of fully appreciating his essentially one-man show, it probably helps. Especially the Catskills jokes (2:05). 37 Arts, 450 West 37th Street, (212) 560-8912. (Anita Gates) THE LAST WORD Oren Safdies comedy about cultural generation gaps amuses as it goes along but lands at a predictable nowhere. Daniel J. Travanti stars as a Viennese Jew and aspiring playwright who does battle with a young student angling to become his writing assistant and find his voice (1:30). Theater at St. Clements, 423 West 46th Street, Clinton, (212) 279-4200. (Bellafante) THE MERCHANT OF VENICE and THE JEW OF MALTA F. Murray Abraham plays two Elizabethan villains in repertory for the Theater for a New Audience. Mr. Abrahams sinister but still moving Shylock is the dark heart of Darko Tresnjaks chilly, powerful staging of one of Shakespeares unfunniest comedies. As Barabas in David Herskovitss goofy, postmodern Jew of Malta, hes the lively center of a carnival that doesnt do justice to Christopher Marlowes harsh satire on Christian hypocrisy and venality (each 2:30). The Duke on 42nd Street, 229 West 42nd Street, (212) 239-6200. (Isherwood) A MIDSUMMER NIGHTS DREAM Shakespeares comedy, so dependent on things that arent what they appear to be, makes an inspired choice for Theater by the Blind, a group that mixes blind, vision-impaired and fully sighted actors. The most intriguing thing, though, is how the company stages the play with just six actors (1:50). The Barrow Group Theater, 312 West 36th Street, (212) 868-4444. (Genzlinger) MY MOTHERS ITALIAN, MY FATHERS JEWISH AND IM IN THERAPY Steve Solomon does skillful impersonations in his one-man show, but some of his jokes are as old as the hills (1:30). Little Shubert Theater, 422 West 42nd Street, Clinton, (212) 239-6200. (Gates) NO CHILD Teachers will love Nilaja Suns one-woman show about the challenges of teaching drama at Malcolm X High School (1:10). Barrow Street Theater, 27 Barrow Street, at Seventh Avenue South, West Village, (212) 239-6200. (Gates) ROOM SERVICE The Peccadillo Theater Company puts a charge into this comedy from the 1930s, thanks to a brisk pace by the director, Dan Wackerman, and a dozen dandy performances. David Edwards is the would-be producer whose bills threaten to swamp his efforts to put a show on Broadway, and Fred Berman is particularly fine as his director (2:00). SoHo Playhouse, 15 Vandam Street, South Village, (212) 691-1555. (Genzlinger) A SPANISH PLAY The great Zoe Caldwell returns to the New York stage after an absence of a decade, in the fine company of Linda Emond, Denis OHare and Larry Pine. Thats the good news. The bad? The play. Yasmina Rezas pseudo-philosophical and metatheatrical trifle is utterly forgettable (1:50). Classic Stage Company, 136 East 13th Street, East Village, (212) 352-3101. (Isherwood) 25 QUESTIONS FOR A JEWISH MOTHER This is the comedian Judy Golds fiercely funny monologue, based on her own life as a single Jewish lesbian mother and interviews with more than 50 other Jewish mothers (1:20). St. Lukes Theater, 308 West 46th Street, Clinton, (212) 239-6200. (Phoebe Hoban) VICTORIA MARTIN: MATH TEAM QUEEN Must all stage teenagers speak in that exaggerated surfer-dude style in which awesome and totally make up about 50 percent of any conversation? Yes, apparently they must, from the evidence presented in this thin comedy, which is about a high school girl who finds herself on the all-male math team. The playwright, Kathryn Walat, seems to have been trying to grab the coattails of a certain spelling-bee-related show. She missed (2:00). The Julia Miles Theater, 424 West 55th Street, Clinton, (212) 239-6200. (Genzlinger) * THE VOYSEY INHERITANCE David Mamet has cleanly and cannily adapted Harley Granville Barkers 1905 play about corruption in the genteel world of Victorian finance. An excellent cast and a sumptuous production bring extra immediacy to a tale of embezzlement and entitlement that feels as fresh as tomorrows stock options (1:50). Atlantic Theater, 336 West 20th Street, Chelsea, (212) 239-6200. (Isherwood) * WAKE UP MR. SLEEPY! YOUR UNCONSCIOUS MIND IS DEAD! Richard Foremans latest film-theater hybrid is a memorial service, of sorts, for the intuitive self, killed by a surface-worshiping world. It is also a dazzling exercise in reality shifting that is as invigorating as it is mournful (1:05). Ontological Theater at St. Marks Church, 131 East 10th Street, East Village, (212) 352-3101. (Brantley) Off Off Broadway AT LEAST ITS PINK Bridget Everett and her big, bad attitude co-star in this mini-musical about sex and unsatisfying jobs in the city. Directed by Michael Patrick King (of Sex and the City, as it happens), who is also the co-author, and with songs written by Ms. Everett and Kenny Mellman, the piano-playing half of Kiki & Herb. Raucous and rude, its a bit like a one-woman episode of Jerry Springer (1:20). Ars Nova, 511 West 54th Street, Clinton, (212) 868-4444. (Isherwood) T J AND DAVE The comics T. J. Jagodowski and Dave Pasquesi miraculously improvise a one-hour play at every performance. This is an impressive feat of mental athletics, but the results are also observant, complex and frequently enormously funny (1:00). Barrow Street Theater, 27 Barrow Street, West Village, (212) 239-6200. (Gates) Long-Running Shows ALTAR BOYZ This sweetly satirical show about a Christian pop group made up of five potential Teen People cover boys is an enjoyable, silly diversion (1:30). New World Stages, 340 West 50th Street, Clinton, (212) 239-6200. (Isherwood) AVENUE Q R-rated puppets give lively life lessons (2:10). Golden Theater, 252 West 45th Street, (212) 239-6200. (Brantley) BEAUTY AND THE BEAST Cartoon made flesh, sort of (2:30). Lunt-Fontanne Theater, 205 West 46th Street, (212) 307-4747. (Brantley) THE COLOR PURPLE Singing CliffsNotes for Alice Walkers Pulitzer Prize-winning novel (2:40). Broadway Theater, 1681 Broadway, at 53rd Street, (212) 239-6200. (Brantley) FORBIDDEN BROADWAY: SPECIAL VICTIMS UNIT Often more entertaining than the real thing (1:45). 47th Street Theater, 304 West 47th Street, Clinton, (212) 239-6200. (Brantley) HAIRSPRAY Fizzy pop, cute kids, large man in a housedress (2:30). Neil Simon Theater, 250 West 52nd Street, (212) 307-4100. (Brantley) JERSEY BOYS The biomusical that walks like a man (2:30). August Wilson Theater, 245 West 52nd Street, (212) 239-6200. (Brantley) THE LION KING Disney on safari, where the big bucks roam (2:45). Minskoff Theater, 200 West 45th Street at Broadway, (212) 307-4100. (Brantley) MAMMA MIA! The jukebox that devoured Broadway (2:20). Cadillac Winter Garden Theater, 1634 Broadway, at 50th Street, (212) 239-6200. (Brantley) THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA Who was that masked man, anyway? (2:30). Majestic Theater, 247 West 44th Street, (212) 239-6200. (Brantley) THE PRODUCERS The ne plus ultra of showbiz scams (2:45). St. James Theater, 246 West 44th Street, (212) 239-6200. (Brantley) RENT East Village angst and love songs to die for (2:45). Nederlander Theater, 208 West 41st Street, (212) 307-4100. (Brantley) SPAMALOT A singing scrapbook for Monty Python fans (2:20). Shubert Theater, 225 West 44th Street, (212) 239-6200. (Brantley) THE 25TH ANNUAL PUTNAM COUNTY SPELLING BEE A Chorus Line with pimples (1:45). Circle in the Square, 254 West 50th Street, Manhattan, (212) 239-6200. (Isherwood) WICKED Oz revisited, with political corrections (2:45). Gershwin Theater, 222 West 51st Street, Manhattan, (212) 307-4100. (Brantley) Last Chance ANON. Kate Robins savvy, dark romantic comedy about sexual addiction doesnt live up to its potential (2:10). Atlantic Theater Company, Stage 2, 330 West 16th Street, Chelsea, (212) 239-6200; closes on Sunday. (Zinoman) EVIL DEAD: THE MUSICAL This likable horror comedy based on Sam Raimis gory movies wants to be the next Rocky Horror Show. To that end, it offers deadpan lyrics, self-referential humor and geysers of stage blood (2:00). New World Stages, 340 West 50th Street, Clinton, (212) 239-6200; closes tomorrow. (Gates) FRANKS HOME Peter Weller plays Frank Lloyd Wright in Richard Nelsons dreary bio-drama, which lingers lovingly on its subjects feet of clay while paying arid lip service to his genius (1:45). Playwrights Horizons Mainstage, 416 West 42nd Street, Clinton, (212) 719-4200; closes on Sunday. (Isherwood) * THE LITTLE DOG LAUGHED The comedy of manners, a form widely believed to be extinct in the American theater, has actually resurfaced on Broadway with all its vital signs intact in Douglas Carter Beanes breezy but trenchant satire about truth and illusion, Hollywood style. With the wonderful Julie White as the movie agent you hate to love (but just cant help it) (2:00). Cort Theater, 138 West 48th Street, (212) 239-6200; closes on Sunday. (Brantley) MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS This musical is too big for its stage, but the young turn-of-the-last-century sweethearts have great chemistry, and there are four terrific songs (2:00). Irish Repertory Theater, 132 West 22nd Street, Chelsea, (212) 727-2737; closes on Sunday. (Gates) * TOYS IN THE ATTIC Austin Pendletons fine revival of Lillian Hellmans last play faithfully attacks the corrosive attachments of family. What good is a family, and thus a society, the play implicitly asks, that can only look in the mirror? (2:30) Pearl Theater, 80 St. Marks Place, East Village, (212) 598-9802; closes on Sunday. (Bellafante) Movies Ratings and running times are in parentheses; foreign films have English subtitles. Full reviews of all current releases, movie trailers, show times and tickets: ARTHUR AND THE INVISIBLES (PG, 94 minutes) Luc Besson serves up a hybrid of live actors and computer-generated figures to tell a not-endearing-enough story about a boy (Freddie Highmore) who shrinks to microscopic size to find some gems and his missing grandfather. Lots of famous names (Madonna, Robert De Niro, David Bowie, Snoop Dogg) lend their voices to the computerized part of the movie, but only briefly near the end does everything click. (Neil Genzlinger) BABEL (R, 143 minutes, in English, Spanish, Japanese, Berber, Arabic and sign language) This hugely ambitious movie tells four loosely linked, not quite simultaneous stories set on three different continents, with dialogue in several languages. The themes, to the extent they are decipherable, include loss, fate and the terrible consequences of miscommunication. Written by Guillermo Arriaga and directed by Alejandro Gonzalez Iñárritu, the movie is an intellectual muddle but a visceral tour de force, and the power of the filmmaking almost overcomes the fuzziness of the ideas. Almost. (A. O. Scott) BECAUSE I SAID SO (PG-13, 102 minutes) Diane Keaton and Mandy Moore as mother and daughter. What did she say, exactly? Whatever it was, it wasnt as funny as it should have been. (Scott) * BLACK FRIDAY (No rating, 143 minutes, in Hindi) Set in 1993, this is an exploration of how religious hatred between Indias Hindu majority and Muslim minority manifested itself in institutionalized discrimination, race rioting and, ultimately, a series of terrorist bombings by Muslim guerrillas that killed 257 people in Mumbai. The upshot is an exhaustive, exhausting, often moving thriller that spreads both empathy and condemnation around democratically. (Matt Zoller Seitz) BLOOD DIAMOND (R, 138 minutes) The makers of this foolish thriller about illegal diamond trafficking in Africa, starring an excellent Leonardo DiCaprio, want you to know there may be blood on your hands, specifically your wedding finger. Too bad they havent thought through what it means to turn misery into entertainment. (Manohla Dargis) BREAKING AND ENTERING (R, 119 minutes) This high-toned, feel-bad exercise in liberal guilt comes from Anthony Minghella, who brings the same earnest humorlessness to present-day London that he has brought to the historical past. Jude Law is an architect; Juliette Binoche is a Bosnian seamstress; and Vera Farmiga provides a glimmer of wit and liveliness as a Russian prostitute who shows up to drink coffee, show her underwear and discuss the themes of the movie. (Scott) * CHILDREN OF MEN (R, 100 minutes) The end is nigh in this superb thriller directed by Alfonso Cuarón about a nervously plausible future. Based on the P. D. James book, the film stars an excellent Clive Owen and features equally sterling support from Michael Caine, Danny Huston and Chiwetel Ejiofior, among others. (Dargis) * DAYS OF GLORY (R, 120 minutes, in French) Rachid Boucharebs tale of North African soldiers fighting to free their French colonial masters from German Occupation during World War II is a potent combat picture, and also a searching and complex political drama. (Scott) * THE DEPARTED (R, 150 minutes) Martin Scorseses cubistic entertainment about men divided by power, loyalty and their own selves is at once a success and a relief. Based on the crackling Hong Kong thriller Infernal Affairs, it features fine twinned performances from Matt Damon and Leonardo DiCaprio, and a showboating Jack Nicholson. (Dargis) DREAMGIRLS (PG-13, 131 minutes) The Broadway musical arrives on the screen, capably directed by Bill Condon, ardently acted and sung by Jamie Foxx, Eddie Murphy, Beyoncé Knowles and (especially) Jennifer Hudson, but undone by mediocre and anachronistic songs. (Scott) EPIC MOVIE (PG-13, 86 minutes) A cheap, dumb parody of expensive, dumb movies. (Scott) FACTORY GIRL (R, 91 minutes) Its not entirely inappropriate that this film, George Hickenloopers biography of Edie Sedgwick, the most glamorous of Andy Warhols so-called superstars, should suggest a magazine layout masquerading as a film. The world through which Ms. Sedgwick (Sienna Miller) blazed and burned out was one that lived and died by the camera. It existed to be seen and drooled over. But God help you if you actually lived in it. (Stephen Holden) HANNIBAL RISING (R, 121 minutes) Marked by too much respect and too little energy, this primer on the early years of Hannibal Lecter reduces one of our most mythic villains to a callow, dysfunctional chef. Orphaned in World War II, our psychopathic hero hunts down his familys killers and snacks on their remains. But burrowing into the id of pop cultures most repulsive gourmet demands a sanguinary glee that the director, Peter Webber, may not possess; for all the movies spurting gore, theres no accompanying rush of blood to the head. (Jeannette Catsoulis) THE ITALIAN (PG-13, 99 minutes, in Russian) This dark fairy tale from Russia pulls you into a richly atmospheric, persuasively inhabited world teeming with young foundlings and pathos, and upended by one remarkable little boy. (Dargis) THE LAST KING OF SCOTLAND (R, 121 minutes) Kevin Macdonald paints a queasily enjoyable portrait of the Ugandan dictator Idi Amin from inside the palace walls. Forest Whitaker plays the mad king, while James McAvoy plays the fool. (Dargis) * LETTERS FROM IWO JIMA (R, 141 minutes, in Japanese) Another masterwork from Clint Eastwoods astonishing late period, and one of the best war movies ever. Ken Watanabe is especially fine as the general commanding Japanese troops in the doomed defense of the island of Iwo Jima. (Scott) * LITTLE CHILDREN (R, 130 minutes) Todd Fields adaptation of Tom Perrottas novel of suburban adultery is unfailingly intelligent and faultlessly acted. Kate Winslet and Patrick Wilson are superb as the parents of young children who meet at the playground and enact a two-handed variation on Madame Bovary against a backdrop of social paranoia and middle-class malaise. (Scott) * Little Miss Sunshine (R, 101 minutes) A bittersweet comedy of dysfunction that takes place at the terminus of the American dream. The excellent cast includes Greg Kinnear, Steve Carell, Toni Collette, Paul Dano and that national treasure, Alan Arkin. (Dargis) THE LIVES OF OTHERS (R, 137 minutes, in German) Florian Henckel von Donnersmarcks debut feature takes place in East Berlin in 1984, and it is a smart, moving inquiry into the moral predicament facing good people in a bad system. Ulrich Mühes performance as a conscience-stricken Stasi officer is a tightly wound tour de force, and Sebastian Koch and Martina Gedeck are both superb as a playwright and his actress lover who are drawn into the cruel, absurd clutches of the Communist secret police. (Scott) * MAFIOSO (No rating, 99 minutes, in Italian) This 1962 film, revived by Rialto Pictures, is a rambunctious, astonishing blend of farce, thriller and social satire. The director, Alberto Lattuada, follows an up-and-coming Fiat manager (Alberto Sordi) on a visit from Milan to his native village in Sicily. His homecoming is full of surprises -- painful for him, altogether delightful for the audience. (Scott) NORBIT (PG-13, 97 minutes) Eddie Murphy plays a nebbish, a fat woman and a Chinese restaurant owner in this crude, sometimes mean, but often funny farce. (Scott) NOTES ON A SCANDAL (R, 92 minutes) Judi Dench and Cate Blanchett play a misogynistic game of cat and mouse from which no one emerges unscathed, including the audience. Adapted by Patrick Marber from a novel by Zoë Heller and directed by Richard Eyre. (Dargis) NOTES ON MARIE MENKEN (No rating, 97 minutes) Martina Kudlaceks documentary shines a quavering if welcome ray of light on a largely forgotten figure in the American avant-garde film scene, whose sphere of influence included Edward Albee, Stan Brakhage and Kenneth Anger. (Dargis) * PANS LABYRINTH (R, 119 minutes, in Spanish) Guillermo del Toros tale of a young girls ordeal in post-Civil-War fascist Spain is either a fairy tale in the guise of a political allegory or vice versa. In either case it is a moving, enchanting, strange and humane example of popular art at its very best. (Scott) THE PAINTED VEIL (PG-13, 125 minutes) Nicely directed by John Curran, this version of the W. Somerset Maugham novel draws you in by turning a distaff bildungsroman into a fine romance with Naomi Watts and Edward Norton. (Dargis) THE PURSUIT OF HAPPYNESS (PG-13, 117 minutes) How you respond to this fairy tale in realist drag may depend on whether you find Will Smiths performances so overwhelmingly winning that you buy the idea that poverty is a function of bad luck and bad choices, and success the result of heroic toil and dreams. (Dargis) PUCCINI FOR BEGINNERS (No rating, 81 minutes) Snappy repartee with the ring of real conversation among people who are never at a loss for a remark is something every self-respecting Manhattan sophisticate imagines can be channeled into a screenplay with the crackle of vintage Woody Allen. That elusive tone is sustained through enough of Maria Maggentis film Puccini For Beginners to make this screwball comedy of sexual confusion with lesbian inclinations a rarity. (Holden) * THE QUEEN (PG-13, 103 minutes) Directed by Stephen Frears from a very smart script by Peter Morgan, and starring a magnificent Helen Mirren in the title role, The Queen pries open a window in the House of Windsor around the time of the death of Diana, Princess of Wales, blending fact with fiction. (Dargis) * REGULAR LOVERS (No rating, 175 minutes, in French) Philippe Garrels tender portrait of late-1960s French youth stars the filmmakers son, Louis Garrel, as a 20-year-old Parisian struggling through the fires of revolutionary promise and its smoldering remains. Magnificent. (Dargis) THE SITUATION (No rating, 106 minutes, in English and Arabic) Connie Nielsen stars as a correspondent sniffing around wartime Iraq in a narcoleptic thriller directed by Philip Haas from a screenplay by the journalist Wendell Steavenson. (Dargis) SMOKIN ACES (R, 107 minutes) Absolute garbage. (Scott) STOMP THE YARD (PG-13, 109 minutes) Brotherhood is powerful in this sometimes compelling, sometimes complacent movie about stepping and African-American fraternity life at an Atlanta institution called Truth University. D J (Columbus Short), a street-style dancer, needs to find his place in a university ruled by Gammas and Thetas and stepping. (Rachel Saltz) AN UNREASONABLE MAN (No rating, 122 minutes) A very reasonable documentary about the long career of Ralph Nader as a consumer advocate and, more recently and vexingly to some of his former admirers, a perennial presidential candidate. (Scott) VENUS (R, 91 minutes) A modest, diverting, touching tale of a young woman who attracts the interest -- avuncular and also erotic -- of an aging actor, played with effortless aplomb by the great Peter OToole. (Scott) * VOLVER (R, 121 minutes, in Spanish) Another keeper from Pedro Almodóvar, with Penélope Cruz -- as a resilient widow -- in her best role to date. (Scott) Film Series FILM COMMENT SELECTS (Tonight through Thursday) A series of critically acclaimed films that were not released commercially, chosen by the editors of Film Comment, continues tonight with Pedro Costas Colossal Youth, one of the most divisive titles of the 2006 Cannes Film Festival. A slow-moving study of the immigrants from Cape Verde who live in a run-down corner of Lisbon, the film evoked both the standard comparisons to paint drying and high praise comparing Mr. Costas work to that of the avant garde masters Jean-Marie Straub and Danièle Huillet (whose final film will be shown in this series next weekend). Also this week: Bardo (2005), by the Taiwanese director Lin Tay-jou; the controversial Chinese film Summer Palace (2006), by Lou Ye; and a new, arty thriller, Retribution, (2006), by the Japanese filmmaker Kiyoshi Kurosawa. (Through Feb. 27.) Walter Reade Theater 165 West 65th Street, Lincoln Center, (212) 875-5600,; $10. (Dave Kehr) FIST AND SWORD: AN AFTERNOON WITH RON VAN CLIEF (Sunday) This African-American martial arts star appears with a program of clips from the many films and television programs he has worked on since 1974, including Way of the Black Dragon (1978) and Touch of Death (1980). Museum of the Moving Image, 35th Avenue at 36th Street, Astoria, Queens, (718) 784-0077,; $10. (Kehr) GRAHAM GREENE NOIR (Thursday) A series of four weekly screenings of films based on thrillers by Graham Greene begins with a rarely seen 1944 film by Fritz Lang, Ministry of Fear, a spy tale loosely based on Greenes novel of the same title, filled out with haunting, surrealist imagery. Ray Milland and Marjorie Reynolds star. (Through March 30.) Brooklyn Academy of Music, 30 Lafayette Street, at Ashland Place, Fort Greene, Brooklyn, (718) 636-4100,; $10. (Kehr) MORRICONE (Tonight through Thursday) The third and final week of a tribute to the Italian film composer Ennio Morricone features some very rare titles, including Giuliano Montaldos 1968 Machine Gun McCain, starring John Cassavetes, Gena Rowlands and Peter Falk, on Sunday and Monday, and Samuel Fullers fatally misunderstood fable on race relations, White Dog (1982), on Tuesday. Film Forum 209 West Houston Street, west of Avenue of the Americas, South Village, (212) 727-8110,; $10.50. (Kehr) A VIEW FROM THE VAULTS: WARNER BROs., RKO PICTURES AND FIRST NATIONAL PICTURES (Tonight through Thursday) Ten features from the aforementioned studios, shown in prints recently acquired by the Museum of Modern Art. This weeks screenings include Irving Rappers 1945 The Corn Is Green, with Bette Davis; Michael Curtizs lurid 1949 carnival melodrama, Flamingo Road, with Joan Crawford; Raoul Walshs 1940 tale of high-speed truck drivers, They Drive by Night; and Gunga Din, George Stevenss rousing colonialist adventure of 1939. (Through Feb. 24.) Museum of Modern Art Roy and Niuta Titus Theaters, (212) 708-9400,; $10. (Kehr) Pop Full reviews of recent concerts: JON ANDERSON AND THE SCHOOL OF ROCK ALL-STARS (Sunday and Monday) As seen in the documentary Rock School, Paul Green offers an extensive curriculum at his Philadelphia school, teaching youngsters the rock n roll canon, as well as the fundamentals of power chords and budda-budda bass lines. Here his students get the equivalent of a dissertation defense: backing up Jon Anderson, the helium-voiced former singer of Yes, in that bands hair-pullingly complex, neoclassical prog-rock songs. At 8 p.m., B. B. King Blues Club & Grill, 237 West 42nd Street, Manhattan, (212) 997-4144,; $35 in advance, $40 at the door (sold out on Sunday). (Ben Sisario) * ARCADE FIRE (Tonight and tomorrow night) Three years ago, with its jubilantly clamorous album Funeral, this Montreal group performed a kind of musical miracle: making navel-gazing indie-rock seem not only fresh and sincere but also deeply meaningful. Its brilliant second record, Neon Bible (Merge), to be released next month, is darker and more preoccupied but nearly as cathartic. At 7:30, Judson Memorial Church, 55 Washington Square South, Greenwich Village, (212) 260-4700,; sold out. (Sisario) BARR (Tonight and tomorrow night) Over bare stutters of piano and drums, Brendan Fowler of Barr lets loose an endlessly self-regarding logorrhea, questioning his every thought and instinct in a naked, paratactic melancholy. What is the saddest thing I can say? he asks on Barrs new album, Summary (5RC). Words arent sad enough. Music isnt sad enough. How could it bear to be? It doesnt need to be cause life is there to do it for real. With Lucky Dragons. At 8, the Kitchen, 512 West 19th Street, Chelsea, (212) 255-5793,; $10. (Sisario) RICHARD BUCKNER (Tomorrow and Sunday) With a dry baritone and a creaky acoustic guitar, Richard Buckner broods about women, booze and death. And hes serious about all this American Gothic stuff: his 2000 album The Hill was an appropriately bleak setting of 18 poems from Edgar Lee Masterss Spoon River Anthology. With Six Parts Seven. Tomorrow at 8 p.m., Sunday at 9:30 p.m., Union Hall, 702 Union Street, at Fifth Avenue, Park Slope, Brooklyn, (718) 638-4400,; $10. (Sisario) JUDY COLLINS (Tonight and tomorrow night, and Tuesday through Thursday) A folk songbird for seemingly longer than anybody else has been a folk songbird, Ms. Collins is at the Café Carlyle for her debut cabaret engagement. At 8:45 p.m., Carlyle Hotel, 35 East 76th Street, Manhattan, (212) 744-1600,; $100 cover at tables, $65 at the bar. (Sisario) BOBBY CONN (Thursday) Bobby Conn is a wiseguy iconoclast from Chicago who never skips his daily dose of irony as he turns pop songs into excursions all over the musical landscape. He wanders amid retro-funk, jazz and noise as he proclaims his romantic intentions in sardonically overwrought vocals. With Detholz and the Victoria Lucas. At 9 p.m., Trash Bar, 256 Grand Street, at Roebling Street, Williamsburg, Brooklyn (718) 599-100,; $10. (Sisario) KEVIN DEVINE, JENNIFER OCONNOR (Tomorrow) Mr. Devine, once of the band Miracle of 86, has carved out a niche as a sharp and unassuming singer-songwriter in the Elliott Smith mold. Ms. OConnors portraits of the lovelorn, in poker-faced, half-sung, half-spoken vocals, are dry but not unsympathetic: Maybe shes on her lunch break thinking of you. With Pablo and Koufax. At 8 p.m., Knitting Factory, 74 Leonard Street, TriBeCa, (212) 219-3132,; $10 in advance, $12 at the door. (Sisario) DUB TRIO (Monday and Tuesday) Made up of well-traveled session players for the likes of the Fugees and Mos Def, Dub Trio plays spacious reggae grooves spiked with high-adrenaline punk, affectionately recalling Bad Brains. At 8 p.m., Union Pool, 484 Union Avenue, at Meeker Avenue, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, (718) 609-0484; $5. (Sisario) EXPLOSIONS IN THE SKY (Monday and Tuesday) The epic instrumentals by this band from Austin, Tex., begin in peace, with single notes twinkling amid darkness, and gradually build to turbulent vortexes of noise. Borrowing a few tricks from Pink Floyd, Explosions in the Sky keeps the pace majestic and the vistas cinematic, and takes its time. Monday at 9 p.m., with Mountains, at Warsaw, 261 Driggs Avenue, at Eckford Street, Greenpoint, Brooklyn, (718) 387-0505,; Tuesday at 7:30 p.m., the Concert Hall at the New York Society for Ethical Culture, 2 West 64th Street, Manhattan,; both shows sold out. (Sisario) MELISSA FERRICK, TIM FITE (Tonight) Somewhere between Ani DiFranco and Melissa Etheridge, Ms. Ferrick slings an acoustic guitar and belts songs filled with bravado. Tim Fites songs about kicking every can in New York City are booby-trapped with quick changes, from clean country-pop to corrosive punk. At 9, Southpaw, 125 Fifth Avenue, near Sterling Place, Park Slope, Brooklyn, (718) 230-0236,; $18. (Sisario) GANG GANG DANCE (Tomorrow) Like radio waves converging somewhere in outer space, this New York groups music -- made from tribal rhythms, pulsating electronic noises and Bollywoodesque vocals -- is a tangle of disparate sounds that seem slightly out of sync but in time develop their own hypnotic patterns. At 9 p.m., Studio B, 259 Banker Street, between Meserole Avenue and Calyer Street, Greenpoint, Brooklyn, (718) 389-1880,; $12.50. (Sisario) GYM CLASS HEROES (Thursday) It was inevitable: emo rap. Gym Class Heroes, from Geneva, N.Y., were as obscure a hip-hop act as could be when they made Taxi Driver, which winkingly name-checks a Warped Tours worth of emo bands. (I took a cutie for a ride in my death cab. Before she left she made a dashboard confessional.) By last summer, when they released New Friend Request, about MySpace etiquette, they were rubbing shoulders with all those groups -- on the Warped Tour, of course. With RX Bandits, P.O.S. and k-os. At 5:30 p.m., Webster Hall, 125 East 11th Street, East Village, (212) 533-2111,; sold out. (Sisario) IN THE ATTIC (Tuesday) Its good to be connected. Rachel Fuller, a British songwriter, presents this informal musical salon with her companion, a little-known guitarist named Pete Townshend. In the Attic is usually a live Web cast from Mr. Townshends studio, but lately Ms. Fuller has been taking it on the road, and on Tuesday she and Mr. Townshend preside over a jam session with surprise guests. At 9:30 p.m., Joes Pub, at the Public Theater, 425 Lafayette Street, at Astor Place, East Village, (212) 967-7555,; sold out. (Sisario) RICKIE LEE JONES (Tonight) With a new album, The Sermon on Exposition Boulevard (New West), that sets sayings by Jesus to raw, droney rock songs, Rickie Lee Jones, the beret-wearing neo-Beat with the girlish slur, offers yet another twist in a career full of odd turns. At 8, the Concert Hall at the New York Society for Ethical Culture, 2 West 64th Street, Manhattan, (212) 307-7171,; $49.50. (Sisario) KIKI AND HERB (Sunday) A few years ago this brilliantly perverse cabaret duo played their farewell show at Carnegie Hall. Then came a run on Broadway. And some late-night gigs at Joes Pub. And the annual, inimitable Christmas show. (Highlight: a medley of Smells Like Teen Spirit and Frosty the Snowman.) Kiki and Herb cant stay away from the stage, and New York is the better for it. At 11:30 p.m., Joes Pub, 425 Lafayette Street, at Astor Place, East Village, (212) 967-7555,; $20. (Sisario) B. B. KING (Thursday) With his latest guitar called Lucille, B. B. King can, on a good night, summon all the tribulation and joy and resilience of the blues. At 8 p.m., New Jersey Performing Arts Center, 1 Center Street, Newark, (888) 466-5722,; $35 to $95. (Jon Pareles) LINCOLN CENTERS AMERICAN SONGBOOK (Wednesday and Thursday) Now in its ninth season, this series has expanded greatly from its origins as a home for the midcentury pantheon of Harold Arlen, Richard Rodgers and the like. On Wednesday Ute Lemper, one of the few performers who can make cabaret seem dangerous, sings songs by Kurt Weill, Tom Waits and Van Morrison, as well as some of her own. Thursday is a triple bill of young New York songwriters who have long shared (small) stages together: Sasha Dobson, whose songs float on a breeze of bossa nova; Jesse Harris, who wrote Dont Know Why for his friend Norah Jones; and Richard Julian, who is endlessly enamored of, and frustrated by, his most frequent subject, New York. At 8:30 p.m., Allen Room, Frederick P. Rose Hall, Broadway at 60th Street, (212) 721-6500,; $30 to $60 (sold out on Wednesday). (Sisario) MALAJUBE, SNOWDEN (Tomorrow through Monday) Trading places as the headliner in three shows: Malajube, a Montreal band whose seductively surreal songs (sung in French) riffle through decades of influence, from happy Beatles pop to rap and stomping grunge-pop; and Snowden, whose members are from Atlanta but play stylishly depressive postpunk riffs like true Brooklynites. Tomorrow and Sunday at 8:30 p.m., Mercury Lounge, 217 East Houston Street, at Ludlow Street, Lower East Side, (212) 260-4700,; sold out. Monday at 8:30 p.m., Southpaw, 125 Fifth Avenue, near Sterling Place, Park Slope, Brooklyn, (718) 230-0236,; $10. (Sisario) PELA, HIGH STRUNG (Tonight) All Friday nights at the Mercury Lounge should be like this, and many are: two excellent, underhyped bands and a cover charge that doesnt necessitate a trip to the A.T.M. Pela, from Brooklyn, calls its style pastoral punk, which means wide-open skies of bouncy, Pixiesesque basslines and sharp, sparkling guitars that recall the Strokes and U2. The High Strung, whose members are based in Detroit but did time in New York, live up to their name with antsy, accelerated songs that draw from both the raggedness of garage rock and the bright, clear lines of New Wave. The band gets extra points for touring dozens of public libraries. With XYZ Affair and the Teeth. At 8:30, Mercury Lounge, 217 East Houston Street, at Ludlow Street, Lower East Side, (212) 260-4700,; $10. (Sisario) * SAVAGE REPUBLIC (Tomorrow) Between 1980 and 1989, this Los Angeles band released four albums of droning, pounding, brawling postpunk that could be assaultive or hypnotic -- a West Coast counterpart to early Public Image Ltd., Swans and Sonic Youth. Touring sporadically since the reissue of its complete catalog in 2002, the group comes to Club Midway in the East Village. Tomorrows Friend, Va Va China and Oliver North open the show. At 8 p.m., 25 Avenue B, at Second Street, (212) 253-2595,; $15 in advance, $18 at the door. (Pareles) * SONIC YOUTH (Tonight) Conventional wisdom would say it should have burned out years ago: Sonic Youth has been treading the same shaggy avant-indie path since the early 1980s, and each of its members has had plenty of other interests to pursue. But since its 2002 album Murray Street, partly about life after 9/11, the band has hit a wonderful new stride, and on its latest album, Rather Ripped (Geffen), sounds as comfortable, focused and invigorated as ever. With Wooden Wand. At 6:30, Webster Hall, 125 East 11th Street, East Village, (212) 533-2111,; sold out. (Sisario) ROD STEWART (Wednesday) His four Great American Songbook albums may not represent the most distinguished readings of those songs -- ditto his Bob Seger and Creedence Clearwater Revival covers on the recent Still the Same Great Rock Classics of Our Time (J) -- but when Rod Stewart lets go of his smugness, that whisky tenor of his can be a powerful interpretive instrument. Doesnt happen often, though. At 8 p.m., Madison Square Garden, (212) 307-7171,; $55 to $129.50. (Sisario) SUPER DIAMOND (Tonight and tomorrow night) A tribute to the songs of Neil Diamond, particularly his triumphal 1970s material. Smirking is optional. At 9, Irving Plaza, 17 Irving Place, at 15th Street, Manhattan, (212) 777-6800,; $25 in advance, $30 at the door. (Pareles) * LOS TIGRES DEL NORTE (Tomorrow) One of the most popular and longest-running bands in the Americas, Los Tigres del Norte, from the western Mexican state of Sinaloa, have for 35 years been setting gritty stories of drug smugglers, immigrants and other hardscrabble characters to the bopping, accordion-driven polkas of norteño (a sound better known on this side of the border as Tex-Mex). The group regularly draws thousands to its shows in New York, and tomorrow it plays the 60,000-square-foot Bedford Avenue Armory in Brooklyn. At 8 p.m., 1579 Bedford Avenue, at President Street, Crown Heights, (646) 261-1588; $40. (Sisario) Jazz Full reviews of recent jazz concerts: ALL-STAR ORGAN SUMMIT (Tonight and tomorrow night) This descriptively titled engagement features no fewer than three Hammond B-3 organists -- Jimmy McGriff, Dr. Lonnie Smith and Reuben Wilson -- together with the tenor saxophonist Jerry Weldon and the guitarist Peter Bernstein, among others. At 8, 10 and 11:30, Smoke, 2751 Broadway, at 106th Street, (212) 864-6662,; cover, $30. (Nate Chinen) SAM BARSH BAND (Tonight) The sharp young keyboardist Sam Barsh leads a groove-minded working band with Tim Collins on vibraphone, Ari Folman-Cohen on bass and Jaimeo Brown on drums. At 10, 11 and 12:30, Rose Live Music, 345 Grand Street, between Havemeyer and Marcy Streets, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, (718) 599-0069,; cover, $7. (Chinen) * BRIAN BLADE FELLOWSHIP (Tuesday through Thursday) Brian Blade is an unusually sensitive drummer, as he has proven not only with Wayne Shorter but also with Joni Mitchell. He turns the spotlight to his own painterly compositions in this influential ensemble with the saxophonists Myron Walden and Melvin Butler, the guitarist Peter Bernstein, the pianist Jon Cowherd and the bassist Christopher Thomas. (Through Feb. 25.) At 9 and 11 p.m., Village Vanguard, 178 Seventh Avenue South, at 11th Street, West Village, (212) 255-4037,; cover, $25, with a $10 minimum. (Chinen) JOHNATHAN BLAKE QUARTET (Tomorrow) The drummer Johnathan Blake propels a band with two sure-footed saxophonists -- Jaleel Shaw, on alto, and Joel Frahm, on tenor -- as well as the pianist Orrin Evans and the bassist Joe Martin. At 9 and 10:30 p.m., Jazz Gallery, 290 Hudson Street, at Spring Street, South Village, (212) 242-1063,; cover, $15; $10 for members. (Chinen) BROOKLYN QAWWALI PARTY (Tomorrow) The Sufi devotional music of Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan provides a repertory mandate for this ensemble, led by the trumpeter Jesse Neuman. Faithful to its source mainly in terms of exuberance, the group creates a roiling polyphony of percussion, saxophones, brass, bass, harmonium and guitar. At 9 p.m., Barbès, 376 Ninth Street, at Sixth Avenue, Park Slope, Brooklyn, (718) 965-9177,; cover, $10. (Chinen) CYRUS CHESTNUT QUARTET WITH CARLA COOK (Tuesday through Thursday) Cyrus Chestnut is a pianist with a penchant for gospel harmonies, as he will demonstrate here with a rhythm section and Ms. Cook, a powerful singer. (Through Feb. 25.) At 7:30 and 9:30 p.m., Dizzys Club Coca-Cola, Frederick P. Rose Hall, Jazz at Lincoln Center, 60th Street and Broadway, (212) 258-9595,; cover, $30, with a minimum of $10 at tables, $5 at the bar. (Chinen) KURT ELLING (Tonight through Sunday night) Mr. Ellings deep musicality and literary sensibility have made him the leading male jazz vocalist of our time, though perhaps not the most consistent. He comes with a rhythm section, led by the pianist Laurence Hobgood, and a handful of special guests. At 8 and 10:30, Blue Note, 131 West Third Street, West Village, (212) 475-8592,; cover, $35 at tables, $20 at the bar, with a $5 minimum. (Chinen) EXPLODING HEART/EXPLORATIONS (Tomorrow) Explosion and exploration are sure to be closely related processes in both these ad hoc ensembles. Exploding Heart consists of Tony Malaby on saxophones, William Parker on bass and Nasheet Waits on drums; Explorations features the alto saxophonist Matana Roberts and the drummer Tyshawn Sorey. At 8 p.m., the Stone, Avenue C and Second Street, East Village,; cover, $10. (Chinen) FIVE OF A KIND (Tuesday) This collaborative quintet, which makes its debut here, features ambitious musician-composers with a shared interest in world music: the trumpeter Avishai Cohen, the saxophonist Joel Frahm, the pianist Jason Lindner, the bassist Omer Avital and the drummer Johnathan Blake. At 7:30 and 9:30 p.m., Jazz Standard, 116 East 27th Street, Manhattan, (212) 576-2232,; cover, $20. (Chinen) DON FRIEDMAN (Tonight) Mr. Friedmans stylistic history as a pianist runs from traditional to slightly left of center; hes likely to range freely in this recital at Fazioli Salon, a solo piano series at the Klavierhaus workshop. At 8, Klavierhaus, 211 West 58th Street, Manhattan, (212) 245-4535,; $25. (Chinen) AARON GOLDBERG 3 PLUS STEFON HARRIS (Wednesday and Thursday) On his last album, Worlds (Sunnyside), the pianist Aaron Goldberg showcased the strong rapport of his working trio, with the bassist Reuben Rogers and the drummer Eric Harland. Here he has a substitute drummer, Greg Hutchinson, and a dynamic guest soloist, the vibraphonist Stefon Harris. At 7:30 and 9:30 p.m., Jazz Standard, 116 East 27th Street, Manhattan, (212) 576-2232,; cover, $20. (Chinen) MARY HALVORSON AND JESSICA PAVONE (Wednesday) Ms. Halvorson plays acoustic guitar in this duo, and Ms. Pavone plays viola. Their experimental instincts, honed by an affiliation with the composer Anthony Braxton, commingle with folksy lyricism; they even sing, without a shred of protective irony. At 10 p.m., the Stone, Avenue C and Second Street, East Village,; cover, $10. (Chinen) * AHMAD JAMAL TRIO (Tuesday through Thursday) A touchstone of jazz piano since the 1950s, Mr. Jamal still has his broad, dynamic range and signature touch, as he proved on a recent live album, After Fajr (Dreyfus). He also has a no-nonsense rhythm team: the bassist James Cammack and the drummer Idris Muhammad. (Through Feb. 25.) At 8 and 10:30 p.m., Blue Note, 131 West Third Street, West Village, (212) 475-8592,; cover, $40 at tables, $30 at the bar, with a $5 minimum. (Chinen) RUDRESH MAHANTHAPPA QUARTET (Tonight) Codebook (Pi), the latest album by the alto saxophonist Rudresh Mahanthappa, investigates the topic of cryptography, not the most promising theme for an improviser. What lifts the project off the ground is the brazen imaginative exertion of his band, with Vijay Iyer on piano, Carlo DeRosa on bass and Dan Weiss on drums. At midnight, Iridium, 1650 Broadway, at 51st Street, (212) 582-2121,; cover, $10; $5 for students; with a $10 minimum. (Chinen) JOE MARTIN QUARTET (Thursday) Joe Martin, a reliably supportive bassist, turns the spotlight on his own compositions and on the interplay of a promising quartet, with John Ellis on saxophones, Aaron Parks on piano and Marcus Gilmore on drums. At 9 and 10:30 p.m., Jazz Gallery, 290 Hudson Street, at Spring Street, South Village, (212) 242-1063,; cover, $12; $10 for members. (Chinen) T. S. MONK (Wednesday and Thursday) Thelonious Sphere Monk Jr., a loquacious drummer whose taste skews less idiosyncratic than his fathers, leads a polished hard-bop band. (Through Feb. 24.) At 9 and 11 p.m., Birdland, 315 West 44th Street, Clinton, (212) 581-3080,; cover, $40, with a $10 minimum. (Chinen) * MY BAND FOOT FOOT (Tomorrow) The Shaggs, a trio of sisters from New Hampshire -- and by common consensus one of the very best truly awful rock bands of all time -- receive a jazz makeover from a sextet led by the wry trumpeter John McNeil. This is the projects first performance; results could be bad, which might be all the better. At 9 and 10:30 p.m., Cornelia Street Café, 29 Cornelia Street, West Village, (212) 989-9319,; cover, $10, with a one-drink minimum. (Chinen) OREGON (Tonight through Sunday night) This influential and worldly ensemble, formed more than 35 years ago, has continued making its distinctive light fusion over the years, sometimes in orchestral settings. Its lineup features the guitarist Ralph Towner, the bassist Glen Moore and the woodwind player Paul McCandless -- all founding members -- along with the drummer Mark Walker. At 8:30 and 10:30, with a midnight set tonight and tomorrow, Iridium, 1650 Broadway, at 51st Street, (212) 582-2121,; cover, $30, with a $10 minimum. (Chinen) JEAN-MICHEL PILC TRIO (Tonight and tomorrow night) Jean-Michel Pilcs piano playing has a joyous bounce, no matter how dark or furious the extemporization. Hes at his best in the company of assertive partners like the bassist Boris Kozlov and the drummer Ari Hoenig, who join him here. At 8 and 9:45, Kitano Hotel, 66 Park Avenue, at 38th Street, (212) 885-7119,; cover, $20, with a $10 minimum. (Chinen) ODEAN POPE TRIO (Tomorrow) Odean Pope is best recognized for his Saxophone Choir, a powerful and vivid post-Coltrane assembly based in his hometown, Philadelphia. Here the only saxophonist on hand is Mr. Pope himself, though his full-blown style might make it seem otherwise. At 9 and 10:30 p.m., Sistas Place, 456 Nostrand Avenue, at Jefferson Avenue, Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, (718) 756-7600,; cover, $25 in advance, $30 at the door. (Chinen) * DAFNIS PRIETO AND THE ABSOLUTE QUINTET (Tonight) The drummer Dafnis Prietos Absolute Quintet (Zoho) might not have won the Grammy for best Latin jazz album, but that doesnt diminish its power. Dramatic and serious, it makes references to the avant-garde and early fusion, but always with a lifeline to Latin rhythm; its cast includes Yosvany Terry on saxophones, Christian Howes on violin, Dana Leong on cello and Jason Lindner on piano and organ. At 7:30, Harlem Stage at the Gatehouse, 150 Convent Avenue, at West 135th Street, (212) 650-7100,; $25. (Chinen) * RECONNECTED: THE FREDDIE REDD QUARTET (Monday) In the late 1950s, the pianist Freddie Redd wrote music for The Connection, a landmark Off Broadway play in which he also appeared onstage. Released on Blue Note, the subsequent album became a hard-bop classic, though that didnt prevent Mr. Redd from slipping into obscurity. He resurfaces here with the bassist Mickey Bass and the drummer Louis Hayes; Donald Harrison inherits the alto saxophone part memorably played by Jackie McLean, who died last year. Another alto saxophone veteran, Lou Donaldson, appears in the concerts first half. At 8 p.m., Merkin Concert Hall, 129 West 67th Street, (212) 501-3330,; $30 in advance, $35 on Monday. (Chinen) KENDRICK SCOTT ORACLE (Tomorrow) Kendrick Scott, the drummer of choice for the trumpeter Terence Blanchard, previews some of the ambient neo-fusion material from The Source, the debut album by his band Oracle, due this spring. At midnight, Iridium, 1650 Broadway, at 51st Street, (212) 582-2121,; cover, $10; $5 for students, with a $10 minimum. (Chinen) * SCULPTURED SOUNDS MUSIC FESTIVAL (Sunday) This avant-garde concert series, organized by the bassist Reggie Workman, continues with performances by three powerful ensembles: a trio led by the intense alto saxophonist and pianist Charles Gayle; Billy Harper and Friends, a project of Mr. Harper, a searching tenor saxophonist; and Ashantis Message, led by Mr. Workman and featuring the multireedist J. D. Parran, the pianist Yayoi Ikawa and the percussionists Tyshawn Sorey and Kevin Jones. At 7 p.m., St. Peters Lutheran Church, 619 Lexington Avenue, at 54th Street, (212) 642-5277,; suggested donation, $20. (Chinen) SEX MOB (Tonight) Fresh off a Grammy nomination for its album Sexotica (Thirsty Ear), this scrappy downtown band returns to its home turf. The slide trumpeter Steven Bernstein leads the charge, but equal weight is pulled by Briggan Krauss on alto saxophone, Tony Scherr on bass and Kenny Wollesen on drums. At 8, Tonic, 107 Norfolk Street, near Delancey Street, Lower East Side, (212) 358-7501,; cover, $12. (Chinen) LOREN STILLMAN ORGAN PROJECT (Wednesday) Loren Stillman, an alto saxophonist with an inquisitive relationship to jazz conventions, introduces a quartet with Gary Versace on Hammond B-3 organ; the guitarist Nate Radley and the drummer Ted Poor round out the band. At 8 p.m., Barbès, 376 Ninth Street, at Sixth Avenue, Park Slope, Brooklyn, (718) 965-9177,; cover, $10. (Chinen) MARK TAYLOR QUARTET (Wednesday) Mr. Taylors French horn playing has been heard in avant-garde ensembles led by the august composers Henry Threadgill and Muhal Richard Abrams. His own material is fodder for this group, which features two strong reed players, Marty Ehrlich and Michaël Attias. At 10 p.m., Barbès, 376 Ninth Street, at Sixth Avenue, Park Slope, Brooklyn, (718) 965-9177,; cover, $10. (Chinen) DAN WILLIS (Tomorrow) Mr. Willis, a saxophonist, recently released an album, Velvet Gentlemen (OmniTone), inspired by the classical composer Erik Satie but suffused with post-bop sonorities. Here he regroups most of its cast: Chuck MacKinnon on trumpet, Ron Oswanski on Fender Rhodes piano and accordion, Kermit Driscoll on bass and John Hollenbeck on drums. At 8 p.m., Nightingale Lounge, 213 Second Avenue, at 13th Street, East Village, (212) 473-9398,; cover, $8. (Chinen) TIM ZIESMERS AMPERSAND (Wednesday) The guitarist Tim Ziesmer features his own rock-influenced compositions in this mutable band, featuring Chris Speed on tenor saxophone, Drew Gress on bass and Take Toriyama on drums. At 9 and 10:30 p.m., Tea Lounge, 837 Union Street, between Sixth and Seventh Avenues, Park Slope, Brooklyn, (718) 789-2762,; $5 donation. (Chinen) Classical Full reviews of recent music performances: Opera * EUGENE ONEGIN (Tomorrow and Tuesday) The dynamic conductor Valery Gergiev and the baritone Dmitri Hvorostovsky bring stylistic authority to the Metropolitan Operas affecting revival of its 1997 production of Tchaikovskys Eugene Onegin. In his first Met performances of the title role, Mr. Hvorostovsky is riveting, singing with earthy richness and fully conveying this worldly, entitled and dashing young mans aloofness until the final tragic scene. The surprises come from the soprano Renée Fleming, in her first Russian role at the Met, who gives a vocally exquisite and vulnerable portrayal of Tatiana, and the tenor Ramón Vargas, a Bel Canto specialist, who makes an ardent and endearing Lenski, Onegins well-meaning but fatally impulsive friend. You will seldom see better acting in opera than from this excellent cast. Tomorrow at 8 p.m., Tuesday at 7:30 p.m., Metropolitan Opera House, Lincoln Center, (212) 362-6000,; sold out. (Anthony Tommasini) IPHIGÉNIE EN AULIDE (Monday and Wednesday) The opera productions at the Juilliard School have generally been thoughtfully staged and vocally polished, with casts of student singers who may be heard from on grander stages. The school is also judicious in its repertory choices, presenting works not normally offered at the Met or the New York City Opera. Iphigénie en Aulide has much to recommend it, as Glucks dramatically focused and supremely lyrical operas invariably do. The cast for Robin Guarinos production includes Tharanga Goonetilleke in the title role; Paul LaRosa and Sidney Outlaw sharing the role of Agamemnon; Faith Sherman as Clytemnestra; and Paul Appleby as Achille, with Ari Pelto conducting. At 8 p.m., Peter Jay Sharp Theater, 155 West 65th Street, Lincoln Center, (212) 769-7406,; free. (Allan Kozinn) * JENUFA (Tomorrow) The charismatic Finnish soprano Karita Mattila is riveting in the title role of Leos Janaceks grim, insightful and, by the end, consoling Czech opera Jenufa, in the Mets revival of its 2003 production by Olivier Tambosi. Ms. Mattilas gleaming voice, with its cool, Nordic colorings and vibrant sensuality, are ideal for this character, a foolishly trusting young woman in a Moravian village who has become pregnant by her cousin, the town rake who owns the local mill. The ageless German soprano Anja Silja is at once terrifying and pitiable as Jenufas stern stepmother, Kostelnicka. Jiri Belohlavek conducts a sensitive and sweeping account of Janaceks teeming score, presented in its 1908 version. Tomorrows matinee is the final performance of the season. At 1:30 p.m., Metropolitan Opera House, Lincoln Center, (212) 362-6000,; $42 to $220. (Tommasini) * THE Maid of Orleans (Thursday) The Collegiate Chorales annual opera-in-concert presentations focus on infrequently performed works. This year Daniele Callegari conducts Tchaikovskys Maid of Orleans, which the composer based on Friedrich Schillers play Die Jungfrau von Orleans. According to the company, the work has never been fully staged by the Metropolitan Opera or the New York City Opera. The mezzo-soprano Dolora Zajick sings the title role; Carol Vaness is Agnes; Oleg Kulko is Charles VII; Igor Tarasov is Lionel; and Andrei Antonov is Thibaut. At 8 p.m., Carnegie Hall, (212) 247-7800,; $25 to $155. (Vivien Schweitzer) * SIMON BOCCANEGRA (Monday) Boccanegra is the kind of opera that gives opera plots a bad name: the action begins with a prologue and then scoots ahead 25 years (requiring some prodigious feats from the makeup artist), after which half the characters seem to be appearing under assumed names. Verdi himself took nearly 25 years off from it before going back and revising large chunks, creating some magnificent music but uneven dramaturgy. Yet there is much to love in Boccanegra, and the Mets cast -- Thomas Hampson, who has done it in Vienna; Angela Gheorghiu; Marcello Giordani; and Ferruccio Furlanetto -- should be able to do it credit. At 7:30 p.m., Metropolitan Opera House, Lincoln Center, (212) 362-6000,; $175 tickets remaining. (Anne Midgette) THÉRÈSE RAQUIN (Tonight through Sunday) Admirers of Tobias Pickers opera An American Tragedy, which had its premiere at the Met last season, will want to attend the New York premiere of his 2001 opera, Thérèse Raquin, with a libretto by Gene Scheer. Mr. Pickers adaptation of Zolas piercing and, at the time, scandalous novel of adultery and murder (an oppressed young woman, married to a weak mothers boy, falls for a hunky and boisterous office worker, with fatal consequences) had its premiere at the Dallas Opera, where it received a mixed critical reception. The composer has recently revised the score and thinned down the orchestration. Steven Osgood conducts; Michael Capasso directs. Tonight and tomorrow night at 8, Sunday at 4 p.m., Dicapo Opera Theater, at St. Jean Baptiste Church, 184 East 76th Street, Manhattan, (212) 288-9438,; $47.50. (Tommasini) LA TRAVIATA (Tonight and Thursday night) For its revival of Verdis Traviata, in Franco Zeffirellis extravagant 1998 production, the Met is rotating casts, with three sopranos sharing the role of Violetta this season. Mary Dunleavy, who made her company debut in 1993, is currently singing the role. Wookyung Kim, a promising young Korean tenor with a robust, lyrical voice, sings Alfredo, the role of his Met debut this season, and the baritone Charles Taylor sings Germont. Carlo Rizzi conducts. At 8, Metropolitan Opera House, Lincoln Center, (212) 362-6000,; $220 tickets remaining tonight; $80 and $175 on Thursday. (Tommasini) DIE ZAUBERFLÖTE (Wednesday) The revival of Julie Taymors production of Mozarts Zauberflöte continues at the Met, complete with the magical puppets and stage effects that made it an audience hit when it opened in 2004. James Levine conducts a cast that includes Lisa Milne as Pamina, Cornelia Götz as Queen of the Night, Michael Schade as Pamino, Rodion Pogossov as Papageno and Eike Wilm Schulte as the Speaker. At 8 p.m., Metropolitan Opera House, Lincoln Center, (212) 362-6000,; $80 and $175 tickets remaining. (Schweitzer) Classical Music ACADEMY OF ST. MARTIN IN THE FIELDS (Sunday and Monday) The venerable and ever-prolific conductor Neville Marriner returns to the area with his orchestra of choice, performing Stravinsky and Beethoven. The talented and not at all venerable Jonathan Biss is pianist in Mozarts C minor Concerto. Sunday at 3 p.m., New Jersey Performing Arts Center, 1 Center Street, Newark, (888) 466-5722,; $24 to $88. Monday at 8 p.m., Carnegie Hall, (212) 247-7800,; $28 to $96. (Bernard Holland) AMERICAN SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA (Tuesday) Steven Mercurio conducts Beethoven, Debussy and Delius, but the evening is perhaps more about the soprano Sumi Jo, who will do a collection of operatic numbers. At 8 p.m., Carnegie Hall, (212) 247-7800,; $25 to $85. (Holland) BORROMEO STRING QUARTET (Tonight) This formidable and, with more than 100 concerts a year, very busy quartet plays a demanding if fairly familiar program, with Stravinskys Concertino, Bartoks Fifth Quartet and Beethovens Quartet in E minor, the second of the three astounding Razumovsky Quartets. At 7:30, Weill Recital Hall, Carnegie Hall, (212) 247-7800,; $44. (Tommasini) * RENAUD CAPUÇON (Sunday) The violinist Renaud Capuçon is fast making a name for himself as a soloist and chamber musician, often performing with Gautier Capuçon, his talented cellist brother. Here he makes his New York recital debut with the pianist Nicholas Angelich in a program featuring the three Brahms Sonatas for Violin and Piano, as part of the affordably priced Peoples Symphony Concerts lineup. At 2 p.m., Town Hall, 123 West 43rd Street, Manhattan, (212) 586-4680,; sold out. (Schweitzer) CHAMBER MUSIC AT THE Y (Tuesday and Wednesday) The pianist Peter Serkin and the violist Peter Tenenbom join the 92nd Street Y perennials Jaime Laredo, a violinist, and Sharon Robinson, a cellist, to perform music by Dallapiccola, Reger and Mozart. At 8 p.m., 1395 Lexington Avenue, (212) 415-5500,; $40. (Holland) JUILLIARD ORCHESTRA (Tonight and Tuesday night) The conductor Andreas Delfs led the premiere last April of Lowell Liebermanns opera Miss Lonelyhearts. He returns tonight to conduct the talented young musicians of the Juilliard Orchestra in Mr. Liebermanns Piano Concerto No. 2, with the pianist Vasileios Varvaresos. The program also includes Prokofievs Symphony No. 5 and Heiner Goebbelss D&C (the third movement from his 1994 work Surrogate Cities). On Tuesday James DePreist leads the Julliard Orchestra in Haydns Symphony No. 88 in G, Strausss Oboe Concerto and Elgars Violin Concerto. Tonight at 8, Avery Fisher Hall, Lincoln Center; $10 and $20; free for students and 65+. Tuesday at 8, Alice Tully Hall, Lincoln Center; free, but tickets are required. Information: (212) 769-7406, (Schweitzer) NEW YORK PHILHARMONIC (Tomorrow, Tuesday and Thursday) Lorin Maazel and his orchestra continue their exploration of Brahms tomorrow and Tuesday, with performances of the Serenade No. 2 -- which isnt heard nearly enough -- and the Piano Concerto No. 2. Emanuel Ax, a superb Brahmsian, is the soloist in the concerto. On Thursday Mr. Maazel offers a varied program intended to show off soloists within the orchestra. Included are Mozarts Concerto for Flute and Harp, with Robert Langevin, the flutist, and Nancy Allen, the harpist; Schumanns taxing Konzertstück for Four Horns, in which the soloists are Philip Myers, Erik Ralske, R. Allen Spanjer and Howard Wall; and a Trombone Concerto by Melinda Wagner, with Joseph Alessi as the soloist. Also on the program is Gershwins American in Paris. Tomorrow at 8 p.m., Tuesday and Thursday at 7:30 p.m., Avery Fisher Hall, Lincoln Center, (212) 721-6500,; $35 to $101 tomorrow; $33 to $99 on Tuesday; $28 to $94 on Thursday. (Kozinn) ORLANDO CONSORT (Sunday) This remarkable English vocal quartet builds its programs of medieval and Renaissance works around literary or historical themes and has released recordings of several on the Harmonia Mundi label, packaged as CD-size hardcover books, with artwork and text translations. The groups 2005 disc, The Rose, the Lily and the Whortleberry explores works inspired by medieval gardens and flora (and their metaphorical imagery), including works by Machaut, Power, Agricola, de Rore and other composers from England, France, Italy, Spain and the Netherlands. Those works will make up the heart of the ensembles program in its two performances at the Cloisters. At 1 and 3 p.m., Fort Tryon Park, Washington Heights, (212) 650-2290,; $35. (Kozinn) JOHN SCOTT (Tomorrow) Mr. Scott, the organist and music director at St. Thomas Church, plays the fourth concert in his 10-part series exploring the organ works of Buxtehude, in honor of the 300th anniversary of the composers death. Built in a style similar to that of north Germany and the Netherlands in the 17th and 18th centuries, St. Thomass Taylor & Boody organ is ideal for this venture. At 4 p.m., Fifth Avenue at 53rd Street, (212) 757-7013,; free. (Schweitzer) * TONDALS VISION (Sunday) Early-music fans, take note. Dialogos, the acclaimed ensemble that took part in Chant Wars here in 2005, is returning to New York (thanks to Music Before 1800) with a production that has won awards throughout Europe: a 12th-century story of a knight who leaves his body, told through medieval Croatian vocal music. The six-woman piece was conceived by Dialogoss director, Katarina Livljanic, and staged in collaboration with Yoshi Oida, an actor who has worked frequently with Peter Brook. At 4 p.m., Corpus Christi Church, 529 West 121st Street, Morningside Heights, (212) 666-9266,; $25 to $40; $5 off for students and 62+. (Midgette) VENICE BAROQUE ORCHESTRA (Thursday) This Italian ensemble, led by Andrea Marcon, with Giuliano Carmignola as its violin soloist, sounds vital and energetic on the handful of Vivaldi recordings it has made for the Sony Classical and Archiv labels. There is plenty of Vivaldi -- seven concertos -- on its Thursday evening program, with one by Tartini for at least minimal variety. At 7:30 p.m., Zankel Hall, Carnegie Hall, (212) 247-7800,; $60, with limited availability. (Kozinn) VOICES OF ASCENSION (Thursday) Verdis Requiem gets a church performance on lower Fifth Avenue. At 8 p.m., Church of the Ascension, Fifth Avenue at 10th Street, Greenwich Village, (212) 358-1469,; $15 to $45. (Holland) Dance Full reviews of recent performances: * ASSOCIATION NOA/COMPANY VINCENT MANTSOE (Tuesday and Wednesday) Vincent Mantsoe, one of South Africas leading choreographers, joins forces with Anthony Kaplan and the African Music Workshop Ensemble in Men-Jaro, which explores the relationships between African contemporary dance, ritual and music. At 8 p.m., Kumble Theater for the Performing Arts, Long Island University, Brooklyn Campus, Flatbush and DeKalb Avenues, downtown Brooklyn, (718) 488-1624,; $20; $13 for students and 65+. (Jack Anderson) BODY BLEND (Tuesday) This showcase series will feature Malika Green and Beth Maderal, Lisa Parra and Maré Hieronimus, and April Biggs, all chosen by Isabel Lewis. At 8 p.m., Dixon Place, 258 Bowery, near Houston Street, Lower East Side, (212) 219-0736,; $12; $10 for students and 65+; T.D.F. accepted. (Jennifer Dunning) CHINESE NEW YEAR SPECTACULAR (Today and tomorrow) Well, it certainly does sound spectacular, celebrating the Year of the Pig with dance and music presentations that include a multimedia depiction of heaven, complete with angels, fairies and gods drifting by on clouds. Today at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m.; tomorrow at 2 and 8 p.m., Radio City Music Hall, (212) 307-7171,; $42.50 to $184.50. (Dunning) * COMPAÑÍA METROS (Wednesday and Thursday) Ramón Ollers new choreographic adaptation of Carmen for a company from Barcelona condenses the action to a single act and lets it unfold on a rooftop in contemporary Spain. (Through March 8.) Wednesday at 7:30 p.m., Thursday at 8 p.m., Joyce Theater, 175 Eighth Avenue, at 19th Street, Chelsea, (212) 242-0800,; $44. (Anderson) DANCEBRAZIL (Tonight through Sunday) Jelon Vieira, the artistic director of this vibrant company from Bahía, has been particularly successful at fusing the techniques of capoeira, the Afro-Brazilian martial art, with modern dance forms. To celebrate the companys 30th anniversary, he has created a new work, The Ritual of the Roda, that traces the history of capoeira; the kickboxing fireworks artfully transformed into dance should be well worth seeing. Tonight at 8, tomorrow at 2 and 8 p.m., Sunday at 2 p.m., Joyce Theater, 175 Eighth Avenue, at 19th Street, Chelsea, (212) 242-0800,; $42; Joyce members, $32. (Roslyn Sulcas) THE 4 TANGO SEASONS (Tonight through Sunday, and Thursday) The show promises to explore the cycles of nature as seen in a man and a woman in love. (Through April 1.) Tonight at 8, tomorrow at 3 and 8 p.m., Sunday at 4 p.m., Thursday at 8. Thalia Spanish Theater, 41-17 Greenpoint Avenue, Sunnyside, Queens (718) 729-3880,; $30; $27 for students and 65; $25 for all tonight and Thursday. (Dunning) FRIDAYS@NOON (Today) Chris Ferris, Anthony Ferro and Eva Dean will show new and unfinished works in this free dance and talk series. At noon, 92nd Street Y Harkness Dance Center, 1395 Lexington Avenue, (212) 415-5500, (Dunning) EUN JUNG GONZALEZ AND CATEY OTT (Tonight through Sunday night) Choreographers who are both collaborators and friends offer Corridors, a program of dances on themes like confinement, compassion and freedom. At 8:30, Danspace Project, St. Marks Church, 131 East 10th Street, East Village, (212) 674-8194,; $15. (Anderson) GUTA HEDEWIG DANCE (Thursday) Guta Hedewigs Dog Days: Or 19 Ways of Looking at a Shrub expresses the choreographers disquiet over the Bush administration and satirizes the presidents rhetoric. (Through Feb. 25.) At 8:30 p.m., Danspace Project, St. Marks Church, 131 East 10th Street, East Village, (212) 674-8194 or; $15 (Anderson) KO-RYO DANCE THEATER (Thursday) Sunwha Chungs Bi-Sang: Ascending Timeless is a suite of seven dances expressing a womans changes in her way of life as she makes a transition between her original culture and a new one. (Through Feb. 25.) At 8 p.m., Joyce SoHo, 155 Mercer Street, (212) 334-7479,; $20; $15 for students and 65+; $10 for children in fifth grade and younger. (Anderson) MOVEMENT COLLECTIVE (Sunday) This Brooklyn-based modern-dance company will perform works by Alaine Handa, Jenny Schworm, Renee Gonzalez and Molly Campbell. At 2:30 p.m., La Tea Theater, 107 Suffolk Street, between Delancey and Rivington Streets, Lower East Side; $10. (Dunning) NAI-NI CHEN DANCE COMPANY (Tomorrow and Sunday) Year of the Boar celebrates the Chinese New Year with Chinese dragons, twirling ribbons, martial arts and traditional and contemporary music and dance. At 2, New Jersey Performing Arts Center, 1 Center Street, Newark, (888) 466-5722,; $19; $10 for children. (Anderson) REGINA NEJMAN & Company (Tonight through Sunday night) Ms. Nejmans new Frozen Baby is described as a dance installation, which might indicate that there wont be too much dancing. But Ms. Nejman is a choreographer who revels in sheer physicality, and there should be plenty of high-energy movement to watch. The work is set to commissioned music by Mio Morales, whose last score for Ms. Nejman was a compelling mix of Brazilian pop and sharp electronic rhythyms. At 8, Joyce SoHo, 155 Mercer Street, (212) 334-7479; $20; $17 for students. (Sulcas) NEW YORK CITY BALLET (Tonight through Sunday, and Tuesday through Thursday) Just one more week to see the company in its winter season. This weeks programs are A Banquet of Dance (Raymonda Variations, Afternoon of a Faun, Antique Epigraphs and Evenfall (tonight and Tuesday); For the Fun of It (Circus Polka, Walpurgisnacht Ballet, Jeu de Cartes and Firebird) (tomorrow afternoon); Visionary Voices (Klavier, Russian Seasons and The Four Temperaments) (tomorrow night, Sunday afternoon and Thursday); and Contemporary Quartet (Carousel (A Dance), Intermezzo No. 1, Slice to Sharp and Friandises) (Wednesday). New and interesting casting includes Craig Halls role debut in Jerome Robbinss Afternoon of a Faun tonight, dancing with Janie Taylor. Tonight and Thursday at 8; tomorrow at 2 and 8 p.m.; Sunday at 3 p.m.; Tuesday and Wednesday at 7:30 p.m., New York State Theater, Lincoln Center, (212) 870-5570,; $20 to $95. (Dunning) NEW YORK FLAMENCO FESTIVAL (Tonight through Sunday, and Thursday) Two of the great contemporary Spanish flamenco divas promise to get the weekend off to a fiery start, beginning with Rafaela Carrasco and her company tonight, and Ballet Flamenco Sara Baras tomorrow and Sunday. Ms. Carrasco threatens to explore new concepts in flamenco. Perhaps she will go easy on that august art. Ms. Baras, known particularly for her fast feet, is air to Ms. Carrascos earth. And Carmen Cortés, fast approaching divadom, will offer examples of Gypsy flamenco puro in a program on Thursday with the flamenco guitarist Gerardo Núñez and his quintet. (Through Feb. 24.) Tonight, tomorrow and Thursday night at 8; Sunday at 7 p.m., City Center (Carrasco and Baras), 131 West 55th Street, Manhattan; and Skirball Center for the Performing Arts (Cortés), 566 LaGuardia Place, at Washington Square South, Greenwich Village, (212) 545-7536,; $30 and $70 (Carrasco/Baras); $42 and $50 (Cortés). (Dunning) 92ND STREET Y HARKNESS DANCE FESTIVAL (Tomorrow, Sunday, Wednesday and Thursday) LeeSaar the Company, a gutsy, brainy modern-dance troupe founded seven years ago in Tel Aviv, is performing this weekend in this five-week festival with new and repertory dances. On Wednesday through Feb. 24, Claire Porter/Portables mixes dance, storytelling and blithe and nutty humor in her work, which here includes her new Words Away From Home. LeeSaar tomorrow at 8 p.m., Sunday at 2 and 7 p.m.; Claire Porter/Portables Wednesday and Thursday at 8 p.m. Ailey Citigroup Theater, 405 West 55th Street, Clinton, (212) 415-5500,; $20; $10 for students and 65+. (Dunning) OYU ORO (Tonight through Sunday) This company of Afro-Cuban performers will present Palenque, which incorporates popular and traditional dances from both cultures. (Through Feb. 25.) Tonight and tomorrow night at 7:30, Sunday at 2 and 7:30 p.m., La MaMa E.T.C., 74A East Fourth Street, East Village, (212) 475-7710,; $20; $15 for students. (Dunning) THUNDERBIRD AMERICAN INDIAN DANCERS (Tonight through Sunday) A pow-wow and performing of dances from the Iroquois and other American Indian tribes. Tonight at 8, tomorrow at 3 and 8 p.m., Sunday at 2 p.m., Theater for the New City, 155 First Avenue, at Ninth Street, East Village, (212) 352-3101,; $10; $1 for children under 12 accompanied by an adult. (Dunning) VISION DANCE/MUSIC: DRUMMING DANCE AND SOUNDING STRINGS (Wednesday and Thursday) This focus of this festival is collaborations between dancers and jazz musicians. The eight pairs include Carmen de Lavallade and Todd Nicholson, and Treva Offutt and Jean-Baptiste Bocle. (Through Feb. 24.) At 7:30 p.m., Symphony Space, 2537 Broadway, at 95th Street, (212) 696-6681,; $25. (Dunning) Art Museums and galleries are in Manhattan unless otherwise noted. Full reviews of recent art shows: Museums * American Folk Art Museum: MARTíN RAMíREZ, through April 29. Ramírez, a Mexican peasant who immigrated to Northern California and died there at 68 in 1963, spent the last 32 years of his life in a mental hospital, making some of the greatest art of the last century. He had his own way with materials and color and an unforgettable cast of characters (most notably, a mounted caballero and a levitating Madonna crowned like the Statue of Liberty.) But most of all, Ramírez had his own brand of pictorial space, established by rhythmic systems of parallel lines, both curved and straight, whose mesmerizing expansions and contractions simultaneously cosset and isolate his figures. This show should render null and void the distinction between insider and outsider art. 45 West 53rd Street, (212) 265-1040. (Roberta Smith) * American Museum of Natural History: GOLD, through Aug. 19. This astounding array of art, artifacts and natural samples -- larded with fascinating facts and tales -- ranges from prehistoric times to the present. Stops along the way include pre-Columbian empires, sunken treasure, Bangladesh dowry rituals and the moon landing. It turns out that gold comes from the earth in forms as beautiful as anything man has thought to do with it. You are certain to emerge with mind boggled and eyes dazzled. Central Park West and 79th Street, (212) 769-5100, (Smith) * Grey Art Gallery: Semina Culture: Wallace Berman & His Circle, through March 31. The artist Wallace Berman (1926-76) may ring only a faint bell to many New Yorkers, but he was a central, charismatic figure in an underground of West Coast artists and poets in the 1950s and 60s. A collagist, poet, photographer and the publisher of an influential journal, Semina, he inspired others to make art too, sparking hidden aptitude in startling places. After meeting him, drifters, movie stars, ex-marines and petty criminals found themselves starting to paint and write. And a traveling love company of them has come to Grey Art Gallery, trailing dreams, delusions and marijuana clouds. New York University, 100 Washington Square East, Greenwich Village, (212) 998-6780. (Holland Cotter) * GUGGENHEIM MUSEUM: Spanish Painting from El Greco to Picasso, TIME, TRUTH, AND HISTORY through March 28. This show is carried along on its sheer star power and optical finesse. There are dozens of Goyas and Velázquezes and Zurbaráns and El Grecos and Riberas and Dalís and Picassos, many famous, many not. I cant tell you how often I was stopped by a picture so good or unexpected that it made me do a double take. Velázquezs painting of a dwarf is alone worth crossing a continent to see. 1071 Fifth Avenue, at 89th Street, (212) 423-3500, (Michael Kimmelman) International Center of Photography: Henri Cartier-Bressons Scrapbook: Photographs, 1932-46, through April 29. Arrived by way of the Fondation Henri Cartier-Bresson in Paris, this show has more than 300 of the prints the photographer glued into an album and toted to New York for curators at the Museum of Modern Art to cull. Captured by the Nazis, he had been presumed dead when the Modern planned his retrospective. Then he turned up alive -- the posthumous exhibition opened, with him in attendance, in 1947. The current exhibition reconstructs as best as possible the original layout of the scrapbook. Its an eye-straining affair, but it surveys the revolutionary work he shot in Spain, Italy, Mexico, Britain and France. His taste for uncanny detail linked him to Surrealism and Surrealist wit, but unlike many Surrealists, he remained committed to human values. Boys mug at his camera. Prostitutes swan. Their gazes equalize them with us. 1133 Avenue of the Americas, at 43rd Street, (212) 857-0000, (Kimmelman) International Center of Photography: Martin Munkacsi: Think While You Shoot! through April 29. Munkacsi, who inspired Cartier-Bresson, was, by contrast, self-taught, a creature of his own devising. This is the most complete retrospective, with a thick catalog (not too well researched) and dozens of vintage prints from the 1920s through the early 60s. He favored scenes of daily life, absorbing avant-garde ideas about odd angles and abstract compositions. In 1928 he moved to Berlin and traveled the world on assignment to Brazil, Algeria and Egypt. Munkacsi was a stylist, and he made catchy images the only way he knew how, in a modernist mode, which, being an opportunistic form, could serve any master. He became a celebrity in America. He photographed Fred Astaire dancing and Joan Crawford poolside. In the breezy layouts of Harpers Bazaar, the work looked brilliant. (See above.) (Kimmelman) * The MET: ONE OF A KIND: THE STUDIO CRAFT MOVEMENT, through Sept. 3. Focusing on the postwar development of artist-craftsmen, this display of furniture, glass, ceramics, metalwork, jewelry and fiber includes funny, quirky, provocative and sometimes gorgeous things. Among its stars are a witty bust by the California funk ceramicist Robert Arneson (1920-92), portraying the mother of the 16th-century painter and printmaker Albrecht Durer, and Bonnie Seemans fetching ceramic coffeepot and tray, whose mock cabbage leaves and rhubarb stalks evoke the genteel tradition of 18th-century British and continental china, but can also be read as human rather than vegetative tissue. (212) 535-7710, (Grace Glueck) Morgan Library & Museum: Private Treasures: Four Centuries of European Master Drawings, through April 8. This show is drawn entirely from an anonymous private collection. Despite the veil of secrecy, a couple of things are obvious: the collector had significant capital for investing in old masters and either an exceptional eye or a good adviser (or both). The works span more than 400 years, from the 16th to the early 20th century, and include drawings in ink and pencil, watercolor, chalk and gouache. The earliest works come from a period when drawing wasnt an autonomous practice but was used as a form of exercise, to apply ones craft, to experiment and to make preliminary sketches for larger works. The best example -- and the most historically significant work here -- is a black chalk drawing, The Dead Christ (1529-35), by Agnolo Bronzino. With more than 90 drawings in the show, being a diligent observer quickly becomes exhausting. In which case, put down the guide, find a few drawings you like, and enjoy them while you can. After all, you dont know where they came from, where theyre going, or when youll see them again. 225 Madison Avenue, at 36th Street, (212) 685-0008, (Martha Schwendener) * Museum of Modern Art: Armando ReverÓn, through April 16. Unless you spotted his single smoke-puff of a painting at MoMA months ago, Armando Reverón probably means nothing to you. Why should he? The artist, who died in 1954, spent most of his life in a shack by the sea in his native Venezuela. Many of his contemporaries dismissed him as nuts. His white-on-white pictures are practically unphotographable. But chances are that if you visit this retrospective, youll find yourself thinking about him a lot. His art and his story are like few others, and so is the museums inspired installation: a single, long corridor with cabinetlike rooms of paintings on either side and, at the very end, against a sea-green wall, a life-size doll with giant bat wings floating overhead. (212) 708-9400. (Cotter) Neuberger Museum of Art: FUGITIVE ARTIST: THE EARLY WORK OF RICHARD PRINCE, 1974-77, through June 24. This artist is one of the most elusive, perverse and sardonic of all of the important appropriation artists to emerge in the early 1980s, so perhaps it is not surprising that he has boycotted this exhibition of little-known early work, all from public and private collections. But that doesnt stop the 50 pieces on view from revealing his roots in 1970s Conceptual Art; his progress from generic to original and radical; or the depth and duration of his fascination with language, photography, print-making, the more banal forms of urban postwar Americana and a disconnected, decidedly male blankness. If anything, it increases his stature. Purchase College, State University of New York, 735 Anderson Hill Road, Purchase, N.Y., (914) 251-6100. (Smith) Last Chance * Tony Conrad In 1973 the conceptual artist, composer and filmmaker Tony Conrad decided to make a movie that would last a lifetime, so he painted white squares on big, scroll-like sheets of paper and hung the results on the wall for a one-night screening. In fact, those Yellow Movies have been playing ever since, the action being physical change through the effects of time and light. Displayed in a gallery more than 30 years later, they are an exhilarating sight: Zen thankas that are also abstract paintings that are also existential projection screens. The film of a lifetime is still in progress. Greene Naftali, 526 West 26th Street, eighth floor, Chelsea, (212) 463-7770,; closes tomorrow. (Cotter). * Let Everything Be Temporary, Or When Is the Exhibition? Some of the best art ever made was meant to fade away, and in these days of serious object-glut, a little ephemerality comes as a relief. Thats the point of this barely-there show organized by Elena Filipovic. To a Felix Gonzalez-Torres pile of freebie candy, she adds Gabriel Kuris display of ripening avocadoes; Joëlle Tuerlinckxs site-specific confetti floor piece; Oksana Pasaikos disappearing soap; and Michel Blazys mashed-potato mural. A wall text by Tomo Savic-Gecan speculates on giving market value to art that is in a constant state of change. The artist Boris Belay is filming the whole disappearing show through tomorrow. Apexart, 291 Church Street, TriBeCa, (212) 431-5270,; closes tomorrow. (Cotter) * THE METropolitan museum of art: GLITTER AND DOOM: GERMAN PORTRAITS FROM THE 1920s, The 100 paintings and drawings on display here are by 10 artists, including George Grosz, Christian Schad and Karl Hubbuch, and most conspicuously the unrelentingly savage Otto Dix and his magnificent other, Max Beckmann. In their works the Weimar Republics porous worlds reassemble; we look into the faces of museum directors and cabaret performers, society matrons and scarred war veterans, prostitutes and jaded aristocrats who were watching their world slide from one cataclysm to the next. (212) 535-7710,; closes on Monday. (Smith) * The MET: SET IN STONE: THE FACE IN MEDIEVAL SCULPTURE One of those revelatory close-ups at which the Metropolitan Museum of Art excels, This show brings together nearly 80 carved, mostly limestone heads, mostly from the 12th and 13th centuries, mostly torn during bouts of iconoclasm from the sculptures and reliefs that turned Gothic cathedrals and abbey churches into Bibles in stone. There are excellent side trips, into the grotesque, the influence of the antique, the glimmers of the Renaissance and a new isotope-matching technique that helping to divine which heads come from where. The treatments of hair and beard with which medieval sculptors were more at ease than they were with, say, eyes or smiles, are almost a show within a show, as, in their own way, are the haunting, seemingly modernist works that look like nothing else here. (212) 535-7710; closes on Monday. (Smith) * Vera Iliatova For her New York solo debut, the Russian-born artist Vera Iliatova delivers a group of small, detailed, atmospheric paintings in which groups of young women -- all self-portraits of the artist -- gather in bucolic settings that make Eden a place of exile. In one painting we are simultaneously in a Poussinian glade, a Brooklyn tenement and a ruined resort. Autumn trees blaze; fighter planes pass overhead. Two women appear in the poses of Masaccios Adam and Eve after the Fall; others talk, wrestle and wail. Monya Rowe Gallery, 526 West 26th Street, Room 605, Chelsea, (212) 255-5065,; closes tomorrow. (Cotter) * Networked Nature This cool little show, organized by Marisa Olson for Rhizome, a new-media organization associated with the New Museum of Contemporary Art, filters that old Romantic standby, Nature, through the new-fangled technology. Philip Ross powers hydroponic plant environments with LED lighting; Shih-Chieh Huang creates an inflatable flower through concepts from robotics. A California collective, C5, evokes sublime locales through global positioning systems. Stephen Vitiello has the voices George W. Bush whispering in an ivy bush; Gail Wight, in a video called Creep, makes slime mold look sort of beautiful. Foxy Production, 617 West 27th Street, Chelsea, (212) 239-2758; closes on Sunday. (Cotter) MARIO SCHIFANO: PAINTINGS 1960-1966 All but indivisible in New York for 40 years, the work of this Italian artist, who died in 1998 at the age of 64, receives a stirring welcome back in this exhibition of 20 drawings and paintings. In monochromes on brown paper and in canvases involving the Coca-Cola logo and pieces of Plexiglas, Pop and Minimalism are joined almost before they were invented. The more homegrown influence of Arte Povera is visible in the startling nonchalance and even roughness of some works. Sperone Westwater, 415 West 13th Street, Chelsea, (212) 999-7337; closes tomorrow. (Smith)

A Firebird, a Mermaid and a Bit of Mozart

The conductor Andrey Boreyko returns to the New York Philharmonic with interesting ideas about repertory.. James R Oestreich reviews performance by New York Philharmonic and conducted by Andrey Boreyko at Avery Fisher Hall.

Neeme J��rvi, direction, Gautier Capu��on, violoncelle.

jeu. 18.09.2014 20:00 Victoria Hall, S��rie Grands Classiques 1 Neeme J��rvi direction Gautier Capu��on violoncelle Fr��d��ric Kirch alto Joseph.

Gautier Capu��on | Dvo����k: Cello Concerto | ethy treeps.

Gautier Capu��on | Dvo����k: Cello Concerto Anton��n Dvo����k - Cello Concerto in B minor, Op. 104, B. 191 1. Allegro 0:00 2. Adagio, ma non troppo 16:05 3. Finale: Allegro moderato - Andante - Allegro vivo 28:25 Gautier��.

Max Reger a crowd pleaser at a full and festive Disney Hall

On Friday night, the roads were all but empty; Disney was full and festive. Some of the attendance may have been thanks to tourists. Dudamel was conducting, and he remains, of course, a draw. But the brilliant soloist, French cellist Gautier Capucon.


I fratelli Renaud e Gautier Capu��on, rispettivamente violinista e violoncellista, si esibiranno il 9 settembre al Palace Hall. La pianista georgiana Elisabeth Leonskaja, vincitrice nel 1964 del Concorso Enescu e nome illustre del panorama mondiale.

Look East, West and Inward

Turkey’s classical music ensembles face growing challenges, from proposed budget cuts to accusations of a Western-style elitism.. Many classical music ensembles in Turkey are struggling to maintain their esteemed reputation amidst proposed budget cuts and accusations of Western-style elitism.

Stage Guide

A look at what will be performed at major houses around the world before the summer.

Long Island

A guide to cultural and recreational events on Long Island. Items for the calendar should be sent at least three weeks in advance to Comedy

Classical Music/Opera Listings for March 9-15

A selected guide to performances of classical music in New York.

Events on Long Island

A guide to cultural and recreational events on Long Island.

Musical Fireworks: Gabriela Montero and Gautier Capu��on.

With recording technology improving rapidly and artists traveling the globe to perform, seeing great musicians isnt as difficult as it used to be. However, it is still incredibly rare to find that unique spark between musicians that��.

Oberons Grove: Gautier Capu��on @ The NY Philharmonic

Friday January 24th, 2014 matinee - Cellist Gautier Capu��on (above) gave an inspired rendering of the Shostakovich cello concerto #1 at this afternoons New York Philharmonic concert. Conducted by Andrey Boreyko, the��.

Gautier Capu��on and Frank Braley: An Outstanding.

Gautier Capu��on and Frank Braley are regular chamber music partners and they have recorded three of the works performed at this concert to much critical acclaim. It was disappointing to see so many empty seats in the��.

Gautier Capucon, Frank Braley ��� Schubert: Arpeggione.

This collection of works for cello and piano, with Schuberts Arpeggione Sonata as its centrepiece, sees Gautier Capu��on and Frank Braley paying tribute to two towering musicians of the 20th century, Mstislav Rostropovich��.

Putting Romania on the map: cultural festivals

. Arcadi Volodos, Anne Sophie Mutter, Fazil Say, Murray Perahia, Yfrem Bronfman, Andras Schiff, Pierre Laurent Aimard, Maria Joao Pires, Renaud and Gautier Capucon, David Garett, as well as garlanded musicians from the Enescu Competition, Alexandru .

Yuja Wang | St. Prex Classics Festival with Gautier Capu��on

Les Films Jack F��bus in association with Mezzo and RTS August, 2013 Post by GAD.

Gautier Capucon, Frank Braley - Schubert: Arpeggione.

Artist: Gautier Capucon, Frank Braley Title Of Album: Schubert: Arpeggione Sonata; Schumann, Debussy, Britten Year Of Release: 2014 Label: Erato | 15828 Genre: Classical Quality: FLAC (image.

David Afkham, Gautier Capu��on will be part of March 21-23 SSO concerts

David Afkham, Gautier Capu��on will be part of March 21-23 SSO concerts. Cellist Gautier Capu��on and guest conductor David Afkham will join the Seattle Symphony for a program that includes Beethovens Fifth Symphony and Brittens famous Cello .

Prodiges : Ces enfants sont des virtuoses. Ils vont vous ��blouir !

Au sein du jury, on retrouve trois noms r��put��s : Patrick Dupond, danseur ��toile et ancien directeur de lOp��ra de Paris, Elisabeth Vidal, soprano, et Gautier Capu��on, violoncelliste et fr��re du violoniste Renaud Capu��on, l��poux de Laurence Ferrari.

Events on Long Island

A guide to cultural and recreational events on Long Island.

Orchestras on Big Screens: Chase Scene Needed?

HD technology and movie theater broadcasts are changing the way performing arts are produced.

Lionel Bringuier to perform first concert of 2013 with Gautier.

Tonight, Lionel Bringuier will reunite with cellist Gautier Capu��on and LOrchestre Philharmonique du Radio France at the Salle Pleyel in Paris. Lionels last performance with Gautier was also with his brother, Renaud and the��.

Gabriela Montero and Gautier Capu��on at the Metropolitan.

On November 13th, 2010, New Yorks Metropolitan Museum featured pianist Gabriela Montero and cellist Gautier Capu��on, as part of its 57th season ���The Metropolitan Museum of Art Concerts��� Gabriela Montero and Gautier��.

R��cit. L��o : prodige, cest pas son truc !

Mais javoue que lannonce de la pr��sence de Gautier Capu��on ma rassur��. C��tait une caution tr��s importante. Je voulais jouer autre chose mais finalement, ce trio, cest quand m��me magnifique ! Et puis cest tr��s tr��s rare de voir la musique.

May 29th ��� June 2nd: Dvoraks Cello concerto with Gautier.

May 29th ��� June 2nd: Dvoraks Cello concerto with Gautier Capucon. May 29th ��� June 2nd, 2013. San Francisco Symphony. Music from three Eastern Europeans gives this program a delightfully colorful sound palette. Dvo����k began his��.

Prodiges sur France 2 : qui est Gautier Capu��on ?

Pour les conseiller et ��lire le gagnant, un jury sera pr��sent, compos�� de Patrick Dupond, ancien danseur ��toile, ��lisabeth Vidal, une chanteuse de soprano et Gautier Capu��on, un violoncelliste de renomm��e internationale. �� Jai ador�� cette exp��rience.

Programme TV : la s��lection T��l�� 7 du 27 d��cembre

Des prodiges d��partag��s par un jury rassemblant le violoncelliste Gautier Capu��on, le danseur ��toile Patrick Dupont et la soprano Elizabeth Vidal. 500 000 euros. Cest le montant que peuvent gagner ce soir des c��l��bres duos. A loccasion des f��tes de.

The Listings

Classical Full reviews of recent music performances:

The Listings

CLASSICAL Full reviews of recent music performances:

D��couvrez le making of de ���Prodiges��� diffus�� samedi 27 d��cembre sur France 2.

Lors dune soir��e exceptionnelle, diffus��e samedi 27 d��cembre �� 20:45 sur France 2 depuis Montpellier, un jury, compos�� de trois c��l��bres professionnels : ��lizabeth Vidal, Patrick Dupond, Gautier Capu��on, d��partagera treize jeunes prodiges.

Lauditorium : un lieu pluridisciplinaire et ouvert �� toutes les musiques

Avec limpressionnant chantre de la puissance russe et romantique quest le clavi��riste Denis Matsuev, suivi par la d��licatesse chambriste dun orf��vre du violoncelle: le cadet des fr��res Capu��on, Gautier. Le futur jur�� de l��mission ��Prodiges�� a bien.

Events on Long Island

A guide to cultural and recreational events on Long Island.

Come Listen to French Cello Prodigy Gautier Capu��on at.

Youre invited to attend the San Francisco Symphony Dvoraks Cello Concerto with Gautier Capu��on, the French cello prodigy. Please register online at��.

David Afkham, Gautier Capu��on will be part of March 21-23.

Cellist Gautier Capu��on and guest conductor David Afkham will join the Seattle Symphony for a program that includes Beethovens Fifth Symphony and Brittens famous Cello Concerto. By Tom Keogh. Special to The Seattle��.

The week ahead: Music

90, and Strausss ���Don Quixote,��� with cellist Gautier Capucon and BSO principal violist Steven Ansell. Jan. 8-10, Symphony Hall. 617-266-1200, A FAR CRY ���Improvisation��� is the title of the next offering from this imaginative chamber.

Boston Classical Review �� Blog Archive �� Capu��ons.

Cellist Gautier Capu��on performs Dutilleuxs Tout un monde lointain. Thursday night with Charles Dutoit leading the BSO. Photo: Stu Rosner. In some ballgames, the famous stars are outshone by players down the lineup.

Classical Music/Opera Listings


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