Christian Clavier: Photo Gallery
Christian Clavier: Videos
![]() CHRISTIAN CLAVIER - YouTube CHRISTIAN CLAVIER - YouTubeUn montage sur Christian Clavier que jadore.. Interview avec Christian Clavier - Quest. | ![]() Jean Reno et CHRISTIAN CLAVIER dans lenquete. Jean Reno et CHRISTIAN CLAVIER dans lenquete.Jean Reno et Christian Clavier dans lenquete corse. <a href=/channel. | ![]() CHRISTIAN CLAVIER invit�� au Club Doroth��e (1995) - YouTube CHRISTIAN CLAVIER invit�� au Club Doroth��e (1995) - YouTubeAbonnez-vous �� G��n��ration Club Do, la cha��ne YouTube officielle des ann��es Club Doroth��e http. | ![]() Christian Clavier : Les Visiteurs 3 arrivent. - YouTube Christian Clavier : Les Visiteurs 3 arrivent. - YouTubeChristian Clavier confie au micro de Nikos Aliagas quil a ��crit le sc��nario des Visiteurs 3 et. |
![]() Interview avec CHRISTIAN CLAVIER - Quest-ce quon. Interview avec CHRISTIAN CLAVIER - Quest-ce quon.MONSIEUR CLAUDE UND SEINE T��CHTER Interview mit Christian Clavier ( Claude. | ![]() Napol��on (2002) - Episode1/4 - FR - YouTube Napol��on (2002) - Episode1/4 - FR - YouTube1) Le jeu de Christian Clavier est �� c��t�� de la plaque. 2) La musique est trop p��p��re. 3) On n. | ![]() christian clavier - YouTube christian clavier - YouTubeChristian Clavier :* Super in woman role.. ONDAR - STEEVEN et CHRISTOPHER - CLAVIER. | ![]() Jeff Panacloc au grand cabaret avec Christian. Jeff Panacloc au grand cabaret avec Christian.Le plus grand cabaret du monde avec Christian Clavier and Lara Fabian du 23 mars 2013 https. |
![]() CHRISTIAN CLAVIER dans La Cage Aux Folles (2011. CHRISTIAN CLAVIER dans La Cage Aux Folles (2011. Simply great and great looking Christian Clavier and. | ![]() CHRISTIAN CLAVIER : la revanche annonc��e - YouTube CHRISTIAN CLAVIER : la revanche annonc��e - YouTubeLa culture partout et pour tous ! Chaque semaine sur France 2 �� 14h50 tenez- vous au courant de. | ![]() [YTP] Operation Corned Beef [CHRISTIAN CLAVIER. [YTP] Operation Corned Beef [CHRISTIAN CLAVIER.Premi��re YouTube Poop sur notre cha��ne. On esp��re quelle vous plaira. | ![]() CHRISTIAN CLAVIER - La cage aux folles - YouTube CHRISTIAN CLAVIER - La cage aux folles - YouTubeChristian Clavier - La cage aux folles. Interview avec Christian Clavier - Quest- ce quon a. |
![]() Napoleon (2002) Episode 1/4 - YouTube Napoleon (2002) Episode 1/4 - YouTubeBut Christian Clavier kind of nailed the charisma and the genious of Bonaparte. Bonaparte was. | ![]() Quest-ce quon a fait au Bon Dieu ? Bande. Quest-ce quon a fait au Bon Dieu ? Bande.Bande Annonce un film r��alis�� par Philippe de Chauveron avec Christian Clavier , Chantal Lauby. | ![]() [YTP] Les Visiteurs [CHRISTIAN CLAVIER, Jean Reno. [YTP] Les Visiteurs [CHRISTIAN CLAVIER, Jean Reno.[YTP] Les Visiteurs [Christian Clavier, Jean Reno].. Interview avec Christian Clavier - Qu. | ![]() Kaamelott Livre V. Int��gral Jurisconsulte. Christian. Kaamelott Livre V. Int��gral Jurisconsulte. Christian.Lint��gral du jurisconsulte jou�� par Christian Clavier. |
Christian Clavier: Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites
Le Grimoire dArkandias avec Christian Clavier
Le Grimoire dArkandias avec Christian Clavier D��couvrez la Bande Annonce du film Le Grimoire dArkandias, ladaptation du premier tome de la trilogie dArkandias dEric Boisset paru en 2001. Il sagit de lun des projets��.
Cin��ma : CHRISTIAN CLAVIER et St��phane de Groodt, les nouveaux comp��res
Avant de tourner avec Christian Clavier dans Une heure de tranquillit�� (en salle le 31 d��cembre), le nouveau film de Patrice Leconte, il pensait que la star de quinze ans son a��n��e devait ��tre, hors ��cran, quelquun dun peu �� ferm�� ��, de pas toujours.
A Catholic Interpretation of the Germany of Today; George N. Shuster Hopes for a Europe Eventually Purged of Fascism and Communism
LIKE the isms that emerge from the arts and sciences. most of the books animated by the Hitler phenomenon contain particles which are likely to cling to history and, in certain cases, actually shape it. Today foreigners have a greater opportunity to learn the complexities of the Third Reich than Germans on the spot.. Shuster, George N; Strong Man Rules: An Interpretation of Germany Today
Christian Clavier justifie son exil �� Londres
Au micro dEurope 1, Christian Clavier est revenu sur son ��exil�� dans la capitale britannique. Il tenait manifestement �� clarifier les choses. En effet, il y a deux ans, lacteur fran��ais annon��ait, par le bias de son agent, quil sinstallait ��.
VID��O. Touche pas �� mon poste : Christian Clavier trouve.
M��DIAS. Quand Christian Clavier trouve une petite phrase qui fait mouche, il ne le l��che pas. Cest le principe du running gag dont il a us��, et un peu abus��, ce jeudi sur le plateau de Touche pas �� mon poste. Le.
French Comic Book Heroes Battle Hollywoods Hordes
In their 30 comic book adventures to date, Asterix and Obelix have repeatedly outfoxed the Roman invaders of 50 B.C., thanks to a magic potion concocted by a Druid elder. But now far more is at stake. In their first screen outing, Asterix and Obelix Against Caesar, the feisty Gallic villagers have again been called on to save France, but this time from Hollywood and its marauding blockbusters. Of course it could be said the war has already been lost. But although French movies accounted for only 27 percent of tickets sold here in 1998, their worst performance in years, the entire French industry is counting on winning at least one battle.
Une heure de tranquillit�� pour CHRISTIAN CLAVIER | Zickma
Apr��s Une Promesse sorti en d��but dann��e au cin��ma, Patrice Leconte revient le 31 d��cembre prochain dans les salles obscures avec Une heure de tranquillit��. Au casting de cette com��die : Christian Clavier, Val��rie��.
CHRISTIAN CLAVIER ne fera pas la suite des Profs -
Depuis la sortie du film Les Profs, Christian Clavier enchaine les succ��s, mais malheureusement, il vient dannoncer que sil a beaucoup de projets, il ne fera pas la suite. En 2013, Christia.
BACH CANTATAS; The Late Mack Harrell Is Heard in a Pair
EVEN if so much of his music were not so beautiful, Johann Sebastian Bach would still rank as an extraordinary composer on the basis of volume of output alone. The sheer number of his compositions becomes especially impressive when one remembers that many of them were turned out to satisfy routine demands for music to be used in church services. ��� Apr��s son d��part �� Londres : Christian Clavier.
Apr��s un l��ger sourire, Christian Clavier a directement r��pondu. ��Je ne crois pas du tout quils aient perdu qui que ce soit. Je ne suis pas du tout exil�� �� Londres dailleurs. Jy vis��� Oui��� Jai eu �� un moment, autour de moi,��.
Les Visiteurs 3 : Christian Clavier annonce le d��but du tournage en avril
Christian Clavier et Jean Reno sont Les Visiteurs en 1993. La saga lanc��e par Jean-Marie Poir��e va tr��s bient��t conna��tre un nouvel ��pisode, signant le retour de linterpr��te de Jacquouille la Fripouille aux c��t��s de Jean Reno alias Godefroy de Montmirail.
DISKS: HARPSICHORDISTS; Rare Items Stylish Dialogue
INTEREST in harpsichord music has grown so in recent years that its performers, once rare, are now plentiful. A major influence in this renascence has been the desire for authenticity in baroque performances, but of equal
[Critique] �� Le Grimoire dArkandias �� CHRISTIAN CLAVIER.
Gilles H��rail. Le Grimoire dArkandias, un film de Julien Castagnetti et Julien Simonet, avec Christian Clavier et Ryan Brodie, dur��e 1H32, sortie le 22/10/2014. AlloCin��. Le Grimoire dArkandias Bande-annonce VF. 01:30.
An Adventurer Who Operates Outside the Boundaries
PROLIFIC and unpredictable, Patrice Leconte is an anomalous figure in todays French cinema. His films -- including the deliriously romantic The Hairdressers Husband (1990), the droll historical drama Ridicule, which was nominated for an Oscar in 1997, and The Girl on the Bridge, a poetic love story with Daniel Auteuil and Vanessa Paradis that opens on Friday in New York -- belong neither to the grossly commercial film industry nor to the French tradition of auteur filmmaking.. Profile of and interview with French filmmaker Patrice Leconte, who comments on his career and films in light of upcoming New York opening of his 1997 movie The Girl on the Bridge; photos (M)
Those who are interested in the early history of piano music will note that last Sundays article did not cover the whole of the early period.. Piano Music; Weitzmanns History of
VID��O. Touche pas �� mon poste : CHRISTIAN CLAVIER trouve quil y a (vraiment.
M��DIAS. Quand Christian Clavier trouve une petite phrase qui fait mouche, il ne le l��che pas. Cest le principe du running gag dont il a us��, et un peu abus��, ce jeudi sur le plateau de Touche pas �� mon poste. Le com��dien a su cr��er une belle et bonne .
James R. Lawson, 84, Dies; Tamed the Mighty Carillon
James R. Lawson, who climbed to perches in towers -- including one in Riverside Church on the Upper West Side of Manhattan -- to make exquisite music by ringing bells, died on Tuesday at a nursing home in Cody, Wyo. He was 84. Mr. Lawson was a carillonneur, one of the best known in the United States and one of only a handful of masters of the carillon, the largest musical instrument in the world and the only one played exclusively outdoors. It dates back more than five centuries.. James R Lawson, one of worlds few masters of carillon, dies at age 84; photos at carillon in Riverside Church in New York (M)
Dios M��o, ��Pero Qu�� Te Hemos Hecho? - CHRISTIAN CLAVIER
Claude (Christian Clavier) y Marie Verneuil (Chantal Lauby) forman un matrimonio tradicional y cat��lico con cuatro hijas. Aunque de mente abierta, la pareja ha tenido que sobrellevar que tres de sus hijas se hayan casado con un musulm��n,��.
Christian Clavier : Fran��ois Hollande ��tait meilleur ��l��ve que moi
Christian Clavier sera �� laffiche du film de Patrice Leconte �� Une minute de tranquillit�� ��, le 31 d��cembre prochain. Lacteur sest confi�� dans �� Sept �� Huit �� sur sa vision du m��tier dacteur. Christian Clavier sest aussi expliqu�� sur son d��part ��.
UNPLANNED SURVIVAL; Bachs Present Place Would Surprise Him Myth of Obscurity Beethovens Formula Not So Humble Born Too Soon
THE climax of the music season came on Easter week, when three of Johann Sebastian Bachs titanic works, the St. Matthew Passion, the St. John Passion. Schonberg on J S Bachs current popularity
CHRISTIAN CLAVIER: r��les sur mesure pour 2015
Celui-l�� est infect ��, remarque Christian Clavier apr��s la premi��re gorg��e dun expresso achet�� dans un snack et refroidi par la pluie qui tombe sur Londres ce matin de d��cembre. Il arrive seul, en taxi, silhouette trapue dans un blouson coup�� �� Milan.
INCONGRUITY is a geometric term, while music and theater are affairs of the heart. So watching Peter Sellarss odd juxtaposition of Kurt Weill and J. S. Bach at the Pepsico Summerfare festival in Purchase on Thursday night, one would have been wise to store away analyses and rationalizations and let the eyes and the ears have their way. Similarities do exist between the so-called Little Mahagonny -Weills densely compacted precursor of his longer opera - and to the ardent Christian supplications of the Bach cantatas. For the Weill piece is more a cantata than anything else in its Brechtian evocation of American greed and lust. Brechts six poems may lend themselves to stage images, but it is the music and the words that wield the power here.
In Recital, Handbells and Brass
THE Gloriae Dei Brass and the Gloriae Dei Ringers, from Orleans, Mass., are giving a recital at 3 P.M. this afternoon in the Church of Christ, Congregational in Newington. On the program are pieces by Holst and Debussy, arrangements of music by Saint-Saens and Donald Allured as well as The Great Gate of Kiev from Moussorgskys Pictures at an Exhibition. Tickets are available at the door (students through high school admitted free); the number to call for more information is (860) 666-4689.. Roundup of upcoming concerts and music events in Connecticut; photo (L)
Foss Conducts Bach Program As Finale of Christmas Festival; Works of Six Bachs
The First New York Christmas Music Festival came to an exciting close last night Mr. Philharmonic Hall with a Bach program in which Lukas Foss was conductor and piano soloist.. final program, Philharmonic Hall; L Foss conductor and soloist; earlier program, with B Priestman as conductor and soloist, also revd
Music does not exist in an artistic vacuum. Cross-fertilization between composers and poets has produced masterpieces of opera and song; the vast majority of dance events still use musical scores, and there is a distinguished history of incidental music for theatrical and motion picture productions. Now, another artistic crossover will be explored next Sunday at the Guggenheim Museum, when the chamber music ensemble called An die Musik will present a collaborative event called The Painters Music, The Musicians Art. Four painters - Helen Frankenthaler, David Hockney, robert Motherwell and Kenneth Noland - have chosen music especially for this concert. The program notes will include statements from the apinters about the role and meaning of music in their lives, and four posters created especially for the event and photographs of the artists in their studios will be exhibited in the performance space.
Une heure de tranquillit�� : tous contre CHRISTIAN CLAVIER
Une heure de tranquillit��, est-ce que ce serait vraiment trop demander? Un samedi, par hasard, Michel Leproux (Christian Clavier), fan de jazz, tombe sur le disque l��gendaire et introuvable de Neil Youart Me, myself and me, en farfouillant chez un soldeur.
EXCLU : CHRISTIAN CLAVIER �� laffiche de Babysitting 2 (VIDEO)
Lann��e 2015 na pas encore d��but�� que d��j�� lagenda de Christian Clavier sannonce charg�� ! Outre le tournage des Visiteurs 3 pr��vu au printemps 2015 (pour une sortie en salles en 2016), on vient dapprendre que lacteur fran��ais, qui a cartonn�� au .
Gentle Hints of Bach as a Work in Progress
It is a wondrous journey on which the pianist Andras Schiff is guiding listeners in this Bach year, the 250th anniversary of the composers death. Mr. Schiff gave outsize recitals on Wednesday and Saturday evenings at Alice Tully Hall, with another to follow on Sunday at Avery Fisher Hall; he returns with more Bach next fall at Carnegie Hall. This is not quite the international journey it might seem to the unsuspecting. The six English Suites, which Mr. Schiff played on Wednesday, and the six French Suites, which he added on Saturday (with the French Overture in B minor), are all similar in style: French, by and large. The English works are so called because they were written for an English nobleman. (Equally misleadingly, the six Keyboard Partitas, which Mr. Schiff plays on Sunday, are sometimes called Italian Suites.). James R Oestreich reviews recitals by pianist Andras Schiff of works by Bach; photo (M)
Christian Clavier se confie �� Thierry Demaizi��re
Cette ann��e, 12 millions de spectateurs lont vu dans Quest-ce quon a fait au bon Dieu ? . Dans le portrait de la semaine, par Thierry Demaizi��re et L��o Monnet, Christian Clavier revient sur son choix de vivre �� Londres et admet avoir fui l.
on ne choisit pas sa famille, vive christian clavier - beatrice.
ON NE CHOISIT PAS SA FAMILLE, VIVE CHRISTIAN CLAVIER ! Le film de Christian Clavier ON NE CHOISIT PAS SA FAMILLE, qui vient d��tre diffus�� sur le petit ��cran, ma fait HURLER DE RIRE. Cela fait un bien fou.
Vivement dimanche : Carole Bouquet et Christian Clavier malmen��s par TF1
Michel Drucker a propos�� une nouvelle ��dition de Vivement dimanche ce 21 d��cembre �� partir de 14h15 sur France 2. Carole Bouquet ��tait linvit��e dhonneur. La com��dienne venait notamment faire la promotion dUne heure de tranquillit��. Christian Clavier .
Zapping : Gros bug en direct chez Arthur avec Christian Clavier
Dans En direct avec Arthur, lanimateur et son invit�� Christian Clavier veulent se moquer des gros rat��s du direct : manque de chance, Arthur lance un magn��to qui part en sucette : vid��o en acc��l��r��, gros m��lange de s��quences et r��p��tition une dizaine.
EXCLU : CHRISTIAN CLAVIER �� laffiche de Babysitting 2 (VIDEO)
Christian Clavier rejoindrait le casting de la suite de Babysitting, la com��die d��glingu��e de 2014 aux 2,3 millions���
Christian Clavier d��cha��n�� au Club Doroth��e ! (1995.
Cest une archive qui na jamais ��t�� exhum��e. �� loccasion de la sortie en vid��o de Quest-ce quon a fait au bon Dieu ?, G��n��ration Club Do ressort le passage de Christian Clavier chez Doroth��e en 1995. On y d��couvre la��.
Une heure de tranquillit�� et nouvelle heure de gloire pour Christian Clavier ?
Adapt�� dune pi��ce de Florian Zeller, le film offre �� Christian Clavier un superbe r��le de m��lomane ��go��ste et exc��d�� par un entourage envahissant, camp�� par une belle palette dacteurs, de Carole Bouquet �� St��phane de Groodt en passant par Val��rie .
Babysitting 2 recrute Christian Clavier et Elodie Fontan de Quest-ce quon a fait.
La suite de Babysitting d��voile son casting : autour de la bande dorigine, emmen��e par Philippe Lacheau, on retrouvera notamment deux des com��diens de Quest-ce quon a fait au Bon Dieu, la jeune et jolie Elodie Fontan, et Christian Clavier !
Une heure de tranquillit�� : Clavier joue un parfait ��go��ste
Ce qui ma plu, cest que le film part dun tout petit ��v��nement, raconte Christian Clavier, qui joue Michel dans Une heure de Tranquillit��, le dernier Patrice Leconte, sur les ��crans le 31 d��cembre. Le protagoniste du film, passionn�� de jazz, ne.
Babysitting 2: Christian Clavier va remplacer G��rard Jugnot
Pour cette aventure nous retrouverons donc la bande �� Philippe, mais cette fois plus de G��rard Jugnot, mais celui ci vient de r��v��ler en interview avec T��l�� Loisirs que ce serait son ami du Splendid, Christian Clavier qui sera��.
Christian Clavier au casting de Babysitting 2
Christian Clavier retrouvera la jeune com��dienne ��lodie Fontan. Aper��ue dans le film aux douze millions dentr��es, Quest-ce quon a fait au Bon Dieu?, elle interpr��tait le personnage de Laure, lune des quatre filles de la famille Verneuil. Les.
CHRISTIAN CLAVIER et la troupe de Splendid: �� On a envie de se
Interrog�� sur son amiti�� avec les membres de la troupe du Splendid, lacteur a r��v��l�� quils ��taient toujours amis. �� On parle surtout denvies de se retrouver ��, a confi�� Christian Clavier. L��quipe du Splendid souhaiterait ��tre��.
Babysitting 2 : Christian Clavier et ��lodie Fontan au casting.
Alors que G��rard Jugnot et Coltilde Courau ��tait pr��sent dans le premier volet, cest au tour de Christian Clavier de rejoindre le casting de Babysitting 2, tout comme ��lodie Fontan. Clavier et Fontan ��tait tous les deux ����.
Church Group Is the Only Opposition in Philippines
MANILA, Aug. 9--Nearly five years after imposing martial law, President Ferdinand E. Marcos and his wife, Imelda, have cemented their control in a nation where virtually all political opposition has been silenced except for an emerging and vocal movement within the Catholic hierarchy.. Article on Philippines Pres Marcos cementing his pol control over nation during last 5 yrs of martial law; notes that ch groups are only pol opposition (M)
Audiences TV: Christian Clavier et Muriel Robin placent TF1.
Pas compl��tement exaltant le programme t��l�� dimanche soir. TF1 diffusait On ne choisit pas sa famille, avec Christian Clavier et Muriel Robin. Succ��s daudience: plus de 6,5 millions de t��l��spectateurs, soit 25,1% de part de��.
Extrait SEPT �� HUIT : CHRISTIAN CLAVIER pleutre, l��che et.
Christian Clavier, �� laffiche dans Une minute de tranquillit��, le nouveau film de Patrice Leconte en salles le 31 d��cembre, est linvit�� de Sept �� Huit cette semaine (dimanche �� 18h sur TF1). Lacteur ressemble-t-il au��.
Audiences TV: Christian Clavier et Muriel Robin placent TF1 en t��te
Pas compl��tement exaltant le programme t��l�� dimanche soir. TF1 diffusait On ne choisit pas sa famille, avec Christian Clavier et Muriel Robin. Succ��s daudience: plus de 6,5 millions de t��l��spectateurs, soit 25,1% de part de march��, et quelques .
Une heure de tranquillit�� : un extrait exclusif du film avec.
D��couvrez un extrait exclusif de la nouvelle com��die r��alis��e par Patrice Leconte avec Christian Clavier, Une heure de tranquillit��, adaptation de la pi��ce de th����tre �� succ��s de Florian Zeller. Un film, avec aussi Carole��.
A recently discovered Mozart symphony received its American premiere today on the White House lawn. With President and Mrs. Reagan in attendance, Leonard Slatkin conducted the Mostly Mozart Festival Orchestra in an 11-minute Symphony in F that Mozart composed in London when he was 9 years old. The symphony was repeated at tonights Mostly Mozart concert at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, along with the Jupiter Symphony and the C-minor Piano Concerto with Alicia De Larrocha. After the performance, President Reagan had a few words to say. Wearing a white jacket and blue trousers, he looked at the musicians and said, The only thing that I have in common with them is that I have a white coat, too. He said he was thrilled to hear the American premiere of the symphony, and he thanked all concerned.
SPECIAL SERVICES IN CHURCHES TODAY; Christmas Observances Begin With Sermons, Traditional Musical Programs
The message of good-will that has attended the celebration of Christmas since the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem will be heard again in the churches today and tomorrow in carols, hymns and oratorios. Special sermons will be preached and gifts will be taken to many mangers for the poor.
HERE we are in 1985, honoring the 300th anniversary of the births of Johann Sebastian Bach, George Frideric Handel and Domenico Scarlatti. There is no doubt who bulks largest. All over the world for the immediate future we are going to be hearing the music of Johann Sebastian. Everybody in music is rushing to pay homage, especially in Germany, where Bach is going to be heard in toto. Record companies are geared up. Musicologists are preparing lengthy studies. Yet in some respects Bach is a mystery. There are gaps in his life, most of them from his early years. Whence came that incredible order of genius? We know that he was the culmination of four generations of Bach musicians. But when did his talent show up? What was he like as a young man? As a human being? How was he as the paterfamilias? Loving? Stern? Temper under control? In short - forgetting for the moment his great music - how did Bach move through life? One can but speculate. But, sparse as some of the records are, certain facts are known. As an adult he was about 5 feet 7 inches tall. He was sturdily built, inclined toward fleshiness, with a florid complexion. He was contentious and quarrelsome. He never suffered want, but never had much money and was exceedingly thrifty. One might even say stingy. He had a good idea of his musical worth. He was religious.
The Theology of Nakedness Medieval theologians took an almost sinful pleasure in fine distinctions and classificatory lists. In Monuments & Maidens: The Allegory of the Female Form (Atheneum), Marina Warner gives a medieval reading of the nakedness of the legendary Lady Godiva. The intrinsic ambivalence, in the Christian tradition, between the innocent natural body and the tainted carnal body, between divestiture as a sign of virtue and the naked body as an occasion of sin, between denudation as a gesture of ascetic renunciation and nakedness as an invitation to wantonness, provides the dynamic of a story which is by no means part of Christian teaching. Yet the story of Lady Godivas famous ride plays on many Christian themes, not least the motif of redemptive nakedness. It turns on her singular heroism and self-sacrifice in exposing herself to shame; but in effect it reveals at the same time the hallowed condition of the naked body when proved innocent. Like a defendant taking an ordeal, Godiva proves her truthfulness by literally revealing all. The Mathematical Sublime Like irony or romantic, the word sublime can be defined only by taking all the definitions, throwing them in a pot together and cooking up a thick, evocative soup. Immanuel Kants mathematical sublime is one of the variations described in The End of the Line: Essays on Psychoanalysis and the Sublime, by Neil Hertz (Columbia University).