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VIVE LE ROI! IS SHOUTED AGAIN IN PARIS; The Royalists Are Often Very Noisy, but the Chance for a Restoration Is Slight
WHENEVER the government of the French Republic gets into trouble one hears the cry in the streets of Paris: Vive le Roi! It does not mean a great deal, and yet one never knows. Much stranger things have happened.. Mentioned in article on royalist agitation in France
De Gaulle Sets Charter Talk
De Gaulle Sets Charter Talk
Vigils Held Around Europe In Solidarity With Victims Of Charlie Hebdo Attack.
More than 15,000 students, journalists and sympathisers congregated in the Place de la Republique in Paris on Wednesday evening, many holding up pens in solidarity with the writers and cartoonists slain in the newspaper attack. Similar gatherings were .
Charlie Hebdo murders mourned
Stuff Nation member Hayden Gray is holiday in Paris, staying at the Crowne Plaza Hotel opposite Place de la Republique, where tens of thousands of Parisians are holding a vigil for those killed in todays terror attacks. Gray sent us these photos of.
Place de la R��publique, �� Paris : Nous sommes tous Charlie
Dans la foule mass��e place de la R��publique, �� Paris, on cherche les mots pour r��agir �� lhorreur. Ils sont 35 000, selon la police, �� s��tre regroup��s, mercredi 7 janvier en fin dapr��s-midi, en soutien aux douze victimes de lattaque perp��tr��e contre.
I Am Charlie: Mass rallies for French massacre victims
A naked woman leads a chant during a protest protest vigil for the victims of the attack on the French magazine Charlie Hebdo, at the Place de la Republique in Paris, France, January 7, 2014. The projected text behind the protesters read, We Are Charlie.
A map with the 36 Hours column on Dec. 24 about Paris incorrectly located the Champs-Élysées. The avenue runs from the Arc de Triomphe to the Place de la Concorde, not to the Place de la République. A corrected map can be found online at Correction of map with 36 Hours column on December 24 about Paris (S)
OPPONENTS RIOT AT END; Police in Place de la Republic Break Up Charging Crowd
PARIS, Sept. 4 -- Premier Charles de Gaulle went to a working-class quarter of Paris today to unveil his new Constitution. The well-organized ceremony left little to chance or to the Communists.. opponents riot after de Gaulle leaves rally
Attentat �� Charlie Hebdo : ��motion et indignation place de la R��publique �� Paris
A Paris, ils ont donc ��t�� ce mercredi soir au moins 35 000, selon la police, �� ��tre Charlie. Des jeunes, des moins jeunes, des habitu��s de la place de la R��publique, des indign��s de fra��che date ont choisi de se rassembler apr��s le terrible attentat.
Re-enter: Mend s-France, Hoping; Re-enter: Mend s-France (Cont.)
GRENOBLE, France. THE time is the evening of March 12. The place is the apartment of a prominent antique dealer. Past a painted Louis XV sedan chair, hunched in front of a marble fireplace like a weary but diffident owl, Pierre Mend s-France is apprais ing the first scattered returns of his run-off election against a Gaullist incumbent for the Grenoble seat in the National Assembly.. S de Gramont article on career and recent pol comeback; illus
The coup detat just made by Gen. Pavia in Spain has been rather favorably received than otherwise by the Republican Party in France. The reason is that the act was accomplished to the cry of Vive la Republique, and thus far there has been no question of the title of King.. Unpopularity of
Le village de No��l ouvrira ses portes vendredi place de la.
Doucement, mais s��rement, le village des chalets de No��l, place de la R��publique, prend forme. Il sera pr��t pour louverture, vendredi.
Photos Of Charlie Hebdo Rallies Show France Come Together In Solidarity
Journalism students hold a banner reading in French: Journalism students : Solidarity as they raise pens during a gathering at the Place de la Republique (Republic square) in Paris, on January 7, 2015, following an attack by unknown gunmen on the.
#JeSuisCharlie: World stands with Charlie Hebdo victims
Place de la Republique, Paris, on January 7, 2015 (AFP Photo / Joel Saget). Tags. France, Shooting, Terrorism. After a devastating attack that left at least 12 dead at the headquarters of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris, people around the.
Animations �� Pau : quel programme pour les vacances de.
Place Cl��menceau. Le march�� de No��l sur la place Cl��menceau est ouvert de 11h �� 20h. La piste de luge place Cl��menceau est ouverte gratuitement de 12h �� 19h. Place Royale. Le jardin enchant�� place Royale est ouvert... Place de la Lib��ration. Le petit train de No��l vous fera d��couvrir les d��corations de la cit�� royale de 15h �� 18h. D��part et retour place de la Lib��ration. Complexe de la R��publique. Des promenades en cal��che issues de la vil��giature��.
Rallies across Europe after Paris attack
said a poster carried by one woman in a mass of protesters in Paris Place de la Republique. Rallies also unfolded Wednesday night in Tours, Toulouse, Brest, Lyon, Rennes and Poitiers, among other cities in France, long regarded as a cradle of.
FRANCE IS DIVIDED AS IN OLDEN DAYS; Rival Partisans Stand for La Republique and La France, Seen in Conflict. STRONG LEADER IS NEEDED Road Widening Dooms Boulevard Trees--Rare Book Covers as Cocktail and Chocolate Cases. Fight for Possession of a King. Gazette du Franc Scandal. FRANCE IS DIVIDED AS IN OLDEN DAYS Some Boulevard Trees Doomed. Books as Cocktail Bars.
PARIS, Jan. 10.--France has never quite finished fighting her internal wars. That is what makes political situations like the present.. Strong leader needed to settle conflict between La Republique and La France,
Comment faire partager les valeurs de la R��publique �� lEcole
Le discours identitaire qui sest impos�� dans le d��bat public depuis plusieurs ann��es (cf le d��bat sur lidentit�� nationale impos�� par Sarkozy) en lieu et place de la critique sociale devient donc mati��re dexamen avec son��.
Stade du Hameau : Fran��ois Bayrou annonce 13 000.
Concr��tement, si la Section monte, il faudra pour ao��t 2015 3 000 places de plus, 500 places de loges en plus, la zone m��dias et ��ventuellement l��clairage. Ces 3 000 places seront fournies par linstallation dune tribune��.
In Paris, Bistros Still Draw a Full House
THE word bistro is used as promiscuously in Paris as the word deli is used in New York. There are Greek bistros, Chinese bistros, Mexican bistros, cafes that call themselves bistros and steak-frites joints that call themselves bistros. Bistros are hot, and every quick-franc artist in town wants to cash in.. R W Apple Jr article on four of his favorite bistros in Paris--Benoit, Chez George, La Grille and LAmi Louis--and several others worth visiting; photos (M)
An Epicurean Village Is Too Rich for Some Paris Appetites
An entrepreneur aims to transform a working-class district into a high-concept gastronomic haven, but critics foresee the rise of another bourgeoisie enclave.. Cedric Naudon, wealthy French entrepreneur, has acquired about half of a neighborhood north of the Marais, a trendy part of Paris, with plans to restyle it into a fine-food district called La Jeune Rue, or Young Street; French authorities have embraced Naudons vision, which they say could create more than 200 jobs; many Parisians are eager to see new life in area, but redevelopment also raises concerns about impact of gentrification.
MAYOR GREETS FRANCE; La Guardia Message Broadcast on Bastille Day
. LaGuardia states thanks for gift
Photo: Crowds starting to gather in Place de la Republique to protest killing.
Photo: Crowds starting to gather in Place de la Republique to protest killing of journalists at Charlie Hebdo in Paris - @Tburgeswatson · see original on · Alert my friends · Charlie Hebdo · crime and courts · Gunmen attack French magazine.
Place de la R��publique, cest le paradis des enfants
Dimanche, c��tait leffervescence place de la R��publique. �� loccasion du march�� de No��l, les enfants ont pu samuser et se d��penser sur le champ de neige, la patinoire, la piste de luges et sous le chapiteau, pour jouer �� de��.
O�� sortir ce dimanche dans le Loiret ? [Agenda] - La.
Fanfare d��ambulatoire. March�� de No��l : sur les places du Martroi, R��publique et Loire �� 15 h 30, 16 h 30, 17 h 20 et 18 h 10. Sully-sur-Loire. Concert de No��l. Par la soci��t�� musicale. A la coll��giale St-Ythier �� 20 h 30.
Place de la R��publique, a Greater Paris highlight | UrbaParis
The renewal of the Place de la R��publique was seen as an opportunity to re-establish the function of the public square at the local and metropolitan level.
A Bas -- Everything!; A bas -everything!
IN the beginning there was hubris, a pride so inordinate that it summoned the wrath of the gods. In some of his recent speeches, President de Gaulle called himself the guide. And it seemed, after 10 years of power, that he was a guide who seldom looked over his shoulder to see whether he was still being followed.. S de Gramont article links beginning of student disorders to student discontent at Nanterre U; revs student protest movement and role of Cohn-Bendit; illus
Charlie Hebdo magazine attack: vigils held as French hunt suspects ��� live
The Guardians Kim Willsher (@kimwillsher1) is at the demonstration in Paris at the Place de la R��publique. ���Under the imposing statue of Marianne, the symbol of the republic, Parisiens gathered in their thousands as night fell on Wednesday to show.
FRANCE LOSES FAITH IN ARMY BALLONS; Loss of Four Lives in La Republique Accident Turns Public Favor to Aeroplanes. AVIATION SALON CROWDED Paris Shows Great Interest in the Newest Types of Airships -- Proposal to Limit the Number of Contests.
FRANCE LOSES FAITH IN ARMY BALLONS; Loss of Four Lives in La Republique Accident Turns Public Favor to Aeroplanes. AVIATION SALON CROWDED Paris Shows Great Interest in the Newest Types of Airships -- Proposal to Limit the Number of Contests.
March�� de No��l dOrl��ans, tops et flops - La R��publique du.
Quinze jours que le march�� de No��l bat son plein, sur les places du Martroi, de la R��publique et de Loire. Et d��j�� des premiers retours sur ce qui fonctionne, ou pas.
The French (Mostly) Adore Armstrong
After the usual victory party the night before, Lance Armstrong woke up this morning and prepared to spend the day as just another American tourist in Paris. Or not quite. As the four-time victor of the Tour de France, he had several television commitments ahead of him, then a return to his home in Spain before flying to Manhattan to compete in a race Sunday. Even if he didnt have a heavy schedule and didnt have to rest after the three-week Tour, it is doubtful that Armstrong, his wife and their son and infant twin daughters could spend much time strolling in the Latin Quarter or window-shopping along the Rue de Rivoli.. While most of French cycling enthusiasts respect and admire four-time Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong for his fluency in French and hard-fought battle with cancer, some heckle him on road with suggestions of doping (M)
Charlie Hebdo :deuil national en France, 100.000.
A lappel de plusieurs syndicats, associations, m��dias et partis politiques, les participants se sont r��unis �� partir de 17H00 sur la place de la R��publique, non loin du si��ge du journal satirique. Certains arboraient un��.
3000 Charlies, place de la R��publique, au Mans
. et cette incroyable vague de solidarit�� pour les 12 victimes de la tuerie de Charlie Hebdo, pour les 11 bless��s et pour d��fendre la libert�� de la presse et la libert�� dexpression. 3000 personnes se sont ainsi rassembl��es place de la R��publique au.
How de Gaulle Makes Decisions; More than any other Western statesman, Frances President siaglehandedly sets national policy. This is a picture of the man in the office he molded to fit himself. How de Gaulle Makes Decisions
CHARLES DE GAULLE probably exercises more direct control over national policy than any other living European or American statesman.. E Ashcroft article on de Gaulles pol tactics; illus
Doumergue Sees La Fregate, at 159 to 5, Capture Prix du President Steeplechase
. Prix du President de la Republique, steeplechase won by La Fregate
la f��te est termin��e - La R��publique de Seine and Marne
Pour le maire Fr��d��ric Valletoux, le futur budget sera celui de �� la coh��rence et de la responsabilit�� ��. En clair, la ville va continuer �� investir pour ses trois gros chantiers : la place de la R��publique avec le creusement du��.
�� Cholet, une place de la R��publique. mais pas trop.
La grande place circulaire am��nag��e dans les ann��es 1860 au nord de Cholet sest dabord appel��e place Hexagone, puis place du Nord en 1871,.
F��te des Lumi��res Lyon 2014: Place de la R��publique.
Site N�� 21 BAMBOO, la For��t Lumineuse Production: Digiplay Studio Votre regard est de suite attir�� par la lueur dune bien ��trange dune for��t de bambous lumineux install��e dans le bassin de la place, �� peine rempli deau.
Place de la R��publique, �� le message est clair : les assassins ne gagneront pas ��
A 17 heures, une centaine de manifestants ��taient r��unis sur la place. Vers 19 heures, ce sont pr��s de 15 000 personnes, selon la police, qui se massaient au pied de la statue de la R��publique et dans les rues adjacentes. Finalement, ils seront 35 000.
Photos: Paris Mourns Slain Charlie Hebdo Cartoonists
People hold placards reading in French I am Charlie during a gathering at the Place de la Republique (Republic square) in Paris, on January 7, 2015, following an attack by unknown gunmen on the offices of the satirical weekly, Charlie Hebdo. Frances .
Football (CFA2) : une hotte pleine de buts pour S��nart-Moissy
La R��publique de Seine and Marne. Sinscrire �� la Newsletter. Cette troisi��me victoire de rang offre la place de leader �� des Moiss��ens qui ont surpris tout leur monde sur cette premi��re partie de saison. Avec un nouveau��.
Terror in France
The French flag is held up as a man holds a placard that reads in French Dead for drawings during a rally at the Place de la Republique in Paris on Jan. 7, 2015, following an attack by unknown gunmen on the offices of Charlie Hebdo. The French flag.
Thousands gather at Place de la Republique
Thousands gather at Place de la Republique. See in fullscreen. 1 / 6. Thousands gather at the Place de la Republique in Paris, France to protest the terrorist attack on Charlie Hebdo on Wednesday Jan. 7, 2015. Vivian Song/QMI Agency. 2 / 6. Thousands .
Minutes From Paris, a Place of Peace
LEAD: THE Paris suburb of St.-Cloud stands on a high escarpment overlooking the Seine at the great bend of the river about six miles west of Notre Dame, near the old porcelain factory at Sevres. It has two great attractions: a spectacular view of Paris, and its park, with its 17th-century landscaping, ponds and fountains.
Two Faces of the Pays Basque
LEAD: Linked by geography, Biarritz and St. Jean-de-Luz lie 10 minutes apart along the southernmost Atlantic coast of France. Yet the two cities are as unlike as tea and cocoa: the former elegant, reserved and with a slight English air; the latter cozy and high-spirited.
PARIS / Manifestations des notaires de la place de la.
PARIS / Manifestations des notaires de la place de la R��publique �� Bercy. La mise en place de nouveau tarif des actes : Les actes dits les plus on��reux financent les actes r��dig��s �� perte. Si ces tarifs sont modifi��s, cela��.
Two days ago not one in ten thousand Frenchmen dreamed that there was such an island as Cyprus. The existence of Crete had been revealed by Jacques Offenbach, whose chorus, in the Belle Helene--. French and Italian Feeling; TIMESS Paris Correspondence; Effects on the Bourse, Gambettas Protest, &c.
Terrorists Behind French Satirical Magazine Massacre.
At an event in Paris Place de la Republique, demonstrators held up pens in honor of the slain cartoonists and chanted, ���We are Charlie!��� Pictures posted online showed similar demonstrations in other cities, including Rome,��.
This elegantly-printed volume is an essay in which the author seeks to give a sketch of the influences which surrounded the rise and early history of the United States, and to draw a parallel between the nation as it now is and as it was seventy-five or a hundred years since.
Correction: 36 Hours: Paris
Correction: 36 Hours: Paris
Dinard. Le sapin m��tallique de la Place de la R��publique, c.
Le lancement des illuminations aura lieu le 6 d��cembre (St Nicolas) �� 18h place de la R��publique. Plus de pr��cisions dans notre ��dition de jeudi prochain. Le sapin lumineux de la place de la R��publique sera remplac�� par��.
Paris Charlie Hebdo Attack: Spontaneous rallies of defiance sweep France
Such rallies were imitated across France: in Lyon police said there were between 10-15,000 people holding a hushed vigil in Place de Terreaux; in Toulouse the crowd numbered 10,000; and at least 5,000 gathered in Nantes. In Strasbourg, one of the seats .