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The Listings: Sept. 29 - Oct. 5
Selective listings by critics of The New York Times of new and noteworthy cultural events in the New York metropolitan region this week. * denotes a highly recommended film, concert, show or exhibition. Theater Approximate running times are in parentheses. Theaters are in Manhattan unless otherwise noted. Full reviews of current shows, additional
Strawberry Mirror cake for SAINT VALENTIN. - Hobbies
Strawberry Mirror Cake Ingredients500g Fresh Strawberries **Sponge Cake**100g sugar 100 flour 4 eggs A pinch of salt1/2...
The Listings: June 8 - June 14
Selective listings by critics of The New York Times of new and noteworthy cultural events in the New York metropolitan region this week. * denotes a highly recommended film, concert, show or exhibition. Theater Approximate running times are in parentheses. Theaters are in Manhattan unless otherwise noted. Full reviews of current shows, additional
SPECIAL REPORT: FASHION; Karl Lagerfeld at Hogan
PARIS -- The multitasking Karl Lagerfeld has hopped onto the down jacket bandwagon -- but made the look his own. Working with Hogan , part of the Italian Tods group, the designer took a cubist view of the padded surface. The quilting had an artistic look, as the familiar squares and straight lines were stitched with graphic, broken linear shapes. - By SUZY MENKES
Why do Christians flow pagan traditions like Halloween ?
Halloween, Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, Saint valentin, Carnivals and gay prides are genuine christian celebrations !
Those trivial habits are based on disguising, putting make up, drinking, fornicating and doing bad deeds.
Christianity is a piffling tradition because it is based on pagan useless habits !
What is the purpose of Halloween and Santa Claus ?
what a petty religion you have wow
Answer: 1. I doubt gay pride is a Christian tradition.
2. Who cares?
Category: Religion & Spirituality
CRITICS CHOICE; Critics Choice: New DVDs
LARISA SHEPITKO A decorated fighter pilot from the glory days of World War II, Nadezhda Petrukhina (Maya Bulgakova), has been rewarded by the Soviet state with a position as the director of a provincial trade school. This heroic woman, with the clear blue eyes and high cheekbones of a figure on a propaganda poster, now finds herself in charge of - Dave Kehr reviews new DVD film releases including collection of films by Larisa Shepitko; photos (M) - By DAVE KEHR
Valentine’s Day: Fixing Broken Hearts With Adult Stem Cells
On the feast of St. Valentine, a story about broken hearts is in order. These broken hearts are not the result of unrequited love but instead due to heart disease. One doctor is using a patient’s own stem cell to fix those broken hearts.
Deux plus de jours jusquà la Saint-Valentin?
Is that how you say -- two more time till valentines day
in french
Two more days till Valentines day
Answer: - Encore deux jours jusqu'à la Saint-Valentin. ( = 2 more days, implying it seems a long time)
- Plus que deux jours jusqu'à la Saint-Valentin. ( = only 2 days, implying not much time left )
Category: Paris
EVENING HOURS; The Music of May
May 18: The American Ballet Theater opened its season at the Metropolitan Opera House at Lincoln Center. The performance was followed by dinner for 1,200 guests in a tent. 1. From left, ANNE GRAUSO, ALI WAMBOLD and DAVID KOCH. 2. PALOMA HERRERA and FERNANDO ALDAZABAL. 3. MAXIM BELOSERKOVSKY and IRINA DVOROVENKO. 4. GRACE HIGHTOWER, left, and LYNN - By BILL CUNNINGHAM » Blog Archive » SAINT VALENTINe of Rome notes about your extended family in heaven. Saint valentine of Rome. Memorial. 14 February. Profile. Priest in Rome, possibly a bishop.
joyeuse SAINT VALENTIN « The Written Word
joyeuse Saint valentin. “Bon Jour My Sweet… Perhaps a bit of Mood Music… eh” ... 2 Responses to “joyeuse Saint valentin”. veehcirra Says: February 14, 2012 at 3:00 am. This is one very hilarious Valentine's message.
A special Valentines Hart-Daye
What a wonderful way for Nicole Hart and Tyrone Daye to spend the day of the heart, St. Valentines Day. Hart, 30, and Daye, 28, both of Middletown, got hitched Tuesday in District Judge Daniel Baranoskis courtroom on Centre Street in Penndel, just down ...
CARLA BRUNI Pop stars promoting their latest CDs dont usually reschedule interviews to go pick up the pope, but such is the datebook of the new first lady. Her latest album, Comme si de Rien NÉtait, offers more of the clever moodiness that first charmed audiences in 2002 on Quelquun MA Dit. The new record is sunnier and more slickly - BY ALEXANDRA MARSHALL
La Saint-Valentin
Grades 3 - 4Core French Model Unit. 2 0 0 1. P102.8. Teaching Materials from the. Stewart Resources Centre. La Saint-Valentin ...
can someone who speaks French translate this card?
i found a little valentines day card that says "A la Saint-Valentin, on fait un duo au poil", and it has a picture of two baby Pomeranian puppies. using online translators, all i end up with is something like, "we made a duet with hair", which obviously makes no sense! haha i am extremely curious to know just what the hell this valentines card says. 10 points to whoever can give me a good translation!
Answer: I think it means 'we make a great pair', 'we make a great/perfect couple'.
Au poil means great/perfect, from what i've read on, a website I go on quite a lot.
Good luck. :)
Category: Languages
Could someone please proofread my valentine for my French teacher?
Im only in French 1, and so I had to look a few things up. Please tell me if Ive made any mistakes. Thank you very much c:
Chère Madame,
Bonne Saint-Valentin! Merci à vous pour être une prof fantastique! Vous ma beaucoup aidé cette année.
Merci beaucoup!
Answer: Chère Madame,
Bon Saint-Valentin! Merci pour être une prof fantastique! Vous m'avez beaucoup aidé cette année.
Merci beaucoup!
Category: Languages
The Listings: June 23 - June 29
Selective listings by critics of The New York Times of new and noteworthy cultural events in the Northeast this week. * denotes a highly recommended film, concert, show or exhibition. Theater Approximate running times are in parentheses. Theaters are in Manhattan unless otherwise noted. Full reviews of current shows, additional listings, show times
Happy Valentines Day: Vegas mob museum features wall from massacre
On the 83rd anniversary of the St. Valentines Day Massacre, Sin City is honoring one of its earliest relationships with the grand opening of a museum dedicated to the mobsters that made this desert town. There are tommy guns, money stacks and a ...
Saint-Valentin, Quebec - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Saint-Valentin is a municipality in southern Quebec, Canada located in the administrative area of the Montérégie. The population as of the Canada 2006 Census ...
Tete-a-Tete: Saint-Valentin Tea!
Saint-Valentin Tea! Happy Hearts Day! Since it's Valentine's Day... I'm drinking Mariage Freres Saint-Valentin tea today,. in my darling Emma Bridgewater Pink Hearts. teacup & saucer. Would you care to join me? I wish you ...
St. Valentine’s Massacre: Dating Site SNAP Plunges 12 Percent After 4Q Loss
Shares of online dating site SNAP Interactive plunged nearly 12 percent Tuesday after the online dating site on Facebook reported a big fourth-quarter loss. SNAP shares fell 22 cents to $1.68, lowering the New York-based dating sites market ...
Happy Valentine’s Day – NOT!
In fact, as the Internet and mobile communications continue to invade our lives, holidays like St. Valentine’s Day are changing, and not always to everyone’s satisfaction. To be fair, V-Day (as it’s abbreviated) is a mixed bag in various ...
Russian Orthodox Consecrate Parish in Rome
ROME -- The Vatican described a solemn ceremony on Sunday for the consecration of the first parish of the Moscow Patriarchate in Rome as a sign of further thawing of relations with the Russian Orthodox Church. We are happy that the Russian Orthodox community has a new church in the center of Rome. It is a sign that we are nearer to each other, - By ELISABETTA POVOLEDO
Pour la Saint-Valentin - French Early Reader Book ...
Pour la Saint valentin: French Valentine's Day Book, A Book for Early Readers: Print out the pages of this French Valentine's Day Book.... Cut out each page.
Valentines Day: Lovers busy preparing to celebrate the event with loved ones
GUWAHATI: Youngsters in the city are busy preparing to celebrate St Valentines Day with their loved ones. With various shops and malls across Guwahati offering discounts and special offers, young customers are queuing up for some last minute shopping.
Paris Hotel Boutique Journal: Bonne Saint-Valentin!
Bonne Saint-Valentin! Des yeux qui font baisser les miens, Un rire qui se perd sur sa bouche— Voilà le portrait sans retouche. De l'homme auquel j'appartiens. Eyes that gaze of mine, A smile that is lost on his lips, This is the ...
What do native speaking French people eat on La Saint-Valentin?
I have to do a french project and I need to bake some food that French people eat on La Saint-Valentin.
Category: Languages
A different St. Valentines Day story
If youre from Chicago, you probably know about the St. Valentines Day Massacre. On February 14, 1929, seven men were gunned down at the SMC Cartage garage at 2122 N. Clark Street. Most of the dead men were members of the Bugs Moran bootlegging ...
Un dossier pour tout savoir sur la Saint valentin : les origines, les coutumes et des activités de bricolages et comptines pour fêter le jour des amoureux le 14 ...
SAINT VALENTINe: Biography from
Born: ? Birthplace: Roman Empire Died: c. 270 (beheading) Best Known As: The namesake of Valentines Day Saint valentine, according to romantic legend, was a kind ...
What does "Joyeuses SAINT VALENTIN, que ce soit un beka ou un épeda, cette nuit ça va craquer" mean?
my girl received the above from someone in her friends/list comments. Shes crazy about the sender I just wanted a headsup. She wont tell me. lol. Thanks. I appreciate it.
Answer: It's not even correct french, I guess it's a suburb language, spoken by uneducated people.
Happy valentine's day, ' beka ' ' épeda ' is not French at all... this night is going to be hot...
Category: Languages
[Just Fashion]: SAINT VALENTIN
Saint valentin. Body. hair : ::Exile:: Tempest:Pecan by Kavar Cleanslate. al vulo!- Polly 2* pink teeth claveage caramel by Hlin Bluebird. al vulo!- Polly 2 shape small 5'9'' by Hlin Bluebird. *X*plosion ElementEyes (bronze) by Candela Kira ...
joyeuse SAINT VALENTIN « The Dark Globe
joyeuse Saint valentin. Posted on February 14, 2012 by darkjade68. 0. Reblogged from The Written Word: · Click to visit the original post. “Bon Jour My Sweet… Perhaps a bit of Mood Music… eh” “What do we have here… ho ho, A Rose for A ...
What should the logo of my cafe be?
i am having a valentines day breakfast surprise for my family, and im making a pretend cafe (debating between the name of La Saint-Valentin Crêpes - Valentines Day Pancakes, and Les crêpes du Coeur - Pancakes from the Heart) and im trying to think of a logo. do you think it should be "Ooh-la-la" or "Bon appetit!" ? or neither? thanks!
p.s. it would also help if you could help with the name! :)
thanks again!
or actually the motto lol
Answer: ,Come hungry, leave satisfied
Category: Entertaining
Can you send me a valentine day card, I dont have any lover ?
Answer: I didnt understood the French!!
Still a card for the lady..
Category: Valentine's Day
SAINT VALENTINes Day: Legend of the Saint
Historical archives make mention of at least three different individuals (and perhaps as many as seven) credited with the name of Saint valentine (or Valentinus).
SAINT VALENTINe: Facts, Discussion Forum, and Encyclopedia Article
Saint valentine (in Latin. Valentinus) is the name of several martyr. ed saint. s of ancient Rome. The name "Valentine", derived from valens (worthy, strong, powerful ...
SAINT VALENTINe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Saint valentine (in Latin, Valentinus) is the name of several (14 in all) martyred saints of ancient Rome. The name "Valentine", derived from valens (worthy, strong ...
Making Sure That Valentine Diamond Isn’t Tainted by Blood: View
It being the feast of Saint valentine, today is a favored moment to give or receive that ultimate lovers’ gift: a diamond. This year, however, isn’t a good one for those who want to know for sure that the stone’s origins are above reproach.
Subb-an Saint-Valentin Sélection Mix by subb-an on SoundCloud ...
Feb 14, 2011 ... Listen to Subb-an Saint-Valentin Sélection Mix by subb-an: “I originally did this mix for my girlfriend Jessica for Valentines day and she liked it ...
CLASSICAL; The Listings
CLASSICAL Full reviews of recent music performances: Opera PSYCHÉ (Tonight through Sunday) The spectacle and pageantry of Baroque opera can get lost in the haze of scholarly seriousness that surrounds reconstructions of early works. But the Boston Early Music Festivals production of Lullys Psyché, culled from 35 sources - By THE NEW YORK TIMES
SAINT VALENTINes Day: Definition from
Featured Products: White gold diamond floating heart pendant 24-piece handmade Belgian chocolates in a red velvet heart 2 dozen assorted-color roses Ella Fitzgerald ...
St. Valentine School Web Site - Home Page
St. Valentine School is a member of Michigan Green Schools, an agency dedicated to assisting all Michigan schools – public and private – achieve environmental ...
I have a bottle of 1994 George Duboeuf Saint-Amour Red Beaujolais Wine. What is it worth if anything?
The bottle says CUVEE SAINT-VALENTIN, and was imported from France by W.J. Deutch & Sons LTD. in New York.
Answer: Beaujolais does not age well. That wine might not be good anymore. Do you know if it was stored properly? That might be a factor here.
Category: Beer, Wine & Spirits
Would you accept that I wish you a Happy Valentine day?
Answer: Thank you and a nice picture!
♪☆Happy valentines day☆♪
Category: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered
Valentines Days Chocolate Tradition
It garnered the name St. Valentines Day later in honor of three saints who all died martyrs deaths. The connection to Valentines Day and chocolate might be more than historic. Scientists have found that the eating chocolate can boost ...
Receive a Happy Ending on St. Valentine’s Day
It’s that day again. The one where the world is in love. No, not St. Patrick’s Day, you silly duck! Valentine’s Day! And the Blue Moon is once again taking its finery out of the locked cabinet, lighting candles, and giving their stage over ...
St. Valentine - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online
Feastday: February 14 Patron of Love, Young People, Happy Marriages Died: 269. Valentine was a holy priest in Rome, who, with St. Marius and his family, assisted the ...
In Europe, Huge Farm Subsidies Lead to Maneuvering and Challenges
The last time the European Union decided the future of its 50 billion euro agricultural aid program, in 2005, the deal was cut behind closed doors in a luxury suite at the five-star Conrad Brussels hotel. The president of France, Jacques Chirac, and the chancellor of Germany, Gerhard Schröder, joined forces in secret to protect the program against - By STEPHEN CASTLE and DOREEN CARVAJAL
SAINT VALENTINes Day - February 14th - Picture frames UK, Picture ...
Valentines Day History and things There are varying opinions as to the origin of Valentines Day. Some experts state that it originated from St. Valentine, a Roman ...
St. Valentine. At least three different Saint valentines, all of them martyrs, are mentioned in the early martyrologies under date of 14 February. One is described as ...
Why We (Heart) Valentines Day
Officially in honor of Christian martyr Valentine, St. Valentine’s Day has joined people together since 500 A.D. Valentine’s Day’s longevity and vibrancy and emotional connections rival more major celebrations like Christmas, because it ...
BBC - Religions - Christianity: SAINT VALENTINe
Saint valentines Day on 14th February is surrounded by mystery - which is no surprise when you consider that there were at least three different Saint valentines.
Saint-Valentin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Coordinates: 46°58′35″N 1°51′56″E / 46.9765°N 1.8656°E / 46.9765; 1.8656. Saint-Valentin is a commune in the Indre department in central France.
What does SAINT VALENTIN mean to you ? ?
Answer: A day to show your special someone how much they mean to you.
Category: Languages
Extremism wanes as Baghdad celebrates Valentines Day
Baghdad - In fresh evidence that extreme religious groups are gradually losing their influence on Iraqi society, Baghdad celebrated St Valentines in full force on Tuesday, with people dressed in red and shops competing with different gifts to mark the day.
St. Valentine not only patron saint of romance, but also of epilepsy
Today is the day when couples around the world celebrate their love for each other, but what many people do not realize is that St. Valentine is also the patron saint of epilepsy. In ancient times, the cause of epilepsy was unknown as a result ...
Blancpain Saint-Valentin 2012 Watch | Watch Review
Jan 9, 2012 ... Like every year, the watch house Blancpain presents an exclusive creation for Valentine's Day. In 2012, Blancpain pays tribute to the universal ...
who wrote this french poem?
Douce Saint-Valentin damour
le coeur qui crie lamour
pour cette femme tous les jours
celle qui a notre coeur
et notre bonheur...
Answer: No one renowned or acknowledged as a poet. It's the kind of free-to-print stuff you find on the internet to give your sweetheart on Valentine's Day.
I wouldn't like to get one, honestly it sounds tacky!
Category: Languages
Have you tried to send a free Valentines Day greetings cards from cellphone ?
Answer: nothing is ever free. Text message fees would apply
Category: Cell Phones & Plans
Valentines Day -- a little love for everyone
Today is Valentines Day, based on some early Christian martyrs named Saint valentine. And of course you all remember the St. Valentines Day massacre. But today, you only have to be a martyr for love itself. The blues is full of love - good, bad and painful.
St. Valentine - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online
6 hours ago ... Valentine was a holy priest in Rome, who, with St. Marius and his family, ... The first representation of Saint valentine appeared in a The ...
Saint-Valentin's day : Angers, full of angels - ADN- Angers Daily News
The end of the cold wave coincides with the warming ot the hearts. Thetemperature Tuesday in Angers was milder than previous days. But male Angers inhabitants were burning for their soul mate. And the… Hébergé par OverBlog.
Valentines Day — Articles, Video, Pictures and Facts
Every February 14, across the United States and in other places around the world, candy, flowers and gifts are exchanged between loved ones, all in the name of St ...
Why do Christians follow pagan traditions like Halloween ?
Halloween, Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, Saint valentin, Carnivals and gay prides are genuine christian celebrations !
Those trivial habits are based on disguising, putting make up, drinking, fornicating and doing bad deeds.
Christianity is a piffling tradition because it is based on pagan useless habits !
What is the purpose of Halloween and Santa Claus ?
what a petty religion you have wow
Answer: who said Christians celebrate Halloween?
Category: Religion & Spirituality
SAINT VALENTINe - Lone Keep Internet, a Jersey Shore Optimization ...
Saint valentine b.? d.270: Valentine was a holy priest in Rome, who, with St. Marius and his family, assisted the martyrs in the persecution under Claudius II.
Why do Christians follow pagan traditions like Halloween and Christmas ?
Halloween, Christmas Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, Saint valentin, Carnivals and gay prides are genuine christian celebrations !
Those trivial habits are based on disguising, putting make up, drinking, fornicating and doing bad deeds.
Christianity is a piffling tradition because it is based on pagan useless habits !
What is the purpose of Halloween and Santa Claus ?
what a petty religion you have wow
Answer: We don't do Halloween or Christmas. We follow Jesus and live His way of life. Stop generalizing and disrespecting. It's ineffective and offensive. We encourage you to share what you know and listen to, but not necessarily agree with. what we have to share.
Category: Religion & Spirituality
St. Valentine, Famed Romantic and Religious Martyr
Starry-eyed romantics and red-rose haters alike can look to one source for their respective love or cynicism every February 14: St. Valentine. Though everyone knows the name, much less is known about the man – to wit, he may not even have ...
SAINT VALENTIN was canonized in 1988 he was affiliated with 3 miracales do you know what they are?
Answer: No.
Category: Religion & Spirituality
Saint valentin is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Saint valentin and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more ...
SAINT VALENTIN normand-irlandais | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Merci au couple Leroux pour leur investissement amical en l'exposition annuelle à la jardinerie Derly.
Saint-Valentin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Saint-Valentin is a commune in the Indre department in central France. Communes of the Indre department References INSEE commune file v d e Communes of the Indre ...
St Valentin | Facebook
St Valentin is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with St Valentin and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open ...
Jamais il ny aura eu autant de balle à blanc tirées que le soir de la Saint valentin !
From: Nibag06 - Source: web
Fin de soirée de Saint valentin en #Solitaire #StValentin
From: Fred_Boom - Source: Twitter for Android
@tehwilsonat0r joyeuse Saint valentin :)
From: poornima - Source: TweetDeck
Comment fêter la Saint valentin : emmener ça copine voir les infidèles en avant première
From: qdescours - Source: Twitter for iPhone
RT @ChebbahChris: Dernière parole de la Saint valentin ; je taime
From: CatrixC - Source: Twitter for iPhone
Joyeux Saint valentin all boys and grils
From: Samyjoe85 - Source: Mobile Web
Alors comment se passe votre Saint valentin bande de chien vous etes entrain de fouuuuxxxxxx
From: ElKazkamii - Source: Twitter for BlackBerry®
Vous avez été trop beaux les amoureux de Pôle emploi... cc @leilachaibi
From: natonhg - Source: yoono
RT @arsenprofil: "Je vais lui apporter des fleurs et après on va baiser"
Cette phrase est plus inquiétante à la Toussaint quà la Saint-Valentin.
From: melodelfe - Source: Twitter for iPhone
Ce fut une bonne saint-Valentin finalement. A par le fait davoir eu limpression de ne croiser que des couples, ça va. #MaVie #Osef
From: StrawberryManon - Source: Twitter for BlackBerry®
À celui qui a défoncé ma vitre dauto: eh non, il ny avait rien à voler à lintérieur...:( Bonne Saint-Valentin quand même...!
From: NathalieCollard - Source: web
Plus que 1 minute ! // @arno_55: Encore 17 minutes de Saint valentin les gens :)
From: morganesaillour - Source: Twitter for iPhone
"Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love. (1 Corinthians 13:13 NLT)" joyeuse Saint-Valentin!
From: PrincessIcar - Source: Twitter for iPhone
@desenfumage Boutin soffre pour la Saint valentin :
From: AnthoC_ - Source: web
RT @Segolenee: On est dans une semaine féconde entre la Saint-Valentin & les jours gras là ... Novembre sera un bon mois pour les cliniques #OvulKayFékondé
From: AurelieJul - Source: web