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Sarkozy Unveils Tax Rises But Not a Re-election Bid
PARIS -- President Nicolas Sarkozy, insisting that he was acting as a head of state -- not a presidential candidate -- announced Sunday that he would raise consumer taxes to make French companies more competitive and reduce the national budget deficit. He said he would increase the basic consumption tax by 1.6 percent, to 21.2 percent, while - French Pres Nicolas Sarkozy says he will raise the consumer tax rate, known as the value-added tax, to make French companies more competitive and reduce the national budget deficit; insists his proposals are not part of a re-election campaign. Photo (M)a - By STEVEN ERLANGER
Inside the Times
International FOCUS ON FRENCH ECONOMY FUELS NATIONAL FRONT GAINS The far-right party National Front and its leader, Marine le pen, are finding support in parts of Frances post-industrial north where unemployment, factory closings and foreign competition are proving more important than immigration and radical Islam. PAGE A6 SOLUTION ON SYRIA IS
Do you think the Far-right will win in France?
Category: Politics
BBC News - MARINE LE PEN poll rating shock for French politics
An opinion poll suggesting far-right leader Marine le pen could win the first round of next years presidential election has caused a shock in France. The survey for ...
MARINE LE PEN Says Sarkozy Forces Halal Meat on Parisians ...
The Guardian reports that French presidential candidate Marine le pen switched her campaign back to immigration on Sunday, by claiming all meat in Paris was.
MARINE LE PEN: Courting the Jews, to no avail | The Occidental ...
Marine le pen, the daughter of the founder French National Front Jean-Marie Le Pen is doing well in the polls. November last year she even scored higher than the sitting president Nicolas Sarkozy. Moreover, the National ...
MARINE LE PEN, France Far Right Presidential Candidate, Suffers ...
PARIS (AP) — French far right leader Marine le pen lost a legal battle Tuesday in her bid to run for president, with the Constitutional Court ruling that her backers' names must be made public. The decision upholds current ...
Jean-Luc Mélenchon to Go Head-to-Head with MARINE LE PEN ...
Jean-Luc Mélenchon, should, according to present information, go Head-to=Head against Marine le pen tonight on the television station France 2 for the programme, Des paroles et des actes. (From L'Humanité Here.) ...
MARINE LE PEN Launches Culture War on Halal Meat. « Tendance ...
Marine le pen stands at 17,5% in the opinion polls. Despite difficulties getting the necessary sponsors she looks likely to be on the Ballot Paper. But her National Public Rally over the weekend was lacklustre. A culture war on ...
French far-right fails to clear legal hurdle
PARIS (Reuters) - French far-right presidential candidate Marine le pen on Tuesday failed to overcome a legal hurdle that may thwart her bid to run in an April election. Even though opinion polls give her the third most votes in the first round ...
Could MARINE LE PEN become the next President of France in 2012?
With her rise in the polls, it sure looks like it. Something at the back of my head says it wont happen, but the impression Im getting is that the possibility is becoming more and more substantial.
Answer: Unfortunatly not.
But she can certainly provoke and / or accelerate the implosion of UMP, specially if the candidate - Nicolas Sarkozy I guess - does not reach the second round of voting. In addition, as her influence increases, she will probably be able to impose some political themes and orientations in public debates and moreover, get some representation in the legislative body - better than nothing.
By the way, we talk about the President of the French Republic, not the President of France ;-).
CABAL : Sure but the republican propaganda won't be as effective as in 2002, I know a lot of socialists who would rather vote for Marine le pen than for Nicolas Sarkozy.
Category: Other - France
Sarkozys Main Rival Offers Proposals for Lifting Frances Economy
PARIS -- François Hollande, the Socialist Party candidate leading in the polls for the French presidency, appeared Thursday to try to address complaints that he had been too vague about his plans for France and its slowing economy, issuing a package of 60 measures that would increase taxes and government spending but aim to balance the budget by - Francois Hollande, the Socialist Party candidate leading in the polls for the French presidency, tries to address complaints that he had been too vague about his plans for France and its slowing economy; issues package of 60 measures that would increase spending, but still aim to balance the budget by 2017. (M)i - By STEVEN ERLANGER
Are the BNP going to cry for Le Pen or will they say "Le Pen is dead, long live Le Pen"?
A man who was convicted of assault many times for being a leader of a group whose main aim was to go fighting with communists.
A man accused of carrying out torture.
A man who advocated the forced isolation of people with HIV
A man who called Sarkozy a non-Frenchman because of his Hungarian and Greek background (even though Le Pen married a woman with a Greek background later on)
A holocaust denier
Convicted of making racist statements.
A man who lost his seat in the EU parliament because he assaulted a fellow MEP.
This is to be followed by his daughter who has compared muslims praying in France with the WW2 Nazi occupation, which no doubt she doubt would have loved and would have played an active part in Vichy France.
Maybe Griffin will get annoyed that there is a leader better looking than him in France now who takes up the racist ignorant far right position! Maybe hell leave his wife for Marine!!
No dead, just not in charge of the racist National Front any more.
It is not my opinion, it is fact that the guy is a racist. You can come out with all the rhetoric you want about racism not being racism but being something else, but as Shakespeare put it, a rose is but a rose by any other name!
Sweat Pea. The Prime Minister of this country is white, the head of state is white, all but 15 of the last parliament were white. How is it that white people are second class citizens when almost all the power is in the hands of white people? Where is this supposed control by non-white people that inflicts so much racist power against the white people in this country, or any other European country? It seems to be just any old excuse for your hatred to come out and an attempt to legitimise it. But it does not hold any water.
If it were legitimate, the BNP would not have to hide their racism behind words. Since when has "Identity" means racial purity? Since the day Griffin told the KKK that it does? Since when has "British" meant "white"? Since the day Griffin told Newsnight that it does? No, these have never meant what the BNP claim they mean? British does not mean white, it means the people who live in Britian and are from Britian, black people born here are just as much from Britian
And now we have revisionist British Guy playing down the holocaust. What next? Oh yeah, trying to insult me by saying that I am a muslim and asian. Only a racist would be insulted by that.
But I think British Guy, you need to look up what the term "Genocide" and "Holocaust" actually mean, just because people died because they were deliberatly starved to death or worked to death does not mean it was not part of genocide. Genocide is the deliberate attempt at killing off a people and their culture! The Nazis managed to destroy a large part of Judaism. It does not matter whether it happened in a gas chamber or not. The US managed to commit genocide against the native american peoples without gas chambers, Milosevic managed to attempt genocide against the muslims in Kosovo and Bosnia without gas chambers!
But then again the whole fact that denial is done through making out that it was not as bad as previously thought, when the reality is it was.
Answer: Some will but most BNP supporters have probably never heard of him.
I see the usual conspiracy theorists are out answering this Q. The BNP is more like a support group for the paranoid than a political party. This nasty little fascist group have no place here in the UK.
Category: Politics
MARINE LE PEN 2012 - Site de MARINE LE PEN, candidate à la ...
Le site officiel de Marine le pen, candidate à l'élection présidentielle de 2012.
MARINE LE PEN Loses Battle With French Constitutional Court ...
1 day ago ... The far-right political leader Marine le pen lost a legal battle on Tuesday in her bid to run for president when a court ruled that the names of her ...
MARINE LE PEN presidential campaign, 2012 - Wikipedia, the free ...
A president of the Front National (FN) since 16 January 2011, Marine le pen will run for the 2012 French presidential election. During the 2010 internal campaign for ...
The Daily Mail, once again displaying their real agenda?
Read the article below for more details:
Answer: LOL! I could read the Daily Mail comments section for days on end I'd never get bored. Depressing yes but also hilarious.
France needs a National Front president? Why not just come out and back Nick Griffin while they're at it?
Life wouldn't be the same without the Daily Mail.
Category: Politics
Frances far right leader Le Pen tries revive campaign
LILLE (Reuters) - French far-right leader Marine le pen sought to revive her flagging presidential campaign Saturday, saying she was the only genuine opposition to the established parties whose policies would lead France into a Greek-style tragedy.
The French Far Rights Unlikely Quest for Jewish Voters
Why Marine le pens ethnic nationalist party wont win the Jewish vote, no matter how much support they promise Israel. French far right leader Marine le pen delivers a speech at a political rally in Strasbourg / Reuters On January 27, premiers ...
French Jews Mostly Side With Sarkozy
Several other candidates are polling well: Marine le pen of the extreme right-wing Front National hovers at about 20%, followed by the centrist candidate, François Bayrou, and by Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who represents a coalition of parties to the left of the Socialists.
FRENCH PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION 2012: Bardot backs far-right leader Le Pen’s attempt to stand for president
French former film star Brigitte Bardot has backed far-right leader Marine le pen’s efforts to stand for president, a day after France’s Constitutional Council ruled against an appeal by the Front National (FN) chief on pre-poll procedure.
MARINE LE PEN, France Far-Right Presidential Candidate, Advocates ...
PARIS — French far-right presidential candidate Marine le pen unveiled her vision for the country to hundreds of cheering supporters Saturday, advocating ...
MARINE LE PEN - The 2011 TIME 100 - TIME
When Jean-Marie Le Pen was still the leader of Frances National Front party, we spoke often, either at his villa in Paris or at my dacha in Moscow.
The Christian Science Monitor - an independent daily newspaper providing context and clarity on national and international news, peoples and cultures, and social trends.
WORLD BRIEFING | EUROPE; France: Le Pen Fined for Nazi Remarks
Jean Marie Le Pen, the founder of the far-right National Front party, was found guilty on Thursday of condoning war crimes and was given a suspended jail sentence of three months by a court in Paris. Mr. Le Pen, left, was also fined $13,000 for saying in 2005 that the Nazi occupation of France during World War II had “not been particularly - By REUTERS
Will MARINE LE PEN win elections in France?
For all you French men and women out there, will she win? I noticed she was in third, and rising. But I dont live in France and Im not well informed about the French political system or the canidates, all I know is she is far right and Fracois Hollande is far left. Why do people want her to win and why do they want francois(because he is in first) to win? And depending on which one wins the election how will France change? Or what if Sarzosky is re-elected?
Just wondering,
thank you!
Answer: No, but she could maybe defeat one of the main candidates in the first round, like her father did in 2002, but even if she does, then the vast majority of the French population will vote massively for the other candidate, just like they did for Chirac in 2002.
François Hollande is not far-Left, he is center-Left, he is the most moderate of all the Leftist candidates. If he wins the population will be slightly happier for a while but the French economy is sure to suffer even more as the program of the Left is billion miles away from reality.
If Sarkozy is re-elected, well... He has generally taken the good decisions but applies them in the most clumsy way possible. His personality, his relationship with the elites and the disgusting attitudes of many Right-wing politicians are a big problem for the Right.
LePen is popular because in times of crisis people are scared, and when they are scared they turn to the Right. She is also supported by all French racists. Also, a significant part of her supporters are just people so pissed off at the government that they want to send it a signal by voting for her. She currently spends her time spitting the same xenophobic bullshit and denouncing the hypocrisy of politics, pretty much the only thing she can do considering she has no real program. Her popularity is solely based on fear, even her supporters don't believe in her political and economic policies.
François Holland's popularity is entirely based on not being Sarkozy. He himself is pretty bland.
Category: Elections
MARINE LE PEN - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Marine le pen is a French politician, a lawyer by profession and the president of the Front National (FN) since 16 January 2011. She is the youngest daughter of ...
MARINE LE PEN | Facebook
Marine le pen is a French politician, a lawyer by profession and the president of the Front National (FN) since 16 January 2011. She is the youngest daughter of the ...
French people: Do you think President Sarkozy leading the attack on Libya is going to help him win re-election?
After all, the polls showed him getting knocked out in the 1st round next year to Marine le pen and Dominique Strauss Kahn quite handily. After the debacle during the Tunisian Revolution, I think Sarkozys just doing this to raise his poll numbers so he doesnt lose so badly.
Think itll work?
Answer: can't hurt
Category: Paris
Marine le pen. ... Amazon Affiliates Amazon Instant Video Watch Movies & TV Online: Prime Instant Video
MARINE LE PEN | World news | The Guardian
Latest news and comment on Marine le pen from
BBC News - Profile: MARINE LE PEN
A profile of Marine le pen, leader of Frances far-right National Front and the daughter of party founder Jean-Marie Le Pen.
MARINE LE PEN reverts to type with halal claims - Islamophobia Watch
French far-right leader Marine le pen switched her presidential campaign back to immigration on Sunday, accusing Nicolas Sarkozy of bowing to Muslim pressure over how animals are killed for meat, to try to head off his ...
As Old Francs Expire, France Makes a Small Mint
PARIS — Greece may be scrambling for revenue, but the French treasury has just banked some 550 million euros for doing nothing — simply letting the French franc, created in 1360, finally perish. Friday was the last day that French francs could be turned into the Bank of France, the central bank, in exchange for the common European - By STEVEN ERLANGER
Focus on French Economy Fuels Gains by Far Right
ABBEVILLE, France -- This small city in northern France has few immigrants and little crime. But in the last local elections here, the candidate of the far-right National Front eliminated the standard-bearer of President Nicolas Sarkozys party in the first round of voting and then won 30.2 percent of the vote in the runoff, losing to a Socialist. - Frances National Front party, headed by Marine le pen, is finding support in the countrys post-industrial north, where many residents who once voted Communist have embraced the far-right partys patriotic emphasis on French jobs, French nationalism and French money; growing popularity has President Nicolas Sarkozy worried that Le Pen may eliminate him in the first round of voting in April 2012. Photos, Map (M) - By STEVEN ERLANGER; Maïa de la Baume contributed reporting.
MARINE LE PEN, France Far Right Presidential Candidate, Suffers Legal Defeat
PARIS (AP) — French far right leader Marine le pen lost a legal battle Tuesday in her bid to run for president, with the Constitutional Court ruling that her backers names must be made public. The decision upholds current electoral law and ...
Marine le pen Non-attached Members Member France Front national. Born on 5 August 1968, Neuilly sur Seine. Member. PEEuropean Parliament ...
The IMF head was arrested right before he was to fly home to France. Does this appear suspicious to you?
Dominique Strauss-Kahn is a Socialist politician from France and the current head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). DSK, as they call him in France, was considered the strongest potential challenger to Sarkozy in next years election. Now he has been arrested for sexual assault.
This definitely looks suspicious to me. Im usually skeptical of sexual assault accusations against celebrities to begin with, but when a foreign presidential candidate who probably would be unfriendly to US foreign policy interests is arrested on such grounds it makes me even more skeptical than usual. We all remember what they did to Julian Assange when he published truthful information that was embarrassing to the US government.
DSK was put as the head of the IMF a few years ago with the support of Sarkozy in order to get rid of him. Sarkozy is basically the only major political figure in France who supports the bipartisan foreign policy consensus in the US. Even Sarkozys own predecessor and fellow UMP member Jacques Chirac was not a supporter of US foreign policy. The main opposition to Sarkozy on the French right is from the National Front, a party that would be called paleo-conservative (think Pat Buchanan) in the United States. Sarkozys only real chance of getting re-elected is if the National Front candidate (Marine le pen) beats the Socialist candidate for 2nd place.
Answer: Jim Phelps was arrested? What will become of the Impossible Missions Force now?
Category: Other - Politics & Government
French far right leader MARINE LE PEN suffers legal defeat in ...
2 days ago ... PARIS — French far right leader Marine le pen lost a legal battle Tuesday in her bid to run for president, with the Constitutional Court ruling ...
Le candidat’ may yet stumble at Sarko’s feet
He will, as expected, be a candidate for his job. The rest of the field is still not settled. Marine le pen is having trouble securing the necessary 500 signatures from elected officials. But we should assume that, one way or another, her name will be on ...
MARINE LE PEN 2012 new president?
this is a major reason, watch and listen to this brave American, he is quite right to. It happens in France
Of course there is not other reason but this one is the most important Islamization in France
PS: Comment est mon Anglais? merci
Answer: votre anglais est pas mal, mais continuer à s'exercer. je n'ai pas regardé la vidéo mais j'ai juste voulu répondre à votre question à propos de comment bon votre anglais était. j'apprends toujours le français pardonnez-moi ainsi si cela n'a pas eu de bon sens.
Category: Current Events
MARINE LE PEN aims to put bite on Nicolas Sarkozy with halal meat claim
French far-right leader Marine le pen switched her presidential campaign back to immigration on Sunday, by claiming all meat in Paris was halal, as she tried to head off President Nicolas Sarkozys attempts to lure her supporters. At a congress ...
MARINE LE PEN emerges from fathers shadow | World news | The ...
Marine le pen surveys the mountain of letters on her desk, complaining shes run out of autographed photos to send to fans. Although Le Pen fires handguns ...
MARINE LE PEN - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Marine le pen (born Marion Anne Perrine Le Pen on 5 August 1968 at Neuilly-sur-Seine, Hauts-de-Seine) is a French politician, a lawyer by profession and the president ...
Bardot backs far-right leader Le Pen
FRENCH PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION 2012: Bardot backs far-right leader Le Pen’s attempt to stand for president Former French film star Brigitte Bardot has backed far-right leader Marine le pen’s efforts to stand for president, a day after France’s ...
MARINE LE PEN, France’s (Kinder, Gentler) Extremist -
Step inside an office building in the town of Nanterre, just west of Paris, and you are confronted by what the nostrils register as an odor of the past ...
Sarkozy Will Run for Second Term
PARIS — Trailing in the polls, with a restive party pressing him to run in earnest for re-election, President Nicolas Sarkozy of France announced his candidacy for a second term Wednesday evening on the country’s main evening news program. Mr. Sarkozy, 57, would have preferred to wait longer to make his announcement, and take further - By STEVEN ERLANGER
In a Political Ritual, Candidates Tour France in a Race for 500 Signatures
PARIS -- In 1965, Marcel Barbu, a jeweler and philanthropist, ran for the French presidency as the candidate of battered dogs. In 2002, Pierre Rabhi, a farmer and philosopher of Algerian descent, built himself as the candidate of peaceful insurrection. Coluche, a well-known comedian, called for the lazy, the filthy, the drug addicts, the - Frances odd political system requires 500 mayors or local officials to sign their names in support of a candidate for the presidency before he or she can be put on the ballot; politicians criticize requirement as France faces presidential election, saying energy spent on getting signatures prevents candidates from campaigning or debating. Photos (M) - By MAÏA de la BAUME
How popular this French woman as Presidential candidate?
Marine le pen
Her father was known to Soviet Era Russia
Answer: idk
Category: Elections
The French equivalent of the BNP knows a popularity never equalled. What do you think of this?
Hello dear English/Brittish/Brettons ( I never know which one to choose but I love your accent ^^)
The rise of Marine le pen in the polls worries her competitors.
1 of 4 French said to be ready to vote for her.
The new leader of Frances anti-immigration National Front party is more popular than President Nicolas Sarkozy, a new poll reveals today.
French National Front leader Marine le pen got 25 per cent in a recent poll !
Its her :
Ms Le Pen, a mother-of-three, has softened the partys traditional anti-Semitism but continues to target Frances six million strong Muslim community.
After the results were announced, Ms Le Pen said they were an encouragement to continue to work and present our project to the French people, who are waking up.
She added: The French want a different kind of politics, they would like to have a proper choice in the second round - the choice between a national project and a global project as represented either by Nicolas Sarkozy, either by Dominique Strauss-Kahn or by Martine Aubry.
Ms Le Pen said she was convinced Mr Sarkozy, who had hoped to win over right-wing voters with a crackdown on immigration and a national identity debate, had lost the support of the French people.
Theres a trend that makes me think Nicolas Sarkozy is going to lose the presidential elections, she said.
I dont think he can climb back up. He represents such a disappointment and rejection by French people that I think hes already out of the second round.
ß > Thats right for her father. You can look here.
Answer: Good for Le Pen. When governments fall to a greed fuelled traitorous insanity, as all EU member country's governments clearly have, then the people need a champion to speak out for their children's future. Islam should be, and eventually will be, chased out of the west, and back to the desolation that spawned it. In Britain, parliament/ the lib lab con. has become the true enemy of the people, the true terrorist threat. That terrible destructive trio has to be defeated before it drags Britain into the gutter. Unlike the French, the 21st century British have no fight, so its doubtfull that Islam will be defeated here. This will probably end up as Europes Ugly Islamic Island.
Category: Government
MARINE LE PEN's Father Sentenced For Nazi Occupation Remarks ...
French presidential candidate and National Front leader Marine le pen's father Jean-Marie Le Pen has been found guilty of contesting crimes against humanity, the Guardian reports. The decision.
Frances far right: The rise of MARINE LE PEN | The Economist
Frances far right The rise of Marine le pen . Mar 9th 2011, 16:48 by S.P. | PARIS
Nicolas Sarkozy attacks MARINE LE PEN for artificial controversy over halal row
Miss Le Pen, trailing both Mr Sarkozy and Socialist front-runner Francois Hollande ahead of the April-May French presidential election, made the claim at a rally on Saturday and pledged to file a legal complaint for "misrepresentation of products".
Le Pen loses battle to keep backers names secret
French far right leader Marine le pen lost a legal battle in her bid to run for president, with the Constitutional Court ruling that her backers names must be made public. Its an indirect victory for conservative President Nicolas Sarkozy, who is trying ...
Hitler was fiercely defensive of animal rights and also fiercely rightist politically. Who else?
.....two lovely women in France : Marine le pen and Brigitte Bardot. Do you know any others?
LEFT OR RIGHT? No agreement here!
What it tells us is that the case against Hitler and the Nazis rests not on political differences but emotional ones, led by the Commies and the Jews of course. That much is clear.
As for the Fuhrers animal sympathies, he loved his dog quite as much as his mistress and he and his SS abhored cruelty to animals like the good Boy Scouts they essentially were.
Hitler was disgusted by bullfighting, calling it dreadful cowardliness, which, of course, it is.
But thanks all - lets see how it develops. Isnt this what YA! is for?
Tim D : Thanks. Your answer sets everyone right. Its set for stars from me, but Ill leave the question open a while first to see what comes.
Answer: >the case against Hitler and the Nazis rests not on political differences
It did, entirely, rest on political differences – the reason that the original Allies declared war on Germany was because of the invasion of Poland – a political aim and longstanding target of Nazism – to unite German-speakers into one super-state (Greater Germany). Communism and Nazism were extreme political enemies, the latter was created and rose to power on the back of anti-Bolshevism (as was the Anti-comintern pact the precursor of the Axis).
It is true that under Nazi rule vivisection and animal rights were curtailed (but not completely halted).
There is a certain section of the world which believes that Socialism is something to be feared and hated – and seeing the word in the National Socialist German Workers Party – and, like Pavlov's dogs automatically assume that because the word Socialism appears it must be something to slaver over – of course the Nazi party was rightwing instead of focussing on Socialist (which was only inserted to make it more attractive to some sections of society – there is nothing socialist about their behaviour or policies) look at Nationalism.
Do right-wing politics and animal welfare HAVE to exist hand-in-hand? No, however, for both there is an element of extremism which is shied away from by middle-of-the-road, vanilla, political parties.
Category: History
Marine Le-Pen | Facebook
Marine Le-Pen is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Marine Le-Pen and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more ...
MARINE LE PEN, first for the French future presidential election as explained by opinion polls?
Good evening,
What is your opinion, far from France, about the fact that Marine le pen, Jean Marie le Pens daughter, is considered as the most potential and powerful candidate for the 2011 presidential election in France ?
Representing what we call "extrême-droite", she is defending xenophobia and supra-nationalism.
Have you yet heard of it ? Are you moved or worried by it ?
Do you consider that Sarkozy, our present president, has created the conditions to make this horror be (again) possible ?
Thanks for all your commentaries.
Answer: Sarkozy est un zéro a la gauche: il n'a ni l'intelligence ni la force de créer rien - meme les conditions politiques que vous mentionnez.
L'extreme-droite fleurit sous deux conditions; malheureusement, les deux sont, actuellement, présentes, en votre patrie comme en la mienne.
1...La peur. La classe ouvriere, surtout, craint que les appartements, le travail, la patrie qui leur "appartiennent" soient acquis par des étrangers.
2...Le comportement des immigrés eux-memes. Parmi eux il y a quelques-uns (soit, une minorité, mais ca suffit pour augmenter la peur des indigenes) qui se montrent violents, arrogants et égoistes.
C'est pour cela que les xénophobes, de gauche comme de droite, se réunissent sous le drapeau Le Pen. C'était pareil en Allemagne, quand Hitler s'est emparé du pouvoir.
Oui. Ca m'effraie.
Category: Elections
MARINE LE PEN, of Frances far-right, may miss ballot | GlobalPost
Marine le pen, the French presidential challenger from the far right, could find herself ejected from the election race. To stand, candidates need to muster 500 ...
Frances far-right Le Pen loses case against election law
Paris - The French constitutional court on Tuesday rejected a complaint against the countrys election law brought by extreme right-wing presidential candidate, Marine le pen. Candidates must publish the names of at-least 500 elected officials ...
Whats your opinion on MARINE LE PEN?
What do you think of the French politician Marine le pen?? I think she has great policies.
Answer: She is the future of France, and her only hope.
Category: Politics
Copyright Cheats Face the Music in France
PARIS — The curtain has risen on the third act of one of the most ambitious French musical productions, one whose goal is to end digital piracy. More than two years after France approved a tough crackdown on copyright cheats, the agency that oversees it sent its first cases to the courts last week. Some repeat offenders may temporarily be cut - By ERIC PFANNER
WORLD BRIEFING | EUROPE; MARINE LE PEN Loses Battle With French Constitutional Court
The far-right political leader Marine le pen, left, lost a legal battle on Tuesday in her bid to run for president when the Constitutional Court ruled that the names of her supporters must be made public. It represented an indirect victory for President Nicolas Sarkozy , a conservative who is trying to sap Ms. Le Pen’s support as he runs for - By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
MARINE LE PEN: Is the devils daughter right? - Telegraph
Marine le pen: Is the devils daughter right? Sitting in her office at the headquarters of Frances Front National, the obligatory French Tricolour flag nearby ...
MARINE LE PEN | euronews
euronews - Marine le pen | the latest international news as video on demand.
Is this coming to Canada,Do we have to act Now before it happens Here?
Answer: It is on it's way - You may act however you wish but it will have no real effect on the end result..
Category: Current Events
France Elections: MARINE LE PEN, Far-Right Presidential Candidate ...
4 days ago ... By John Irish LILLE, France, Feb 19 (Reuters) - French far-right leader Marine Le Pen switched her presidential campaign back to immigration ...
France Elections: MARINE LE PEN, Far-Right Presidential Candidate ...
By John Irish LILLE, France, Feb 19 (Reuters) - French far-right leader Marine le pen switched her presidential campaign back to immigration on Sunday, accusing Nicolas Sarkozy of bowing to Muslim pressure over how ...
MARINE LE PEN: Is this the most dangerous woman in France? | World ...
Smart, astute and media savvy, Marine le pen has achieved poll numbers for the Front National that her father Jean-Marie could only dream of. With a ...
Jean-Marie Le Pen given suspended jail term for saying Nazi occupation of France wasn’t particularly inhumane
Marine le pen took over the leadership of the far right National Front (FN) last year, modernising its image and trying to underplay its connections with racism and anti-Semitism. Today, the Paris Appeals Court confirmed Mr Le Pen’s sentence, which also ...
Nicolas Sarkozy woos far-right vote to see off MARINE LE PEN juggernaut
THE guessing game is almost over as Nicolas Sarkozy prepares to declare his run for a second presidential term with a hard-right appeal to traditional French family values and a crackdown on welfare fraud and immigrants. Ten weeks out from the elections ...
Am I the only one who thinks MARINE LE PEN (running for French presidency) is just a racist?
I mean she hates immigrants (especially Muslim ones) and calls for the death penalty, blaming more crime on immigration (because there was no such thing as crime in France before the immigrants arrived). Shes as far right as she can get and if she wins (which is highly probable with the recent backlash to non-European immigrants in Europe at the moment), the future of France would radically be retuned. They will be known as even more racist and nationalistic than they already are. They would be a hated power.
Answer: She's a fascist just like the scum that her father is
Category: Current Events
Le Pen loses fight for secret backing
Marine le pen, firebrand leader of France’s far-right National Front, suffered a rebuff in her presidential campaign on Tuesday when the country’s constitutional council rejected her appeal to keep secret the names of elected officials needed to ...
At a nightmare dinner party, the guests are George W Bush, Paris Hilton, Margaret Thatcher, Peter Doherty... ?
.... Sylvester Stallone, Jackie Collins, Bruce Forsyth and Marine le pen. Who would you like to sit next to during dinner... and why ???
Answer: I'd try and sit equidistant between all of them. Then, five minutes into the first course as the inane conversations gather pace my head would explode, scanners style, and with a bit of luck the skull shrapnel would take them all out!!!
HA, HA, HA (Evil Laugh)
Category: Other - Society & Culture
RT @PierreDeruelle: Marine le pen niée, maltraitée, sa parole républicaine rejetée, tournée en ridicule, caricaturée. Un peu comme une immigrée. #dpda
From: monterire - Source: HootSuite
Scoop: la candidate-mystère des teasers de TF1 sur The Voice, celle qui chante du Four Non Blondes, cest Marine le pen.
From: Garriberts - Source: web
RT @lemondefr: En vidéo : Marine le pen refuse le débat avec Jean-Luc Mélenchon #dpda
From: thomasbannelier - Source: TweetDeck
RT @justinbiebiere: Marine le pen rejoint la Vuvuzela au panthéon des trucs qui ne servent plus à rien...
From: KevinPlasse - Source: web
RT @Zetourist: Marine le pen est à léconomie ce que Valérie Damidot est à Léonard de Vinci.
From: RedActiion - Source: HootSuite
Jean-Luc Mélenchon : snobé par Marine le pen !
From: dontmiss - Source: DontMiss
RT @LeHuffPost: "Vous mavez traitée de semi-démente" "ça vous laisse une bonne moitié" répond Mélenchon
From: maxbaladier - Source: web
A propos du face à face #Melenchon #LePen , signalons la neutralité de TF1: #dpda
From: boxepopuli - Source: Echofon
RT @RaphaelleIvy: RT @Nain_Portekoi: Marine le pen est au courage politique ce que Claude Guéant est à lamitié entre les peuples. #DPDA #MLP
From: dram73 - Source: Twitter for BlackBerry®
RT @melenchon2012: "Face à Mélenchon, Marine le pen choisit de ne pas débattre" via @lemondefr #LePenAPeur #dpda
From: Youss91940 - Source: web
Lavocat de Marine le pen dépose une plainte sur le halal - Yahoo! via @YahooActuFR
From: ESEGHIRSohyr - Source: Tweet Button
--VIDEO-- #DPDA Le Pen Vs Melenchon 23/02/2012 #FRANCE2 Reviveez ce grand moment de télévision
From: misterclem - Source: web
RT @PierreDeruelle: Marine le pen est à léconomie ce que MacGyver est à Léonard de Vinci. #dpda
From: Abdou_diarra - Source: HootSuite
RT @ronanloas: Marine le pen avait pourtant marqué "débat serein et constructif" sur ses notes. #dpda #DPDA
From: JLM_jelaime - Source: Tweet Button
RT @brloubrlou: Marine le pen avait pourtant marqué "débat serein et constructif" sur ses notes. #dpda
From: laetisushi - Source: Echofon