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LANDOWSKA GIVES MOVING PROGRAM; Harpsichordist Masterly in Her Reading of Couperin Work and Suite by Handel
Wanda Landowska provided her large audience with masterly music-making throughout her recital last night at Town Hall. The eminent harpsichordist presented a noble program of music of the eighteenth century, every offering of which she made both enchanting to hear and also a priceless educational experience for all interested in the proper interpretation of music of the period.. Landowska, Wanda
THE COMING PHILHARMONIC SEASON; A Glance at Program Prospects and Major Novelties
WITH five conductors of different nationalities each devising programs of his own, the offerings of the Philharmonic-Symphony Orchestra will be of a decidedly varied nature during its 106th season, which operated on Oct. 9 at Carnegie Hall.. season plans discussed
The No-So-Long, We-Love-You-Furlong Blues
HANOVER, N. H. The real objection to going metric is not the pain or expense of the change-over. That, after all, would be an acute pain and expense only for a year or two, and then a mild residual discomfort in the minds of older people for perhaps a generation.. Noel Perrin comments on upcoming takeover in US of metric system; gives historical information on US measurements; drawing
PIERRE FOURNIER IN CELLO RECITAL; French Artist Wins Immediate Success at Town Hall -- Plays Bach Chorale
Pierre Fournier, who gave his first New York recital yesterday afternoon at Town Hall, must be reckoned among the foremost cellists of the time. The artist from France provided his large audience with a series of performances which disclosed remarkable interpretive powers as well as an extraordinary technical equipment, and he scored an immediate success.. Fournier, Pierre
UNINSKY IS HEARD AT CARNEGIE HALL; Russian Pianist at His Best in Debussy and Brahms Works --Plays Chopin and Mozart
The recital given by Alexander Uninsky, the Russian pianist, at Carnegie Hall last night reached its climax of achievement in the three pieces by Debussy and the Brahms Variations on a Theme by Paganini, which formed the.. Recital
FROM THE OTHER SIDE OF THE FENCE; Answering Moscows Ilya Ehrenburg-- Ex-GI Comments on Indian Films
. Lr replying to attack on US films
ARRAU GIVES FIRST OF 7 RECITALS HERE; Will Present All Beethovens Piano Sonatas -- Displays Sure Command of Music
Claudio Arrau gave the first of a series of seven recitals devoted to the piano sonatas of Beethoven yesterday afternoon at Town Hall. It is the intention of the Chilean artist to present all of the works by the Bonn master in this category during the course of the series, and if the rest of the programs live up to the standard set in the opening event, they will prove unusually memorable.. Arrau, Claudio
Puteaux : la maire devient m��re No��l et g��te les habitants
A Puteaux, la maire Jo��lle Ceccaldi-Raynaud a d��cid�� de se transformer en m��re No��l �� lapproche des f��tes de fin dann��e.
GUIOMAR NOVAES EXCELS AT PIANO; Brazilian Artist Demonstrates Superb Ability and Feeling at Her Town Hall Recital
Seldom does any soloist become so genuinely inspired and inspiring as Guiomar Novaes, the Brazilian pianist, throughout her recital yesterday afternoon at Town Hall. All of her performances were those of a completely spontaneous, extraordinarily sensitive musician, profoundly dedicated to her art and unusually adept at projecting the inner life of a composition to her hearers.. Novaes, Guiomar
Kendall Jenner : M��re No��l coquine en lingerie pour un calendrier sexy
Ms Jenner a ��t�� film��e par Doug Inglish et se dandine en soutien-gorge, culotte, porte-jarretelles, collants et souliers noirs, au c��t�� dun p��re No��l extr��mement coquin. Ce dernier donne m��me une fess��e �� la star de t��l��-r��alit�� et mannequin de 19 ans.
Mariah Carey, m��re No��l un jour, m��re No��l toujours.
La chanteuse a r��alis�� un r��ve en donnant une s��rie de concerts �� New York pour No��l. Une premi��re que linterpr��te du c��l��bre All I want for Christmas is you aimerait bien transformer en tradition annuelle.
La m��re No��l J.K Rowling ne vous livrera finalement rien le.
Contrairement a ce qui a ��t�� annonc��, J.K. Rowling ne publiera pas douze nouvelles in��dites �� partir du 12 d��cembre.
Clara Morgane, la m��re No��l la plus sexy de 2014
Elle ��tait d��j�� �� Marseille, sa ville natale, lorsque nous lavons eu au t��l��phone. Vacances ou pas Clara Morgane ne ch��me pas. Entre la promotion de son single Im So Excited, son calendrier 2015 dont la cover nous ��voque une m��re No��l des plus sexy.
A partir de samedi , nous sommes en service �� MERE NOEL �� pr��tes �� tout pour vous apaiser et vous servir en p��riode de stress aigu (la liste des raisons de lapparition du syndrome dit de �� No��l �� est longue: listes perdues,��.
Camille Cerf : apparition sexy fa��on m��re No��l pour Miss.
Camille Cerf : apparition sexy fa��on m��re No��l pour Miss France 2015. Publi��e Le Mardi 9 D��cembre 2014 �� 17:00. Pour sa premi��re apparition officielle en tant que Miss France 2015, la fra��chement couronn��e Camille Cerf se met sur son��.
M��re-No��l en minijupe. Un collectif interpelle la mairie de Saint-Brieuc
Au pointde ne m��me plus sinterroger sur la tenue corporelle, vestimentaire et la pose de cette tr��s jeune et belle femme etde son attitude contre un P��re No��l qui dans linconscient collectif est un grand-p��re ! Alors, il faut bien samuser un peu.
SARI BIRO, PIANIST, PLAYS 3 CONCERTOS; Hungarian Artist Begins Series With Beethoven, Tchaikovsky and Menotti Selections
. Biro, Sari
Photos : Lindsay Lohan : une M��re No��l sexy et glamour !
Avec No��l qui approche, les stars adoptent la couleur rouge pour chacun de leur look. Alors que Kourtney Kardashian s��tait litt��ralement d��guis��e en M��re No��l lors de leur soir��e sp��ciale Christmas, cest au tour de Lindsay Lohan dopter pour la tendance.
PROGRAM BUILDING; Consideration of a Perplexing Subject Confronting the Youthful Artist
NOW that the concert season looms just around the corner, the devising of recital programs forms at present a most serious concern of the host of young instrumentalists and
Sir Noel Coward, Playwright, Dies at 73; Sir N oel Coward, Witty Playwright, Actor and Songwriter, Is Dead at 73
Sir Noel Coward, whose light sharp wit had enlivened the English stage for half a century as actor, playwright, songwriter, composer and director, died of a heart attack as he was preparing to have morning coffee yesterday in his villa, Blue Harbor, on the north coast of Jamaica in the West Indies. He was 73 years old.. Sir Noel Coward, actor, playwright, composer and director, dies on March 26 of heart attack at his home in Jamaica, West Indies; rev of his career notes recent revival of interest in his works in both GB and US; illus of Coward in various roles
Elodie Gossuin : une ��l��gante M��re No��l aux Best Awards 2014
Birthday girl du jour hier, Elodie Gossuin a fait une apparition tr��s glamour �� loccasion de la c��r��monie des Best Awards 2014. Toute de rouge v��tue, la jolie blonde ��tait �� la fois dans lesprit de No��l et tr��s ��l��gante aux c��t��s de son mari Bertrand.
SHERIDAN, PIANIST, IN FINE PROGRAM; Shows to Advantage at Town Hall With Works by Paradies, Scarlatti and Beethoven
The playing heard from Frank Sheridan, pianist, at his recital last night in Town Hall, was as spontaneous and individual as it was firmly controlled and sane. All of his performances displayed unerring taste, a keen sense of proportion and a sure grasp of style.
Kendall Jenner joue la M��re No��l sexy pour Love Magazine
Kendall Jenner fait d��sormais partie des mannequins les plus en vogue, et elle le prouve en posant pour le calendrier de lAvent de Love Magazine.
Une m��re Noel presque nue ! | actunet
Une m��re Noel presque nue ! Maitland-Ward_max1024x768 (1). Dans cette tenue os��e, Maitland Ward va se faire enguirlander par les producteurs d���Amour, gloire et beaut�����. twitt Une m��re Noel presque nue !
ROBERT KITAIN HEARD IN A VIOLIN RECITAL; Concerto by Mozart, Beethoven on Program at Carnegie Hall
Robert Kitain, Russian violinist, was heard in a recital late yesterday afternoon in Carnegie Hall. He had prepared a program composed of the Corelli-Kreisler La Folia, the Adelaide concerto of Mozart, Beethovens Kreutzer sonata, Sarasates Carmen Fantasie, and shorter offerings by Debussy and Joseph Achron.. Recital
Mariah Carey, m��re No��l un jour, m��re No��l toujours ?
La star �� la voix puissante, donne, en ce moment, �� New York, une s��rie de six concerts intimistes �� guichets ferm��s, sur le th��me de No��l. Mariah Carey reprend, outre ses propres succ��s, comme Emotions (1991) et Hero (1993), un certain nombre de .
Val��rie Trierweiler, la M��re No��l, cest elle.
Lann��e derni��re, elle distribuait les cadeaux au pied du sapin �� l��lys��e, cette ann��e, Val��rie Trierweiler joue les m��res no��l sur les Champs-Elys��es pour les enfants du Secours Populaire. Ce nest pas parce quelle nest plus Premi��re dame de France .
Etats-Unis: Une myst��rieuse ��m��re No��l�� r��gle les factures de 150 personnes.
Une belle illustration de lesprit de No��l. A Bellingham, dans le Massachusetts, une vieille dame a r��gl�� de mani��re anonyme 152 factures en attente de paiement, dans un magasin de jouets ToysRUs. Les employ��s ont indiqu�� quune femme ��g��e, connue .
Pendant que le P��re No��l commence la livraison des cadeaux, la M��re No��l a accept�� de nous faire visiter la maison du P��re No��l, son cadre de vie, ses jouets pr��f��r��s. La voiture du P��re No��l. La moto du P��re No��l.
Christmas Truce a Reminder of Our Humanity
Where the ceasefire lasted several days, soldiers greeted each other, exchanged gifts (whiskey, chocolates, cigarettes), buried the dead, played soccer, prayed, and simply enjoyed the holidays with men who mere hours before were their deadly enemies.
Mere Noel - La boite �� crayon dOlivier SIMON
Un peu en avance je vous laccorde mais cest pour la bonne cause : Illustration r��alis��e b��n��volement pour la recherche sur le syndr��me de Williams H��berg�� par OverBlog.
Le 24 d��cembre M��re No��l se #swag, fait une recette du.
Crime que la M��re No��l est funky quand elle est toute seule le 24 d��cembre au P��le Nord. Pendant que le P��re No��l travaille �� remettre les cadeaux aux gentils petits petits gamins et petites petites gamines, Maman No��l��.
A Saint-Brieuc, la m��re No��l en jupe courte fait pol��mique
Une campagne publicitaire de la ville pour No��l a fortement d��plu �� Pascale Boistard, la secr��taire dEtat charg��e des Droits des femmes. Regrettable que la campagne de No��l de la ville de Saint-Brieuc perp��tue les st��r��otypes avec largent public.
Saint-Brieuc. Une m��re No��l ��lascive�� irrite la secr��taire dEtat aux Droits des.
Certains ayant reproch�� �� cette affiche de montrer la m��re No��l �� dans une position lascive ��, laffaire est remont��e jusqu�� Madame Boistard, qui a aussit��t r��agi sur son compte Twitter en affirmant qu�� il est regrettable que la campagne de No��l de .
Costumes-Perruques-barbes-gants blancs-surbottes-lunettes : la panoplie compl��te. Bonnet de p��re-no��l-Espace f��te Agen-Bo��.jp. Habit de p��re no��l-Espace f��te Agen-Bo��.jp (2). Habit de p��re no��l-Espace f��te��.
Les Obama en mode p��re et m��re No��l - Paris Match
Le pr��sident des Etats-Unis Barack Obama et son ��pouse la Premi��re dame Michelle Obama, ont particip�� �� une distribution de cadeaux de No��l, sur la base dAncostia-Bolling, �� Washington. Le programme Toys for Tots a��.
NATHAN MILSTEIN IN VIOLIN RECITAL; Devotes First Half of Program at Carnegie Hall to 18th Century Classic Works MOZART AND BACH HEARD Hindemiths Sonata in D and Compositions of Debussy, Wieniawski Offered
All of the components of violin playing at its best were to be found in the performances put forth by Nathan Milstein at his recital last night in Carnegie Hall. Technically, tonally, or viewed from the standpoint of interpretation, each of his varied offerings proved a masterly achievement.. Recital
MENDELSSOHN OPUS IN LOCAL PREMIERE; Gutmans Version of Operetta, The Stranger, Presented at Greenwich Mews Playhouse
. Stranger, The, by Mendelssohn: Greenwich Mews Playhouse
Letizia dEspagne : une si jolie M��re No��l au palais du Pardo
A quelques heures du r��veillon, Letizia Ortiz et son mari, le roi Felipe VI, vaquent toujours �� leurs obligations. Hier, le couple a re��u les membres du Conseil dEtat au palais royal du Pardo, �� Madrid. Loccasion pour la reine dEspagne de sortir une.
Vis ma vie de M��re No��l -
Une journ��e en compagnie de la M��re No��l, une exp��rience unique et formidable ! Je vous raconte ��a sur le blog Phyderma.
La m��re no��l (Mrs. Claus) | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
No��l est dans un mois mais javais cette id��e en t��te et la patience, jen ai pas aha. ��clairage: Un flash yongnuo dans un parapluie �� droite et un flash �� gauche. I had this idea. I know that christmas is just in one month but i��.
M��re No��l - lesenfantssurletoit
A partir daujourdhui , nous sommes en service MERE NOEL , une id��e cadeau par jour sur le blog et sur la page facebook ! Et, noubliez pas, nous sommes l�� pour vous conseiller, pr��parer vos paquets cadeaux, vous livrer��.
When Royal Leamington Was the Very Glass of Fashion
LEAMINGTON, England -- If some eccentrically minded visitor (perhaps concentrically minded would be more accurate) wishes to descend upon the exact geographical center of England, his parachute would have to deposit him in the branches of the Midland Oak.. Leamington, Eng
Lio : M��re No��l lumineuse pour une parade festive
La chanteuse Lio - Plus de 250 personnes ont particip��, v��tues en P��re No��l, �� la premi��re Grande Parade des P��res No��l de la C��te dAzur, avec comme marraine la chanteuse et com��dienne Lio, �� Vallauris Golfe-Juan, le 20 d��cembre 2014. Dans cette .
Elizabeth Hurley : M��re No��l sexy �� 49 ans !
Elizabeth Hurley adresse les siens �� ses admirateurs avec une carte ultrasexy. M��re No��l torride en maillot rouge, lactrice, mannequin et cr��atrice de v��tements de 49 ans fait sensiblement grimper la temp��rature. Elizabeth Hurley souhaite un joyeux.
THE NEW KOECHEL; Einstein Revision of Famous Catalogue Vast Mine of Mozart Information
WITH the recent appearance of Alfred Einsteins revision of the Koechel cata logue, the -Mozart literature has become immeasurably enriched. Long anxiously awaited, the new Koechel more than fulfills expectations, representing the invaluable results of a stupendous amount of research and labor on the part of its compiler.. Por
SMETERLIN HEARD IN PIANO RECITAL; Chopin Mazurkas in A Minor and C Sharp Minor Played by Polish Artist at Town Hall PHANTASIE IS PRESENTED Composition by Schumann and Paganini-Brahms Variations Also Offered on Program
Jan Smeterlin, Polish pianist, who has appeared here frequently during the last decade, was heard again last night in a recital at Town Hall.. Recital
Quand la maire de Puteaux se transforme en m��re No��l
Quelle ville consacre 600 000 euros �� ses illuminations de No��l, selon Christophe Gr��bert, un ��lu de lopposition ? Paris ? Non, la capitale d��pense un poil plus, 684 000 euros. Cette municipalit��, cest Puteaux, 45 000 habitants. Et le budget pour que.
mwa en mere noel mdr - moi
marie-du-59980, Post�� le mercredi 10 d��cembre 2014 13:19. bonsoir j arrive dans ton univers apr��s une journ��e bien triste c est de la neige fondu que nous avons eu ce jour ; mais je viens avec tout mon coeur rempli de ma��.
CHAMBER OPERAS PUT ON BY THE WPA; Miniature Stage Works by Various American and European Composers
WHATEVER else the Federal Music Project of the WPA may have signified in the minds of its creators, it was originally launched as a relief measure. Today, however, while the relief element in the movement remains of vital importance, the cultural aspects of the Projects activities have become so apparent that they loom largest in the picture.. L Pattison describes work of WPA in popularizing music in New Eng, by means of chamber operas
BWW Reviews: CORTES ALEXANDER Returns to Sterlings with a Bag Full of.
On Monday December 22 the terribly amusing song stylist Cortes Alexander presented his annual Swell Noel to an uber packed house at Sterlings Upstairs at the Federal.. Liza is still recuperating from back surgery which she had a mere 3 weeks ago.
Pluscarden Monastery Overbooked For This Season
PLUSCARDEN PRIORY, Scotland -- This 13th-century Benedictine priory, the most northern monastery in the world, unless there are any still going in Russia, is set in gorgeous countryside, but it is hardly the sort of place that one would expect to find booking up fast as a holiday center. But that is what is happening. Americans from New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Ohio and many other places have written to inquire about staying here.